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50 something housewife with no life to speak of and full of BS.

  • When will my pomeranian pee?

    Yes, it sounds silly but we just adopted a young pom (2 yr 8 mo) from a local shelter. He was just neutered a few days ago. We brought him home last night and despite several walks, he has not peed or pooped. I can understand the not pooping yet as he was too excited and nervous to eat last night but still no pee this morning although he did drink some last night. Could this be an effect from the neutering? Is he still "numb" down there? Otherwise, he is a very energetic, happy little dog.

    1 AnswerDogs1 decade ago
  • Help! Our new kitten has started peeing on the bed!?

    He's a ragdoll, almost five months old. He is healthy and happy in every respect except for this one little irritating thing. It ONLY happens when he is let into the bedroom for the evening and it's only happened four times but every time I have to strip the bed and wash everything! He is not peeing inappropriately anywhere else--he does use the litter pan! He almost seems to lie in wait for us to turn out the light or not be looking before he does a lightning speed pee and we're suddenly have a wet spot. We've started calling him Mister Pisser! Is there a way to get him to stop or is this just a kitten phase? He's been neutered, has all his shots and is very cuddly fellow!

    4 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Will this teeth whitening fad ever go away?

    I could understand it for removing bad stains, but now it's getting ridiculous. Lately when some people smile all I see is a big mouthful of obviously cosmetically whitened teeth. They are starting to look more like fangs in some cases. How can this possibly be considered beautiful?

    2 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style1 decade ago
  • What is this concoction?

    My mom made it out of hot beef grease, flour, butter (I think) and god knows what else. She called this mess "grivoli" (GRIV-oh-lee) or something like that. Everyone in my family loved it except me (I thought it looked disgusting). Has anyone ever heard of it? If so, what was it really called?

    The finished product was a yellow sauce with small yellow "dumplings" in it, very greasy and I think you know why I thought it looked disgusting!

    My mom's parents were Germans who emigrated from the Black Forest part of Germany. Could it be something from there? I think maybe her mother (my grandma) may have taught her this concoction. I don't think she made it up.

    2 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • "Grivoli"? What is this really?

    My mom made it out of hot beef grease, flour, butter (I think) and god knows what else. She called this mess "grivoli" (GRIV-oh-lee) or something like that. Everyone in my family loved it except me (I thought it looked disgusting). Has anyone ever heard of it? If so, what was it really called?

    1 AnswerCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • How could I sell my book as a movie?

    If I wrote a book and was interested in selling it as a screenplay, how would I go about it?

    4 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • What's the point of making a Yahoo avatar?

    Why bother to pick out an outfit, a background, etc. when all you see is the head anyway? Where is it on Yahoo that you can see people's entire avatars?

    And when are they going to have avatar models for older people. Mine turned out looking like Velma from Scooby Doo but it's the closest I could get.

    3 AnswersUser Profiles1 decade ago
  • what can I give my incontinent dog to eliminate the urine odor?

    She's been to the vet many times for this, been on several different meds which all eventually stopped working. We have given up and put her in a doggie diaper and she seems just as happy. But the urine smell persists.

    For awhile we gave her two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar every day on her food to Ph balance her urine which worked but then she started getting nosebleeds, some quite prolific. This was unacceptable too, so working on a hunch, we stopped the vinegar and the nosebleeds subsided.

    As an experiment, we started giving it to her again in a far smaller dose (a few drops in her water daily) and the nosebleeds returned so now we have stopped and the nosebleeds are gone again. She hasn't had one now in probably a month where as while she was taking the ACV, she was getting them sometimes every other day.

    And yes, she has been seen by the vet for this and we had her head x-rayed (they found pun intended) and the only recommendation he could make was to have the area cauterized! No thanks!

    As an addendum, we were origianlly using grocery store ACV which we have found out is not good for taking this way. We then switched to Bragg's ACV but still the problems with nosebleeds.

    We are at our wits end. Is there anything else we can give her to neutralize the odor?

    3 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • What are chances of getting a home mortgage?

    Hubby hasn't filed his taxes for years, he won't let me file separately as he wants me for a "tax deduction"! We have fought about this for years. Now we want to buy a house. Our credit scores aren't back (he's in 650s, I'm in low 700s) but how will this affect our being able to get a mortgage?

    4 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • Book recommendation for learning about natural products?

