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  • my boyfriend doesn't know how to kiss me on the cheek...?

    me and my boyfriend are both 15, we have been together for a few months and we still havent kissed, i know we're taking it verrry slow. but i kissed him on the cheek and he tried to do it back but he couldn't, this may sound silly to some people but he doesn't know how to peck someone on the lips or even on the cheek. when he was little, he never kissed him mother or father or sisters on the lips, i think this might be a reason as to why he doesnt know how to kiss me on the cheek, please give me some sort of advice or something, i'm in such an awkward position and i don't know what to do...

    thankyou in advance x

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • how to be naturally beautiful?

    i want to know how i can be naturally pretty without any make up, whenever i wear make up it ALWAYS goes patchy or just gets ruined somehow. Does anybody have any beauty tips?:)

    Thankyou in advance x

    7 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style8 years ago
  • what song should i sing?

    i need a song to sing for my gcse music, can anyone give me some ideas as to what song would be good to sing for my gcse?

    2 AnswersOther - Music8 years ago
  • how can i save a backing track/video onto my laptop?

    i need to burn a backing track (as audio) onto a cd, but how do i save the backing/audio track to my laptop?

    please help:)

    1 AnswerYouTube8 years ago
  • how can i be flexible?

    I don't seem to be flexible at all, but I need to be flexible for my gcse dances, any pointers?

    7 AnswersMartial Arts8 years ago
  • how can i be a good dancer?!?

    I've chosen dance as a gcse at school and, don't get me wrong, I love it, but i'm not too good at it.. can anybody (preferably dancers) please give me any tips or pointers to help me get better at dancing?


    2 AnswersDancing8 years ago
  • i'm scared to kiss him....?

    I'm 15 and so is my boyfriend, none of us have ever 'passionately' kissed anyone before, -passionately was the only word I could think of haha- but i'm really scared to kiss him, we've been together for 3 months too, but does anyone have any pointers or tips?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • how can i be perfect?

    give me some tips on how to look flawless, how to be the perfect friend, how to be the perfect daughter, how to be the perfect girlfriend, how to be stunning, just how to be perfect.

    2 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style9 years ago
  • how can i catch his eye?BOYS ESPECIALLY...?

    i really like this guy and he liked me for a few weeks, not sure if he likes me anymore but how can i catch his eye so he'll speak to me more that he does? please help, i really like him?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • GOOD clothes websites?!?

    i need loadssssss of new clothes and shoes, does anyone know any good, cheap shops or websites where i can shop?

    2 AnswersFashion & Accessories9 years ago

    okay so it started when my one of my closest friends(OLIVIA) got drunk with another friend(JESS) and they bumped into a few lads which they didnt know, but i knew them, lets call them; ed, jack, trevor and andrew.. so anyway - i wasnt with them at the time, one of the lads was my ex (TREVOR) who i went out with twice this time last year. So a week after my olivia and jess had met the lads i stayed over at olivia's house and we ended up meeting up with the lads, as the night went on it got colder and colder outside so we went and sat inside jack's house because there was no one home so me, olivia, ed, jack, andrew and trevor were sat watching horror film but me and olivia were sat on the floor alone whilst the boys sat on the couches but when they would move to go to the toilet or something me and olivia would go and sit in their seats so we could sit on the couch but the second time i did it, i sat in trevor's seat and he came back and sat next to me and put his arm around me and he was saying things like "remember when we went out last year? it was this time last year infact", "do i look different from the last time i saw you? it's been a year, you look gorgeous","when you and olivia leave you're not just going to give a quick hug, you can give the real, proper hug" - things like that. After the night i thought i had a little bit of a 'connection' with andrew. So the next day we went out with them again and we went to andrew's this time and trevor pulled olivia out of the front room at andrews house, olivia then came in and told me she needed to talk to me so i went with her and olivia told me that trevor asked olivia to come to me and ask if i still liked him but i said no to liking trevor because i thought i liked andrew but now i dont know who i like, someone please help me somehow? i know this may sound silly and childish but if you're going to be judgmental then just don't help at all, but i'm 14 and trevor and andrew are both 16. yes, i know they are both two years older than me but i've always been told that age doesnt matter, what matters is if the person makes you happy or not but they both make me happy, PLEASE HELP:'( might sound pathetic or whatever but i really don't care i need advice

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • how can i raise £25000-£30000 in one year?

    okay, so i'm i love with oe direction&i have been dying for them to perform at one of my birthday parties, so i'm 16 next year&people say that it would cost around £20000 (or more) so i was wondering if anyone had any tips or ideas/ways to make big money fast by the latest - june 2013. i'm in the manchester, uk, if that changes anything or helps with anything?:S

    please help me, i would love to meet them&have them perform at my 16th birthday party?

    thankyou all so much:D

    1 AnswerOther - Yahoo Products9 years ago
  • how can i get him back?! please help?

    okay,so i went out with this lad last year for about two months or something,+i thought we really had something,but obviously he didn't but i've seen him a few times in the past month or so and i think i'm starting to like him again.. but i don't know what to do to get back in touch with him because we never speak to each other anymore, i mean,yea,we're still friends but we just kind of lost contact.. someone give me a few tips for getting back in contact with him+talking to him more please?


    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • how can i convince my mum to buy me something online?

    i've seen these heels that are gorgeous+a maxi dress that i really like but my mum said that she doesn't feel comfortable putting her card details online to buy the products for me.. somebody please give me a way or some on how to convince her to put her card details in so she can buy them for me.


    5 AnswersOther - Internet9 years ago
  • Can anybody help me with expanding brackets?

    i'm not sure how to work this out;

    (x-7) the brackets are also squared

    thanks :)

    2 AnswersHomework Help9 years ago
  • School make-up for a beginner!?

    i'm 14 and in year 9 in high school now and i don't really tend to wear make-up, at all.. but recently i've wanted to start wearing make-up. Does anyone know any good product names or any tips of how to apply different kinds off make-up?+i'm pale, too, hope it isn't a problem:/


    5 AnswersMakeup9 years ago
  • Jobs for 14 year olds in bury, manchester, does anybody know any places?

    ive always wanted to do something like babysitting or dog walking, but i don't really know anyone with dogs or anyone to babysit for:/ so i'm just looking for a saturday job because i'm only 14 so i was wondering if anybody knew about any jobs or tips to earn some money?

    thank you:)

    2 AnswersManchester9 years ago
  • how do women get their legs so smooth and shiny after shaving?

    i've noticed that a lot of women/girls shave their legs and finish with great silky smooth legs, how do they do this?

    +how do they catch every hair on their legs?

    help me please! thank you:-)

    3 AnswersOther - Skin & Body9 years ago