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  • Should I take a break from college? I just finished my freshman year of college and to be honest, it wasn't so great I decided to?

    go to a college 5 hrs w/out actually knowing what I was getting into.I didn't realize how big of a step this was until I actually moved out I was homesick for about half the time I was there. I even applied as a transfer to a college close to home. but now I'm just reconsidering going back to school. I've never felt so confused in my life.and now I'm just rethinking all my life choices, I feel so stupid for impulsively just doing what everyone else was doing and just going to college right after high school especially since I don't even know what I'm doing with my life. I feel like I wasted money my first year. I took a bunch of science classes first semester because I do have an interest in science and I wanted to see if I liked them/so i could pursue them and I liked them. and then the following semester I took spanish (which I am pretty certain i want to minor in), a speech pathology class which i took solely for the purpose of trying to figure out what the hell I like, required class, and a bio class, so I'm confused. I'm considering majoring in psych and neuroscience, speech pathology, or even becoming a lawyer or maybe even being in a research lab. I know all of these sound random so What if all these classes were for nothing, and I change my major. I honestly have no idea what I'm doing but then again I don't even know what I would do with my free time if I did this, so what would be the point of taking time off? Would it benefit me in any way?


  • Should I transfer to Temple?

    So I'm a freshman in college at Pitt. My home is about 5/6 hours away. I've been here for about a month. I've been really homesick lately, and I really wish I had the opportunity to go home on the weekends. I was especially homesick when I got a cold and I had a sore throat and I wished I could go home for the weekend but I can't, and it sucks. The school here is really pretty and I have to admit if I transfer I will miss the area. I know I will miss it. It really is a beautiful campus. But I keep wishing I could come home on the weekends and it makes me sad. I'm getting used to it, but I'm just not really happy. When I decided I wanted to come here I was really happy and I thought I would feel happy all the time and I thought I would love it. I didn't think it would be this hard to the point of transferring to a different school. Now I can't say I hate it. It's the distance that makes me not like it. If my house was 15 min away from here I would totally be okay with being here because I could come home. But I hate this 5/6 hour distance, I'm really close with parents and my family.

    Pitt's a great school, but I don't think living 6 hours away is for me. I talked to some people and they tell me to stick it out for the year but I don't wanna do that. I just wanna go home. That's why I'm thinking of going to temple because it's closer and I can go home on the weekends. Help?

  • Should I keep my college schedule like this?

    I m a freshman in college. I have two recitations on Wednesday. One from 9-950 and one from 11-1150 and classes all the way through from 3-830. Should I move a recitation or is this normal for college? It s only one day though because Tuesday Thursday and Friday I only have one class. Monday is okay I have a lab and 2 lectures.

  • Should I keep my college schedule like it is?

    I m a freshman in college. I have two recitations on Wednesday. One from 9-950 and one from 11-1150 and classes all the way through from 3-830. Should I move a recitation or is this normal for college? It s only one day though because Tuesday Thursday and Friday I only have one class. Monday is okay I have a lab and 2 lectures.

  • should i go to school today? need an answer asap!!?

    im coughing and sneezing and I have a migraine. I don't have strep thankfully, but I have a bad cold.

    but I have 2 quizzes today. I have a bad feeling if I miss them, but I don't know. I feel like I should just suck it up and go. Idk. is it worth staying home and missing them ??

    answer asap!!


  • I need help with my APUSH DBQ?! PLEASE ANSWER ASAP!?

    The question is:

    Assess the Federalists' and the Jeffersonian Republicans' influence on the development of the United States during the Post-revolutionary Period.

    Can anyone explain the to me? Please I need help ASAP!!!!!


    2 AnswersHomework Help7 years ago
  • What should I do in my junior year?

    I'm going to be a junior this year, in high school. I have been offered to take AP bio this year along with AP Us history, Honors English, Honors Spanish, College prep Analysis, and college prep chemistry. However, I have been doing orchestra for almost 8 years now and this year, orchestra has been put into our schedules. My counslor told me orchestra is not going to fit with my schedule, obviously considering how many classes I'm taking. My friend dropped spanish in order to take Ap bio and orchestra. But spanish is my native language and I don't want to drop that. My orchestra teacher says I can do it after school but it won't count as an elective. What should i do? Should I just drop AP bio altogether and take it senior year? or just not take orchestra as an elective and do it senior year? HELP PLEASE ANSWER!

  • Should I text him? ..please read?

    So, too make the long story short...we are both in high school, he's a year older than me. We haven't talked in months and its a little awkward because i didn't answer his text last time...and other reasons. we used to talk alll the time and sometimes I would actually think that he liked me. Anyway, I haven't texted him, and he has never texted me since then, and I don't know if I should. I'm kind of scared to...

    I feel like such a wimp and a weakling. Would it be awkward? I really don't think I should. Ugh, I'm sorry if I sound like a stupid ditzy clingy girl, but my friends have been bothering me about this for weeks...


    4 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Should I answer his text?

    This guy, who I kinda like..ok I really like him; he and I used to text and talk alot, not about school but other stuff in general. I thought he kinda liked me and stuff, because at one point he was getting into his personal life. Anyway, so we don't talk as much anymore but this whole week and a half he's been asking me for help like "hey can i use your school account, mines not working." He just texted me now and was like "Hey i really hate doing this but the school still hasn't fixed my account, so could I use urs again? Thanks" Should I answer? I mean, he didn't answer my text from 3 days ago, so i was like no. What do you think?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Masquerade Sweet 16 Party?

    So i am planning my elegant sweet 16 party. I have already booked the place and everything but I was just wondering what kind of masks should i provide for the guests because they don't know where to get their own masks. So does anyone have any ideas? thanks!! Could you send me any website links or something so I can order them? Thanks again!

    2 AnswersFashion & Accessories8 years ago
  • What does it mean when..?

    A guy texts you asking for help with school? Okay..let's get one thing straight...this guy is a junior. A year older than me, I am a sophomore. He has plenty of other friends he can ask for help. So, one day, my phone buzzes, I look down and it's him. He says "Hey, can i use your school account so I can print out my powerpoint? Mine's not working." Why did you ask me? Don't you have other friends or people around you that you can ask? My mom thinks this guy has a thing for me because he did this about 2 times this week. I don't believe that theory because I texted him yesterday asking him about how his game went and he didn't respond at all. But, my question is, if this isn't the case then why did he text me for help when he has plenty of other friends....? so confused.


    3 AnswersFriends8 years ago
  • What should I do to get into Princeton?

    I am currently a sophomore at my high school. I am a 16 year old white/latina girl (idk why it matters, but i just felt like adding it in). My dream since I was 12 was to attend Princeton University. I know it is very difficult, and I know I need to step up my game, but can someone please give me some pointers on how to achieve my goal?

    Here's where I'm at so far:

    I am taking Honors English, Honors History, Regular Algebra 2, Reg. Biology, Honors Spanish

    My gpa (for the first half of the year) is 3.8

    I am on the girl's tennis team, I did the swim team as a freshman, I am currently in Spanish club, Art club, Diversity Council, and Orchestra. However, I do not have an official position (President, Vice President etc.)

    I am already taking SAT classes, so I can do well.

    What else should I do? What classes should I take next year? THANKS!

  • What does it mean when your guy friend...?

    dances with you at a school dance, not slow dance but like puts his arms around your waist and you put your arms around his neck and youre dancing so close to each other to a fast song? He was the one that put his arms around me first, indicating that he wanted to dance with me like this. He was looking straight into my eyes at some points, but one time he stopped, and was like "ok, dance with your date now" I was like confused. Did he think I was too boring or something? Then, later I decided to take a break from dancing so I went to get a shirley temple and he came out a few mins later. I was talking with my friend and drinking my shirley temple, when he approached me and kinda asked me to dance (not with words but like a nod). What does this all mean? Because were friends, but he has alot of friends that are girls, and I dont know if I am just another girl friend. He wasnt dancing like this with anyone that I know of.. Ugh I don't know! Can someone give me some advice or thoughts on this? Anything? Thanks alot!