    The pharmacy I work for will be changing it's focus somewhat in the near future. We will be featuring a lot more natural and nutritional supplement products. Unfortunately those of us who already work there do not have a good working knowledge of any these products except as your basic consumer. Can anyone recommend a good book that is a quick read that can help get us up to speed when we open the new store?

    8 AnswersAlternative Medicine1 decade ago
  • Opera suggestions?

    I am interested in picking up some recorded opera selections, and am mostly interested in male soloists, particularly baritone and basso. I am not interested in entire operas. Can anyone suggest any recordings and/or artists that might be a good starting point?

    6 AnswersClassical1 decade ago
  • Will my cat regain some weight?

    We have a cat that "came with the house" so we don't know her real age. The vet estimates that she is well over 12 years old. On a recent visit to the vet, her kidneys were found to be failing and she was switched over to special food. However, she became dehydrated and as a result, lost a lot of weight. Now we are giving her fluids intravenously every day. She has improved quite a bit and her old energy is back, but she doesn't seem to be gaining weight again. She seems to be eating well and is now peeing pretty good and with the fluids on IV, her hydration is back up again. Her poops are still pretty hard though. Can I expect that she will eventually regain some of it assuming no other problems occur?

    25 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Crazy cat calm downs?

    This is the kind of problem I love having. :) We have a brand new cat who is 10 months old, just neutered and has so much energy he is driving us nuts! Having all senior cats for a long time, this is something we aren't used to any more. We love having a healthy active cat, but is there something we can do to slow him down a bit? We already have many toys, lots of dangling things, etc. which he loves but it doesn't seem to be enough. My hands, arms, feet, etc are really taking a beating as he wants to play CONSTANTLY. Another cat his own age is out of the question for now as we already have two (our limit) and the other cat not only hates him but is also senior and has health problems, so she just is not interested in playing. He harasses her a little bit and she hisses at him--sounds like a married couple, doesn't it?

    Any suggestions? No, we won't give him any drugs besides his catnip.

    10 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • How to eliminate dog urine odor at the source?

    My labrador retriever has a problem with urinary incontinence. She has been on a couple different meds with negligible results. She still pees when she sleeps. We have resigned ourselves to having to keep her in doggie diapers for the rest of her life. This isn't so bad--she's energetic and eats well, so it doesn't seem to affect her too much. But the odor is OVERWHELMING. Is there something like a pill I can give her to remove the urine odor before it hits the diaper?

    12 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Yowling senior cat with matted coat?

    She is 20 years old, spayed female. Never any health problems but she has lost weight due to natural aging processes. I know she's sliding downhill.

    Lately she has begun yowling very loudly. She does it most of the time in the kitchen, staring in a corner. The only way to stop her is to tap her on the head and she just stops and turns to look at me as if to say "oh....sorry." We recently had to put one of her kitty buddies to sleep as he had cancer. Can she be missing him?

    Also, she is a longhaired cat and tends to have a very matted coat as she detests brushing and will do damage to me if I try to brush her. I try to untangle it and cut the matted stuff off but there are still a few bad ones that I just can't make a dent in. I'm also afraid that if I try to brush her or get too close to her skin, I will cut her and she has very thin skin. I have a mat brush which helps somewhat but I don't want to hurt her. Any suggestions as how to keep her relativel mat-free?

    12 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • DES and urinary incontinence?

    Our 10 year old lab has had urinary incontinence for the last year. She was initially treated with antibiotics and then PPL, which worked until last April. Then she began piddling herself again. She has been on antibiotics which didn't work, then we let her take a break from the meds for awhile and just put a diaper on her. Now she just started on DES (estrogen replacement therapy). The vet put her on 1 mg capsule twice a week for 3 weeks, then once a week thereafter and see how it goes. But as I am reading up on this, I'm finding that typical treatment is a capsule daily for 3-5 days and then whatever will keep the dog dry after that. Am I wrong to question my vet or is this appropriate treatment?

    BTW, she just took her 2nd capsule and is still having a problem. How long does it take DES to take effect?

    6 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Does "Plucknomore" help plucking birds?

    My grey is a plucker, though not as serious as some I've seen. I would like to try to help alleviate the problem. He has toys, interaction, a lifelong roommate Senegal parrot and lots of good food. But he still occasionally plucks and his chest feathers haven't really grown back. Has anyone tried this remedy?

    4 AnswersBirds1 decade ago
  • "Cars" or "Happy Feet"?

    Happy Feet won the Oscar but should "Cars" have won?

    8 AnswersMovies1 decade ago