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Crazy cat lady.

  • Why does it turn me on when I think about my husband having sex with another women?

    I'm jealous and protective over my husband, but the thought of him being with someone else makes me all hot and bothered. But if I were to catch him cheating on me it will be WWII all over again. I really don't get it. Is it just me being human and my animal instincts?

    5 AnswersMarriage & Divorce7 years ago
  • What is the percentage of nemex-2 working for my 7 month old fixed kitten?

    She is a rescue that showed up on my door step around 4 months old. She was very lovable and emaciated and malnourished big time. I recently got her spayed 2 1/2 weeks ago. I noticed a week ago when she was using her litter box I seen a small white parasite moving in her poo poo. I've only fount one more since then. I can't afford another vet visit right now. She stays inside most of time and there is only one cat in the neighborhood. It's a feral cat who will not leave her alone for nothing! Humps on her ALL the time. She doesn't let him, they always fight and she runs in through her cat door. Anyways I went to my local feed store and bought nemex-2. I just wanna know is it going to get rid of them and has anyone had any success with it for they kittens and cats. Thanks!

    2 AnswersCats7 years ago
  • Attachment image

    Can I let my cat use the litter box the day she had surgery?

    Should I just keep her in her cage all night or try and let her use it? She's not meowing or anything. She is just chill and still tripping off the ketamine. I know about the no food or water right after surgery. I did rub some water with my index finger on her lips twice to get her mouth moist if it is dry. She is already trying to lick her incision and sutures. The sutures and incisions look good. My vet did a great job on her. I think I may just leave her be in the extra bedroom in her cage in the dark. She is a 7 month old long haired tabby. Her coloration consist of grey stripes with a white chest. Such a sweet baby. I rescued her two months ago.

    1 AnswerCats7 years ago
  • Does anyone know of any successful ways of sleeping when prescribed adderall?

    I'm a 24 year old female nursing student who was recently diagnosed with ADD. I started taking adderall two months ago. 20mg, 1x a day. On exam days or clinical rotations I would take 2. Confirmed that with my dr. and he said its fine. Well, when I first start taking it again after a few days of being out, I can't sleep for roughly three days. I try and try but no success. I will lay in bed for hours and just lay there. I guess maybe at some point I may have slept for an hour or less. After the third day I'm so drained and exhausted, I can barely hold my head up and I'll sleep for hours on end. After those 3-4 initial days of starting back adderall, my sleep pattern goes back to normal. Any remedies that anyone might know of, besides sleeping pills and alcohol. In which both I despise.

    3 AnswersMedicine7 years ago
  • How do I get a 65 pound pit bull and a 3 month old kitten to get along?

    We've had the pit since a puppy. He's never been around cats ever. He's 3 years old. The kitten just showed up on our front door two weeks ago. Very emancipated and weak. She's very very lovable but when she sees another dog or cat she goes insane hissing and popping. Our pit just sits and stares at her. She has snuck out the room before and ran up to him. They just starred at each other. Our pup doesn't have an inch of meanness in his bones. Given he is a pit bull I wouldn't know if he'd kill her not if the opportunity presented itself. I would hope he wouldn't hurt her. If they got along they would adore each other. They love to play and run. They would be purrfect for each other. Help please! Need advice and answers on what to do with these two!

    3 AnswersCats7 years ago