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Why does my wife get upset with me when I try to help her clean the house?
The house is a mess and she says she will do it later but nothing changes.
17 AnswersMarriage & Divorce2 years agoIf God loves me why does He allow bad things to happen to me?
I have lung issues and it is hard to breath felling like I am suffocating. I have a sprain in my right ankle. I have heart issues taking meds. I have a torn muscle in my arm hardly can use it. What is He going to send my way next? I pray often seeking His face and have worshipped Him trying to keep His ways and all this evil comes on my body.
4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality3 years agoWhy doesn t God answer my prayers even when they are unselfish prayers? I pray for others more than myself!?
I am a Christian and pray in the name of Jesus as the Bible says to do.
19 AnswersReligion & Spirituality3 years agoWhy doesn t God take out satan if He hates evil like the Bible says He does?
I don t like satan and don t want him around in my life yet God allows him to do his evil.
20 AnswersReligion & Spirituality3 years agoIf Jesus took all my sickness and diseases why hasn't He healed me when I believed it and I bother Him often about this?
Matthew 8:17
This was to fulfill what was spoken through the prophet Isaiah: "He took up our infirmities and bore our diseases.
Why would He take all my sickness upon Himself if He turns me away every time I come to Him in prayer? I am a Christian and am filled with the Holy Ghost!
2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality3 years agoWhy does God permit us to age and grow old in pain and weakness not able to do things like we use to?
I feel like if it gets any worse I m going to check out or die. I don t want to be a burden to anyone and can t handle the pain day after day fighting to do all my responsibilities when it gets harder everyday :(
16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality3 years agoWhy did God create the tree of good and evil if He knew Adam and Eve would eat from it?
Why would God set up Adam and Eve with a temptation tempting them to fall away with satans help of course? Now we all have to suffer a lifetime cursed on earth just because God did this and now we suffer from the fall of Adam and Eve even if we don t want to.
13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality4 years agoWhy did my earthly father treat me better than the God of the Bible?
My dad listened to me and was there for me and was my best friend but God has none of these qualities at all.
8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality4 years agoWhy would God ask us to keep our promises with Him when He never keeps His promises with us?
He said all the works I do you shall do also. Lay hands on the sick and they SHALL recover. Raise the dead, remove mountains or circumstances when we tell them to move. He said He would answer our prayers when we pray even when we pray unselfish prayers in behalf of a hurting person He ignores it. I know what Gods Word says and He says WHOSOEVER says..........? God should never give promises to us to keep when He doesn t keep His very own promises He gave to us. Many still make excuses over and over again why God doesn t act upon His own promises. I didn t make the promises in the Bible God did so why should we trust the promises if He doesn t act on them when we act on them by faith like He told us to do? 30 trusting.
4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality4 years agoWhy doesn't Gods Word work after speaking it 100 times against the devil to leave?
The Bible says the Word of God is alive and powerful so why doesn't it work when it is spoken into the air against the problems and circumstances? Even Jesus said it could remove mountains so why doesn't it happen even when I believed it could after speaking the word? This is one reason why I left the faith because I want something that works.
6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality4 years agoWhy doesn't God prove that He loves me in todays life?
It's not enough to read it in the Bible, I want Him to show it in todays life in the mids of my suffering getting while I'm older every day.
All there is is suffering the morning I wake up until it's time to go to bed and it makes me bitter toward God because he allows this suffering I don't want in my life.
18 AnswersReligion & Spirituality4 years agoWhy is God trying to destroy me?
He bullies me trying to push me around and hurts me through hard times. He took my mom and dad away along with my wife's parents just shortly. I feel like I have nothing anymore or a propose in my life because I wait for God to do something else to tear me down to the ground like he has done before. I wait for blessings but he curses me instead with difficult times.
19 AnswersReligion & Spirituality4 years agoWhy does God create tornado s that kill people destroying everything they have?
The Bible says ALL things were created by Him and for Him including tornado s that destroy. How can this turn anyone on for a God who claims to love when He destroys!
14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality4 years ago