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  • Attachment image

    Is this overexposed photo salvageable?

    Is there any chance that any color information is available for those white areas? I've tried everything I can think of in Lightroom but nothing helped.

    Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

    3 AnswersPhotography7 years ago
  • Google doesn't understand which version of a word I mean, what should I do?


    I'm trying to find out information about a side of my family whose last name was French. The problem is, whenever I search "French family", or "French last name", Google just keeps giving me articles about... French last names and French families (French as an adjective instead of as a name in itself). > < Not quite what I meant. Does anybody have tips on how I can make the search program understand what I actually mean? I've thought about it but I'm stumped.

    Also, if your last name is also a word and you've had similar problems, I'd especially love to hear how that went for you.


    3 AnswersGoogle7 years ago
  • Meaning of "reiterate"?- Can you "reiterate" something someone else said?

    If you restate something someone else said, would that be "reiterating" it? Or does it only count as "reiterating" if you've already said it yourself? Thanks!

    5 AnswersWords & Wordplay7 years ago
  • Are anorexia and bulimia manifestations of the same underlying disorder?

    I'm supposed to discuss the above question. Opinions would be appreciated, sources even moreso, because I don't know where to start.


    1 AnswerPsychology7 years ago
  • Character development when the character isn't an independent entity?

    I'm writing a character who's actually someone's hallucination. Thus, the usual rules about character development in a story (know where the character came from, what they do for a living, etc) don't apply, because she didn't come from an actual place, she didn't have a childhood, she obviously doesn't have a job, and so forth. Any tips on making her a well-rounded, interesting, dynamic character who at least seems to have a will and personality of her own?

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors7 years ago
  • How to edit or delete a comment in Yahoo Answers?

    I made a mistake in a comment I made on an answer. I said completely the opposite of what I meant to :( Is there a way to edit or delete it?


    11 AnswersYahoo Answers7 years ago
  • How would you cite this fact sheet in APA style?

    It's the fact sheet about the new DSM, version number 5.

    Thanks so much! :)

    1 AnswerPsychology7 years ago
  • Behavior that's sometimes a disorder in itself and sometimes just a component of another disorder?

    I am writing about how compulsive hoarding is sometimes a symptom of OCD but sometimes a separate disorder with distinct neurological roots.

    Are there any other examples of psychological phenomena that do the same thing? (maybe, for example, hallucinations are sometimes a symptom of schizophrenia but sometimes an independent disorder, or something like that? That's just a made-up example, but you get the idea.)

    Thank you!

    2 AnswersPsychology7 years ago
  • Simon-Binet intelligence test?

    I read (in multiple reliable sources) that researcher Charles Spearman developed his 1904 theory of "general intelligence" after observing that the results of the various existing intelligence tests always correlated. However, I also read (in multiple reliable sources) that the first intelligence test was not developed until 1905... so something doesn't add up here (unless Spearman also pioneered time travel ;)

    Would someone be able to clarify for me? Thank you so much!

    2 AnswersPsychology7 years ago
  • Perm (curly) with bangs?

    I have blunt bangs and one section of them bends off to one side, so there's a hideous gap. I trim it frequently and am constantly readjusting my hair, but it's no use. Even flatiron-ing doesn't help. It's too much work constantly rearranging them so I want to grow them out. But the problem, I grew bangs out once before years ago and it was HORRIBLE- bits of the partially grown-out bangs stuck out everywhere and looked horrendous. It went on for months until they were finally as long as the rest of my hair. I tried everything to make them stay down- headbands, ponytails, barrettes, extra-strong bobby pins, even hair gel; none of it worked. I tried camoflauging it by waving all my hair but that didn't work either. My hair is straight but oh my goodness, is it stubborn. It wanted to bend the way it wanted to bend and nothing convinced it to cooperate.

    So my question is, if I get a (very frizzy) perm, including the bangs, will I be able to sort of mix the bangs in with the rest of my hair? Or will they just be a cloud of frizz sticking up in front and look stupid?

    Also, any other suggestions for what to do to make my hair look good would be very appreciated. Thank you!

    1 AnswerCoiffure8 years ago
  • Help! Which Paris metro stops sell tickets?

    My Paris metro stop doesn't have ticket-selling machines. Is there a map that shows which ones do? Thanks!

    3 AnswersParis8 years ago
  • Claude Izner (Liliane Korb et Laurence Lefèvre), bouquiniste?

    J'ai beaucoup aimé les mystères "Victor Legris" par Liliane Korb et Laurence Lefèvre (nom de plume: Claude Izner). J'ai lu qu'elles sont bouquinistes sur les quais de Paris. Comment trouver leur baraque?- je voudrais faire leur connaissances et dire que j'ai aimé les livres.

    Merci d'avance!! :)

    1 AnswerLivres et auteurs8 years ago
  • Starbucks plastic cup discount in France?

    In the U.S., Starbucks has a thing where if you buy one of their reusable plastic coffee cups, they'll give you 10c off each beverage you get it in. I'm going to be living in Paris for awhile and I'm trying to decide whether to take it- does anyone know if they'll give you a similar discount at Starbucks in Paris/France? Thanks! :)

    1 AnswerNon-Alcoholic Drinks8 years ago
  • My Newfoundland dog doesn't like me anymore?

    Ten-second version: My dog (a breed known for its gentle temperament) used to love me but now he avoids me and has started barking at me and baring his teeth. I haven't done anything different than usual.

    My family and I bought a purebred male Newfoundland puppy and brought him home when he was 4 months old. We saw his full pedigree and met his father and maternal grandfather, who they both had a perfect Newfoundland temperament- extremely friendly, laid-back, gentle, and affectionate. (The point is, we knew exactly what we were getting, no surprises in the gene pool.) Our puppy was always very friendly. He has a mischievous side, but he was always a gentle soul.

    But lately, as he's starting the equivalent of the teenage years, he has started baring his teeth at me and being snappy when he doesn't get his way. Today he barked at me EXTREMELY loudly (Newfoundlands almost never bark, either), then ran and jumped at me with his teeth bared. What could be the matter? Thank you!

    Other information: It's only me he does this with, not other people. As far as pack order, he seems to regard my mother as the alpha. He's a bit anxious, afraid of things like big trucks and loud noises, and very distractible and excitable- if he were human, he would be a textbook case of ADHD. He's never liked me snuggling with him, hugging him or pulling him into my lap, which is weird (very uncharacteristic of a Newfoundland, most of them will look for any excuse to crawl into your lap or sit on you.) I've always been kind to him (although I speak firmly and push him away when he does something he's not allowed to, like jumping), pet him a lot, talk to him in an affectionate voice, groom him, feed him, play with him, and take him for walks. He seemed to like me fairly well until now.

    5 AnswersDogs8 years ago
  • Care for disabled person?

    My 15-year-old brother is completely disabled (can't walk, talk, feed himself, or dress himself, and he's still in diapers.) My mom is a single parent (my dad died) and within a few years will not be strong enough to take care of him anymore (I'm already not, he's way bigger than me, I can barely budge him). Our family can help us, but not much. I'm scared we're going to have to put him in a home if we don't want him to end up on the street, but that could easily cost $60,000/yr- nobody can afford to pay that for 50+ years. What do we do? I'm terrified. I've been trawling the internet for hours- I've checked social security, the department of health and human services, medicaid, medicare, and numerous support group boards- and haven't found any helpful information. If anyone can help I will love you forever.

    Thank you so much!

    3 AnswersPeople with Disabilities8 years ago
  • Long-lasting earbuds with good sound quality?

    I'm looking for earbuds with good sound quality that won't break easily. Preferably under $300.

    *Ones that DON'T cancel or block noise would be nice, so I can hear cars coming and stuff like that.

    Thank you so much!

    3 AnswersMusic & Music Players8 years ago
  • When is it worth it to give up doing something you love?

    I've always wanted to be a writer (if this isn't relatable, feel free to fill in something else you love to do), but I've realized recently that book marketing is so hard that there's no guarantee many people will ever read my books. As far as I'm concerned, if I never reach anybody with my writing, that would make it a waste of time (especially since it takes me a ton of time to write anything good- I've spent thousands of hours working on my novel manuscript). I feel incredibly guilty that I'm not spending that time with people I care about, or helping others. To me it seems like that's the right thing to do.

    But I can't stop writing. It's my favorite thing to do. How do I decide whether the right thing to do is keep going with it on the slight chance it might help a lot of people? And if I give it up, how do I get along with doing my favorite thing?

    4 AnswersOther - Arts & Humanities8 years ago
  • Charities that get people out of human trafficking?

    I've been researching organizations that fight human trafficking (aka slavery) and have found several great ones that help trafficking survivors, such as Not For Sale and the Polaris Project. But I'd like to donate to one that directly helps remove people from slavery. Does anyone know of any organizations that do this? Thanks!

    1 AnswerCommunity Service8 years ago
  • My skin oil hurts my eyes?

    This might be a little gross, but when I rub my eyes when my skin is oily it causes excruciating pain (I'm assuming it's from traces of oil getting in my eyes). It burns like you wouldn't believe and I have to stop whatever I'm doing to flush my eyes out. Sometimes I even have to take my contacts out. It's so annoying because it's not like it's a product I can avoid- it's produced by my own skin so it's always there! Does anyone else have this problem or have any suggestions? (And yes, I wash my face and keep my hair out of my eyes, etc, all the rules you're supposed to follow, but this still happens- my skin just makes a ton of oil by nature.) Thanks!

    3 AnswersSkin Conditions8 years ago
  • Victorian era: What was a reception dress?

    I've been doing research on the etiquette of Victorian dress and am completely confused. Most of the sites I've looked on contradict each other and/or aren't reliably sourced. I can't find anywhere that explains what a reception dress was. Was it the same thing as a dress for receiving visitors? Thank you so much!

    1 AnswerHistory8 years ago