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Lv 1134 points

Justin Guzman

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  • Is it a red flag if a girl who u met online but not in person yet, immediately call you babe, says I miss you, etc on first day of texting?

    I am 26M and she is 20F. We live in different countries (US for me, Phillipines for her) and have never met in person..

    We met online a week ago, and we immediately hit it off. She was being very flirty and wanted me to call her. Now we've been talking everyday (late night phone calls etc).

    I saw a week ago she posted saying she misses her baby. 

    I asked her and it turned out to be me.

    She also says I miss you when we talk. 

    And called me babe on the first day, all that stuff..

    I really like her and she likes me too (obviously) but is it a red flag if she is acting like this and I only knew her online for a week? 

    Please help! thanks in advance.

    TL;DR- Just met a girl online a week ago and she calls me babe, says i miss you, and posts about me already. Is this a red flag or she just really likes me? 

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating2 weeks ago
  • How to deal with a coworker who talks alot of trash about me?

    I am a 26 year old male and I work with a journeyman in his 50s.

    I just completed 4 years active duty in the army & have recently got hired as a heavy equipment operator at a construction company. (first time doing construction and working with all these tools). 

    I am a certified heavy equipment operator but they have me attached to a douchebag carpenter everyday as a helper. 

     I heard that he talks ALOT of trash about me. Which is not surprising because he talks trash about EVERYONE when I am with him.

    He questions if I was even in the military because I suck at construction, I'm an idiot, Claims his wife is better than me, etc.

    The thing is, He cannot speak proper english and I CANNOT UNDERSTAND what the f this man is saying. I literally try to comprehend wtf he is trying to explain to me, 

    Then he rushes me, I do the task wrong, then proceeds to talk more trash. I get it, he's been doing this for years and I'm on my second month. He doesnt have to be a complete dick about it though. 

    Not my fault I cannot understand his fob *** accent. (add on a loud generator running in the back along with a face mask)

    Why is he like this?! & what should I say next time he talks trash.

    TL;DR - coworker talks alot of trash about me (and everyone else). What should I do?

    5 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships3 months ago
  • My family thinks marijuana is the same as crack/meth. Is it bad to smoke?

    I smoke weed and my family says it will make you go crazy like all the homeless people on the street. Is that true and why or why not? is it bad??

    2 AnswersOther - Health3 months ago
  • My friend spoils two cats in her house and cages the others all day and night. Is this wrong?

    Is it wrong to keep cats locked in cage all day ?

    She has many cats. But only keeps her two favorites inside the house while locking the others in a cage all day. 

    She says it’s to protect them from cat fights and also because they pee and poop inside the house. 

    Also her nephew who is a toddler will chase the cats if she lets them out. 

    She claims it’s not cruel because the cats are healthy being fed and they have shelter. 

    She also claims that if the caged cats felt abused, they would have ran away already (they let them out for like 10-20 minutes to eat, SOMETIMES) but they havent ran so therefore the cats dont feel abused. 

    In the end she cannot free the cats because her mom is the homeowner and will get mad if she does. 

    I feel like it’s unfair that only two are free while the rest are prisoners. 

    Is she wrong for this ? I hate her spoiled two cats that are inside because I know the other cats are suffering in a small cage. 

    TL;DR- friend only keeps two cats inside the house and keeps the rest locked in a cage all day.

    Cats6 months ago
  • My friend spoils two cats in the house and keeps the other 6 locked in a cage outside all day/night. Is she wrong ?

    Is it wrong to keep cats locked in cage all day ?

    I am 25M and my friend is 21F. 

    She has many cats. But only keeps her two favorites inside the house while locking the others in a cage all day. 

    She says it’s to protect them from cat fights and also because they pee and poop inside the house. 

    Also her nephew who is a toddler will chase the cats if she lets them out. 

    She claims it’s not cruel because the cats are healthy being fed and they have shelter. 

    She also claims that if the caged cats felt abused, they would have ran away already (they let them out for like 10-20 minutes to eat, SOMETIMES) but they havent ran so therefore the cats dont feel abused. 

    In the end she cannot free the cats because her mom is the homeowner and will get mad if she does. 

    I feel like it’s unfair that only two are free while the rest are prisoners. 

    Is she wrong for this ? I hate her spoiled two cats that are inside because I know the other cats are suffering in a small cage. 

    TL;DR- friend only keeps two cats inside the house and keeps the rest locked in a cage all day.

    1 AnswerCats6 months ago
  • Why do these stray cats only eat the food when im gone?!?

    I am 25M and i put food out for stray cats. 

    But im so mad because they wait for me to leave then they eat the food. 

    If i catch them eating it they run. 

    Its making me so mad, i dont even want to feed them anymore because i cant even get close to them. 

    I just want to make friends and pet them but they’re assholes. 

    What should i do?

    16 AnswersCats6 months ago
  • My two cats dont like the neighbor's cat and growl at him, but they always cry and run away when they get attacked?

    My two cats are young, they are brothers and their family just got taken away (many cats and kittens).

    Whenever the neighbor cat would come onto our turf, their mom cat would growl and scare him.

    But now that the mom cat and family is gone, noone is there to stop neighbor cat from taking over our turf.

    I love all the cats, neighbor's cat is really friendly towards me.

    But when my two cats see me petting it, they come nearby and growl at him.

    Then when neighbor's cat finally had enough and attack them (he stops in front of them), they lie down, cry , and run away.

    Why do the two young cats not like him? And why do they talk alot of **** but whenever attacked , they just lie down, cry, and run??

    TL;DR - My two cats dont like the neighbor's cat and growl at him, but they always cry and run away when they get attacked?

    3 AnswersCats6 months ago
  • Is it wrong to lock cats in cage all day?

    I am 25M and my friend is 21F. 

    She has many cats. But only keeps her two favorites inside the house while locking the others in a cage all day. 

    She says it’s to protect them from cat fights and also because they pee and poop inside the house. 

    Also her nephew who is a toddler will chase the cats if she lets them out. 

    She claims it’s not cruel because the cats are healthy being fed and they have shelter. 

    I feel like it’s unfair that only two are free while the rest are prisoners. 

    Is she wrong for this ? I hate her spoiled two cats that are inside because I know the other cats are suffering in a small cage. 

    TL;DR- friend only keeps two cats inside the house and keeps the rest locked in a cage all day.

    11 AnswersCats6 months ago
  • Friend can't get over his breakup from one year ago, and is suicidal and depressed.?

    He is suicidal and depressed from his breakup (they broke up a year ago). He cries in my car and cuts himself and keeps saying he wants to kill himself.

    They have NEVER MET. Strictly facetime calls (she is in the phillipines). When they were together they'd constantly fight and yell on the phone. She'd always accuse him of cheating if he wasn't on video chat with her 24/7.

    I have gave him all the advice I could. I told him to go no contact and to unfollow/block her. However he continues to message her and follows her on social media even though she doesn't follow him back. I told him don't message her and apparently he messaged her AGAIN for the 1000th time and she told him to "f off".

    I told him to meet other girls and even had my female friend message him but he only is loyal to his ex and doesn't want to interact with other females. He has NO MOTIVATION to do anything and doesn't even reply back to my texts unless he needs to vent or needs a ride etc.

    Other friends have cut him off due to him being negative all the time. There are people who have it way worse than him (he has a place to stay and a job) but he continues to be suicidal and depressed over some girl he has never even met in person.

    Why is he like this?!? & what should I do?

    TL;DR - friend is suicidal and depressed from his breakup with his never-met LDR girlfriend and still continues to try to message her a year later with no success. Cries in my car and cuts himself.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating6 months ago
  • Should I keep greeting someone who doesn’t greet me back?

    I am 25M and my dbag stepfather is 50M. 

    I currently live with my mom & him temporarily while I find my own place. I just got out of the army and have been in their house since September. I sleep on the floor and am an unwanted guest and he wants me out of the house. 

    He has never liked me. He talked trash saying I won’t make it through army basic training and when I came back, he didn’t say congrats or even acknowledged me. 

    I dread going home every night because I walk past him and say “hi” but he just gives me a mean look. 

    Why is he like this? And would I be the a hole if I just stopped? I know it would cause drama if I did. 

    TL;DR: should I keep greeting my dbag stepfather even though he doesn’t greet me back ?!

    4 AnswersFamily6 months ago
  • LADIES : If a hot guy hit on you while your boyfriend wasn’t there what would you say ?

     If a really attractive man was flirting & wanted to take you home but you were in a relationship what would you do?

    Let’s say your boyfriend was away and you went out and a guy that’s insanely more attractive than your SO hit on you and wanted your number etc how would you respond to him?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating6 months ago
  • I want to practice break dancing outside but I’m scared of people staring ?

    Want to practice outside but worried about people judging ?

    I am 25M and I live on a military base. I usually practice with people at 24 hour fitness but it’s closed. 

    I have cardboard and speakers and a big basketball court to practice outside my room but I’m worried about practicing in front of military people. 

    What will their reactions be? And will I be hated on? They’ve never seen bboying and are all sports fans / gamers. 

    Please help. Thanks in advance 

    TL;DR - want to practice bboying outside in public but worried about people staring

    1 AnswerDancing11 months ago
  • Why is my roommate always so loud and yells at his tv?!?

    I am 25M and my roommate I’m not sure how old he is but he acts like a young immature kid. 

    He literally has no life and stays at home all day and plays video games from morning till 6am at the latest. Wakes up at like 12pm and does it all over again. 

    To make it even worse there is another loud *** guy that lives with him in his small *** room and it is unbelievably loud. 

    Some examples of what he yells are: 




    I’ve recorded him and my friends have said he sounds special ed. 

    How can people have no respect for their neighbors and be stupidly loud all day and night ?! How can he not leave his room EVER and just yell at a tv screen?! Is he a loser or am I just being a mean *** dude. 

    And before you say “just talk to him”.. he is a COMPLETE ****head. When he sees me he just gives a mean look and a smart remark such as, “you gonna buy me food?!” (As I’ve given him food a few times). 

    Please help. We are in the army also if that makes any difference. Surprisingly he doesn’t work and is always at home when I have a chance to be home. (Barracks) 

    TL;DR: roommate is the most irritating loudest dude ever and won’t stfu and yells till 6am at the latest without ever having any other hobbies. What do I do and why is he like this ?! 

    5 AnswersFamily1 year ago
  • Girl said I was too nice on our dates. Give up or stop trying ?

    I’m 25M and she’s 23F. 

    We went on two dates. First date went well. Next day we slept at a hotel and it wasn’t so well as the night before. I made no moves both dates because I didn’t want to be seen as a ******* and wanted to take it slow bc I saw her as gf material. 

    I haven’t texted her yet since second date. Then she posted on her twitter saying I was too nice and didn’t want me anymore. 

    Is it over ? Should I just not text her anymore and give up?! Ugh i regret not making a move. Please help!!!

    I feel I have a chance if I get my text game right. I’m obviously not gonna mention the tweet bc she’ll think I’m a stalker. 

    TL;DR- girl said I was too nice on our two dates on her Twitter. I haven’t contacted her since yesterday (after the date). Give up or still text her? 

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 year ago
  • First date after breakup need help and tips because I’m nervous ?

    I am 25m and she is 23f. 

    She is in the airforce I’m in the army. 

    I’m taking her out tonight and it’s been awhile I haven’t went on a date in a long time bc I just got out of a year r/s in December. 

    Any tips to help me? Kinda nervous and don’t wanna mess this up.

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating1 year ago
  • Getting Airbnb to sleep with girls after my breakup? Been out of the game for a year?

    Getting Airbnb to sleep with girls after my breakup? Been out of the game for a year

    I (25M) Got dumped by my ex gf (21F) few months ago. We lasted a year. She dated a guy few days after. 

    So my friend and I are going to get an Airbnb and he’s bringing instagram model type chicks to stay with us for the weekend. He is trying to hook me up with one of them. (They are on vacation and want to hangout)

    I’ve hooked up with girls but rejected them in the end because I still wasn’t over my ex. However this time I won’t let that be the case. 

    I’ve been out of the dating scene for awhile and am not sure how to approach this. A little nervous. 

