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Lv 610,001 points

U.n.c.l.e Sam

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Not so bad. Milk is for sucklings not adults.

  • Who was "Edward the Confessor" and why was he so named.?

    Informative answers sound good.


    2 AnswersRoyalty8 years ago
  • Did anyone notice that Gareth Bale....?

    scored with the very last kick ball in the 1st half, and the very last kick of the ball in the 2nd half.

    On Valentines day....??? At the end he made a heart sign, i don't kno the other.

    Is he a Druid...?

    2 AnswersEnglish Football8 years ago
  • What happened to the Italian royal family?

    What happened to them. after WW2 And where in exile did they eventually end up to this day.>=?

    Just curious.

    Met a lotta Italians at the royal wedding in London.

    5 AnswersRoyalty8 years ago
  • Was the royal wedding of Wiliam and kate the most watched single tv event in history?

    Pls solve a argument. My friend says it was moon landing or president Obama first inuaguation 09

    12 AnswersRoyalty8 years ago
  • Do the Middletons now have royal titles, because of the Royal marriage.?

    I am curious because of Pippa Middleton. Is she a HRH because her sister is the next Queen.

    15 AnswersRoyalty8 years ago
  • Has the Queen ever handed out a sporting trophy.?

    Apart from the World Cup 1966. Anything like the Ashes or Fa cup,or racing cup etc.

    4 AnswersRoyalty8 years ago
  • Will Hillary Clinton improve on Obamacare and finally bring in Universal Healthcare for all in 2016?

    I mean Obama care is just a start of health reform but it only expands coverage to people who don't have coverage. People wanted Universal health-care but settled for watered down version that is Obamacare

    There is no need to expand medicaid or medicare.That would be expensive in taxes The Universal Plan would work better if every state had a main Hospital and supported local primary care clinics like they have here in England. All paid for by a state tax of some kind. If everybody pays everybody can use it. Anybody can fall on hard times. Even rich people.

    I'm sure the federal government can pay a graduating medical student a good salary to open up local clinics. Or if the demand is bigger then reform immigration, and have qualified doctors from abroad to work in America and practise. Due to the rescission, there are plenty of unemployed medically trained doctors from europe, asia, iran many of them bi-lingual who can integrate easily as immigrants and professionals in the US Many Americans are travelling abroad to get affordable procedures in places like India, Poland, and Cuba. Why should they have too.? Why not spend the dollars at home.

    I cannot understand how an insurance company can sell health care like selling a mobile phone package.. Different plans here and there. What happens if u cant afford it, or have a serious illness which is too expensive. Business have to make a profit right. They will turn u away because it will cost them their profit margin.

    Would do You say. Should Hillary complete what she started to do in the early nineties before the big boys shut her down.

    3 AnswersElections8 years ago
  • What was the point of the republicans playing stupid games with the fiscal cliff.?

    Why would they play games with the economy and markets, when all along the threat of crashing the economy just so that President Obama would look bad would have been political suicide for them.

    Everybody sooo knoowss 'this was a stunt, because they lost the election, so the whining immature way they play with people's lives was amusing to watch in that, it show how sadly pathetic they have become. 2014 can't soon enough to vote out these jerks outta congress.

    And to all the Democrats next time there is a mid-term, y'all better vote this time, cuz last time you got lazy and these fool conservatives got slipped in hollering they won, they won. Now they have redistricted all their states even tho' they lost the popular voted they still end up winner local elections. Filibustering and obstructing everything to death. Even taking away your rights.

    Your fault democrats y'all were warned.

    The president is easily bullied by these guys because as Black man in America, he is condition not to show anger, but Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi ain't afraid of these bums and kicked their ***. Obama unfortunately is a little timid in standing up to them, is easily rolled as in the Susan Rice affair. and it will happen again now with the debt ceiling. They will take the country to the edge and get us downgraded again. Your fault democrats should voted in the mid-terms.

    True isn't it.

    11 AnswersElections8 years ago
  • Spurs fans. Why do you want finish in 4th place in the league.?

    Great sequence of results over the christmas holidays. I hope it will be kept going when the really big clubs come to town etc, but one thing keeps bothering me as a supporter. There is talk about "I hope we can finish 4th and get into the CL" blah, blah. Why??? U don't win anything for finishing in 4th place.!!! Ok u get into the CL and the money starts rolling in for business side of the club etc, but what about actually try to win something. Actually win some thing like the actual title, or a cup and then finishing 4th would be a consolation. Get my drift..!!

    Arsenal finish 4th near every season, but do u see their fans celebrate !!. Only the money men do. There is nothing like winning the actual title, or a cup for the fans. Realistically the big european clubs win their respective leagues, then go onto win the big european cup, because winning is a habit that comes with expectation. Man U are used to winning the league.and automatically become battle-hardened into winning the big european prize also.It becomes Fergies obsession and most recently Abramovich with his billions. In other words "reach for the moon and get to the stars".

    I am tired of hearing Spurs supporters keep talking about "Trying to finish 4th". It's that kind of low expectation that will guarantee disappointment. Finishing in 2nd place to the champions is "disappointing " if you understand what i mean. "Oh well there is the CL " !!! That's what being a big club is about, and playing for high stakes. Manchester United expect to win the league every season. All their philosophy/thinking, player purchases, on field decisions is geared towards winning the league. Finishing somewhere like 3rd or 4th would be considered a disaster. Yet we at Tottenham think its the "ultimate" thing of all to fish 4th. I don't think so.??

    Playing for the accountants like the Arsenal, is not where a club like Spurs should aim to be. Sandro commented in a recent article that he wants, and believe Spurs can win the league. I agree *His old club won the South American equivalent . The club now should be geared now to Win the League. They're is no need to be embarrassed, because that's what has held us back. That winning mentality.

    Win the league and the fame, glory, adulation and everything else inevitable respect comes with it.

    Or as one famous hollywood movie mogul commented once, when asked "how do you make a spectacular picture"., he replied...,

    "First ya start with an earthquake..!!

    Then ya build up to the climax."..!!!

    Surely u agree.

    6 AnswersEnglish Football8 years ago
  • Question for Americans? Who do admire most?

    The Duchess of Cambridge or First lady Michelle Obama.

    Take yer time and think before u answer.

    Non is not cool

    7 AnswersRoyalty8 years ago
  • Why did the French have a revolution to get rid of a king, and then have an Emperor.?

    What did Napolean do for France except plunge them into perpetual war and debt..

    6 AnswersRoyalty8 years ago
  • How do Muslims pray at night before going to bed.?

    I pray by kneeling beside the bed and put my hands together and talk.

    Just curious do Muslims position the head under the bed, with their heels sticking out.

    I would like to know. Pls.

    Don't know much about Muslims except what i see on the telly.

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • What are European cultural origins of the Goths.?

    Does it have something to do with Scandinavian Paganism ?

    All the pale face black hair and lips etc

    5 AnswersAnthropology8 years ago
  • What title did Grace kelly have after she married the Prince of Monaco.?

    Did she ever return on a state visit to America after her marriage, or make any more movies.??

    10 AnswersRoyalty8 years ago
  • What was the item of Jewellery Elizabeth Taylor had, which was once worn by Queen Isabella of spain.?

    My grandmother told me a story once that Richard Burton bought Elizabeth taylor a rare item of Jewellery only worn by Queen Isabella in 15th century.

    I can't remember if it was a ring or necklace, or another item, and it was worth a fortune.

    Such was Richard Burton captivation by her, amongst other fabulous jewels he bought for her.

    6 AnswersRoyalty8 years ago
  • How is your take on Katherine the Duchess of Cambridge.?

    I was worried for her because it can't be easy or natural for her to suddenly be a royal. She would sometimes act like a celebrity when there is absolutely no need. She wants to please everybody, again there is no need too. She sometimes looks embarrassed when dignitaries bow, or curtsy to her. Doesn't she realise she is a Duchess.

    I would also advice her to slow down when she meets people,try to keep the conversation short, gently squeeze their hand in friendly acknowledgement, not the vigorous handshake she sometimes prone to do. In one tree planting ceremony, she literally dug a hole in the ground instead of gently tilting the silver spade. I had to laugh. Why isn't she taught protocol.

    I understand the Duchess has no ladies-in-waiting yet, nor does Prince William employ an equerry, but surely now is the time to have a little more training..

    I personally will have her dressed in the finest designs from exclusive British or european fashion houses. There is nothing wrong in wearing beautiful couture clothes. She is a beautiful young women married to a prince. She would look cool, in a anastasia style fur hat and coat for example.

    She needs to stop brushing her hair from her face a every minute it seems, and have a elegant simple styles Up or down whatever, There are hair stylist at her call. And please, don't play hockey in high heeled velvet boots, against eager pupils from your old school. I was horrified.. There is no need too. I thought she would get injured or fall over.

    All-in-all she is a lovely girl obviously intelligent, lovely smile but i woud advise her to slow down and pace herself. The royle life is a long road. The Queen has been doing it for 60 years, leading the the nation.

    What do you think about how it has been for the Duchess,

    So far,?

    7 AnswersRoyalty8 years ago
  • I think the Duchess is having twins..!?

    I know about these things> The Duchess is having a boy and a girl.

    How then will they be Monarch.

    9 AnswersRoyalty8 years ago
  • Why doesn't John McCain just ask Susan Rice out on a date..?

    I mean what's this really all about. Mr senator. Hmmm.???? I mean as a exmilitary man he should know the cia cannot dilvuldge any classified intel that they know about terrorist and any ongoing secret ops. The enemy cannot know the boys are onto them. Why is McCain pumping the UN Ambassador for infomation.???.

    I think he sees a capable intelligent black women and he can't handle himself because of envy. Same thing they were bitchin' against Sotomayor hispanic supreme court judge.

    All this belching by the old fart is all back-to-front if ya ask me. McCain needs to Siddown. His term limit is up in January anyway. The old fool ain't a member of any commitee of anything, anywhere, anyway. Who is he to call meetings questioning the president. Da old fool. GITFO...!!!!!

    I think the old fool is losing his mind.

    9 AnswersElections8 years ago
  • Saurez is the Devil.?

    He is a footballer well versed in the dark arts of football. He knows how to wind-up opponents, and try to get em' booked/sent off etc. He is very slippery around the box and will play for penalties, screaming blue murder and holding his ankle if he's touched.

    Tommorrow he comes to the lane, home of the mighty Tottenham hotspur, and it's gonna be a zinger, alright. He has Raheem Sterling beside him too, another very dangerous player

    I have no doubt Saurez will score against us. He is a very deadly striker, In-fact Saurez, Aguerro, Tevez, Rooney are the strikers in the prem, that will more than likely score a gaureenteed goal at any one time. On the day your team will just have to score more than them to win the game.

    Saurez is the devil. He will cause havoc if you allow him.....

    But he finds another way to get around his opponents to win.

    Who will win tommorrow.??

    Spurs v Liverpool. Whose style will prevail.

    7 AnswersEnglish Football8 years ago
  • Did the Queen ever met Emporer Haile Selassie ?

    Has the Queen ever travelled to Ethiopa, or did Haile Selassie visit Great Britain.?

    2 AnswersRoyalty9 years ago