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  • Does this make you chuckle?

    Not really a poem, more playing with words and ideas, but there is no intention of offence or insult, all I wish to do is make people chuckle, so please say if it does.

    I apologise unreservedly to any who may get upset by my playful take on things, and if you like it please cut and paste and pass it on. Laughter should be free and more is required.

    The Artists’ Prayer.

    Divine Inspiration, happen upon us we beseech you, mere Artists such as we are;

    Doomed to view and analyse everything around us in an oddly creative way whilst remaining aloof and lonely in a crowd.

    Allow us this day meagre recognition of our artistic endeavours that we may find true patrons who baulk not at covering material costs up front on commissions.

    We pray that we sell something soon and can pay all bills long past due.

    Lead us in the dance of elusive funding and give us the formulas to access Arts Council Grants.

    Forgive us our egotistical narcissisms as we forgive the egotistical narcissisms of others, (well mostly).

    Grant us the stamina to continue projects through the 72 hrs. required to hit deadlines, surviving on coffee, tea and choccie biccies.

    And if we succeed we will judge our success by how many of our ideas get appropriated by others whilst receiving no acknowledgement or credit.

    For Art is the power to glorify the absurdity of normal,

    And show the normality of the surreal,

    Whenever, however and whichever way it doth so occureth to us to do so.

    4 AnswersWords & Wordplay8 years ago