    What are some tips to ensure I have a fun night with the girls? I am bad at talking to girls. The ones i hooked up with literally threw themselves at me but the girl my friend is hooking me up with is a Instagram model type girl. So that’s intimidating.. 

    Any tips to make sure I don’t look Like a fool? Thanks in advance. 

    TL;DR- Getting back into the dating scene after getting dumped. Sleeping with instagram models in a hotel. Need advice on how to not look stupid around them

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 year ago
  • Ex left me to date other guys? (Twice)?

    I’m 25M she’s 21F. 

    I was seriously doing fine, meeting other girls, enjoying my life. Until I noticed she made a reddit account to talk **** to me on my last post. Why would she waste her time to do that? I messaged her saying to stop stalking my reddit and we got into a fight. Then she blocked me. 

    She stole $500 from me and donated all of my stuff when I asked for it back. 

    She left me to date another guy.I should’ve seen it coming because she left a guy to date me when we first met. Also when we broke up the first time she dated some guy immediately after as well. So this is the second time. 

    I don’t understand how someone can just bounce from guy to guy like that ? She moved on so fast. I guess I was just another number to her. I feel so used. We lasted almost a year.  

    I seriously hate her. What do I do ? I feel so used. She makes me want to hurt myself. 

    TL;DR - ex stole from me, sold all my stuff, dated guys right after our break ups, and made a Reddit account to talk **** to me on my thread. I hate her so much. What do I do ? 

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 year ago
  • Broke up w gf because I was jealous of her celeb crushes ?!?

    I am 25M and she is 21F. 

    We lasted a year and broke up last month. 

    I hated her obsession with handsome celebrity crushes and I felt like #2 bc she’d post about them and have pics and put them as her wallpaper... you get the point. 

    It lead to me treating her like crap ultimately bc I was insecure and jealous that she liked other guys besides me. 

    I know they’ll never meet and they’re celebs but ultimately it led to her dating an Asian guy (her crushes are Asian) while with me. 

    I feel good that we’re broken up because now I don’t gotta worry about her and her fandom. 

    However I’m worried this will affect my next relationship. I know I’m not ready to date because I’ll feel insecure and jealous if my next gf has a celeb crush. 

    How do I stop this?! I hate knowing my girl has the hots for another dude. 

    TL;DR- how do I stop being jealous and insecure of my next girlfriend being attracted to other men?! (Celebs or not) 

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 year ago
  • Brother makes me go out of way to pick him up when he already has a car ?

    I am 25M and he’s 32M. 

    I live super far and he lives within 10 minutes of everything. However he still wants me to go out of my way to pick him up THEN go to the place near his house. 

    Keep in mind I have to drop him back off (which is out of the way again)before I’m able to drive back to my far away home. 

    I try to avoid texting him to hangout because he never wants to drive. And when he does ask me to pick him up he doesn’t even ask.. he just demands it. 

    “Pick me up”. 

    No gas money whatsoever. 

    Is this fair? What do I say next time he demands it. And why’s he like this? Please help. 

    TL;DR- Brother has a car and lives close to everything but still makes me go out of my way to pick him up

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 year ago
  • Friend always forgets and loses his stuff everytime we hangout ?!?

    He’s the most forgetful person I know. He loses very non trivial things such as cigarettes or clothes and very important stuff too like house keys (which leads to him getting locked out of his house at night). 

    Everytime we hangout he forgets or loses something which leads to me driving back to the area we were at so he can search for his things. It’s gotten so bad that I have to create a list before I pick him up of things that he won’t forget to bring.. but even then he forgets sometimes. 

    He can put his phone in my car and forget where it is 20 minutes later. 

    I mean even now he has stuff in my car that he forgot to get last night (just like every night.. nothing new) and when I tell him he doesn’t remember what he is missing!!

    I can imagine like a few times or so bc were all human but every single time?? 

    He doesn’t smoke weed so it’s not a weed memory problem. 

    Why is he like this ? And what can help him be less forgetful and keep track of his stuff better? Please help!!!

    TL;DR- friend loses his stuff and forgets things every single time. Why is he like this and how can I help him ?!?!?! 

    Mental Health1 year ago