    1 AnswerFriends8 years ago
  • Which dress would look better?

    I am having a sweet 16/quinceanera thing in may and im deciding which dress i should wear ( i know last minute). The theme is an improvised masquerade. so its not like your typical mardi gras masquerade or anything. It is kind of loosely based off of a masquerade so it doesn't have to include "masquerade colors" i guess. SO I found 3 really gorgeous dresses and I don't know which one I should pick! I am a tall (5'9) skinny (with a little bit of curves around the hips especially). I am a brunette, long thick wavy hair, I have brown eyes-kinda dark. My skin color is in between really pale and tan. (in the summer I get really tan but my natural skin color is like not pale but not really tan either, know what I mean?). My legs are actually the longest part of my body, (i have very long legs!!) which can be a disadvantage when it comes to dresses because i am afraid that the length of the dress will be too short. So below are the pictures of the 2 dresses. Tell me which one do you like better, or which one will look good on a tall girl.Thank you!

    1st dress:

    2nd dress:

    3rd dress:

    2 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style8 years ago
  • Should I wish him a happy birthday?

    I came home today and found out that my dog died. I have been balling my eyes out for hours and hours on end. I'm still crying. I also forgot it is my crush's birthday today. But, I kinda have been sorta maybe mad at him for a lot of things. maybe its just jealousy? (cause he went to a dance with someone else,and were friends but I thought he was gonna ask me etc) , he doesn't know that I am mad. Right now, I am completely devastated about my dog's passing and I am not in the mood to wish him a happy birthday but my mom thinks i should just to be polite or whatever. So, should I do it? and if so, by text or facebook? I know this is stupid but I don't know what to do and I am really depressed right now. Thanks

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Should I say happy birthday on facebook or text him or say nothing at all?

    I came home today and found out that my dog died. I have been balling my eyes out for hours and hours on end. I'm still crying. I also forgot it is my crush's birthday today. But, I kinda have been sorta maybe mad at him for a lot of things. maybe its just jealousy? (cause he went to a dance with someone else,and were friends but I thought he was gonna ask me etc) , he doesn't know that I am mad. Right now, I am completely devastated about my dog's passing and I am not in the mood to wish him a happy birthday but my mom thinks i should just to be polite or whatever. So, should I do it? and if so, by text or facebook? I know this is stupid but I don't know what to do and I am really depressed right now. Thanks

    2 AnswersFriends8 years ago
  • Does this guy like me? Sending me mixed signals?

    Here's a list of things he does when we are together:

    - this one time i was over his house he lifted me up & carried me marriage style

    - one time i spent a day with him (just me&him) and he didn't pay for anything that he bought me

    - whenever im sitting with him(just me and him) he puts his arm around me

    - at this dance a few nights ago he was dancing so close to me and even asked to dance with me

    - in the hallway when I see him he says hey with a smile, but that's it

    - he jokes with me alot and laughs alot with me

    - when we're together hes always smiling

    - one time we were texting and he was talking about his family problems (that was just once)

    - last semester in study hall, when he was with his friends he barely looked at me and acknowledged I was there, but my friends told me when I wasn't looking at him he was staring ( idk if that's true)

    - i recently talked to him last night and he told me he was going to prom (his junior prom) with a senior when I had the feeling that he was going to ask me but he never did

    - the night before the dance, he texted me asking me if i was going (weeks before the dance he said he wanted to see me there)

    - He used to text me a few times at the randomest moments

    - when he was texting me he called me my beautiful girl in french (he takes french, but he never said it to me in person or in english)

    -he doesn't compliment me too much but he compliments me on the smallest and silliest things like one time he said he liked my bracelet

    -he was walking me to class one day and talking to me when a girl saw him and he hugged her in front of me

    -he likes to know things about me

    -never talks about girls or his personal love life in front of me

    -when i text him he always answers, unless hes busy practicing basketball (he's the star player of the team and hes really passionate about it and practices everyday)

    other info:

    -his circle of friends: girls and guys (mixed)

    -he likes going to school dances and parties in general

    -he is really smart, all honors and ap classes, all As, but he acts like he puts no effort into anything (at least that's what he tells me)

    - i am a sophomore, he's a junior, so i only see him after school, in study hall or in the hallways or after biology(he has a class after mine)

    What do you think? thanks!

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Can someone help me? Does my guy friend like me?

    First, thank you all for reading this. I'm just going to start by saying I am pretty pessimistic when it comes to this stuff. So, I have this guy friend, I met him last year at a prom (as a freshman, he a sophomore). He used to be alot flirtier when he was texting me last year, using winky faces "(;" and other stuff like that. We spent a whole day together in a different state (i went to visit him while he was volunteering). He bought everything I wanted for me while we were there, he never let me pay at all (maybe he was just being polite). But, now he barely texts me anymore, and when he sees me he smiles and says hey. Sometimes, he walks with me in the hallways in school and talks to me, but thats it. A few nights ago he asked me if I was going to this dance, I said yes because a few weeks before he really wanted me to go. So at the dance, he was dancing with me but he was soo close to me, and singing to me. His arms were wrapped around me and he looked like he was about to kiss me, that's how close he was. I think he was looking for me at the dance too. It was totally not what I expected. I'm not sure if he does this to every girl, but I don't think I saw him do anything like that. He even asked me to dance. It I don't know. Today at school, I didn't see him, so I don't know if his behavior will change or if he will just keep up the small "hey"s and the smiles in the hallways. Any thoughts? Do you think he could like me more than a friend? I'm not sure.

    4 AnswersFriends8 years ago
  • Does this guy like me more than a friend? Or is he just being nice?

    The last time we hung out, we were sitting on the sofa watching football, it was over break and it was really late like 11 when I went to his house. When I just arrived at his house, I texted him and told him I was there and he came out right away to wait for me. We went inside, and we sat on the sofa and talked and eventually he put his arm around me for awhile. He apologized for not dressing up nicer (he was in his sweatpants).

    He offered me some food, and then looked into his fridge, and gave me leftovers cause that's all there was. I insisted I wasn't hungry, but he shook his head and said he knows I'm hungry so I ate it, and then he was throwing tennis balls at me and faked that he was gonna throw on really hard but then he said he would never do that and gave me a hug (again). we sat on the couch and talked some more, he said he liked my bracelet (okay?) and again put his arm around me. Then, without thinking, when his football team won, he picked me up and carried me (marriage style) and spun me around. I went home at midnight that day.

    After that, he was texting me more I guess, and spoke to me in french, and me "my pretty girl" in french, and said he would tutor me for free. One time we were texting and he asked me how I was doing, and when I replied with "could be better" he asked why and got really worried and said that his door is open whenever things are crazy at home, (he basically offered to let me stay at his house whenever things are bad at my house). I thanked him, and told him if he needed to talk (cause his parents divorced recently) he could come to me, and he said he"ll tell me everything about his parents and then I tell him everything about whats going on with me. That conversation got pretty deep.

    Then, I noticed he want in school for like 3 days and then he texted me asking me how was school, and he told me he was in florida. And we talked for a bit, he sent me pictures, and I said I wish I was in Florida, he probably thought I meant I wished I was there with him, because he said yeah we could be at the beach all day, under the sun together. ( I don't know what that means..) So, we got back from break like a week ago and he hasn't texted me since then, and I don't wanna seem desperate, I am not but still,, so a few days ago I texted him and he didn't answer, and he used to say hi in study hall, but now he doesn't and I haven't talked to him in a long timee. So, do you think he likes me more than a friend? I am sorry that this is so long, I just wanted to put enough details as possible for people to understand... Thank you!

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • How many people should I invite to my party?

    I am having a Sweet 16/ quinceanera type party in may and I was going through my guest list of people I was thinking about inviting, and I realized I only have 70 people...Is that enough? I mean the place were having it at holds 80-100 people and i don't want to invite people I don't talk to, I mean would it be awkward? The party is supposed to be big, but i don't want it too big? So what is a good amount of people I should invite? is 70 too low? Thanks.

    3 AnswersEntertaining8 years ago