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Please ID This Flower!!?
Please ID what is left of this flower if you can! My cat ate some of it, and I am freaking out trying to figure out if it's a lily!!
2 AnswersGarden & Landscape8 years agoIs it normal for a cat to not eat after vaccination?
I took my 3-year-old cat to get her FVRCP vaccine yesterday. She ate last night like normal, but when I got up this morning, she refused to eat anything: wet food, chicken, dry food. I got her to drink a very small amount of Cat Milk (non-lactose -- made for cats), but that's it. She's also quite lethargic, but she is not hiding. She's sleeping beside me right now.
Is it normal for a cat to not eat like this after vaccines? This is the first time she's been vaccinated since I got her and I can't ask her former owners if she's done this before... My other cat doesn't lose his appetite ever.
1 AnswerCats9 years agoWhat is this sound my cat's making?
Hi guys, I'm hoping for some help.
My 6-year-old tabby has been making this strange sound in the last couple of days. It sounds, for lack of a better description, like someone trying to "hock a loogie" (spit). He does it once or twice, does not change his position at all, and just carries on his way. He has NO other symptoms.
It does not sound like anything I've ever heard a cat do. It is not coughing, asthma, a sneeze, a reverse sneeze, or a hairball that I can tell. It's a throat's so strange, and I'm not sure what to do. It's so unpredictable; I can't catch it on tape. It happens a few times a day...
3 AnswersCats9 years agoWhich Option is the Most Diabetic-Friendly (Cake)?
This weekend is my grandfather's birthday, and I volunteered to bring a birthday cake. I've been doing a LOT of research and while I know that no "perfect" cake exists, I'm trying to bring something at least somewhat better than a traditional cake.
I know that the #1 offender in cakes is flour, not sugar. So, my question is...which of the following would be MOST diabetic-friendly:
A flourless cake (yes, they do exist!) that uses real sugar.
A flourless cake that does not use real sugar but rather uses stevia.
A sugar-free cake made with regular flour (I may be able to find one that uses whole wheat flour if that's better).
Or should I forego attempting to make something not-so-unhealthy and instead just make a normal cake?
8 AnswersDiabetes9 years agoWill I be allowed to adopt a dog if I've re-homed one before?
A year or so ago, I adopted a puppy (lab/german shepherd mix) from a "rescue" (I put it in quotes because I don't really think it was legit). The organization had a policy where once you adopted a dog, you could NOT return the dog or anything, so please understand that I did not go against a contract that I had signed.
I loved my puppy. We went to numerous puppy classes, trained all the time, went to the dog park, and worked in obedience classes. I invested everything I could in my puppy, and I kept him up to date on shots and had him neutered right on schedule. I put him in daycare because he loved it, I hired a mid-day dog walker for months...basically, what I'm saying is, I did everything in my power and ability to be a good dog owner.
5 months after adopting the puppy, I had to break up with the man I was seeing, and he moved out. My bills doubled, and obviously, I was down a set of hands in the house. The pup was alone more than normal, and he hit puppy puberty, and I was incapable of giving him more than I already was. I no longer had the money for a dog walker, more fun classes that he loved, or daycare. I tried - every single day, we went to a dog park. We were living in an apartment, so a yard wasn't an option. After a month, I realized that my anxiety and stress were affecting him...and that I just wasn't going to be able to give him everything he needed.
So, I found him a new home. I screened applicants, met all members of the family, did a house visit...I stay in touch with the new family regularly...I sent him a 1 year birthday gift. I feel tremendous sadness and guilt over having to re-home him. And, moreover, I worry that I will never again be able to get a dog.
I am not looking to adopt a dog right now. But, someday, when I'm married and have a house and a yard, I would love to adopt a dog again. My worry is that I will not be allowed to because of my having re-homed a dog in the past. Does anybody know if this will disqualify me? Will I not be able to adopt from a rescue?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
4 AnswersDogs9 years agoShould I Use Plan B (Emergency Contraception)?
I'm on birth control, but last month, I missed 2 pills and had to take 2 pills for 2 days. I then had my period 2 weeks ago. 2 weeks of taking my birth control every evening have passed. Then, I had sex last night without a condom. So basically - I've had 2 weeks of properly taken birth control since my last period ... should I be worried about getting pregnant? And should I go take Plan B? Can you even take Plan B when you're already on BC?
2 AnswersWomen's Health10 years agoWill Damages Come Out of Pet Deposit First?
I have a 7 month old puppy, and we live in an apartment. As is typical of puppies, he had a chewing episode last night and chewed up a few window sils overnight. Now, I'll be crating him for a while at nights again to avoid FURTHER damage, but I am concerned about covering damages since I rent my apartment. This isn't the only damage to cover either - there's carpet stains and a cracked window to replace.
I paid $800 in pet deposits + $500 security deposit. My question is will money for repairs to the apartment come out of these deposits FIRST before charging me any overages?
3 AnswersRenting & Real Estate10 years agoDry Socket: Thinking of taking the gauze OUT of the socket...should I?
I got my wisdom teeth out last Thursday (9 days ago). I was diagnosed with dry socket over that weekend and went to get it packed with gauze (and eugenol) every day this week. It's now the weekend, and the little piece of gauze is packed in there until Tuesday. I have eaten, so it's covered in gross food and the eugenol isn't even working anymore. I'm debating taking it out as it seems unhealthy to leave it in.
Should I take it out? Should I put another little piece of dry gauze in just to keep something in there?
1 AnswerDental1 decade agoCan you brush your teeth when you have dry socket?
I have dry socket and my oral surgeon packed the socket w/ gauze this morning. Am I supposed to continue swishing w/ warm salt water and brushing my teeth, or am I supposed to stop that?
Also, is it normal for it to start hurting again within 12 hours?
1 AnswerDental1 decade agoMy puppy ate the rubber end of a door stopper...will he be ok?
My 10 week-old lab/shep mix puppy ate the rubber end of a door stopper like the one in this picture:
It's small, but I'm an anxious puppy momma. Should he be ok?
I chose not to induce vomiting as it's not sharp or large or toxic. We're just watching to make sure he eats properly/ poos properly/ and doesn't throw up.
3 AnswersDogs1 decade agoMy puppy swallowed something hard and plastic...?
Yesterday, my puppy swallowed something small and made out of hard plastic. It was round and about the size and shape of one of those foam earplugs. I saw him get it and tried to get it out of his mouth but he coughed and it was gone :(
He has pooped since (we JUST weaned him onto a new food so he is kind of constipated), but has not passed anything. I am worrying my head off :(
He is still eating, still running around like a puppy...
Should I be worried? Can I do anything to help him hopefully pass it? tears. heh.
3 AnswersDogs1 decade agoHow often should I put my puppy down for a nap?
I have a 10-week old puppy, and I know that puppies need lots of sleep! However, puppies don't always tell you when it's nap time :P
How often and for how long should I crate my puppy for a nap? How long should I allow him out to play?
4 AnswersDogs1 decade agoAnxious...I'm a bad puppy owner. :(?
OK, here's the deal...
I have a 9 week old puppy. There are about 3 days a week where that puppy will be home "alone-ish" for about 8 hours. I say alone-ish b/c there are 3 people in our house w/ different schedules, and it's possible my roommate can peek in mid-day or late morning to help out, but inevitably puppy will be alone on a day or two for an 8-hour period.
We've puppy-proofed our bathroom: put his crate in there, covered the floor with puppy pee pads, and his bed is in there w/ lots of toys. I can turn the tv on so he can hear some noises while we are gone, and I will absolutely make sure if my roommate is home she at least peeks in and pets him a few minutes.
I do NOT expect puppy to "hold it" while I am gone.
I AM planning to get a mid-day dog walker, this is not a permanent situation...but it takes a couple of weeks to find a dog walker, and I am worrying about the few days between now and then that this is the case.
Currently, I've been putting puppy in that room for a few hours at a time to get him used to it. He does fantastically and it doesn't seem to bother him, but it hasn't been AS long a time as it's going to be this Thursday and Friday.
The place we got him from said that people are overly concerned about this and that a puppy is FINE left alone in a puppy-proofed area while you are at work. But I'm just worrying!
Advice please? Aside from people yelling about me about thinking about this now; I've been "thinking" about it for months and planning for months. But most dog walk places require a consult, so that DOES take some time to coordinate.
6 AnswersDogs1 decade agoNew Puppy Owner Questions!?
I just got a new puppy and while I have definite dog experience, this is my first time getting a puppy alone (as an adult). I just want to make sure that I'm doing this right!
Here's some Background:
My puppy is a 9 week old lab/shepherd mix
He has had his first shot
He has had 2 dewormings
He's going in next Saturday for his second shot and to test to ensure worms are not present
Here are my questions:
I've heard mixed opinions on bringing your dog outside. I've been told NOT to take my dog out, but I'm unsure as to "until when."
Right now I am only taking him outside to one small spot in my apartment yard, ensuring no other dog "matter" is around. Is this ok?
When can my puppy start to go on walks outside?
When can my puppy start to meet other dogs?
Is it ok that my puppy is living in a house with my cat even though he's only had his first vaccine?
9 AnswersDogs1 decade agoCat w/ brown eye gunk, vomiting, lethargy...?
I'm starting to worry about my cat...
He is 4 years old, up to date on all vaccines, eats Blue Buffalo brand indoor formula food, and is generally healthy.
A few days ago, I noticed he was getting a buildup of brown "gunk" in the corner of his eyes. I called the vet and they said as long as his eyes were not red and the discharge not green, it was ok to just watch him.
Two mornings ago, I woke up and saw he had vomited a little bit on the carpet, but he was acting totally normal and bouncy.
This morning, he had vomitted in 4 separate locations around our apartment, including 1 where he seems to have finally vomited a hairball.
My boyfriend says he's fine, but I'm still worried. He's still playing, mostly acting like his normal self, but seems more lethargic than usual (just a bit more sleepy?). He has not thrown up at all all day, he is still eating and drinking.
I just need someone to tell me if I'm being overly anxious or if something could be wrong...
5 AnswersCats1 decade agoNew Dog, New Apartment, Poor Cat?
Here's the deal...
My boyfriend, my cat, and I will be moving in late April to a new apartment.
We currently live w/ a roommate and her cat.
The two cats aren't inseparable or anything, but they are fond of one another.
Because my cat does not do well living alone, and because my boyfriend and I have wanted one for a long time, I will be getting a dog! My cat's former best friend was my mom's golden retriever, so I already know he's ok w/ dogs.
Here's the question:
Does it make more sense to get the dog BEFORE the move so that the cat has a chance to get to know it in a place where he is comfortable...OR...should we wait and get the dog after the move so that both are on neutral ground?
Some things to note:
~My cat is NOT territorial in the slightest
~My cat is more comfortable around strange dogs in his own home rather than in a new place
I guess what I'm hoping is that the dog and cat will get to know one another FIRST so that when we move my cat isn't all like "AAH! New place, no more kittyfriend, and strange dog!" That seems like a lot :\
Cats1 decade agoIs it ok to separate 2 cats?
My roommate and I will be going our separate ways next year. Our cats really seem to like one another (They've been living together now only for 1 year, NOT since kittenhood). I'm concerned as to whether or not it will upset them/be bad for them if we separate them. They aren't inseparable or anything, they just play a lot with one another and are increasingly getting closer (caught them holding paws the other day ;) lol).
Opinions? Help?
8 AnswersCats1 decade agoNeed a Red Wine Recommendation!?
I'm looking for a complimentary red wine to go with the Beef Bourguignon that my sister is making for Christmas dinner.
This is the recipe she is using:
Any help?
4 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits1 decade agoNeed recommendations for good romantic drama-dey anime!?
I'm sort of new to anime and am trying to find some good ones for me. I particularly like ones with a mix of romance/comedy/and serious drama. So far I have 3 favorites:
1.) Clannad
2.) Fruits Basket
3.) Peach Girl
Could anyone give me some reccomendations on similar animes? Thanks! :)
7 AnswersComics & Animation1 decade agoMac or PC? Which should I get?
In a short time, I will need to invest in a new computer, preferably a laptop. I have always had a PC, but I have also been urged to switch to mac. We all know macs are more expensive...and I might only be able to afford a regular macbook. So my question to you....
Mac....or PC
and why
5 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago