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  • Why are the Republicans scared to have the media look into their VP?

    Over and over again the conservatives are attacking the media for looking into their vp candidate. WHY? Are they scared to know who this person is?

    5 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • How long do you wait to ask for a second date.

    So I was chatting with a coworker one day and the conversation turned to a bit of a sensitive subject. Well I chose that point to ask if she wanted to discuss it over dinner.

    We went to dinner, in which I'm not exactly sure she viewed it as a date or not.

    How long do I wait to ask for a second date?

    7 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Case law on ownership?

    I'm looking for examples of case law which defines ownership. Specifically I'd like to find Texas Case Law on motor vehicle ownership but anything you can provide in any state would be helpful.

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Should Hillary take on Ted Kennedy's role in the Senate?

    Seriously think about, Kennedy has long been one of the most powerful forces in the US Senate whether or not the Democratic party is in the majority. Clinton who comes in with the name recognition, the fundraising capability, the steadfastness, the support of her constituents as well as a national network of supporters.

    I don't think Hillary has a shot at the Whitehouse this election cycle or in the future, perhaps she should just be content with creating her legacy in the Senate. (In a very powerful role of course.)

    13 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Does Clinton's refusal to accept the reality of the primary remind you...?

    Of Bush's refusal to accept the reality in Iraq?

    12 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Dems, Would you be ok, If Obama reached across the aisle and chose a Republican VP?

    There has been much speculation of VP nominees lately and for the democrats a few rapublicans or former Republicans always seem to be on the short list.

    Chuck Hagel, Michael Bloomberg, Jim Webb?

    To the Democrats would you feel like your party has been betrayed if Obama were to select a republican as VP.

    To the Republicans, would you be more willing to vote for a liberal with a former ally on the ballot?

    20 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • How do we control the inflation of gas prices?

    Here's a bit of information for you,

    During Bush's entire term in office, we have seen gas prices triple. Each rise in prices have come with a different excuse. But can we really blame the Bush administration for the cost of gas?

    Here is a breakdown of the rise in gas prices over the past 29 years for supreme unleaded. (Prices from various parts of Texas)

    April 1980: 1.27/g

    April 1981: 1.47/g

    April 1982: 1.25/g

    April 1983: 1.29/g

    April 1984: 1.25/g

    April 1985: 1.24/g

    April 1986: .87/g

    April 1987: 1.09/g

    April 1988: .97/g

    April 1989: 1.04/g

    April 1990: 1.15/g

    April 1991: 1.12/g

    April 1992: 1.17/g

    April 1993: 1.23/g

    April 1994: 1.19/g

    April 1995: 1.32/g

    April 1996: 1.31/g

    April 1997: 1.29/g

    April 1998: 1.22/g

    April 1999: 1.23/g

    April 2000: 1.66/g

    April 2001: 1.64/g

    April 2002: 1.61/g

    April 2003: 1.86/g

    April 2004: 1.84/g

    April 2005: 2.33/g

    April 2006: 2.83/g

    April 2007: 3.05/g

    April 2008: 3.62/g

    6 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Why does the Secret Service not use blue tooth technology?

    For years the Secret Service has guarded our Presidents, top Candidates and other powerful US Politicians. One can always recognize a secret service agent by the standard black suit, white collar shirt, dark sunglasses, blank stare and the wire running up from the back of their shirt to their ear.

    With technology at the level it is today we see people seemingly talking to themselves all over the place. Even young children have bluetooth headsets for use with their cellphones. Some cars use wireless technology to start the engine, and others you no longer need to place the key in the ignition, as long as the key is nearby.

    So why is the Secret Service using what seems to be the same technology they used in the 70's, 80's, 90's?

    One possible answer could be the security of wireless technology, then again you have to think the communication devices they currently use, allows for wireless communication, so why the wire running to the listening device?

    4 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Does the campaign finance reports relect who should be leading the Country?

    As President one of the biggect decisions one will make is who to place in certain positions.

    A report on the camapaigns finances appears that the Obama campaign has managed their funds far better then their opponets,

    Clinton's campaign reported $8.7 million in debt to numerous vendors.

    McCain's campaign reported $4.3 million of debt, most of which is on a loan McCain took out several months ago. Only 1.3 million was due to unpaid bills.

    While the Obama campaign reports only $625,000 of debt.

    In my view the Irony of all of this is Hillary has managed 2 Presidential campaigns previously. She has the 35 years of expereince (supposedly), she has been herew before, yet she still can't manage her campaign as well as the Obama camp.

    4 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Now that Obama has won more delegates from Texas will Clinton still claim she won Texas?

    In Texas the Democrats don't select their national delegation until the State Convention, however over the weekend we selected what delegates will be going to the State Convention and Obama has the clear majority of delegates attending. It's pretty clear at this point that Obama will have more delegates from Texas at the National Convention then Clinton.

    This results of the State Senatorial Conventions across Texas makes it clear that among Democrats in Texas Obama prevails. It further makes it clear that the effort by Rush Limbaugh to affect our Primary by encouraging Republicans to cast a vote for Hilllary was successful, but in the end the faithful democrats in Texas do support Obama.

    So will Hillary still claim she won Texas? How can she when the Texas delegation won't be supporting her at the National Convention?

    15 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Ezcema related sysmptoms?

    My daughter and I both have a problem with eczema on the back of our legs. Normally we treat with lotion specific for those affected by eczema. However a couple weeks ago I decided to try FIRSTON.

    When I applied Firston to the area, I receive an immediate slight burning feeling, then a cooling feeling much like when using Icy/Hot for muscle soars. I do find that the itching feeling soothed after use and the area begins to clear a bit. However over the past couple weeks I've noticed I'm applying the medication more often and the itching sensation has become more sever, the area also now looks like a bright red rash.

    Has anyone else experienced similar outcomes when using the FirstOn product?

    Also what are the best over the counter products to treat Ezcema related symptoms?

    3 AnswersSkin Conditions1 decade ago
  • Does Oil demand change from day to day?

    Yahoo News is reporting that Oil prices are dropping due to lower demand. Over the past several years, when we have seen oil and gas prices grow exponetially, we are informed the cause was the great demand, the lack of refineries, catastrophes, etc. We have basically heard every possible excuse for the dramatic increases in gas and oil prices. Are we to believe that we have finally reached the point that oil demand has decreased enough to alter the prices?

    I do not doubt that there is a lower demand for oil and gas today. Fuel effecient cars have taken over as the top sellers, while auto makers are struggling to sell the SUVs which dominated the market for so long. It is clear that we as a nation have become more fuel conscience. But why does that affect the oil prices today, when we saw oil reach a new record high earlier this week.

    3 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • If someone sit and wrote down every comment you made for 30 years... What would they find?

    If every comment you made for 30+ years was written down and tracked, do you think there would be anything you have ever said that could be considered anti-American? anti-Religious, anti-Christian, anti-semitic. Would there be anything controversial? Have you ever questioned the actions of the US?

    What about your friends, family members, educators, religious leaders?

    Do you think if you could scan through every comment they had made over the past 30+ years, there would be a few statements that were controversial?

    3 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Is your pastor, preacher, religious leader perfect?

    Do you agree with every sermon you've ever heard from your regular religious leader?

    Can't we accept that no one can control someone else? We should hold candidates accountable for there own actions, views, statements, etc. Except when an advisor is speaking on behalf of the campaign, for example the statements of a campaign Press Secretary can be directly tied to a campaign. However the statements of a friend or family member of a candidate aren’t reflective of the candidate themselves.

    31 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Is Hillary's call for a "dream team" ticket a sign of arrogance?

    Hillary is not the current front runner of the democratic party, yet she and her campaign is calling for the current front runner to be her VP. Is this blatant arrogance?

    18 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Why was Hillary against mandated Health Insurance in 1994 and for it in 2008?

    Read the following quote from Hillary Clinton in 1994, In it she states that Mandated healthcare coverage leaves millions uninsured. However she has never stated as such during the campaign. Why was Hillary against mandated Health Insurance in 1994 and for it in 2008?

    'The only examples we have of individual mandates are those like auto insurance requirements in many states where, in spite of the fact that the state has access to all drivers through the licensing process, literally thousands and even hundreds of thousands of drivers remain uninsured in states with such an individual mandate.'

    14 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Which scandal is most detrimental to the candidates Presidential campaign?

    Rezko, Whitewater, Pardongate, Travelgate, Keating 5.

    4 AnswersElections1 decade ago