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==>Funny ==>Smart ==>ppl person ==>Love to try new things ==>Love to meet new ppl ==>Gator fan, love College Football #15 Tebow all the way! ==>Orlando is my city ==> Down 2 Earth ==Find me in the Wrestling Section. Live. Laugh. Love Check Me out On Facebook, Myspace, and Bebo: ==> ==> ==>

  • Whats Wrong with my elbow lol?

    Longboarding....landed hard on my arm/elbow and now I cant put pressure on it, like its shakes really bad when I do..and the elbow area just feels really heavy. I may get a pain every once in a while. I know its could be nothing, just wanna get a second opinion.

    3 AnswersPain & Pain Management8 years ago
  • Muffler came off my 96 civic....?

    yeah the muff was i bad condition when i bought the car but yeah i pulled out of 711 and bam muffler cam off, called my friend he said it was fine and not to worry about the carbon monoxide because thats in the catalytic convertor.....he also dosent have a muffler for his prelude.

    5 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs8 years ago
  • What do you think the Rock was going to say?

    when he was about to say who HE would prefer to wrestle at WM out of CM Punk and Cena.

    3 AnswersWrestling8 years ago
  • help with this one 2+3(3n-1)=62?


    -2x(x-9)-6=14-16....this one is giving me so much HELL

    3 AnswersMathematics10 years ago
  • Translate this into a mathematical expression: "The sum of -52 and a number"?

    I really need help here having a massive brain fart lol

    also these two word problems:a high school graduating class is made up of 598 students. There are 94 more boys than girls. How many girls are in the class

    a)346 girls b)94 girls c)598 girls d) 252 girls

    jackie and her friend warren ran for an open position on the board of directors of their favorite organazation. jackie recieved four times the votes tht warren recieved, There are 200 ballots cast. How many votes did jackie recieve?

    those 3 problems Im stuck on...please help me. =)

    4 AnswersMathematics10 years ago
  • My computer has no speakers but cant the sound still work through headphones?

    the computer hardrive isnt that old um....its a dell, her software IS WINDOWS 2000. usaully the hard drive come with the headphone option in the back of the HARDIVE BUT THE OPTION FOR HEADPHONEs IS ON THE FRONT.....i HAVE CHECKED EVERYTHING volume is turned up and everyting is shouldnt I be able to stilll have sound through the headphnes?

    3 AnswersAdd-ons1 decade ago
  • I know this is the wrestling section but??? + WQ?

    Who will win the NBA Finals?

    Magic or Lakers

    Your Extreme Rules Predictions: My winners

    Batista wins

    Cena wins

    Jeff Hardy

    Rey Mysterio

    CM Punk



    Christian retains

    8 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • The Reason for Mr. Kennedy's Release.....Orton?

    I found this article on a website... What do you guys think

    An overrated and under-talented piece of WWE talent has just been released from World Wrestling Entertainment and his name is Missssssster Kennnnnnnedy!

    To make matters more interesting, Randy Orton himself might be responsible for Kennedy's release and in more ways than one.

    During Raw's five-on-five main event last week, Randy Orton hit Mr. Kennedy with a perfectly executed RKO. As a result, Kennedy injured his wrist to an extent of which is unknown at this point in time.

    But for a man who has been in and out of action for as long as I can recall, an injury was the last thing Mr. Kennedy needed. Only this time, Randy Orton wasn't trying to hurt Mr. Kennedy.

    Orton is known as being one of the safest workers in the business (meaning that he can "sell" moves as being real while also being careful enough to not actually injure the people he works with).

    Sadly, the same cannot be said for Mr. Kennedy.

    Apparently, Randy Orton and Mr. Kennedy had a heated discussion backstage after the event. You'd think that it would be Kennedy furious at Orton for putting him on the shelf yet again but it was actually Orton who had to educate Kennedy on the more basic points of safe ring-work.

    The underlined message Orton sent...Kennedy needs to work safer in the ring or he's going to injure somebody.

