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Lv 1152 points

Mr. Sok

Favorite Answers17%
  • Find a nonzero vector u with initial point P(-1, 3, -5) such that?

    u has the same direction as v = (6, 7, -3).

    So far my only ideas are to either add or subtract the two sets, but I'm confused because v is a vector where P is just a point. I'm having trouble visualizing 3d vectors, so if anyone could tell me how to go about this with a good explaination I'd really appreciate it.

    1 AnswerMathematics1 decade ago
  • Should I learn C# or C++?

    I'm a novice programmer, but I've become pretty proficient in Python and now that I have a good grasp on what programming in general is, I'd like to start learning a language that's used more widely. C++ is the obvious choice, but I've heard that C# is up and coming and is better for simpler tasks? Thanks!

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • What are you currently working towards?

    Improving my appearance. From toning up to skin care to all new clothes. I feel like that isn't enough though.


    11 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Is there a pharmacist out there to whom I can ask a bunch of questions?

    I'm a high school senior with many questions and only so many points. If there's somebody who's already a pharmacist or is in school to become one and who wouldn't mind posting their contact info or whatever, I would greatly appreciate it.

    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Is there a pharmacist out there to whom I can ask a bunch of questions?

    I'm a high school senior with many questions and only so many points. If there's somebody who's already a pharmacist or is in school to become one and who wouldn't mind posting their contact info or whatever, I would greatly appreciate it.

    1 AnswerOther - Science1 decade ago
  • Is it normal to usually hold in your stomach?

    I'm 5'10" 150ish, so not really that fat. If I stand up straight and hold in my stomach (which I normally do throughout the day subconsciously) I look fine. But I can relax it and I look like a pregnant woman. Do the skinniest people not have that, or does that happen to everybody if they relax the stomach-area muscles?

    6 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • lim as x-> 0 of tan(ax)/sin(bx) ?

    Can't use derivatives or L'hospital's rule.

    I know to turn to sines and cosines so...

    sin(ax)/(sin(bx)cos(ax)) but what can I do with the a's and b's?

    2 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago
  • If you don't believe anything matters, is it best to just pretend things do?

    I mean I've been a little depressed since I realized that ultimately nothing matters (not religious), and I really don't know what to do. I know certain things can still be enjoyable just because the brain is chemically programmed to find them enjoyable, but really, is it best to just pretend things matter and carry on with my life?

    8 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade ago
  • I need a hobby, any ideas?

    Tried playing musical instruments (guitar and trumpet), not for me. Video games, not for me. Sports, not for me. Sculpting, painting, drawing, writing, cooking, not for me. I read but after like an hour a day I get tired of it, so I still have many more hours in the day to fill. I do eat well and I do exercise daily. I have a job, I'm in school and study as much as I need to. I hang out with friends on the weekends, have movie nights, etc. and that's all fun. But I can't do that everyday now, and especially not once I'm out of college, so I need something I can do at home, alone, and daily, to just keep my mind busy - I'm starting to get a little depressed.

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • What are you unhappy with?

    I sat down to make a list of things I'm unhappy/happy with in my life. And I realized basically everything I'm doing all day every day, is to try to fix one of the following three things:

    my appearance

    constant boredom

    not having a future plan

    Buying new clothes, losing weight, trying to find new hobbies, stressing about college, all stem from those three things. And I honestly can't think of anything else bothering me.

    So how about you guys? It's kind of a relief to know that there really isn't that much making me unhappy.

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Do you have any hobbies you work on every day?

    As opposed to more semi-regular scheduled activities, like hiking. If so, what are they?

    For me, if I'm not doing homework or on the internet, I'm just playing guitar. I feel like I need something else to spice things up.

    6 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Do you have any hobbies you work on every day?

    As opposed to more semi-regular scheduled activities, like hiking. If so, what are they?

    For me, if I'm not doing homework or on the internet, I'm just playing guitar. I feel like I need something else to spice things up.

    1 AnswerHobbies & Crafts1 decade ago
  • Should I see a therapist?

    For a while now I've had some OCPD like tendencies - listing everything, liking things being very clean, getting stuck in thought loops, etc. And I know that's usually caused by low serotonin, like depression. And lately I've been having more depression like symptoms too. Just not caring about much, trouble getting motivated, nothing too crippling but it provides a chemical basis for the OCPD thing. No thoughts of suicide, but I keep thinking I wouldn't really mind if I were to be hit by a truck tomorrow, I wouldn't have to deal with all the boredom anymore. Now, all of that's annoying, but it's not too intrusive. It's getting worse though. To the point where I can't focus on much without "I don't do enough hobbies - let's go over that potential list again", or "Let's recalculate my GPA, I think I might fail that class", or whatever. Or if it's not that, I always have some song stuck in my head. Usually Vicarious by Tool. And I tap my fingers to the beat in the exact same way, and I just can't seem to be able to stop myself.

    Alright, now for the part that makes me seem like a total wierdo. I get these weird urges to pull out individual strands of hair. This has only been happening for maybe two weeks, and I remember when it started thinking "I have to stop this so I don't become some freak". Well, I'm some freak. I pull out a strand of hair, look at it, go "what the ****?" and get rid of it. Feeling goes away but it comes back. Usually only once a day or so but I think it's getting more prominent.

    The depression and hair pulling thing are new, but the anxiety has always been there, for years now. I finally started keeping a journal about it maybe 4 months ago, and have almost daily entries dating back to then. Most people say how it's fun to read old journal entries and try to remember the mindset they were in when they wrote them. But mine is all about the same worries and stuff.

    Alright. So yeah, should I see someone, what would they likely prescribe me, and any ideas on how I can bring the idea up with my parents?

    3 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • Might I have an obsessive personality?

    I don't really care if I do, and I probably won't go see a therapist or try to get drugs out of it. It would just be nice to know if I'm really weird or if everybody is like this, so I can try to change it.

    Basically, there's always something on my mind. As I'm a high school senior, it is usually school related stuff. I go through obsessions maybe once a month, but there's never any down time where I'm able to just relax.

    The most distant one I can remember was at the beginning of junior year, fearing I wouldn't get into college because of my 3.2 (GASP!) GPA. So I would sit there for 45 minutes (literally, an entire class period) just calculating my GPA a million different ways, assuming I got any combination of different grades through junior and senior years. I did this multiple times a day, daily, for at least two months. Wow, saying it like that really makes me sound crazy.

    Anyway, eventually I came to the realization that I was going to be just fine. So then I started worrying about what I wanted to study. I would make lists constantly of different subjects I was interested in. I'd research those lists online, and pretty much daily come to the same conclusion of what I wanted to study. But I still did this every day, if I didn't the anxiety was unbearable.

    There have been other minor ones thrown in there that don't last long, but those two lasted several months each. Now that I've pretty much accepted that I'll get into a college, and if I don't I can just go to community college and transfer (probably won't happen but assuming the worst calms my mind), and narrowed the list of what I want to do down to a few subjects (which I can study in college and make the decision then, no need to rush), I've moved on to something else. Fearing that I don't have enough hobbies.

    I'm constantly making lists of everything I do, and everything I can do. I ask what other people do and get sad when nobody is able to give me any new suggestions because I've thought so much about them that there really isn't anything I HAVEN'T thought of. I feel really empty, and even though I do a fair amount (read philosophy, run, play two instruments, hang out with friends, etc.), I can't knock that feeling, OR thing of anything else I can do to make it go away. Seriously, if you can, check my questions history. A bunch are just asking what peoples' hobbies are, I have to ask every couple days to show myself there really isn't anything else I can do - but the feeling never goes away.

    Now if anything, the fact that my mind moves from obsession to obsession is kind of comforting. I know in another month I'll move onto something else (maybe that I'm fat, or something I don't know) but at least I'll be able to just enjoy the activities I do now. I just wish I could end this.

    Now, from all this it actually seems pretty obvious that I have some anxiety disorder at least, and my general apathy towards everything is probably some form of depression too. The fact that I don't have to do anything a certain number of times makes me feel it's not OCD - I just think and worry about the same thing OVER AND OVER. Any recommendations?

    2 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • What do you do for fun?

    Personally, I like to run, read, cook, play guitar and trumpet, browse forums and Y!A, hang out with friends, and write. But I do that stuff ALL the time, and it's starting to just become a routine - boring. All the stuff I can think of to do though, I can't do often enough, like hiking. I can still try that stuff, but I'm looking for something new and exciting, but that I can do often enough to keep me from being bored with the same routine. So yeah, give me ideas by posting what you do!

    13 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Lim as x approaches pos. infinity of (sqrt(x^2 + 5x) - x)?

    I've tried a bunch, but I just can't figure out how to get an answer. The back of the book says it's 5/2 if that helps. Thanks.

    1 AnswerHomework Help1 decade ago
  • Considering taking a gap year?

    I'm a senior this year, and so lots of talk about college, early action, all that is obviously going on right now. Now, I've always been a pretty smart kid. 3.7 GPA, AP classes, 2100 SAT scores, etc, so I have no doubts I'll be able to get in somewhere (I only plan on going to a state school). However, I have no idea what I want to do. I know some things I'm GOOD at (math, computers, etc.), but I just don't know if I can picture myself doing those things 8 hours a day every day, you know? Additionally, I've been working really hard in school the past 12 years straight, and I'm kind of burned out. I think a gap year could be beneficial in that it would give me time to just relax for a while (academically at least) so that I don't start slacking off in college when I do go. I know the normal fears, that I won't have any money, or that I won't be able to return. However, I've already got my SATs out of the way, and I know I have the self-discipline to review some material while I'm taking the year off so I don't head to college completely screwed. As far as money goes, I already have about $1000 saved up, and I plan on spending the first 5-6 months of my year working to save up some more. I don't know if my parents will help with expenses, but it wouldn't be so bad to get some feeling of independence. Do you think it would be an okay idea?

    I don't really know what I'll do for the other 6 months. I know I want to travel, but I don't really know where to. The only must-visit place I have is Germany, as I have a good friend there I can stay with for free. Does Germany have any gap year agreements with US students or anything of the sort?

    Any other comments are appreciated as well.

  • What's going on in your life right now?

    What are your current goals, aspirations, motivations, woes, etc.?

    1 AnswerPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Is it a good idea to write a college admissions essay on my experience being caught cheating?

    I feel like this will truly make me stand out. I also know I can put a positive spin on it, and talk about why I did it, how I felt during and after, how it changed my thinking, how it's affected who I am now and what I want to do, etc. A few people I've talked to who got caught cheating in high school chose to write their applications on this subject.

    I do realize how it could backfire, but I don't really have any other significant life experiences. Do you think it would be a good idea, if executed properly?

    Any advice on how to approach such a touchy subject? Input from somebody else who has been in a similar situation is much appreciated but not necessary.

    3 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade ago