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  • How to get my mom to let me drive out of town?

    I turned sixteen and got my license on March 18th, after having my permit for 10ish months.

    Before I got my license, I had about 400 or so driving hours. (Which I am guessing is quite a lot since a lot of my friends had to lie on their hour log sheet to get up to the 50 required hours..)

    ~Anyway, my question.

    When I got my license my mom told me that I wasn't allowed to drive out of town (I live in a town that has a population of about 7,000. I live in Greater Saint Louis, on the Illinois side. There are a few big cities within 10 minutes away that I would like to be able to drive to, because there is not anything to do in my town)

    I understood why she wouldn't let me since it was her car and what not, but last week I bought my own car (with my own money) I as well pay for my insurance (as well as my gas).. Yet she won't let me drive my car out of my town.

    I am an excellent driver. I don't speed, I don't text and drive, etc.

    It is quite frustrating when other people get their licenses after you, and their parents immediately let them drive out of town. My significant other lives in one of those big cities, that takes about 15 minutes to get to depending on traffic. Their parents work 2 jobs so they can never drive them to see me, and my mom complains when she has to take me.. Yet won't let me drive myself.


    I have never done anything to get her to not trust me.


    1 AnswerAdolescent7 years ago
  • Is there a place where I can get something engraved?

    I have this white leather bracelet that has this metal pad, that's about 1 3/4 - 2 inches long and about half an inch tall, and I'd like to get it engraved with a saying.

    There a place where I can take it? Or like a website where I tell them what i want, then mail them the bracelet?

    Oh, and I live near St. Louis, if there's a place there where it can be done.

    Thanks :)

    1 AnswerOther - Local Businesses8 years ago
  • What kind of laptop should I get for college?

    I will need it next year when I transfer to the local college for full time college classes (I'm cutting my high school years in half!)

    I have a really good Dell AIO 23 touch screen computer that I got around December. So I don't need it for gaming or anything. Just for casual browsing and typing college classes. (YouTube, Tumblr, Facebook, Twitter.. etc and programs like Microsoft Word)

    15"-17" preferred. And either ASUS or Dell.

    Thanks :)

  • Will I have to retake this class? :/?

    So, um, Hi.

    On Wednesday I had an Algebra final, I got a 99/155. Which is an F.

    But WITH that grade I have a 77 in that class, and between Quarter one and quarter 2 i have an 80, which is a C where I live.

    Will I pass this semester?

    or will I have to take it again? :/

    2 AnswersOther - Education8 years ago
  • Do you think this is a scam or not?

    Okay, so, my friend does all of these online marketing businesses and seems to make a lot of money. He offered to sell me part of his website for $140. He told me the site makes up to 30 sales a day, and the website makes an estimated $1,400-$2,800 a week. I can get paid via paypal, check, or direct deposit.

    I know this guy is real, because, well, I'm friends with his friends, I have his phone number, I have his Facebook, and I have his address.

    I would have definitely already signed up if it was free.

    But I've wary about the $140 upfront cost.

    Considering, if it ISN'T a scam I'll get that back in less than a week.

    If it IS a scam, I'm out $140.

    The job is really easy. Advertising. Marketing. Etc.

    What would you do?

    Would you go for it or not?

    6 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • Do you think my friend is pregnant?

    There are a few questions.

    1st one: Is my friend pregnant?

    She THINKS she might be pregnant because on the 23rd she had spotted blood when she woke up (her period starts in a week and a half) and she said she's been having a lot of discharge (white and brown) She also said she had the blood thing happen yesterday.

    But.. I doesn't really make sense to me at least. She said they didn't have full sex, that they tried anal but it didn't exactly work out and that he had pre-*** on his penis and, I guess around her butt and she thinks it could've dripped down? (She was on her period during this. She's TECHNICALLY a virgin)

    This night was on the 14th. I have done a lot of research about it the blood spotted thing, and what it could've been caused from happens 7-10 days after sex (implantation, I believe.) So we're RIGHT on the deadline.


    First question

    Second question vvvv

    We live in Illinois, about 45 minutes from St. Louis or so, and the planned parenthood places around here are called "In the Region of St. Louis", and in Missouri to have an abortion or anything you have to have parental involvement, but in Illinois you don't, we were wondering that if she is pregnant and that if she wanted an abortion, if she could still go to the places IN ILLINOIS if it's part of the St. Louis clinics? if not we'd have to take the train up to Springfield, Illinois =\ (she's 15.)

    If you guys can help more /just want to talk about this more here's my link:

    This is why I'm gay ._.

    1 AnswerPregnancy8 years ago
  • Would this look good together? :)?

    And be good-looking for school?

    I"m planning on wearing:

    ~sky blue jeans

    ~White T shirt

    ~Silver/greyish button up shirt

    ~Sky blue tie (same color as the jeans)

    Would this match? :)

    I'm also wearing this to school in the morning, except i'm loosening the tie so it doesn't look as formal and I'm rolling up the sleeves :)


    2 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style8 years ago
  • Would these clothes together match?

    *Light purple skinny jeans

    *white OR grey OR black t shirt

    * Dark purple hoodie.

    2 AnswersFashion & Accessories9 years ago
  • What GSM carrier does Verizon roam on?

    What Cartier does Verizon roam on overseas when Vodafone isn't available?

    And yes. I know Verizon is a CDMA based carrier. But it's a GSM world phone.

    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans9 years ago
  • My boyfriend died earlier today?

    So. uhm.. Hi.

    My boyfriend Christofer (my name's Drew, gay couple <3)

    and well

    he always had heart troubles. Pretty bad actually.

    And he had a heart bypass surgery on Wednesday morning.

    After the surgery he kept having seizures multiple times a day.. As in like 5-6.

    He passed earlier today.

    How do I move on?

    How do I recover?

    I love him so ****!ng much..

    I can't imagine living without him..

    Please help :/

    8 AnswersFriends9 years ago
  • How to minimize data usage on 4GLTE phones?

    I had a DROID X on a Verizon unlimited data plan, and I barely used 1GB or over.

    But I got a DROID Razr Maxx 2 weeks ago with an 8GB shared plan between 4 people, and I have 19 days left in my billing cycle and I've used 1.60 GB already.

    How can I prevent this? I know watching videos and listening to music uses a lot of data. But if I watch them on 4G instead of 3G (same length video) would the 4G one use more data? Because speed tests use more data on 4G than 3G.

    I already know 3 mistakes I've made:

    Updating to ICS on 4G

    Testing Skype over 4G

    Speed tests.

    Oh. Also. Don't say to turn off Mobile Data when not in use. I use Kik all the time.

    Any tips?


    2 AnswersCell Phones & Plans9 years ago
  • Is this good battery life for a smartphone?

    Phone: DROID RAZR Maxx

    Version: ICS

    Percentage: 10%

    13 hours 35 minutes on Battery

    1 AnswerPDAs & Handhelds9 years ago
  • How much battery do you get out of your Droid Razr maxx?

    I just got the Droid Razr Maxx today. I killed the battery all the way, and now it's charging all the way back up (battery cycle)

    I wanted to see how much you guys get out of your battery and the settings you have it on.


    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans9 years ago
  • Good books for teenager?

    I need a book for school to read on my own.

    I want it to be about teenagers and their life I guess.

    Like the Virals series.

    Present day or future would be nice. Involving technology.

    Or even about gay teenagers

    6 AnswersBooks & Authors9 years ago
  • How to get my boyfriend's Aunt to like me?

    HIya all,

    so I'm trying to get my boyfriend's aunt to like me. I volunteered to write her a letter about myself trying to get this to happen, and she said she'd probably read it.

    I want to know what key points I should mention in it.

    He means a lot to me and I don't want to lose him because of his aunt..

    PS The reason he lives with his Aunt is because his Dad died after he was born and his mom died last year.

    Thanks <3

    3 AnswersFamily9 years ago
  • Swimming 2-5 hours a day lose weight quickly?

    I'd like to lose weight/gain muscle before school starts.. If I swim 2-5 hours a day for about 13 weeks, only missing probably 10 days or so (currently have ear infections (not from swimming) and getting surgery,, But I can swim the day after the surgery if I wanted to) how much weight would I lose?

    I'm 14 y/o (incoming Freshman)

    I'm about 6'2-6'3"

    I weight about 180-200 pounds. I have a lot of muscle on my arms and lets just say I don't have 'fat rolls'

    Basic question: If I eat healthy and swim laps 2-5 hours a day (I've already been doing this, not hard) Will I lose weight in 2-3 months?


    14 AnswersSwimming & Diving9 years ago
  • How to reinvent myself for High School?

    I'm an incoming Freshman and I want to know how to reinvent myself two different ways.

    1.)Academically (most important)- I want to be in the summa cu m laude group or at least the *** laude. How do I achieve this? THANKS!

    2.)Socially- I want to look approachable to get lots of friends. A lot of people think I look scary or intimidating (Tall/strong/teen guy) and I don't want to really look like that. Anything I should do besides smiling more? I also want to be one of those people who don't let get anything get to them and they're always smiling and laughing. How do I get like this?


    *Bonus Q*: Any (random) tips you have for someone new to high school? I'm not nervous or scared at all like most people are so don't tell me not to be nervous because I'm not nervous. Haha.

    2 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education9 years ago
  • Kindle Fire For Use At School?


    I'm an incoming Freshman.. In December I got the Kindle Fire as a Christmas present and my mom told me that in high school that we would be aloud to use kindles/nooks at school during the 2012-2013 school year,but lately I've been wondering if they would actually allow the Kindle Fire since it's like an e reader and a tablet..

    I know y'all aren't the school board or anything but give your opinion on WHY THEY SHOULD or WHY THEY SHOULDN'T allow it.


    2 AnswersOther - Electronics9 years ago
  • Algebra: Simplifying Rational Expressions?

    I need help simplifying this problem...I am COMPLETELY new to Algebra let alone this.. the problem is:

    3(4m-6) X 9n^2

    (OVER) X (OVER)

    18n X 2(4m-6)

    1 AnswerMathematics9 years ago
  • Good book for teenager to read?

    I'm a teen and I'm looking for a good book to read.. I like "present" day books. Kind of like the "Vladimir Todd" series, "Virals" series, "I Am Number Four" Series, "Gone" series, or "Wake" trilogy. I've already read all the Twilight and Harry Potter books.

    I REALLY liked the Virals series and I would like a book sorta similar to it (how it was written with teenage characters in present times)

    6 AnswersBooks & Authors9 years ago