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Lv 44,467 points


Favorite Answers6%

I am a Conservative Christian, formerly an Atheist.

  • What Caused the Big Bang (from a naturalist perspective)?

    As a theist, I have a simple one word answer. But I have never read, nor heard a credible explanation (including from Hawkins or Sagan) why the universe would explode outward at the moment of singularity when it was already in it's lowest entropic position from a standpoint of energy. (a compressed point a nearly infinite density). And an oscillating universe theory doesn't really still need to regress back to the point of highest energy, since there is no way each "bounce" is going to recapture all the energy lost in the explosion.

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Why not Flag some posts?...?

    From here on out, when I see cut and pasted answer that has nothing to do with the question (ie. that stupid 99999999% Mayan calendar thing) I am flagging it, reporting abuse, kicking my cat, or whatever I have to do to make it stop. I invite everyone to do so, and make this area a little less clutter so we can beat up each other in peace. Amen?

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • How much do I get paid...?

    For answering all of these questions? My freakin' sales job is suffering because I am struggling to get to 1,000. Can I get $1 a point?

    Do I go to the same waiting room as Stan, Kyle and Butters when they went to collect their money (With Chris Crocker, Chocolate Rain Guy, and "Numa Numa")?

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Who was Right During the Reformation?

    This is a real question, stoned out 22 yr olds playing Halo right now who don't know what "justification" mean can move on to the next one.

    491 years ago today, Luther nailed his 95 Theses up which started the Reformation. One of the primary issues was the doctrine of Justification. Luther said that we are saved by faith alone, the Roman church said that we are saved by faith and works. Many of the wars in Europe for centuries were drawn on the lines of who sided with the Protestants, and who with the Catholics.

    In 1999, the Lutherans and the Roman Catholics signed an accord saying that the issue they had back in 1517 was now resolved, and the reason for the split was no long valid. So the big question is: Who blinked? If the problem was solved, who was right and who was wrong in the original fight?

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Why in the world would someone think...?

    That evangelical Christianity is the most dangerous religion, when the entire world is in armed struggle against insane murderous Islamofacists? From the philipines, Kenya, the whole frickin' middle east, Amsterdam, Islamacists are committing genocide, blowing up night clubs, proudly committing "honor killings", and on and on.

    Are the atheists on R&S effing retarded?

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago