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Lv 2715 points

i only want her

Favorite Answers9%

i am me. nothing else. i like to go out with friends and take pictures of anything i find interesting. i like laughing and listening to people makes me laugh. im fun an easy going. i am a lesbian...sorry guys. lol. anything else you want to know just ask or something. ill answer with the truth. i basicly never lie...i think its pointless. :)

  • do i have to buy vans warped tour tickets online?

    i dont want to have to use a credit card or anything. like i just want to use cash. is there a way i can do that?

    3 AnswersOther - Entertainment1 decade ago
  • do you need a bestbuy credit card to make payments to bestbuy?

    i really want this new camera and i want to make payments on it. im 17 and cant get a credit card. and i know my mom wont do it.

    3 AnswersCredit1 decade ago
  • Is it too late for me to start taking dance lessons?

    im 17. im fairly small only 5'3 and i weigh like 115lbs. but im such a couch potato. i cant run across my yard without panting like crazy. im so out of shape. its not even funny. but i want to dance to get in shape.

    i have aways wanted to dance like you see in the movies. the hip hop and the ball room dancing. things like that. and to seriously learn how to really dance. i love dancing. i just want to learn more.

    is it too late for me. because like i dont want to be the oldest one in a beginners class. becaus its like all the amazing dancers have been dancing since they were like 2. :)

    am i too late?

    8 AnswersDancing1 decade ago
  • what is a really good movie thats out right now?

    my friend chris wants to take me to the movies and he said that its my choice.

    ive already seen madagascar2 and bolt.

    i dont want to see twilight yet because i havent finshed the book.

    i dont think this is a date but like idk.

    so any ideas on what to see?

    1 AnswerMovies1 decade ago
  • What is the fastest way to make $150?

    I need the money for a new camera. The screen on mine shattered. I can't tell my mom because she'll have a cow and a half. Im looking for a job but the way the economy is right now its hard. Have any ideas?

    2 AnswersOther - Car Makes1 decade ago
  • Is the desire to be bulimic the start to the disorder?

    i am NOT saying that this is me in any way. im just wondering.

    if someone wants to be, would you think that is the start to the disorder?

    or if a person hates the way after they eat like they dont like the way the food feels so they dont eat at all would you say is the start to becoming anorexic?

    putting aside the thoughts of wanting to be "perfect".

    again. this is NOT about me. or anyone that i know. it is just a question. so i dont want to hear how eating disorders are deadly. i know this already. thanks.

    sorry if that sounded a tad bit rude.

    1 AnswerOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • how do i tell my friend im bi?

    she is a christian and has a bisexual friend who has a girlfriend and shes okay with it.

    but ive known her for three years almost four and weve been through so much. like sleeping in the same bed, changing clothes in the same dressing room and like shaving our legs together. i dont want her to think that like im "checking her out" or have a crush on her or anything.

    i just want to know how to tell her. every time i go to tell her i chicken out or dont know HOW to say it. i dnt want to put a dent in our friendship or whatever. it means so much to me.

  • I need to get a job asap...?

    Im 16 and well...I need a job. My mom is getting on my case and I need to know a place that will hire me at 16. Please and thank you for your help.

    2 AnswersPersonal Finance1 decade ago
  • Im almost possitive my best friend may have an eatting disorder. How should I help her?

    Her new years resolution was to workout and to loose weight so she quit eatting junk food which was fine but then little by little she just about stopped eatting compleatly. Then when she does eat its like an apple or a rice cake.

    The other day we shared a small meal and like 5 minutes later she was in the bathroom. I got worried so I went and listened at the door. And I could hear her puking. I said something to her about it the next day and she didn't say anything. I told how worried I am about her and she just looked at me and said "you don't have to worry I have a good head on my shoulders".

    She still isn't eating much. And her weight is dropping rappidly. She's at the gym almost everyday working out and breaks plans with me to workout.

    I just want to know how to help her. I know I shoud tell her mom but I don't want to worry her if I can help.

    Also she's 5'2 and 127lbs.

    What should I do? Help me please. If you have any questions on the situation email me.

    4 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Im almost possitive my best friend may have an eatting disorder. How should I help her?

    Her new years resolution was to workout and to loose weight so she quit eatting junk food which was fine but then little by little she just about stopped eatting compleatly. Then when she does eat its like an apple or a rice cake.

    The other day we shared a small meal and like 5 minutes later she was in the bathroom. I got worried so I went and listened at the door. And I could hear her puking. I said something to her about it the next day and she didn't say anything. I told how worried I am about her and she just looked at me and said "you don't have to worry I have a good head on my shoulders".

    She still isn't eating much. And her weight is dropping rappidly. She's at the gym almost everyday working out and breaks plans with me to workout.

    I just want to know how to help her. I know I shoud tell her mom but I don't want to worry her if I can help.

    Also she's 5'2 and 127lbs.

    What should I do? Help me please. If you have any questions on the situation email me.

    5 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago