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Orgasms from dreams?
Happens, and sometimes, it actually wakes me up. I'm 34, and feel that I'm too old for this ****. When I was younger, I could "get off" just by kissing someone, and it was embarrasing. Thankfully that doesn't happen anymore, lol. Well, what I'm getting at.. do any other women have/had this "problem." Thanks..
2 AnswersWomen's Health5 years agobra sizing?
I went for a fitting, band was 34in around the bust was 40in. The woman said I wear a 42C. Is she correct?
3 AnswersFashion & Accessories6 years agogummy hair curlers?
I've been trying to find these for years.. They had a base where you would insert each sparkly gummy stick (which had a loop on one end, and after wrapping the hair you would put the end through the hole) into the hole and they would become hot and change color when ready. (green to pink if I remember correctly) After you did your whole head you would somewhat resemble medusa... Lol. I remember about 10 years ago they sold them briefly at rite aid, and haven't seen them since. If you know the name of them and where I could possibly locate a set, let me know. Thanks.
1 AnswerHair6 years agoDone with ******* zoloft, though I would like an opinion?
I've been taking zoloft for roughly around 2 months. Recently, my cat has gone missing, and I feel pretty much emotionless about it, and I've had it for 4 years. I also find myself not giving a **** about normal **** that other people would care about. If someone died right in front of me, at this exact moment, I would probably just stare, and be the emotionless **** that i've become. I'm done. I know you will say withdrawls and whatnot, but I'm too the point where i seriously don't give a damn anymore. I want to be me again, not some chemically induced pieced of ****.
2 AnswersPsychology9 years agoAnxiety depression and alcohol?
I have panic disorder depression, and slight agoraphobia. My doctor, about a month a go prescribed zoloft, which got rid of the depression, but not the anxiety. she then gave me Ativan, which helps, but is basically a short-term "fix." I began integrating beer, which completely dissolves the panic attacks. I don't drink too much, just enough to get rid of it, and then i'm fine, but I don't really want to rely on alcohol for panic relief. She recently prescribed me Buspar as well, but online I read that they can have bad side effects when they are taken together. I don't know if this is the case, considering everyone is different, but I'm afraid to take them now after reading into it. Do you know if they react badly to one another? And also please don't give me options for anxiety that include any of the following, which I have already tried. Therapy, herbal supplements, exercise, distractions etc. Believe me, I have tried it all. I just would like a legitimate response about ways to delete the alcohol, and if the buspar will react badly or give me un-wanted side effects due to the drug interactions. Thank you...
4 AnswersMental Health9 years agoQuestion about panic attacks... In need of some advice please.?
I have been having mild panic attacks for three days, and have been feeling my heart skipping the entire time. It seems like it does it more the more tense I am. I have had trouble sleeping due to it. I was prescribed gabapentin by my doctor about 2 months ago, so I started taking that, but it did absolutely nothing. I have tried exercise ( a michael jackson dance video which i do until the point of pouring sweat) Keeping hydrated, relaxation techniques, herbal remedies, limiting "junk food" in my diet, and xanax. I tried tricks and tips that I have found on the internet, and various other things. Last night I took 2 quizzes online that suggested that I have Severe panic disorder, and possibly depression. I wake up feeling like this and the only time I'm not in a constant state of panic is when I'm asleep, but I've begun having nightmares that wake me up in a panic attack, and that takes me about a half hour to relax, and sometimes I am able to go back to sleep. I desperately want to call my my doctor, but they are closed all weekend, and today for memorial day. I found that if I chug a couple of beers, this gets rid of it, until that wears off at least. Alcohol is not the route I really want to go on, but at this point I am willing to drink if I feel calm. I would appreciate any suggestions, tips or ideas of what I could possibly do until I can get in for an appointment when I call my doctor tomorrow. Thank you.....
3 AnswersMental Health9 years agoLarge gauge belly rings?
After having two children, I need belly jewelry that has a large gauge.. I'm having a hard time finding anything other than 14 gauge. I'd say an 8 would probably be sufficient, but I would settle for a ten. The regular gauge is loose, and doesn't exactly look attractive, as it is a stretched a little. Any suggestions? Thanks.
2 AnswersOther - Skin & Body9 years agoIn what ways have economic problems caused by recent crisis in banking industries affected business firms?
I was just curious about this... Internet didn't give me exactly the details i was looking for... Would this also affect employees and individuals?
1 AnswerOther - Business & Finance9 years agoI have an online class, but when I click the link to go into it, nothing happens.?
I try to click on the link which takes me to my online class, and nothing happens. Some of the other links work, but not all. I also had an issue when I went to upload pictures on Ebay. When Listing an item, when I clicked the link to upload photos, and again, nothing happened. I ran a full system scan with Norton, but it found nothing out of the ordinary. Any ideas what may be wrong? I'm not sure it it's my computer?
3 AnswersOther - Computers9 years agoIUD fell out... freaking out a little...?
I have had bleeding for a few days, much like a very heavy period. I have cramps, much like the first day of your period, not too bad, just enough for discomfort. My legs have also felt crampy for a couple days. I went to pee about 2 hours ago, and the IUD was expelled, covered with a large blood clot. I have been using regular tampons, and have to change them about every 2 hours. I called my gynecologist, and have an appointment in 3 hours... Was wondering if this has happened to anyone? I could use some sort of positive feedback, or a story of your own experience, otherwise, it's going to be a long couple of hours, and I feel like i'm going to have a panic attack.. :(
1 AnswerWomen's Health9 years agoHow do you find the length of a rectangle, given the width and perimeter?
I can't figure it out, does anyone happen to know the formula?
10 AnswersMathematics10 years agoAnyone have a good remedy for dry skin?
The skin on my face is always incredibly dry. Especially around my cheeks, side of nose, and middle of my forehead. It also is "flaky". I've tried various lotions, creams, and facial scrubs. These make my face greasy, but the skin is still "flaky". I've given up on foundation, because it seems to "clump" in these areas, and does not provide an over-all smooth look. It doesn't make much sense to me how the skin can be paper dry, and the lotions only provide a greasy shiny-ness. Someone recommended an avacado-mayonnaise mixutre, which was disguisting, and not easy to dispose of. I was afraid of clogging the drain with the green gunk. Any thoughts? Ideas? Thank you.
5 AnswersOther - Skin & Body1 decade ago