    It's not the kind of stuff that most fans would see on TV, but I took the time to watch the match again and I saw one thing in particular that I think might have been the source of Orton's frustrations.

    If you recall, Kennedy gave a back suplex to Orton.

    If you watch the maneuver closely, you'll notice that Orton rolled all the way backwards to basically land on his feet after his back took the brunt of the impact.

    He swung his arm in frustration in Kennedy's direction (not to hit him, he just looked upset and in pain) before making the tag to get himself out.

    I think that might have been it.

    It appears as if Kennedy wasn't being very careful in the ring and Orton might have felt that Kennedy's neglect could have led to an injury, to Orton or another Superstar.

    Everyone gets ring-rust, especially when you've been out of action for as long as Kennedy had been. He didn't belong in the main event if he wasn't capable of performing at a main event level.

    Randy Orton has every right to be upset and even despite Kennedy's release from World Wrestling Entertainment, I feel that Kennedy still owes Orton a public apology.

    Why you might ask?

    Earlier in the night, Randy Orton and Ric Flair had a confrontation.

    Ironic seeing as while Ric Flair accused Orton of "sucker-punching" him the week prior but he had no problem "sucker-slapping" Orton last week only to get himself beaten down, as would happen in real life.

    As Orton made his way back up the entrance ramp, he was interrupted by Mr. Kennedy.

    Kennedy announced that he was going to be in the main event that night but more disturbingly, he announced that he was going to become the WWE Champion.

    The WWE Champion? Give me a f***ing break.

    Kennedy doesn't deserve being in the same vicinity as the WWE title, much less competing for a title that he doesn't deserve.

    Kennedy was no where near that level back when he undeservedly won the Money In The Bank Ladder match two years ago, much less near that level coming back brittle and bearded.

    Randy Orton went out of his way to make Kennedy look good on Raw last week, and what thanks did he get?

    You don't know what I'm talking about?

    Randy Orton is the WWE Champion. He has taken out the WWE's real top talent with no remorse.

    He put the great Triple H on the shelf, kissed his unconscious wife after hitting her with a DDT and even punted Vince McMahon himself in the skull on national television.

    He's a viper with no conscience what so ever.

    Yet, he just stood there on the stage and allowed Kennedy to make unrealistic proclamations.

    A character of Orton's caliber even allowing Kennedy to speak managed to "put over" Kennedy to a degree that he never deserved, even if the people don't recognize him doing so.

    If Randy Orton was willing to slap and punt Vince McMahon in the head, allowing a man of Kennedy's caliber to interrupt him and make false promises without laying a finger on him was a very generous move indeed.

    And how did Kennedy repay Orton?

    By showing reckless abandon in the ring and insulting the very man who put him over that night.

    People are beginning to speculate that the reason Kennedy was released (besides the financial risk he has become due to his inability to remain healthy) was due to Orton's pull with the company.

    If it does have anything to do with Orton directly, know that Mr. Kennedy only has himself to blame.

    Goodbye, Mr. Kennedy, good riddance actually.

    He was a decent mid-card competitor but it makes me sick to my stomach to see undeserving Superstars pushed

    12 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • Hey all you HBK Fans....check this out...*tear* lol?

    About HBK returning I founfd this from a credible website.....

    Michaels told the office he’s looking at taking more time off than originally planned. The idea is that he’s financially set for life and his kids are at a certain age where they like him around, and he knows that’s a very short window. I can really see where he’s coming from. The original idea was for him to return at SummerSlam, but he asked to stay off until late this year or early 2010, wanting to come back for a good Mania angle. Remember that in 2007, Michaels was talking about not coming back for a long time after knee problems. Then Cena tore his pec, and his wife joked with him that he’s getting the phone call. The next day he got the phone call and he was back in the ring way early. He’s also made noises about retiring at Mania, but at other times he’s said he doesn’t see why he can’t make occasional big show appearances like Flair and Hogan until well into his 50s, and that’s a long way away. He’s also noted that once his kids are teenagers, being at home so much won’t be as important as his kids won’t want to be hanging around him so much, and at that point he’d be more open to spending more time on the road.

    SO How do you guys much as I miss him, he has kids and a fam, and I just out myself in their shoes. How do they feel about their dad/husband being out ALL the time? Your thoughts?

    11 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • How can I gain My weight back....?

    I am 17 goin on 18 (July 23) I used to be to be 116, as well as 122, I have gone down to 111 110 and I wanna know how I can gain my weight back, because now, those little ribs in my chest are showing and that wasnt the case a while back. I am not anerorxic, I eat but I have lost the weight I used to have. REAL Tips on how to gain it back please?

    16 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • What is your favorite Stonecold moment?

    WQ: Favorite Stoncecold match?

    3 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • Who do you think will win CM Punk or Chris Jericho?

    WQ- Do you think CM Punk is sexy?....(Females)

    13 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • Great American Bash to be renamed?

    Great American Bash to be renamed?

    As simply, "The Bash" I kinda like it

    do you?

    3 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • What do you think of WWE Superstars?+BQ?

    Personally, im enjoying it I love seeing what wreslters they will have face off, and its just a good show.

    BQ: Saturday Night's Main Event: Should they make it more frequent? Do you know how far they seperate the shows....I know they do ne every year.

    4 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • Festus: The sun'll come out 2morrow lol.....what did you think?+ BQ?

    OMG, I was laffin my butt off, but honestly I think they should change his gimmick, I never liked it...which leads me to my BQ

    BQ: Should they change His gimmick, do you think he will last like that? Will he be another Kizarny? I hope not he has alot of potential.

    5 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • What's your opinion of SD, Raw, and ECW? Which one is the superior Brand?

    Obviously, Smackdown is my fav. Alot of young talent that I know will shine in the years ahead.

    Raw: its okay, i mean alot of superstars on the show are overrated, they are however fiving young superstars a push, but not as much as Smackdown.

    ECW: Eh i rarely watch.

    15 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • where can I watch the full season finale of JOn and KAte plus 8 sesaon 4 pleez?

    ive looked erriwhere your help is def appreciated

    4 AnswersCelebrities1 decade ago
  • Do you agree that SD was better then Raw this week? +BQ?

    I think it was, ALL of the matches were awesome.

    BQ: Do you think that wwe is using smackdown to push the middle card superstars to and main eventers, IE John Morrison, Shelton Benjamin,

    10 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • My boyfriend is a handful, please help me out.?

    Here's what happened. Me and my boyfriend were texting and he said something I thought was sarcastic and I told him he started to irritate me a little, I guess he didnt understand why he that was and told me that "I can take a rest becuase that was the last text im sending you" I didnt really know what that meant I thought he was tryin to be helpful or something.

    Then I text him reply. I say im not mad anymore blah blah blah,still no reply. Comes the next day I text him in the morning, no reply. I found out later that he had texted 2 other people and not me, so now i'm like "Whats goin on"? so out of anger I sent him a text basically askin why he aint been textin me, but you tex your pals? Of reply.

    Come to find out he was mad becuase I said that he irritated me, and he didnt know why I said that, so his plan was to not talk to me for two days because of it. So when I found that out through A friend I started sending him my anger texs just lettin him have it (I later apologized but was stll confused.)

    After we started back talking I asked him why he thought ignoring me for 2 days would have solved anything. He says when he gets mad he forgets that the person exists and and "he drops it", he says wen he ignores someone he could care less hwe they feel or what they do. And Im like but Im your girlfriend. he even went so far as to say "for the time being you were a nobody to me" But im your girlfriend!!! I was thinkin that.

    I said all that to say this.. even though we have made amends, I feel like I now have to walk on eggshells. What if I say the wrong thing? will he ignore me again. We mostly communicate thru text too. Should I break up with him if he does it again? Or should I have broken up with him then Is his logic a good ? ....please help, good advice please.

    15 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago