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  • Have you experienced tooth damage from a lip ring?

    I ve wanted a lip ring for about 12 years. I finally want to get it done but now I see stories about it causing gum/tooth damage. My teeth are really bad while the few teeth in the area I want to have the ring aren t messed up, I don t want to mess them up.

    I m just looking for experienced opinions, have you noticed after a few years of wearing a lip ring that your gumline has receded or any teeth got chipped? Because of my bad dental history, should I just avoid having this kind of piercing done? Thanks

    3 AnswersDental5 years ago
  • Severe pain is interfering with my ability to work properly, and work is NOT accommodating. What should I do?

    I have been plagued with mild chronic pain since around age 13, but in the past year it has exploded into moderate to severe bursts to constant moderate pain or severe episodes. I stand on my feet working all day, 40 hours a week, and I've gotten to the point where just lifting my arm is awful. I am seeing a vascular surgeon next week as the neurologist thinks it's thoracic outlet syndrome (other neurological causes have been eliminated).

    When I'm up on my feet moving around, I have a lot of pain, and I'm very dizzy and if it gets bad, I get rather disorientated and start forgetting what I'm doing. It's like a disturbingly unpleasant case of brain fog.

    If I take all of my medications as directed to keep me from experiencing anything but mild pain, I'm way too groggy to work or do anything useful. I work in the healthcare industry so it's not safe for me to have these kinds of episodes where my judgement and thinking is that clouded.

    I've explained this to my boss, and other people I work with, but they are absolutely determined that I can "do better", even though I am REALLY pushing myself doing what I do right now. I've explained many times when I push myself too hard I start forgetting what I'm doing and feeling disorientated but it's falling on deaf ears. They're furious with me, like I'm faking or something.

    I have one more week to get through until this appointment and I feel like I am going to lose my s*** at these people before I make it there. What can I do?

    3 AnswersPain & Pain Management6 years ago
  • Please give me some examples of when you explained to an interviewer about why you (suddenly or not) quit a terrible, awful job?

    I suddenly quit my job 3 weeks ago, a day after turning my notice in. There's many reasons, which ultimately came to a head to the fact they never would make the schedule in advance and they thought it was ok to schedule me every second I wasn't in class and not tell me no matter how much I asked. It was highly disrespectful on top of the other things I had dealt with since I started there that I had quietly dealt with (even though it put me in a serious bind).

    I have plenty of GOOD things to say about how the experience and the workload greatly improved my skills and speed/efficiency by leaps and bounds, but I just don't know how to nicely say the reason I quit w/o complaining.

    I have an opportunity to interview for the job I REALLY want and am currently in classes to become certified in before the end of the year. This is major because it's very hard to break into this particular line of work right of the street.

    Anyway, my question is I want to hear what some of y'all have said to interviewers when talking about how you left a really shitty job, especially if you left suddenly. I'm not sure if putting the spin on "I left for school." or saying something like "I left suddenly because while I communicated my plans for returning to school and discussed my schedule with them in advance, they refused to acknowledge it after the fact and wouldn't give me the courtesy of even discussing it." are acceptable answers. I did live notice, but I cut it short. I'm so worried.

    4 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment7 years ago
  • I gave notice to my job on Wednesday, but I ended up quitting today. Am I really screwed now?

    I am in severe emotional distress and I absolutely could not continue.

    Now you can call me unprofessional and hate on me all you want, but here are the facts:

    1. Sudden hours cut in April completely screwed me over, they never went back to normal. The problem is they cut our hours even though we were DESPERATELY in need of help and already way more busy that we could handle. It just made a difficult job even worse.

    2. When there was a misunderstanding or disagreement and I wanted to talk it out and make compromises, I was always ignored and told to deal with it...

    3.)... Which resulted in my injury and lead to a serious amount of pain that I still have, and my request for accommodation was ignored (I had to take matters into my own hands, but it was an uphill battle with other inconsiderate co-workers) and I continued to work daily in moderate to severe pain. I tried to file for worker's comp but they did everything to get around it. There are certain activities per my doctor I am not supposed to do, and they don't give a s***.

    3 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment7 years ago
  • Brand New LG Dryer has burning smell when drying on high?

    We got a brand new LG dryer on Friday that has been working perfectly except for one little issue. When drying on the highest setting it smells like burning plastic... kinda like the "new" smell it came with, just burnt. I'm about to have to construct some sort of clothes line to hang my blanket and housecoat on to dry outside because it literally cannot dry them without leaving that smell in there :X I have to put it on timed dry because the sensor keeps detecting they are dry prematurely.

    Googling the problem seems to get mixed results. I can't find any complaints about the model I have in regards to this smell, but a lot of things saying that this is a common issue that will pass after a few uses... It's been 5 days and I've used the dryer quite a bit in those few days, shouldn't it burn off by now?

    Dryer is functioning without any noise or vibrations, vent was cleaned out prior to use and I have double checked that it's still clear (tube and going to outside the house) and I've kept the lint trap very clean and have cleaned it all out again just to make sure. I don't know if I should call LG or just give it a little more time. There ISN'T any smell left when I dry normal clothes on low heat. And the long cycle I'm doing right now the smell has seemed to dissipate though it's still very much soaked into the blanket and housecoat :X I'm just gonna have to dry them in another machine at this point. Anyone else have a similar issue with a new dryer?

    2 AnswersCleaning & Laundry7 years ago
  • So I'm now officially covered under my mom's insurance... and insurance from my employer. How does this work?

    I've spent the last hour googling, and I can't seem to find a straight answer that would apply to my situation.

    My mom was laid off in 2010 and we both lost our original coverage when COBRA ran out at the end of 2011. I've been covered by an employer twice in this time (this current plan I've had since August).

    My current plan is really great but I found out at the end of last year that they will be terminating this plan and all that will be available are high deductible plans. Enrollment starts April 4th, so right now I've got to wait another week to see what my exact deductible and payroll contributions will be.

    My mom finally has a permanent job again with good benefits so I'm on her plan again because we weren't sure how my insurance wasn't going to play out and... It's not looking good.

    The only reason I want to KEEP my insurance because every quarter my company will put $1000 on an HSA card + whatever I contribute. This would help me immensely because I don't make enough to basically pay out of pocket for everything and I have a lot of bills left from the last time I had a high deductible plan.

    But would this screw me rather than help? Right now my personal plan and my mom's are pretty much equal in coverage, but what happens when a high deductible plan is primary and one with a much lower deductible is secondary? Will the secondary pick anything up because I will be paying 100% til the deductible on my primary is met. Would it be better just to ditch it?

    4 AnswersInsurance7 years ago
  • Severe neck pain and I can't get my boss to give me less time on the phone?

    I was diagnosed in 2008 with having a perfectly straight neck (lacking curve), and I had xrays again in 2010 that showed this again but no one ever made a big deal about it so I thought nothing of it. I was seeing chiropractors and this helped other areas of my body, but not my neck. I'm seeing one again and yet again, it's not doing a thing for the neck.

    Apparently this lack of curve is a good way for discs to degenerate or pinch nerves. Since 2008 I have been seeing floaters/spots that are not actually in my eye, but are "electrical" in nature and they've never stopped. On most days I have a dull sensation in the back of my neck or very mild pain I've grown accustomed to.

    I want to see a spine/neck specialist, but I'd prefer to get the recommendation from my doctor, my physical is on the 25th, and I want him to be in the know when I do this and not just do it without his input. I've never really complained about my neck pain to him before (and he probably won't be happy that I hadn't :P) because on a normal basis, I'm not putting it through the strain that causes this type of pain. I've just tolerated it because again I didn't think it was that big of a deal.

    But now I am in severe pain because I work in retail pharmacy, and I am continuously being stuck in the drive thru (which I already hate by itself!) at this store I am working at now.

    If you've ever gone to CVS or Walgreens and gone through the drive thru, its someone there talking to you through a phone. I already have some limited mobility in my neck when its going to the right side, I can't hold a phone on the right so I can only do it in the left. There has been no shoulder rest (I just bought one for the phone but its a tiny one and not a great huge one which probably won't do me much good, but I will try). And sometimes I've been stuck there the entire 8 hour shift.

    The past week I haven't had to really do it, but it's getting to the point I can tolerate it less and less. Last night it wasn't a long long period of time (2 maybe 3 hours) but the pain was so intense and hasn't relented today (I was off today). I'm having shoot paints that go to the front of my head, all the way down my shoulders and arms on the left side. I've had weakness in my right side on rare occasion before when I've stressed out my neck, but now it's happening a lot more often (not constant, but often). There's also pain shooting down my jaw. Right now its in the front left side of my head then running down from my neck through my upper left arm.

