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  • Why do many christians deny the bibles passages in mathew about literal torment with prejudice from god in hell for sinning?

    And why would god create a world in which people are tortured for eternity with prejudice

    why would god knowingly create a world where he has to brutally sacrifice his son and torture souls, he didn't have to create that and if anyone in the real world knowingly created a society where people would be tortured they would be a bad bad human.

    Why does god knowingly allow such extreme torment and why is there just one passage in the bible that says the dead do not feel anyhting, thats very uncommon christian belief

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • why is the US spying on everyone? its clearly not anti terrorism?

    the only reasons I can think they would be spying on europe would be either economic or something more insane.

    I suspect that either way they are trying to get an upper hand over us like the chinese or russians would, do you think its time we stopped trusting them and calling them allies? I think it is.

    6 AnswersCurrent Events8 years ago
  • There was this amazing lemon sake, I need to import bottles, you know which lemon sake it was?

    Okay so I was drinking in a wagamama chain in Hammersmith UK, they had amazing cocktails and allowed me to try one of their mixers for free!

    Sake is normally horrible in my experience, most likley I only had the badstuf, until now of course.

    I got a little drunk so I cant remember what it was called, despite repeating it and repeating it until so as to remember.

    It was soooh good, it was this lemon sake, a tall thin bottle with pretty what looked like water color pictures on the side, im going to start importing it whatever it is, this sake is most likley very popular where you are, its got to be its sooo nice.

    you know which it is?

    1 AnswerJapan8 years ago
  • why didnt god do anything about stopping eve from eating the apple, he would have known?

    He even made them to be tempted, he should have seen it comming and being all powerful why did he even bother going to the effort of teling them not to eat the fruit knowing they would have caved in, he could have even built a little wall or just made them eat it in the first place, what is the need for their to have been an original sin?

    What is the purpose of original sin, why was it invented?

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Deep down inside do you feel silly for taking such a daft outdated book seriously?

    How can you not see that its no different to the other books of lies? thats what really makes me wonder about people, how they cant see for the white elephants the fallacies and the cognitive disonance.

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • girlfriend changes her mind about leaving me, what to do?

    So my girlfriend and I spent an unhealthy amount of time together, neither of us worked for a while because we were going to go to uni and we had been moving around a few times, she is pretty much dependent on me to do everything with her and its hard to get time to myself.

    because I get so little space and we been in environments where we cannot get away from each other I got grumpy and immersed myself in front of the PC I played games looked at porn and stayed up late I would snap at her and moan about having to do things, but not that much or that badly considering how much I wanted to be free.

    and whenever she would say maybe we should split up after an argument with her I would remind her that we are off to go to uni soon and things would be different, we would have space and our own things to do.

    so recently things have been edgy and rather than use the last of my energy being sweet I saved it for uni and hoped to just coast those last few weeks untill things changed but thats when she finally decided to leave me (right after getting a load of confidence after a really sexy new haircut) she told me we were supposed to finish and we cried and she started looking for a new house, everyone turned her down.

    but then...her mother shows up with her little brother (they like me and we get on) and we have to be sweet and get on each other too.

    So now she changes her mind because we spent so much time together, I sent her to stay with friends for a few days so we can think and lay our cards on the table when she returns

    however Im beset with options and cannot weigh out the pros and cons...I cant bring myself to leave her, Shes too cute and snuggly and shes crap at making friends and will be sad without me and has no idea how lonely shes gonna be.

    Part of me wants tomove her out but im not sure if thats just for my space and my house mate.

    Awkwardly my flatmate has been pushing her to leave and is saying its awkward for him if shes stays...which I find odd and inconvenient, I have a plan to tell her to move into her own place and for us to still see each other, I have to make that sound like a good idea and here is what seems to be a clincher and something that pushed her to change her mind...its cheaper for us to live together.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • why is it that logical fallacies dont put christians off,they just create extended ideas to justify th fallacy?

    si I might say "did adam and eve have immune systems" even before death was a thing?

    or "whyd got make that tree reachable or let the devil put the tree there"

    or "what the world be like if eve didnt eat the apple"

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • What would neocon jesus do?

    the message of Jesus seems to be lost on the christian establishment does it not?

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Did Adam and Eve have immune systems? Why are there so many logical fallicies in the bible?

    I dont think there is any message of any depth in the bible, its like random junk and you have to pretend theres a message, you have to fool yourself hard until you think there is one.

    The bible also appears just to be like Gadaffis green book or chairman Mao's red book but in this case its to keep people in line with the church, and heres the thing, Its kind of clearly obvious that the message of jesus which I do see meaning in is not in line with the church or the bible either, I feel like jesus was hijacked by power mongerers.

    Now I know the Bible contains what jesus says but the logical fallicies elsewhere in the bible and the christian establishment and the church all seem to twist where hes comming from...its almost like the bible has to contain what jesus has said but the rest of it is like damage limitation, its like the bible is a disclamer to jesuses message.

    my point about the immune system and the fact that we wouldnt be here if adam and eve wouldnt have sinned and how terrible the world would be by now if there was no death...its junk, like why the hell did god putthe tree in the garrden of eden and make the fruit reachable, was god actually tempting adam and eve??

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • if I had a sphere containeing water in space and there were two seperate bubbles in it would they be attracted?

    I was thinking about gravity and how it appears to displace space...any ideas?

    3 AnswersPhysics8 years ago
  • why is it that americans are scared of socialism (obama care) but not bothered about fascism(spying on public)?

    they don't just do spying on the public theres the patriot act, theres new sweeping powers, theres detaining people without seeing a lawyer, theres an awful lot of totalitarian police state fascism and thats fine with a lot of americans....but obama care is too far left.

    6 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • can anyone "die for our sins", and why didnt jesus educate or enlighten corrupt powerful leaders?

    I happen to know that when people were first talking about jesus after he supposedly died and got reborn the stories passed got more and more far fetched as they would until they were finally recorded,.

    why didnt jesus just magic everyone into a big hall and educate them for half an hour, he coulda written very good jesus magic letters to all the leaders, why is his magic so mediocre and pointless, little party tricks maybe even he hired stooges

    im am challenging the logic behind the belief in his magical powers im doing this because while his message is great his magical powers are obviously a gimmick, the bible after all is compiled by and from madmen, politicians, liars, charlatans,witchburners, despots...

    (jesus is one of the few people in that book with good intentions)

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • arnt all theists arguments for their religion technically using reason and evidence anyway, even if its bad?

    Its hard to articulate my point so please be open minded and experiment with what im saying yourself but surely any reason you present to someone to convince them that your god is real is a collection of reasons based on evidences?

    I would like some better examples but one reason that you should be a christian and not any other religion is because you haven't read the bible (or read the bible and understood it correctly) and if you REALLY had then your mind would let (god) in.

    wait this one is a better example:

    the world seems so perfect so it must be made by someone.

    the point is that nothing with so many working parts could be an accident and so therefore the logic and reason is there, the evidence isnt really water tight but the evidence is supposed to be that the magic is clearly their for your to self consciousness to observe (consciousnesses is apparently another example of a near perfectly designed thing)

    I don't agree with the arguments in the slightest but my point is that the human mind doesn't believe in anything without something being grounded in what appears to be reason in the person.

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • because orwells book 1984 unintentional points out similarities between religion and mass indoctrination...?

    Is this something that makes religious people doubt the motivations of the church and therefore their interpretation of the bible they would rather you had.

    or I could reword the question;

    Do any theists recognize some methods to control the population tied in with the way religious institutions teach religion?

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • if you were jesus would you like the bible and the church?

    I believe if he came back he would feel that the catholic church was all that was left of the empire that had him crucified, I do not think the vatican has made good decisions with the money people have donate towards spending on good causes. (it also famously invests heavily in european arms)

    and the bible, to me it seems to miss the simple and elegant point of jesus in the first place, even overlook reality and be so open to interpretation that a lot of wars and pointless deaths/tortures be found to be condoned by it in someway or another

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Built a radio transmitter on prototype board (allowed in uk) it doesnt work :/ heres the schematic, whats up?

    Im annoyed that i cant find any data on google to say which is the positive or negative leg of the microphone too (its called a ABM-707-RC)

    and the trimmer capacitor; I couldn't find a 3-30pf capacitor i did find a 5.5-30pf capacitor, cant imagine that would change much but how do you know how far to trim it?

    could I make that coil wider?? more turns?

    I ordered some 460pf disc type ceramic capacitors but i got some heffing gurt 600volt handling ones, i meant to get 60 volt handling ones XD i can imagine the voltage isnt an issue but could there be a resistance problem??

    I cant think what else could be wrong because I checked all connections and the battery, any advise and tips or debugging tools would be be appreciated, thanks guys

    4 AnswersOther - Science8 years ago