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Has anyone had problems withNatural Balance dog food recently?
Both my dogs who usually eat all their food started getting picky about this food now they both have diarreha
3 AnswersDogs5 years agoWhy hasn't my dog gone into heat?
She is an 18 month old Doberman. Breeder says he has heard of this happening but not in his lines......till now.
I am not breeding her but did want her to go through one heat before getting her spayed. She is otherwise super healthy and active. What is the oldest anyone has heard of a dog going into heat for the first time? My vet is not concerened but I am curious. Her nipples did change about 4 months ago but her vulva did not swell.
8 AnswersDogs6 years agoBona hardwood floor refresher caused smears . How to fix?
2 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)7 years agoWhat are the signs of a female going into heat?
My vets and I have decided to let my almost 8 month old Dobie have one heat cycle before spaying. This is to help her with a medical issue. We go walking off leash almost everyday in the woods along with her 3 year old uncle.
I want to make sure that she is not free running when she is in heat. I see no signs of her vulva swelling or any red tinted discharge. Is this all that I am looking for. The breeder told me that his lines usually get their first heat anywhere from 6 to 10 months.
I would like to continue our walks in the woods on leash when she is in heat. There are coyotes in the woods would she cause the males to follow us?? If so I think we might become street walkers :-)
5 AnswersDogs7 years agoWhy can I only answer 6 questions per day?
I'm level 3 and I was stopped after 6 questions yesterday. Is this another glitch with the site?
1 AnswerOther - Internet7 years agoWhy does my dog have a dry nose and warm body?
I have had dogs all my life. My current 7 month old has a dry sandpapery nose and she is warmer than my other dog. She does not like blankets and pants more than he does. I am assuming that is why her nose is dry. This is a very healthy happy puppy. Vets have told me a cold wet nose is not necessarily a sign of health and that there is nothing wrong with her. But I have never had a dog with a dry nose before and was wondering if anyone else has a dog like this and if they know if anything can be done. Is she lacking something in her diet ? I'm clueless on this one and would appreciate any real input.
6 AnswersDogs7 years agoThere is a glitch with website?
Someone at Yahoo answers needs to return our send buttons. I Have not had one for a couple of days either. Maybe if some one reports this question they will become aware
1 AnswerVideo & Online Games7 years agowhere did my send button go?
in yahoo answers I can type in an answer but the send button is missing. Anyone know what happened?
3 AnswersOther - Internet7 years agowhere did my send button go?
in yahoo answers I can type in an answer but the send button is gone. Does anyone know what happened?
2 AnswersNotices and Errors7 years agoThomas Thimblin Bottling company info?
Does anyone have any info on this company which operated in Southbridge Ma around 1890? Any info would be appreciated.
2 AnswersHistory8 years agoCan women use Rogaine for men?
My dermatologist suggested that I use Rogaine for men because Rogaine for women is too weak. I am 51 and my hair is thinning at the crown due to age and family history. I am not ready for this. When I went to buy Rogaine for men it states on the package that it is not for use by women nor is it for hair loss at the crown or top of head. Have any women out there actually used this product? Why are women not supposed to use it?
1 AnswerWomen's Health8 years agoLooking for a Boston Terrier in Ma area?
My sister had to put down her 11 year old Boston this past Monday. She is searching for a young Boston that needs a good home. She takes excellent care of her pets. (babies). Does any one know of a Boston in need of a home? I tried craigs list but am leary of people that put non working phone numbers in their ad. Please help if you can. We live in Massachusetts will drive a reasonable distance.Thank You
2 AnswersDogs8 years agobrand new huscavana lawn tractor wont start?
2012 huscavana 22 horse lawn tractor that I have used 3 times and bought new wont start. It has been hard to start and today it just wont start. I know alot about car engines so I checked all the obvious. This is just beyond me. Battery ,gas ,filters, spark plugs,connectons are all tight and clean any ideas? place I bought it is closed today
3 AnswersGarden & Landscape8 years agohow to treat hair follicule infection in dogs?
My otherwise very healthy dobie. Who has a wonderful shiny coat has a hair follicle infection on his chin. It looks like a cluster of draining pimples. I suspect a rubbery chew toy as a possible carrier of bacteria. He is a very healthy 2 year old dobie. So this is just a superficial issue. Has anyone had any luck treating this at home with acne meds or antibacterial soap and neosporin? I will and do take him to the vet when he needs it. So please no lectures on taking him to the vet.
I am looking to hear from people that have dealt with this problem already. Thank You for your time
3 AnswersDogs8 years agodoes anyone have info on ferum doorlocks?
we need parts for our front door lock. The only words on it are ferum. An internet serch shows no results. The lock is about 12 years old and was purchased at New England Traditions.
1 AnswerMaintenance & Repairs8 years agoDoes anyone have the fried chicken recipe that came with calphalon cookware?
I know this is a long shot but 12 years ago I got a calphalon ( not sure about spelling) cookware set. I the box was a little recipe booklet with a fried chicken recipe that my family really liked. Well we lost it in a move . If anyone has it or remembers it I would love to hear from you.
I remember that you marinated the chicken in buttermilk overnight.Also you covered the pan for part of the cooking . I believe that you added Cayenne pepper in the flour. Maybe you dipped the chicken in egg before the flour. I hope someone knows what I am talking about.
2 AnswersCooking & Recipes9 years agowhy are some of my baby cukes turning yellow?
I have 3 plants in a large container some of the new little cucumbers are turning yellow and falling off .They get miracle grow once a week. I try not to over water. One of the plants suddenly wilted but the cukes are still on it. Help
2 AnswersGarden & Landscape9 years agoWhy do my tomato plants have yellow spotted leaves?
I planted them in 5 gallon buckets one grape tomato and one similar to Big Boy .They are doing pretty good .They are over 4' tall and are full of tomatoes .We already ate some grape ones. I Miracle grow once a week. But now the leaves are turning yellow from the bottom up and one of the big green ones got brown and soft where it was attatched to the plant. I water every day maybe too much? Maybe they need lime? We live in Massachusetts so they really are a good size for this area. Its times like this that I really wish my Dad was still alive. He would know.
5 AnswersGarden & Landscape9 years agoBad Breath /Diarreah?
My dog has diarreah.I thought it was due to food change.We were using Natural Balance and tried to switch to Nature's Logic and he got liquid diarreah. Now I noticed that his breath smells like what came out of him yesterday. He never had bad breath before and it is not from his perfect white teeth.He is a 14 month old dobie is this just an upset tummy ? His breath is really concerning me and I will call the vet later.He has no interest in food or water now.
2 AnswersDogs9 years agoDoes anyone know of a good replacement for Natural Balance Sweet potato and Venison.?
I'm still looking for a good replacement for Natural Balance which is on recall.We tried Nature's Logic at a ratio of 2cups Natural Balance and 1/2 c Nature's Logic the result was "explosive".
We need a Limited ingredient,no chicken at all,no rice, we know venison is okay.I can't keep experimenting if you know of a food that meets my dogs criteria please help and share. No supermarket brands please.
5 AnswersDogs9 years ago