    I may have to call my doctor and get the recommendation because I think I really cannot tolerate anymore of this. Sometimes I'm seeing stars too. At work they think it's just stress and strain and i'm just complaining about a little soreness but this is serious. There are neurological symptoms and it is extremely unpleasant. I don't think they're going to believe me, but I feel bad about calling up my doctor because I really don't know what to ask for.

    Has anyone been in this situation with their boss? They just absolutely refuse to believe me and until I get a doctor's note I don't know what to do. I honestly would be fine with doing the job if it didn't cause me such pain. I'm losing even more upper body strength and carrying heavy things, even my own purse, is getting challenging. I'm just 23 so I'm scared of doing damage that will live with me for the rest of my life. My mother really doesn't think it's that serious because no one made a big deal out of it before.

    How could I possibly put this that makes it sound serious. Or do I have to fake having a major painful episode, because I really don't want to wait until I have one.

  • Am I an a*hole for walking out on a job like this?

    I do have another job lined up. I've been staying with a relative for over a year after finding a job in this area. I left my original store with much regret because the commute and hours didn't leave me with anything left over. I moved to the store in town a little over a month ago.

    About 3 people here are the absolute worst I have ever worked with. I've never not gotten along anything below really well or pleasantly amicable at the worst before with coworkers at any job I've had before. The job is extremely stressful and this hostile work environment is terrible. I think I have a couple of reasonable deal breakers only the most inconsiderate can violate, and it happened in the first week. I'm sorry that I'm not going to be in pain and miserable for your personal comfort kind of unreasonable. I've never been told to suffer for someone else's comfort before and I'm not sure how to respond to that. I'm always hyper sensitive to others needs at work, but I've really never had to do anything extreme.

    Ok, so that's it. I'm going back home. I've got a job waiting by my house. They want me immediately but let me put in 2 weeks here.

    When I went to put in my 2 weeks here my boss said no. No they're not going to let me move until they find someone else. Apparently per company policy if I'm moving then they can't block my transfer. Home is 90 miles away and I don't think the company will pay out 180 miles in round trip mileage, either. And for all intents and purposes up there is my legal address and I already changed it with the company too, so it really can't be contested.

    I've never ever left a job without decent notice and without permission before. My transfer will be very sneaky and it's actually quite underhanded. Everyone tells me I shouldn't feel too bad but basically this Friday after my shift I'm walking out. This is the worst time of year to walk out and leave anyone short handed but that's what im having to do. Am I an a*hole??

    2 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment7 years ago
  • Should I try and contact my younger half brother, or should I wait a bit longer?

    I won't dive into a lot of details, but basically my father is a horrible person who has done a lot of bad things, including some abuse to myself when I was a small child. It's been about 9-10 years now since I spoke to him, even though he lives pretty close to me. I'm 22, if that matters.

    My father has always cared more about his step-children then his actual children, I've heard some bad things about how he's treated my younger half-brother in public for unreasonable things. I remember they used to treat him like he was an annoying little brat, but he really wasn't.

    A part of me wants to contact him, he's the only thing that I never disliked about that family, and he is my brother. He is 16 now, so I really have no idea if he would ever have any interest in speaking to me. I could try, but I'm not sure what kind of drama that would stir up with the rest of them. They have made feeble attempts to contact me a handful of times over the years but I ignored it.

    I've been an emotional mess for most of my life and I'm now at a place where I am really trying to strengthen my internal-strength and move on from a lot of these life long struggles I've dealt with. I might not be ready to contact him yet, but I would like to do it sometime.

    Maybe I still need to think on it further, but the basic question is since I've ignored them all for so long, should I even bother with trying to contact him??? I know this all sounds wishy-washy and I know I still am on the subject, I'm just curious if anyone else has been in this situation.

    2 AnswersFamily8 years ago
  • Insurance went up after accident that wasn't my fault. How does that work?

    Over a year and a half has passed since this incident, but as I'm looking at getting a new car and my own insurance in the next year I'm still trying to figure out exactly how this worked. I also have no idea if this accident is on my record. I would think it is, but after this accident we switched insurance companies and it had absolutely no baring on my rate, in fact I got a rate decently lower then my original one.

    I came into an intersection right when my light turned green, and I didn't bother to look around and ran into someone who ran a red light. I was not given a ticket. My car was totaled (it was a 2002 Cavalier) probably due to the airbags going off/busting my windshield because the other damage wasn't too awful. The other driver was not insured, nor was a legal resident/immigrant. They hired some cash-only lawyer to sue me for damages (obviously not successful, they lied about all of the details to boot, and State Farm shut it down). I had full coverage, so I was reimbursed for the car being totaled but the deductible was lost due to the other driver not being insured. Despite being assured by SF I was not the one at fault, they still more then doubled my premium. I still do not understand that to this day, even the police report says I wasn't at fault.

    Like I mentioned before when we switched insurance (still keeping full coverage as well) my rate was actually lower then it was before. Eventually I will need to get my own plan, but I'm wondering about how I need to, or if I need to at all, put down about that accident.

    This is somewhat of a pointless question, but I really don't know anyone with decent knowledge of how car insurance really works so I thought I might try here and **maybe** get lucky. I know some folks who were at fault in accidents and didn't have that kind of premium spike.

    1 AnswerInsurance & Registration8 years ago
  • How much loose leaf tea do I need for 14oz, having a hard time with this?

    I've been making my tea 8 oz at a time in an 8oz tea cup with infuser, and today I recieved a 14oz mug.

    I like my tea strong, and just doubling what I would do for the 8 oz tea doesn't work at all (so to double I put a tablespoon and a bit extra) in fact one of my teas (an oolong blend) it took 3 tablespoons (!!!) to get the proper strong flavor, to me if its too watery or light it tastes horrible. That's the only one I got right, my black and white teas stayed too watery.

    Is it weird to use that much tea for 14 oz (414ml)? I want to enjoy a larger cup of tea at one time but if I have to use that much tea each time I'm going to run out in no time. I also have a problem going to the full steep time of certain teas (even though I am using the correct temperature of water) Some teas I can only steep for a minute (even though it says 3-5 minutes on the directions) or else its too bitter. Am I missing something obvious to do this "the correct way" or is this just a personal preference thing?

    1 AnswerNon-Alcoholic Drinks8 years ago
  • Does living in the country look bad to rescue groups?

    I loooove french bulldogs, and I have decided to adopt an adult dog. I am very excited, I love frenchies so much and really want one in my home.

    Right now I am living with my grandfather, watching out and doing stuff for him. Going to save up enough money until I can move across country. He lives out in the country, on 15 acres. There is barbed wire fence, but nothing that keeps dogs in or out. The swimming pool does have a fence around it, but there are 2 tanks/ponds on the property that are not enclosed. I have a miniature dachshund, and my grandpa here also has another dachshund and a black lab. My dog will stay inside when it's too hot or too cold, but when it's just right she usually opts to stay outside until bedtime as the other dogs do.

    I've lived at my grandparents on and off for years and have had many dogs, including bringing dogs we would foster back at home with me on weekends or for holidays. Dogs that had never been unleashed before ran around playing having a good time and never attempted to run off.

    If it's too hot or too cold I would keep a frenchie inside except for necessary potty breaks (since they do not tolerate either very well... neither do I lol). If it's nice and moderate outside (not too warm but not cold), I'd let the dog stay outside and play with the others. My grandpa is retired and usually just stays home, so the dogs are not left alone for any extended period of time.

    I know a lot of places are anal about fences, on the adoption form it is making me choose what type of fence I have, there is no option to say no fence. The only time the dogs go away from close to the house is if like me or my grandpa are with them. They never stray far from me. Should I just go ahead and just submit it as is or do I need to try and get a hold of someone and explain the situation? Our property is at where the county road dead ends, and the house is on the opposite side of the hill/other side of the property where the road is not even remotely visible, so they aren't going out and getting in the road.

    Has anyone else been rejected because of a no fence deal even out in the country?

    2 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • Dachshund had surgery Saturday, has had no bowel movement since Monday?

    I've got a 5 year old 12 pound Dachshund, she had surgery Saturday to get a good bit of stitches after getting mauled by another dog :(

    She is doing very well and healing up, but she has not has a bowel movement since Monday. She is usually regular usually going twice daily, atleast once. Very rarely has she been constipated, and it usually passes on its own.

    She had a large BM monday after I brought her home from being at the vet over the weekend, and she is eating her normal amount of food and drinking a good bit of water, but she is not going at all. I don't even see her straining trying to even attempt to go like she normally will when constipated. I totally forgot to ask the vet this morning about it.

    I bought her wet dog food, and she ate some last night, but she has been going and eating her dry kibble. Should I try and switch her to soft food only until she has a BM? Is there something I can give her? Everything I see is recommended for dogs that are 60+ pounds, and I don't want to give her too much.

    She is taking Clavamox 125mg twice daily for one week that she started on Monday, and is also taking 1/4 of a tab of tramadol 50mg twice a day for pain.

    The past couple of days she has been doing ok but she is starting to look uncomfortable, the pain medicine was taking care of any pain from her injuries but now I think she may be feeling unwell from not being able to have a BM (I have IBS with constipation, and it'll make me really sick if I can't go).

    Does anyone have a successful treatment for constipation in small dogs?

    3 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • Do I need to have 2 resumes? Please help?

    I lost my job a month ago, for stupid reasons (many out of my control) but here I am completely out of money and desperate to land anything I can get within reason. This was sudden and out of the blue, I was doing a contract job, had passed the intial contract by awhile and was looking to get hired. They decided not to hire me and kicked me to the curb with nothing.

    I have been working as a pharmacy technician for a year and a half and right now I just want to find a part time job that'll get me any money so I can pay my bills and not hurt my credit. Whatever. I just don't want to go back to Walmart, I seriously thought of committing suicide at the time and don't want to repeat that venture. Other then that, then whatever.

    I'm having some trouble reformatting my resume to where it works as a general work resume, and my technician resume. I don't want it to seem that i'm desperate (though I am at this point) I will still look for another technician job, but I may not find that right away. It took a lot of time and patience to find my last technician jobs.

    Is it ok to make a resume that has all of my technician/pharmacy skills highlighted along with general work experience things, or should I have one that just states my last tech jobs and leaves out the skills except the things that apply to general work experience?

    2 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment9 years ago
  • Is it alright to keep Platies and Otos at 82 F?

    I just recently moved to my grandpa's to find work in another place, and I have this 10 gallon I've had established for about a year and a half now. At home the house is always ice cold, and with the heater, the tank usually sat at 72-75 F. My grandpa does not allow the A/C to be turned below 82 (I know >_>) So my tank (even with the lights off/at night) is sitting at 82 F for the water temperature. I don't even have the heater plugged in, the temperature is never budging.

    I have an adult platy (that I've had since after cycling), 3 otos (I've had them over a year as well), 2 almost adult-sized young platies, then 4 3-4 week old platy fry (unfortunately I lost the mother right before I made this move :( ) It's a planted tank, and I do have a bubble wand (brand new, I moved the tank on Monday and replaced it when I set the tank up) for aeration... I'm just worried this high temperature is not going to be good for them. I don't really see much literature about keeping the tank above 80 unless it's for breeding (or killing certain diseases).

    Now when winter comes the house will be ice cold (which will be awhile, it's texas) and I'll have to plug the heater back up, and they'll probably go back to 70s temps.

    Will this temperature be ok for them? My parameters are good but everyone is... not quite as active as normal (though they were kinda blagh before the move too) They will still come out for food as usual, but they prefer to stay in the shadows. Only "Monster Oto" (the largest and fearless oto) is coming out and about and going around as usual. Is that a sign the temperature is too warm? Is there a cooler I can buy for a 10 gallon tank?

    1 AnswerFish9 years ago
  • How to attach corkboard to brick wall without screws/nails?

    Does anyone have any recommendations for attaching a cork/bulletin board to a brick wall without having to drill for screws and nails. This is just a long piece of cork, and not anything thats framed. It's got a little bit of weight to it, but not much. It's successful hung on a regular wall for over a year and now I've moved elsewhere.

    I used some command strips to try and attach it to the wall that way (they were the small ones though) and it held for a few hours... and then just dropped off (I hadn't even put anything on the board yet). I don't want a permanent solution like drilling a hole in the brick. Has anyone had a good solution for this problem?

    The wall is made of old chicago brick (that's a bit crumbly) and not smooth cinderblock, I have used the command strips on cinderblock before and it works, but it did not want to stay attached to this wall. Thanks~

    2 AnswersDecorating & Remodeling9 years ago
  • 6 days after snake bite, dog is looking a bit worse?

    My mom's 5-6 year old ish dachshund (18 pounds, "tweenie" sized) was bitten by a snake last Thursday while here at my grandpa's. I was out of town and came back Saturday evening, and my grandpa hadn't bothered to tell us about the snake bite. I didn't know until I saw the giant swollen area on his underside, near his boyhood. My grandpa he thinks he killed the snake which bit him, which was a juvenile copperhead.

    He had been moving around, though slowly, and eating and drinking normally. Spent a lot of time laying around because jumping and running like he normally would is painful. Yesterday he moved around a bit more like normal. I have been giving him benadryl and now trying a baby aspirin. Today he has been extremely lethargic, and will not eat (but did drink a normal amount of water) I can't even get him to eat cheese, which must mean the apocalypse is near. Though seriously, I am worried.

    He is alert and attentive, and he can walk and will drink water. Urination is normal, but I have not seen him defecate, probably because he hasn't eaten today (until today though, his appetite has been normal). I'm just worried his energy seems to be declining.

    I've never seen a dog recover from a copperhead bite so slowly... my grandpa had a miniature dachshund that tormented a small copperhead and was bit in the face. I saw it happen and gave him benadryl immediately and he only had minimal swelling and discomfort for a day, and then it was done. Maybe it was because he had no treatment for 2 days. Anyone elses dog that I've seen bitten usually bounces back quite quickly, but these are larger dogs.

    He still has some swelling in the area, but the wound is scabbed and healing normally. There are no signs of necrosis anywhere on his body. I found what looked like bite marks on his face, back, and shoulder, I was picking at what looked like sticky spots on his fur and they revealed wounds. The skin looked pink, healthy, normal, no signs of puss/infection. I can touch and squeeze them and they do not appear to be painful to him (or he'd let me know, he's snappy when he is in pain and there was plenty of that a few days ago) I have been treating those with sulfadene, and its been 8 hours since he last got some benadryl so it's time for that again.

    I called around to some vets in this area but they were wanting to charge an outrageous amount and would not offer a payment plan (I just lost my job and I've got health issues myself. There are also no E-Vets in this area at all)... which seems really sketchy to me (so you just turn people away if they can't afford treatment all at once? wow). My grandpa won't pay for it, and my mom is thinking I should let him ride it out, but I plan on taking him to his regular vet tomorrow if he shows no improvement.

    Please no OMG HE NEEDS TO GO TO THE VET RIGHT NOWWWWW!! posts, I was looking to see if anyone else had a similar experience in a dog recovering from a snakebite. His breathing is normal, he doesn't appear to be any distress other then the fact it's uncomfortable. The swelling is down a lot and the pain as well (I can touch and apply pressure to his sore, and treat his other wounds/possible bite marks without any issue or any indications from him that he's in pain... a few days ago he would try to take my hand off). I just don't like that he is staying very still and not wanting to eat... Him not having an appetite is scary. This dog just doesn't refuse cheese. Ever.

    Yes he needed immediate treatment, but my grandpa didn't tell me or my mother. Yes my mother should take care of her own dog, but she's dumb. So here I am.

    10 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • Crossing the border into Canada with samples for prescription drugs, is this ok?

    I'm going to be taking a bus across the border into Canada on Wednesday, and I'm on a few prescriptions. I went to my doctor last Tuesday and since my COBRA had not been active yet, he gave me a months worth of samples for my thyroid and acid-reflux meds so I didn't have to buy them til my COBRA started up. So these are all in sample packs. I read that it wasn't a big deal getting thru the airport with them, but I heard they do a more thorough check of your things at the border and I'm wondering if they would not allow me to bring on medicine that was not in an RX bottle, and I really have to take these. Does anyone know if this would be a problem or not?

    7 AnswersOther - Canada9 years ago
  • Why is the bark falling off all of the red oak trees?

    I live out in east Texas, and all of our big old red oak trees (all are 100+ years old at least) are loosing their bark. Like they're shedding. None of these trees are really close together, but it's only affecting the oak trees. All the other trees look normal. I've also noticed the oak trees didn't really drop their leaves. The leaves are dead but still on the trees (they also went brown a little early, but they've done that in drought years past). Is it just because of the drought?

    4 AnswersGarden & Landscape9 years ago
  • Wii controller won't come on?

    I got a red wii last year for christmas. I've used it a few times, but not heavily. I went to play it last night and my wii remote won't light up at all. The batteries have been changed, I tried synching but it won't come on at all. I borrowed another wiimote and it synched up to my wii just fine. Since it won't come on at all, is it a busted lost cause? Just wondering if there is something else I might can try.

    1 AnswerNintendo Wii9 years ago