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  • Pourquoi Microsoft a acheté SKYPE ?

    Je Ne comprends pas pourquoi Microsoft a acheté skype à 8.5 milliards alors qu'ils peuvent le télécharger gratuitement ?!!!

    9 AnswersMédias et journalisme1 decade ago
  • Pourquoi les français ne veulent pas attendre 2012?

    Appel au soulèvement POUR QU’ILS DEGAGENT le 26 mars !

    Qu'est ce que vous pensez V!

  • ca va prendre combien de jours pour que Boutaflika "DÉGAGE" ? ?

    Pour se débarrasser d'un dictateur il a fallut 29 jours en Tunisie et 18 en Égypte!

    Aujourd'hui tous les regards se tournent sur l'Algérie... les manifestations ont déjà commencé... je vous reporte ce que j'ai vu ce soir à Tunis ... des Slogan à la Tunisienne :

    " 123 Ghodwa l'Algérie" = "123 et demain c'est Algérie"

    "مبارك يا شوليقة هز معاك بوتفليقة!" = "Moubarak ... le Chiffon...ramène avec toi Boutaflika"

    A votre avis ca va prendre combien de jours pour que Boutaflika "DÉGAGE" ?

    9 AnswersAlgérie1 decade ago
  • Pourquoi Moubarak et MAM ne veulent pas partir ?

    Est ce que c'est vraiment par amour du peuple ?!

    8 AnswersPolitique1 decade ago

    Est ce qu'on peut voir des manifestants Français portant le slogan " MAM DÉGAGE " ?!

  • what does it mean "dictator" ?

    The spokesman Robert Gibbs the White House held its briefing earlier today, the first day of clashes in Cairo.

    He again stated that American aid would be reassessed in the light of the current behavior of the Egyptian authorities (the White House she doubts again about the army?). This assertion was refuted Sunday Hillary Clinton.

    But he also refused to call a dictator Mubarak, the Egyptian leader that respondent had every opportunity to show he is just beginning the transition "now" (what Obama had already said last night, obviously without effect).

    - "The Administration Believes That President Mubarak has a chance to Show the world exactly - EXACTLY Who He Is Beginning by this transition so desperately That Is Needed In His Country and His people for now".

    But what is "now" exactly?

    - "Now Means yesterday," he has said.

    That was yesterday.

    And he reassured those who think that Obama should not let her swallow good comeback in popularity "micro-management" of Egypt. The president dealt with the blizzard of Egypt, but spends most of his time to the economy.

    - "So I Think That This Is Obviously That year administration has had considerable Spent Amount of time working on the storm, it Egypt, Probably going to a Majority of What we're doing it to work The Economic aspects of recovery.

    Tomorrow, Obama campaigning again for new energy and innovation

    5 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago
  • what do you think the U.S. reaction ?

    Demand that the Egyptian people? The departure of the pharaoh. That meet Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama? Mubarak to initiate democratic reforms and meet the legitimate demands of the Egyptian people. So Mubarak and his regime hated by the people who must carry out these reforms! A few hours after U.S. orders, Mubarak appeared on Egyptian television on the night of Friday to Saturday to say, under orders of his masters, he would return the government and install a new government. He also called upon Saturday, 29 January a vice-president Omar Suleiman, a close friend who previously held the post of intelligence chief. Sunday, January 30 Hillary Clinton said: "It's just the beginning of what should happen, a process leading to concrete steps to achieve the democratic and economic reforms that we have called, and which President Mubarak himself has mentioned in his speech. "

    A bit later, Hillary Clinton said again "We expect an orderly transition so that no one comes to fill a void, so there is no vacuum (but) a well developed plan for the advent of participatory democratic government. " Asked about the U.S. television network ABC about a possible suspension of U.S. aid to the Egyptian regime, she says, "At the moment, there is no discussion of a suspension of any assistance whatsoever." The U.S. administration still clings with all his strength to bully the Nile. But nothing, absolutely nothing on the major demand of the people of Egypt, Mubarak's departure as the protesters chanted: "Irhale," "Get," "Out! The United States is firmly on the side of the dictator and against the Egyptian people. Meanwhile, the people of Egypt defies fear, curfew, bullets and falls heavily in the streets of Cairo, Alexandria, Suez, Port Said, Mansoura, Assiut, Fayoum, Ismailia, Al Minya, etc.. to demand the departure of the pharaoh. And despite the overwhelming rejection of the Egyptian government by a people and these powerful events shown by all the television and all media worldwide, the United States remain loyal to the tyrant and his regime.

    What a stark contrast! On one side of American imperialism and European governments that support and cling desperately to a dictator who has ruined his country, his people starved and stifled all freedoms. On the other, an entire people, men and women by the millions who want peaceful dignity, democracy and freedom. Strange that western democracy that continues to speak loudly about democracy, and attempts, by all means to crush it when people want to apply for themselves and for themselves. The case of Tunisia and Egypt are very eloquent in this regard. France has done everything to keep the dictator Ben Ali to power and the United States still cling to the tyrant of the Nile. Imperialism is the negation of political progress, and thus all economic and social progress. He is the enemy of the people. Only the will and determination of the oppressed to get rid of imperialism and their own oppressors will establish a true democracy. Egyptian People you're finally awake after a long night and very dark. The Mubarak regime and have used thee, whole decades, heads down and kowtow. You have suffered, like other Arab peoples exploitation, misery, subjugation, humiliation, marginalization and betrayal. Today you looked up and you will soon, thanks to your courage and your determination to deploy in the bright sky of Egypt the banner of victory.

    Soldier of Egypt, returns your weapon against the regime that humiliates your people, defend and frees Egypt from oppression. Worker Egypt, Revolutionizes your living conditions and guide your people to victory. You are the hope not only to your own country but also for all the oppressed Arab masses. Egyptian peasant, sown in the fertile land which is thine the seeds of freedom, democracy and socialism. Soldiers, workers, peasants, unemployed, fruit and vegetable sellers, shoe shiners, oppressed in Egypt you are trying to write a glorious page in your history. Tomorrow you'll be in control, control of your destiny.

    2 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Qu'est que vous pensez d'un peuple qui fait fuir son président à cause d'un vendeur de légumes ?

    je trouve pas les mots : il sont forts , Fous , dignes ... ?

    Aidez moi SVP à comprendre ce phénomène,

    Voilà un petit résumé de cette révolution:

    Tout commence avec ce jeune chômeur Mohamed Bouazizi, qui s'était immolé par le feu le 17 décembre à Sidi Bouzid devenant ainsi, le symbole de la contestation populaire en Tunisie.

    Les manifestations contre le régime du président Ben Ali ont atteint la capitale Tunis.

    L'ex-président avait multiplié, sans succès, les annonces pour tenter de mettre un terme à un mois d’émeutes et de manifestations, violemment réprimées par des services de sécurité n’ayant pas hésité à tirer à balles réelles sur des civils. 84 personnes avaient été tuées. le 14 janvier Ben Ali fuit le pays pour se refugier en Arabie Saoudite. C'est la victoire du peuple tunisien qui, pour la premiere fois, fait tomber un dictateur et son clan à savoir les Trabelsi.

    La communauté internationale s'inquiète tandis que le gouverment UMP garde un silence complice, plus grave encore, Michèle Alliot-Marie avait proposé une aide sécuritaire au régime tunisien. L’Elysée « prend acte de la transition constitutionnelle » en Tunisie.

    Le peuple tunisien vient de franchir le premier stade de sa révolution : le renvoi d'un dictateur, Ben Ali et de son clan quasi-mafieux. Avant tout, les tunisiens ont reconquis leur dignité et leur fierté, longtemps bafouées et trainées dans la boue par l'absence de liberté. Félicitations à tous les tunisiens pour cet incroyable courage!

    Une nouvelle Tunisie reste à construire : libre, démocratique et sociale. nous souhaitons que cette transition réussisse pleinement...

  • Tunisia Egypt the lesson...?

    Each of Tunisia did not understand the lesson ... Here are the descendants of the Pharaohs give "private lessons" ...

    Can Mubarak understand like Ben Ali also understand that these great peoples will not hurt anymore.

    Greetings from Tunisia's youth to the youth of Egypt

    لكل من لم يستوعب درس تونس... ها هم أحفاد الفراعنة يعطون "دروس خصوصية"...

    فهل سيفهم مبارك كما فهم بن علي أن هذه الشعوب العظيمة لن تهان بعد الأن.

    تحية من شباب تونس إلى شباب مصر

    4 AnswersEgypt1 decade ago
  • La Révolution tunisienne attire encore et encore des touristes ?

    militants des droits humains, journalistes , photographes, des investisseurs curieux ... Vous pensez pas que la Tunisie avait profité économiquement de ce Big Bang ?!

    8 AnswersTunisie1 decade ago
  • Après Miss France pourquoi pas Miss...?

    Après Miss France pourquoi pas Miss Yahoo Q/R.

    j'Attend vos suggestions !

    1 AnswerYahoo Questions/Réponses1 decade ago
  • Hello a lover need your help ...?


    I love a girl from Siegen(Hilchebach), so I Know her name but i havn't the adress or Phone Number !

    And I cannot go to Germany .

    Anybody can help me ?

    Sorry for my English !

    2 AnswersFreunde1 decade ago
  • Un jour Sarkozy ne sera plus le président,...?

    Un jour Sarkozy ne sera plus le président, alors il va chercher un job.

    Selon son profil et son talent, Quel job vous allez lui proposez ?

    Merci de vos réponses ?

    10 AnswersCarrière et emploi - Divers1 decade ago
  • Est il vrai qu'une femme en période d'ovulation...?

    Est il vrai que les femmes en période d'ovulation puissent emmagasiner des ondes négatives de quelques millionièmes de volts.

    Des ondes qui peuvent tomber une voiture en panne ou causer des problèmes d'électricité...

    Si oui comment je pourrais les amplifier et les transformer à une arme fatale ?

    Ou je pourrais trouver des bénévoles pour offrir des ovules de test ?

    4 AnswersRecherche1 decade ago
  • Pourquoi les chrétiens mangent-ils le porc ?

    A mon avis ça c'est la bonne question:

    car les juifs et le musulmans ne mangent pas le porc donc se sont les chrétiens qui faisaient l'exception !

    En plus ( et je ne suis pas sure de l'info... et ça serait bien d'avoir une réponse d'un connaisseur), c'est interdit dans la bible et Jésus lui même n'en mangeait pas.

    Merci de vos réponses.

    11 AnswersReligions et spiritualité1 decade ago