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  • Reality is as we believe it to be. Otherwise at subatomic level its mostly just vacant space..?

    It is a fact that diameter of nucleus of an atom (of carbon as an example) is about 1/10,000th of diameter of the atom. But nucleus is also 99.94% of the atom's mass. Very few negligible sized electrons and some atomic bodies are going around the nucleas super fast not occupying even a millionth if the balance space. Meaning, physically any atom and hence the universe is mostly just empty space.

    Isn't it worth a thought that WE and ALL around us is almost all vacant space? Our bodies, and people and things around us are all around us are mostly space -well over 99%!!

    Yet we place all our realism on all these.

    Now, Hindu Vedas suggest that 'the universe and time are creation of a play of consciousness with the mind. An illusion created by complex interplay of imaginations and our involvement with it. World is reactions reflection and resound of our thoughts. But since as elaborately engaged we are it appears the only reality. If we could learn to disengage from this and engage with another (say universal) reality, this may no longer be real.

    When we focus on our own selves - our consciousness. We begin to loose focus on things and people around us. As we focus on our true inner selves we loose focus and awareness of our body, thoughts and worries- gradually with practice we begin to enjoy the bliss, love and truth that we truly are.

    When we are focused on collective universal consciousness, we loose focus on the individual. The universal consciousness is true blissful and love.'

    This is vedic philosophy.

    Worth a thought?

    4 AnswersPhilosophy7 years ago
  • Is internet not a collective 'thought cloud' for humans on the planet?

    Human intelligence is no longer just individual as it was before. We are connected by a combined learning mind. A though, a feeling, a concept, a philosophy and an idea. Rapidly spreads.

    Internet represent the thought cloud of (most) humans on the planet. It unites us in faster growth from combined thinking and intelligence. It also represents our common values and reactions to acts and developments.

    The disparities or differences on the net show contradictions in our own social beliefs; and contradictions between what we believe is right from how we act. These are a part of a mind of this huge a scale.

    It is also imperfect since it does not reach all equally and many certain category of people do not have access to it or not sufficient. But as it grows its reach, we shall reach another stage of evolution.

    Do you agree?

    11 AnswersPhilosophy7 years ago
  • Religion has two aspects & aims- the Spiritual- to realise, be peaceful; & the Communal- to propagate. Agree?

    Religion has two aspects-

    First which is its purpose and source for its strength - its spiritual philosophy and the guide for peaceful, loving, compassionate coexistence of all its followers humanity and creation.

    And, the other is the communal aspect - that saps its moral strength with an objective to propagate it and diffuse its traditions belief systems; Resisting in every conceivable kind and unkind way, any intent that is not perfectly aligned.

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • If the messenger of God came as Prophet Mohammed, Jesus, couldnt He have come in other forms, elsewhere?

    Isnt it naive to believe that He came, and yet to have faith that never would he have come earlier or later?

    When others say they know another form in which a messenger from God came to them, in another time, at another place, we rubbish them. And yet, we revolt when they show indifference to His form and name that we know and have learnt to adore.

    Isnt the irony obvious? We may as Muslims and Christians, be disrespecting, the very Mohammed and Jesus that we adore, when He came in other forms, just because some people told us that its written by other people, that He wont come again!

    If I believe He came, I must believe He could come.... again. And as He pleases. I must keep an open heart or...

    ... wouldn't I be like the people who persecuted Jesus, or fought wars against Mohammed?


    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Shouldn't religions too evolve in time?

    All religions are based on some eternal truths, but they too have some beliefs and practices that need change and review in time.

    I am a Hindu. Hinduism had practices like casteism, animal sacrifices etc. that have thankfully gradually lost popularity,- thanks to the work of reformers. In time they are being left, - would be good if it was still faster. But even with this, the real essence of Hinduism remains strong, gets strengthened.

    Do other religions too have a need for evolution? Is it already happening? Or, is there no need to change anything?

    23 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • How relevant it is for religions to have tolerance for other religions and diverse views?

    Most religions have compassion as the central message, - which seems to be a must to develop a capacity to see God in everything and all around us.

    Yet, so many religions, appear to rubbish diverse views and teaching of other faiths. Though they teach similar things like compassion, honesty, good conduct and humility etc. as other religions. Message of most of the religions is that there is one omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient God. Even Hinduism known to have many God has the same message. "All forms are His."

    How relevant is it for religion to insist that 'one shoe fits all'. 'It is my way or the highway'?

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • What are atheists looking for in a forum called "religion and spirituality"?

    Atheism is a gratifying sport.

    My friends are happy atheists, but they are happier still, when they censure me for my faith.

    There is a unique reward in condescension. Thats what brings them here. Agree?

    30 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Atheism is a gratifying sport. Agree?

    Atheism is a gratifying sport. Agree?

    My friends are happy atheists, but they are happier still, when they censure me for my faith.

    There is a unique reward in condescension. Agree?

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Disappointment with religions is no reason to turn away from God. Agree?

    Religions may disappoint due to irrational dogmas, superstition, indoctrination or intolerance to diverse views. But this aught to be no reason to turn away from God. Religion and most of their indoctrinations have been framed and, or later interpreted by humans and therefore may disappoint. Spirituality which is also inherent in all religions, is the real thing.

    We must make effort to grow in spirituality not in religious dogma. Though, one must agree that most religious phylosophies have positive to offer as well, eg..Compassion the central rule of all religions. Unortunately forgotten, the true purpose of religion was spirituality, persuit for reality inward, not outward.

    Even if we are disappointed by religion, we must not let go of Spirituality, of God. Do you agree?.

    "It is ok to be born in religion. It is best if we dont die in one."

    "There is only one true religion, religion of love.

    There is only one cast, cast of humanity.

    There is only one language, language of the heart.

    There is only ONE God, and He is omnipresent."

    19 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Will we recognize God if He came and stood before us as a human in form of a Prophet or an Avtaar?

    All recent or past incarnations and prophets were recognised by a small handfull of people around them, not much of humanity. Many of them were actually persecuted. You know what happened to Jesus when He came last. Very few recognize them when such Prophets come. Buddha, Zorashtra were recognized by a few. Other incarnations like Raam, Krishna, Sikh Gurus and Mohammad even had to fight wars.

    Only few hundred recognised Shirdi Sai Baba when He was still here. Even recently, few came to hear Him when He came as Sathya Sai, even when He showed miracles everday, often even hundreds of miles away.

    Some foolish ones concort and fabricate stories about incarnations and malign them and those of us who are easily fooled fall for such rumours, instead of making an effort to know the truth for ourselves. Others seem to develop doubts due to these rumours and dont take the first step to even investigate the treasure thats at their doorstep.

    When we pine for Him. When we search for Him, He shows Himself without fail, or delay. But we often fail to see His signs, desire must be pure and ardent and heart filled with peace and compassionate love. Sometimes, the lord Himself comes as a complete incarnate Avtaar, and sometimes He sends someone who is already close to Him to guide us. What is the difference? Only our outlook. We lack faith and openness of heart to even find out and seek, to evaluate for ourselves.

    Saint Kabir said .."....khoji hoye turant mil jaun ek pal ki talash mein.....main toh hun vishwas mein....moko kahan doondhe re bande, main toh tere paas mein...". I can be found in a moment if you look for me with in yourselves with faith and confidence.


    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Compassion is the centre piece of all religions, how could followers become intolerant to others' faiths?

    Isnt peaceful coexistence a neccessity of a mature civilisation? In modern times, how could one hope that one could succeed in propagation of an idea that does not allow any room for choices; that does not tolerate individuality? One size does not fit all. How then could some of us be so naive to suggest only my way, my religion is right all others are wrong?

    If i pray, - and if i truly believe that there is but one God, I must also accept that all religions pray to the same God. My God, same one - since there is just one. Let them pray in their own way.

    Compassion begins with tolerance. Those who have no patience for other religious beliefs are themselves too narrow yet, to progress in their own journey of spirituality.


    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Here, who is more rude, insulting and condescending - an atheist or a theist?

    Aren't atheists less patient with theists than theists are with atheists? If we claim intelligence, we must accept that here we see more atheists being rude than otherwise...why is it so? Is peaceful understanding a sign of maturity?

    20 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Does human race have intelligence to survive itself?

    Humans have multiplied and monopolized the planet. We today run it as we please, not too well actually.

    We grow what we prefer and kill what we dont. Many species gone extinct because we grabbed their share of space and resources.

    We cant even claim enough intelligence to keep our own species alive. Humans die of problems that are easily solvable by cutting waste- curable illnesses, thirst and starvation.

    From the core of the planet we extract ~5,000,000,000 liters of pertroleum and 7,000,000,000,000 kg of coal EVERYDAY! Then there are other minerals.Then we burn them to pollute our air. If this wasnt enough, we make make new weapons of mass killings if our own species.

    Do you think we have the intelligence to survive ourselves?

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Places to see around Lake district UK ...self driving with kids.?

    We are in lake district, which places can one drive down to? 2-3 hours drive from penrith... Places to see with in 3 hours drive...

    2 AnswersOther - United Kingdom9 years ago
  • Do you feel loved? Is to love as important as to be loved?

    Why do we we have this intense need for love? What kind of love will finally satiate us? When we have all why do we still need love? How much love enough? Does it last?

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Is life fair? Is God fair?

    Arent there times when it all seems to be so unfair? Yet God loves and is all compassionate, He couldnt be unfair.... :)

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Arent those who are tolerant and compassionate more religious than those who are arent?

    Isnt being compassionate and tolerant central tenet of most religions?

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • How have religions of the world ruined spirituality?

    Is religion same as spiritual quest? Doesnt spirituality begin with an open heart, mind and a question - "what is this all about?" How do religions manage to turn this into a dogma and tenets of stigmas and narrow mindedness? Arent religious fanatics of every faiths eons away from spirituality, just like those who follow them into foolishness?

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago