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Lv 610,196 points

Emily the Strange

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  • I found out I have endometriosis and I'm scared?

    I'm 27 and have been struggling with my uterus.

    I was on birth control to stop my periods and pain but it didn't work. It left me sick

    I was on a needle to stop my periods but that didn't work. It also made me sick

    Then they found cysts on my ovaries so the Dr did surgery and found out I have stage 3 endometriosis. Now I'm on an endometriosis pill to help with the pain. It isn't working well either.

    The Dr. told me I may not be able to have children. He said it would be difficult and risky to have a child.

    He said because my body doesn't react well to certain forms of birth control, I probably shouldn't use any form of them. He said contraceptive implants could effect my endo and uterus and make it worse.

    I know I could be infertile but I still want to use birth control just to be safe. So I've decided to restrain from having sex until marriage. But I know that would be really hard. ( I don't have a boyfriend right now)

    But because of my health conditions, I'm afraid no man will love me or want to marry me. I'm so upset and confused. i'm not sure how to feel. Can anyone lift me up? PS there's a guy I really like and he has asked me out recently, but I refused him because I don't have a handle on all this right now. It's stressful

    5 AnswersWomen's Health2 years ago
  • My sister can't have kids?

    so my family is putting the pressure on me to have them so my parents can have grandchildren. But they know I have endometriosis and have problems with my uterus. and the specialist told me it may be difficult for me to conceive or even birth children. I've struggled with it for a long time (a man has even turned me down because I may not be able to have children) and now family is putting even more pressure on me. How do I deal with all of it? I know my sister is having a hard time right now, but i don't appreciate the pressure they're putting on me.

    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby3 years ago
  • Can a woman get pregnant if she doesn't have ovaries?

    Also, does she need to use birth control if she doesn't have ovaries? I'm just curious..

    5 AnswersPregnancy6 years ago
  • I don't want to get married or have kids but I feel like life is meaningless?

    I feel like I wasn't meant to have children or get married. I don't know why, but I just feel that way. But I also feel like my life is meaningless. Like, why bother having a job or a home if its just me? Most times I'm happy on my own but sometimes I get lonely and sad. What's wrong with me, seriously?

    3 AnswersPsychology6 years ago
  • I am 22 and don't fit in with people my age?

    a family gathering is coming up and my mom is pestering me to hang out with my cousins who are my age. I used to hang out with them when we were younger but over the years all they do is play on their phones and make out with their partners and stuff. I'd rather hang out with some of my older cousins (ages 30-40) because they have fun conversations and games and they are not on their phones. I also hang out with my other cousins (ages 11- 20) because we can chat about interests and stuff. But my mom tells me I have to stop being a loser and start hanging out with the twenty somethings. she says my brain is too old for my age and its not a good thing. what should I do?

    1 AnswerFriends7 years ago
  • How old is too old for trick or treating?

    I'm 22 and love halloween. i haven't been trick or treating since i was 13. i thought for fun i would get all dressed up and go relive my childhood. I plan on being very polite and not beg for a ton of candy. (like those kids with pillow cases). but people are saying its immature and creepy. i'm afraid adults will reject me and be rude. is there an age limit on trick or treating? what do you think?

    11 AnswersHalloween7 years ago
  • I have a question about the movie Frozen?

    I watched it yesterday for the first time. It was okay, I didn't love it but i didn't hate it. I liked the characters but didn't like the story as much. I predicted the ending 1/3 into the movie but with kids movies, adults usually do anyway.

    But I have a question. Why did it take Elsa so long to learn how to control her emotions and powers after practising for like twenty years or whatever. Don't you think after that long she would have gotten better at controlling her powers? And how come if she can't control her powers, she can create castles and monsters and bridges and taking snowman? Can some one explain that to me?

    1 AnswerMovies7 years ago
  • Was I being bossy or controlling? i was only trying to help my dad?

    I saw my dad struggling to fix his phone, and since i know about them, i went over to help him. I was explaining to him how to reset it, remove the back to check the battery and so forth. But it still didn't work so i suggested taking it into the store to get it checked out. then he got frustrated and yelled at me. Then my mom said i was being too bossy and i should have left him alone. I was only trying to help my dad. Plus my mom said that i need to stop parenting people. whatever that means. was i being bossy because all i was trying to do was help

    5 AnswersFamily7 years ago
  • Does Aveeno test their products on animals?

    I thought they didn't but someone told me they did. But i was like "Why would Jennifer Aniston, who represents PETA, is a vegetarian and loves animals promote a brand that tests on them?

    4 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan7 years ago
  • Am I wrong for not wanting my own biological children?

    I may change my mind someday, but I don't think I want to have my own biological children.

    I have had many health issues over the years that are genetic through parents. I have struggled with them most of my life and it has caused me depression and anxiety. I just wouldn't want my own kids to suffer from all of the health issues I have.

    I would definitely adopt children if I do want kids someday.

    But is it wrong to not want to have my own children for that reason?

    7 AnswersParenting7 years ago
  • How can i make my BB cream blend better?

    I bought Garnier BB cream (light to medium, combination to oily) but i find it's wayyyy to matte and drying for my face. I'm wondering if there is anything I can add to it to make it blend more smoothly into my skin and still keeps it's coverage. Thank you.

    4 AnswersMakeup7 years ago
  • I have a few questions about God and the bible?

    I truly believe in God as my saviour and pray to him almost every day but the only thing I don't believe is that He created the Earth (planet). Also I don't go to church either. Do these things make me an atheist? Will these things lead me to hell? I really do believe He created humans and Heaven and He died for my sins. Can someone help me out? And please not hate comments

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • I really want a pixie cut but I'm afraid to get one?

    I really want to try a pixie cut but I'm afraid that I may look a bit too masculine to pull it off.I know this is a stereotype, but I don't want people thinking I'm a lesbian because I'm not. I just don't want guys to stay stay away from me. I've had short hair before, but not this short. My hair is a dark brown color and my eyes are brown too. My skin is slightly tanned so I'm not extremely pale. I have on oval face. Here is what I want mine to look similar to.

    4 AnswersHair7 years ago
  • Question about using Bio oil?

    I have some scars on my face that I want to use Bio oil on. Will it actually get rid of my scars or will the scars come back after I stop using the bio oil?

    7 AnswersOther - Skin & Body8 years ago
  • Did I see an angel or a ghost or was I dreaming?

    A few years ago one of my girlfriends died in a hit and run accident. I was very depressed and sad about it. One night, about a week after the accident, I was just about to fall asleep when I heard someone come into my room. I saw at the end of my bed a figure of a tall person with an aura of white-yellowish light behind them. At first, I thought it was my Mom the hall light was coming in from behind her. I could only see the silhouette of the figure and it was a tall human, muscular and had long, wavy hair. I was so tired that I just put my head down and went back to sleep. A few seconds later it felt something warm on my head like somebody KISSED ME ON MY FOREHEAD. I immediately sat up and nobody was there any more. There is nobody I know of that fits the description of the figure I saw. I know it WAS NOT my mother because she's short with short hair and she told me the next day that she didn't come into my room at all. Was it an angel or a ghost? Or because I was almost asleep, was it a dream?

    3 AnswersDream Interpretation8 years ago