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loves anime love video game hunts zombies and ghosts looking for a girlfriend
What is the name of this pc j horror game?
As far as i remember you play as a 15 yearish old girl that somehow ends up in hell. A ritual gone wrong or something. Its a sidescrollring survival horror type game where u solve puzzles, avoid hellish monsters, and deadly traps all in anime art style. Its pretty gory and brutal. Up there with mortal combat in my opinion
2 AnswersVideo & Online Games5 years agois this legal?
My gf told me her family was having a yard sale and she wanted me to help out. So i gathered up my junk and my parents pitched in. The money gained from mine and my gfs stuff would go to me and her only. Well one of her sisters wanted ten bucks since she watched the stuff and I said ok since we made 52$ already. My gf didn't like the idea so she said no since her sister makes alot more than she does bc she has a job and my gf doesn't. So her sister grabbed our stuff and took it out of the yard sale. Now her mom is getting involved and is going to forcibly take out of mine and her money we made. This is wrong and im getting mad bc its mine and her money from our stuff. Is this even legal
3 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years agois it possible for this to happen?
Ok my gf is virgin and we did it when she was on her period and i accidentally ***ed in her V. Her "cherry" wasn't popped. This November and shes skipped a period and she's hurting in her left ovary. Im thinking its a cyst bc of the pain and looked up what the symptoms are. But is there a chance she cud b pregnant? She wudve had signs of pregnancy by now right?
1 AnswerWomen's Health6 years agowhich assasin's creed game has split screen co-op?
1 AnswerVideo & Online Games7 years agook i'm going on a 7 hour trip and need something to do. ive got a portable dual screen dvd player. i was wondering how to hook a ps3 to it.?
its the kind you attach to the backs of the driver and passenger seats in the front of the car/truck so the people in the back can watch movies in case you don't know what i'm talking about. ive seen videos on how to hook up game systems to the other portable dvd players that look like a lap top but not the ones with dual screens. i was wondering how to hook my ps3 up to it and if there is a way to hook up the HDMI cable to it i'd really appreciate it, if just the regular yellow, white, and red cables that's suffice. thank you lots!
1 AnswerPlayStation7 years agois it possible for god to give you the power to fight demons?
fighting demons like on devil may cry fighting only with holy powers
6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years agocan you tell me how to get half life?
i had the game and then when i downloaded some maps, it wouldn't load so i have to re download it again. i was wondering where i would have to go to get the full game free and offline.
1 AnswerPC7 years agowhy does this happen to me alot?
i start hallucinating at night with pictures that would disturb a person to the brink of insanity but to me it just bother me. other times i hallucinate that there are people standing around in my room or even hovering when i accidentally wake up in the middle of the night. sometimes i would even catch myself talking to the figure before i blink or something and realize that it isn't there. i don't take any medicine, drugs, hallucinogens, etc. am i seeing spirits? are they trying to communicate with me? or is it all from lack of sleep? please explain to me what's going on :(
5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years agowhat theme song would best fit the appearance of lucifer before a boss fight with him?
no lyrics in the song. maybe a orchestra. something sinister, dark, like orochimaru's theme or pain's theme from naruto shippuden.
2 AnswersOther - Music7 years agoin the world of elfen lied, what would you do in this situation?
ok, you're in the park at nite just walking around to kill time while you wait on something. you turn and see lucy on the swing set. this is the psychotic lucy by the way, you pause for a moment to make sure you're not dreaming. she then raises her head and looks at you. then she stands up and slowly advances towards you. what do you do?
3 AnswersComics & Animation7 years agoi need help to stop the tooth pain, any ideas?
ive got a small tooth coming in the very back of my jaw. it might be a wisdom tooth. every time i accidentally chew on my right side of my mouth in the back, it stings bad. is there a way to stop the pain permanently without getting it ripped out? is there a certain medicine i should take to stop the pain? thanks for your help
3 AnswersDental8 years agoim wanting some free offline tower defence games, do you know any?
don't require a high graphics card or high performance
2 AnswersVideo & Online Games8 years agookay, i need some help here with getting girls.?
im in college, 19. i love drawing anime characters on my spare time or playing on the internet. at lunch, in the morning, and on my spare time no one will sit by me or even talk to me. i'm shy myself so, i keep to myself but, if someone comes over and talks to me i can talk for hours. the girls here are very good looking and very kind and nice, how would i tell if they have a bf or not or if they'd b interested in me? how would i approach them in a unakward way? and would it creep them out if i just boldly asked them if they had a bf or if they were talking to someone? my last gf ditched me and left me dry after a 3 month relationship. it was a long distantce one but it appeared to work. i sent a letter and no reply in 4 weeks. so i'm single again and need a girlfriend. any advice related to this would help me greatly, thanks!!
3 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years agowhat codes of himmurabi applies to today's laws?
is any of today's laws can be traced back to the codes of himmurabi
2 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years agocould you use a song for a anime OP or ED that hasn't been used for one yet?
I want to use a song that was made by VOCALOID that would sound like a awesome anime OP or ED for my anime idea I want to make when I join funimation inc. what would I need to do?
2 AnswersComics & Animation8 years agowould this plan work if I were on deathrace?
at the beginning of a race have a light weight vehicle such as a bike or something that way you won't be accused of leaving your vehicle and getting blown up. when the race starts get right next to the last place car and jump on. this way they can't say that you've abandoned your vehicle. jump from one car to another before each one is blown up or shoot down. do this until you get to the first and second place cars. whoever is in lead or seems to be ahead of the other, jump on to that car and when you get near the finish line, jump cross ways ("X" left or right) pull out your bike or whatever you're using and cross the finish line, win, run for dear life, lock yourself in a cell, and wait till the next race......
1 AnswerMovies8 years agois there such a program that does this and is it free to download?
I heard there is a program that you can sing in English and you can convert your voice into another language. like you can sing and English and when you're done, you can switch the audio file you recorded your voice in and turn your English words into japanese
5 AnswersSoftware8 years agoon guilty gear xx accent core plus, what is a judgement move?
on one of the missions it says in the box the conditions of victory is called judgement. wat does that mean?
2 AnswersVideo & Online Games8 years ago