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Married to a great guy, have a beautiful baby boy. Also got a degree in my favorite discipline -- applied math, just loving life! I have 2 pesky cats and an aviary of obnoxious birds. I try to be patient -- I really do -- but sometimes my capacity for stupid just gets overloaded. So if you redline my stupidometer, you may just get a slightly out-of-character response. I don't think having faith is stupid. But I do think making nonsensical, inflammatory statements is. And for all that is good and sacred in the world -- please, please, please use the search function before asking questions!!

  • For really good R&S answers, whose stuff do you really enjoy...?

    ... from the other side of the fence, that is.

    Which atheist makes you scratch your head and think, (even if s/he is wrong)?

    Which theist makes you smile and get warm fuzzies once in a while, or makes you reach for your bible to research?

    Example -- I love seeing answers from Dogma (catholic).

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • How many layers of paint are too many?

    When we moved into our house, we covered the unknown number of existing paint layers in the guest room with a coat of Behr Interior Satin lavender. This was in the era Before Baby.

    Fast forward a couple of years to the era of After Baby. Son's room is lavender still. That's not gonna fly with him much longer. It's time to paint -- one wall will be a magnetic chalkboard and one will just be magnetic. But both of those will require three coats of paint (possibly four if primer is needed). The non-magnetic walls would just be one coat, so I'm not quite as concerned there.

    Is it going to be ok to just paint over this unknown quantity of paint layers with 3-4 more coats? If not, what do you recommend to do to get rid of the existing paint?

    2 AnswersDecorating & Remodeling1 decade ago
  • Religious rudeness -- what can I do?

    I have a friendly acquaintance (small talk, walking around the building together, etc.) with a woman who works in my building. At least I did until she mentioned being christian and started talking about bible lessons. I told her I wasn't religious and don't actively read the bible. No ridicule, no attempts to reduce her faith -- it was just a statement. Unfortunately, it was a complete conversation ender. She let me know my non-christianity was totally wrong and that was that.

    Now suddenly she won't speak to me -- just glares in a most hateful way. I never expected this kind of reaction. I don't see any appropriate way to respond to this treatment. I'm not going to change my work hours; I just am not liking the hate. Isn't there some way to bridge the gap? What do you do when a person puts religion over social behavior?

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What is your child's nickname how did it come about?

    Just interested in hearing people's stories about how they ended up calling their little ones some adorable term of endearment.

    My little boy's name is Antonio. We had every intention of calling him "Ant" as a nickname. But after 36 hours of labor I was pretty loopy. So when the doctor brought me this wrinkly, puffy, precious little bundle, I looked at my husband and said, "He's our little Bug!". And we've called our little boy "Bug" ever since.

    What's your story? :)

    8 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • Ladies -- what do you think is more important: women's issues or race issues?

    When I was a little girl, Sojourner Truth was one of my historical role models. I thought she was a great advocate of equal rights for women. When I got older, I learned she had not spoken out just for women to have equal treatment to men, but also (and more powerfully) for equal treatment across races.

    So today I was just sitting here thinking of Sojourner Truth, and it made me wonder what other women think. What is the more important issue to you: women's rights, racial equality, or are both equal in your eyes?

    Fellas, I respect your views too, though I'm most curious to hear from the gals.

    3 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • Are plants in the office unprofessional?

    I keep some plants at my desk at work. They provide a bit of background and are supposed to be good for oxygen production. I just like them. Recently a third party told me that one of my co-workers feels this is unprofessional. I can't fathom it and I'm really trying to see her side of things here. Asking her isn't really an option, as she tends to be very sensitive -- I don't want my head chewed off over a philodendron here. So why would plants be unprofessional?

    Some clarification:

    They are not flowering plants.

    I do not spend work time caring for them.

    My manager has no issue with the plants.

    My desk is neither visible nor accessible to the public.

    The plants do not obscure my work area or anyone else's.

    2 AnswersOther - Business & Finance1 decade ago
  • Studies saying that interracial marriages are more prone to divorce?

    I've seen several references on Y!A saying that mixed marriages have a higher divorce rate. That's horribly shocking.

    I would think that the love of two people who found something other than skin color to bond them would be pretty strong. Plus the cultural differences keep things from ever getting stale.

    Does anyone have references to actual studies and statistics that support this claim of higher divorce rates among mixed couples?

    6 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • How do you stand the wait at the end?

    It's a story you've all probably heard before. I'm 35 weeks along with the first. In the last week or so baby turned into position and dropped like a rock. He is still moving, but not a big kicker anymore. His head presses on my cervix and makes me about crazy.

    I know he's not ready to make his exit yet, since first babies drop weeks before birth. But knowing he is well and timely and almost ready is the best/worst anticipation I have ever experienced in my life!! There are only so many times I can rearrange his room and add decor.

    What do you do to keep from going crazy with excitement while waiting for the big day?

    10 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • How do baby clothing sizes work?

    I know this must seem like the simplest thing in the world. The ones that say 0-3 months are obviously supposed to fit babies up to about 3 months old, depending on how big the baby is.

    But I have a bunch of Carters brand clothes that just say 6 months. Is that up to 6 months? From 6 months to something?

    I'm trying to figure out about how soon I will need to have those clothes ready -- whether it will be at 6 months or 3 or.....

    Thanks so much for any help -- first time mama (in a few weeks) completely baffled by this.

    6 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Are you coming to San Francisco/California from another place to get married?

    Are you traveling from another area to the city by the bay to tie the knot this June/July? Where are you coming from?

    San Francisco area folks, are you looking forward to the long overdue equal marriage rights?

    This is all so exciting. To all the lucky couples -- congrats!!!

    Just a thought: you may want to get things in order ASAP. San Francisco Pride is the weekend of June 28-29 this year, and it’s going to be a big one. The San Francisco County marriage license link is: But just in case they’re overbooked, here are some links to a few adjacent counties around the bay.

    Alameda County (Oakland, just east of SF)

    San Mateo County (just south of SF)

    Marin County (north of SF)

    Again, congrats and best wishes to all.

  • Help! Need fancy wedding favors -- fast?

    I really need help with favors. I just found out my sister-in-law is getting married in 3 weeks -- the short notice is not her fault, she just found out too.

    Anyway, I'm asking for ideas for making VERY nice favors, not pillow mints in plastic champagne glasses (that's the last resort). She won't get to have a big wedding, but at least she should be able to have an elegant wedding.

    Thanks in advance!!

    21 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • Religion/faith for children?

    Hubby and I are expecting our first child soon. In all the boundless paperwork we were given, one item mentioned that we should agree beforehand on how to handle religion.

    We come from two different backgrounds on this. Neither of us has ever been comfortable with most organized religions, so we're feeling that it's best not to let our son into any specific religion unless he's old enough to understand the implications of religion vs. personal responsibility.

    Right now, I have some beautiful religion-inspired items around the house (Buddhist art, glass menorah, mother-goddess statues). I'm wondering if it will cause too much confusion for our child to have these things in a non-religious house. Are we risking too much exposure by leaving these things around?

    On a related note -- if our relatives buy him religious books like bibles, I worry that this would be too much influence in one direction. Is there a polite way to say "no thanks" to that kind of gift before it comes?

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Suggestions for thank-you gift?

    A wonderful friend has done EVERYTHING for me during my pregnancy: advice, listening, offering to have her husband drive me to the doctor, even making a meal just for me that wouldn't upset my stomach at a dinner gathering. Her whole family has embraced my hubby and I as this baby is going to be a new addition to their family (I sure feel like he is). The list could go on and on. On top of all this, she's organizing a huge baby shower for me.

    Nothing could ever be enough to thank her for her help. I'd buy her a mansion if I could. But she wouldn't want it -- she already has everything. And unfortunately, baby preparation is taking a LOT of money. I'm trying to save as much as possible in the next few months to do something for her -- hopefully at least $200 (it's not enough, but that's what I'll probably have).

    Does anyone have suggestions for gifts? And should I give it to her after the shower or after the baby is born? Any ideas would be appreciated.


    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago