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Kay Em
If I purchase an item from a seller and the seller loses the money; am I entitled to pay again?
I purchased a computer from a seller off of craigslist two days ago. The seller messaged me the next day and told me he lost his wallet and I needed to pay again. He also said that he'd go to the authorities and get them involved.
A) Would the authorities even get involved?
B) Since he lost the money when it was in his possession; isn't it his responsibility?
8 AnswersLaw & Ethics10 years agowhat is a good solution to body acne?
I scar easily and my skin is oily & sensitive
10 AnswersOther - Skin & Body1 decade agoBellydancers, about how long does it take to learn the hip roll and other moves?
Im trying to learn =]
1 AnswerDancing1 decade agoDoes being a better dancer lead to having better sex?
do you believe that having the ability to dance better, such as a belly dancer or someone that has good rhythm and moves, leads to having better sex?
5 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoKim Kardashian or Beyonce?
5 AnswersCelebrities1 decade agoturning 21- which drink/ wine?
Ive been introduced to wine and i've had Merlot and liked it alot. I'm turning 21 in a couple of weeks so I'd like to find a GOOD tasting wine thats a lil more classy than the 7$ bottles. What would you recommend? and also please recommend other yummy drink mixtures!
4 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits1 decade agospaghetti; what to put in it?
I loooove making spaghetti, and i love it more when its super chunky. Other than ground beef, mushrooms and peppers what else could/should I put into spaghetti to give it additional flavors? I'd also appreciate spices, juices, meats and other ideas for a better taste
11 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade agohow do i get my hair like this?
I bought highlight dye and my hair is long and layered, but how do i get it toussled?
6 AnswersHair1 decade agoHow to get rid of bags under the eyes?
I'm a college student who stays up till 2 am every night studying and w/e. I basically dont get enough sleep and I'm starting to get bags under my eyes. How do i get rid of them without just trying to cover them up?
11 AnswersOther - Skin & Body1 decade agobest mascara for lengthening and curling?
Ive been using Diorshow Iconic for the past 2 months, the best mascara i've ever used EVER & totally worth the money. Is there other mascara's out there that are better than diorshow iconic?
4 AnswersMakeup1 decade agoWhere can I find pantyhose with this floral print in black?
this is an example of the floral design I'm looking for but in black and in complete panty hose.
i saw the perfect pair in a Coach shoes ad, however Coach does not sell the panty hose.. websites would be helpful =]
3 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade agoEyelash conditioner that causes eyelashes to grow?
Has anyone tried revitalash, lilash or any other lash conditioner that actually had good results?? recommend some please and even negative feedback is wanted!! i want loooong eyelashes =[
3 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style1 decade agoWhat is the best kind of luminizer for a glowing complexion? ?
ive had recommendations on smashbox for the 'softlight' effect and some foundations. i have oily skin and prone to acne. i just want a fabulous!
4 AnswersMakeup1 decade agowhat brand is Whitney Port's headband on the finale of THE HILLS at her going away party?
Does anyone know what brand or where to get Whitney Port's Headband that she wore to her going away party on the finale of the Hills? It had gold/green flowers on it and super cute!!!
6 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade agoWhitney Port's headband on the finale of THE HILLS at her going away party?
Does anyone know what brand or where to get Whitney Port's Headband that she wore to her going away party on the finale of the Hills? It had gold/green flowers on it and super cute!!!
2 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade agoIf you have a delinquency, after its paid off in full how long does it stay on the credit report?
120 day delinquency on a Bank of Am. credit card, but the balance has been paid off in full recently. I heard that they should take the delinquency off the credit report after a month but im not exactly sure. when will they take it off?
5 AnswersCredit1 decade agoAfter Obama moves to the white house, will obama's daughters be homeschooled or is there a special school in ?
DC that politians' kids go to?
9 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade agoall you mccainers who say "Obama is a socialist and will turn our economy into a socialist economy" do you kno?
w that when the banks where bailed out, that was a socialist move?! become educated. socialism is to aid the majority of people, capitalism is to build wealth for the few. Our economy is in the middle of the 2, because our banks, postal services, airlines, military, police force, government jobs are heavily regulated = leaning them closest toward socialism. Electric companies, communication companies and many utility companies are in the middle and the most capitalistic industry is the drug (illegal drug) industry. So when Barack Obama wants to "spread the wealth", he wants the health care industry and some other necessities to be government regulated to help out the majority of those who cant get the needs taken care of themselves. So is that so bad???
I dont know why people rave about things they dont understand..
11 AnswersElections1 decade ago