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Lv 2749 points


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I am an Agnostic pagan with Satanic Leanings. I am a philosopher by nature. I am constantly questioning things and proving people wrong, Myself mostly. So if I offend you, take comfort in the fact that I put down my own ideas much more vehemanently and more often than I do others. I enjoy ALL rock music, the heavier the better. I Love Godsmack. but I also am in Love with Norah Jones' music, I know, its a wierd combo, heavy rock and slow jazzy blues. but hey, if people are gonna try and label me, might as well make it difficult for 'em. eh? I live in the United States, more specifically Florida, I Hate party politics, and believe in the old mantra "the only good politician, is one with no tongue." I am pro-choice, though i think it is murder. I am for gays and lesbian rights. I think they should have full rights just as straight people do. I believe in a libertarian view of anarchy, and i believe that..."The ends are the means" Respect, Luzifer

  • White and Black Magick?

    I have heard people say that there is such a thing as black and white magick. personally I find them to be more categories since if one person classifies a ritual as black and another thinks its white, we cant determine who is correct.

    does anyone else believe this, or do you believe magick is fit into two seperate categories that are not just located in the mind?

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Where in the bible does it say Yawheh is omnipotent?

    i hear all the time that he can do anything, and that he is omnipotent, but ive never seen a quote.

    is it just christian wishful thinking??


    16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Dates for the Gospels?

    the gospels were writen over a 100 year period after Jesus' supposed death. In a society where records were definitely not fullproof, how could any christian put thier faith in something that is so obviously hearsay, rumors, and legends.

    we have computers that aid us in the keeping up of records, yet the government and credit card companies still lose information, the gospels were not even written by the actual disciples. we do not know who wrote them, the names given to them: Mathew, Mark, Luke, and John were who the scholars at the time thought were the most likely candidates.

    so now, my question to christians, is how do you not only put your faith in this hearsay, but also ask others to give up thier faith and become christians based on such shaky evidence??

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • a question posed to athiests?

    i realize that the probability of a god in ANY sense is nigh impossible, and after death there is probably nothing after, i realize this, yet it makes sense to ME that there is more.

    would you say people like me are more weak or less from your average thiest because i recognicze the impossibility of a god but also recognize my personal need for a belief in one.

    17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • free will versus fate?

    why do you so strongly believe in the theory of free-will??

    why fate??

    why do I see so many pagans telling new people that messing with free-will is wrong and evil, isn't that the kind of dogma many of us were trying to escape when we left our former religions??

    what lead to the creation of such a strongly held dogmatic belief in free-will and the evils of tampering with it among many of the neo-pagan faiths and followers??

    Love and Respect,


    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Bible Prophecies?

    can you name some that have been "proven". and then back it up with a Non-christian website that corroborates your proof?

    ps. merry christmas and a blessed Yule,


    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Poem UNION (be brutal)?

    Joining together two into one,

    The marriage of two souls,

    So different and unknowable,

    Yet kindred to one another.

    They speak their vows,

    Under the cherry blossoms and Sun,

    Singing unto the goddess for it to last,

    Together Forever,

    This marriage of two souls,

    Unity in life and love

    2 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • Why does sin cause death?

    if the christian god is everywhere and everywhen, (supposing he knows the future) then he would know that eve would eat the apple. why would he still say that eating the apple would cause them to die??

    why not just get a different punishemnt??

    why so harsh?

    and i know some of the more lame responses "because they didnt listen to god" "because god is all-powerful"

    give me a real reason Yawheh was so hard on adam and eve.

    Why does sin cause death??

    29 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • The bible can NOT be holy writ?

    if we all have free will and god chooses not to tell us what to do, or cause us to act a certain way, how is it that writings from people who believed they heard him holy writ? and cause for not just one but two religions??

    If we really do have free will then the writings are just musings of men, and if we dont, then it is holy.

    so whats your "explanation"?

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • what is a christian perspective on the two creation stories in thier bible??

    the first of course tells how everything was created by elohim (which means Gods (3 or more)) including man and woman (at the same time), then there is the creation story directly following that talks about the more personal diety named Yawheh who creates a garden, then a man, then a woman.

    how do You view these stories and in what kind of context.

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago