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  • Injury sustained during Football (soccer)?

    I've got a pain which covers the top of my thigh and pelvis area and also into my groin. I've not played football for 2 months to give it some rest. In that time I've done stretches and resistance training on the area. I've recently been on a few short runs (approx 2 miles) and there was no pain, so I played a small game of 5-a-side and there was some light pain. Not as bad as before I stopped but it's still the same area.

    The pain only occurs when kicking the ball, so it appears as if the injury would be something to do with the impact and resistance when kicking as I've done the same kicking motion without using a ball and had no pain.

    What is the cause of the injury and what's the best way to treat it?

    1 AnswerInjuries6 years ago
  • Uninstall Software from Slave Drive?

    My PC is crashing, I'm convinced it's software/drivers for my recently installed graphics card. I've swapped the card out and it's still crashing. I've removed the HDD and installed it as a slave drive in another PC to run checks and they've all come back with no issues. I noticed before removing the HDD that the Catalyst Control Centre only gave me change and repair options in control panel not uninstall - and i've been getting the occasional black screen with cursor only on boot ups, also an error message on boot which is releated to the CCC. I'm wondering, with my HDD installed as a slave drive in another PC is it possible for me to uninstall the CCC from it?

    2 AnswersSoftware6 years ago
  • How long until fully rendered cities?

    With open world games becoming more and more the 'norm' for multiple genres, and they just keep getting bigger. If you look at games like GTA V, the Just Cause series, The Crew, and many more with large maps; How long until we see a fully 100% accurate depiction of a major city?

    For example, the are many games which use Manhattan as the setting but it never contains all roads, buildings, alleys, etc. Just the major ones. The designers take some creative licence.

    But with Google street view having already mapped the city, i'm sure someone could develop an algorithm which would piece together those images to create a 3D world which you could freely move through - not on rails like street view. (this could also give somewhat photo realistic graphics).

    Do you think it will happen 'this generation' or the next...or ever? - i mean apparently GTA V is twice the size of Manhattan yet I've not seen a fully realised version in a game.

    1 AnswerOther - Games & Gear7 years ago
  • Which is the better exercise?

    1 hour of stop start sport or 40 min run?

    Currently i play football (soccer) up to 3 times a week for 1 hour each time, it's a lot of stop start sprinting, with additional movements like jumping and sharp direction changes. According to my Adidas MiCoach i average between 2 and 3 miles in each game.

    However I've recently also started going for a run on the nights I'm not playing. It's not at an extremely high rate, i usually run approx 4 miles in 40 minutes but it's not as intensive as the football matches but as i'm only used to short sprints, i can still get out of breath. So I'm having trouble working out which is best.

    I am able to do more of either.

    1 AnswerRunning7 years ago
  • Soil Resistance - what is high and low?

    The company i work for produces a report based on combined information from various site studies carried out by other companies, as well as gathering some information ourselves.

    However one of the questions in our report is regarding Soil Resistance (Ohm-m). Our report only has the choices High or Low. Whereas the documentation I've been sent from another company only records the information as the following;

    Range between 64.21 and 357.51 Ohm-m, between 1.00m and 8.00m begl.

    I have not received any training in understanding what represents a High reading or a Low reading as previously we had received High and Low from other companies. I have previously asked the company to tell me if such readings are classed as high or low but received no response.

    Is 64.21 to 357.51 High or Low? Does having low numbers mean they are low readings or does having high numbers mean they are low readings?

    1 AnswerEngineering8 years ago
  • Exercise ammount per week?

    I play 5-a-side football (soccer) twice a week and have done for at least 3 years, both are 1 hour long. I never seem to lose any weight though, or gain any either, so i'm presuming that my diet balances out the exercise. Last week I played 3 games rather than two, surely the extra game will help won't it, as long as I play 3 times each week. Or is more needed to see any effect.

    I don't do much other exercise during the week. Do you think it would be worth getting a pedometer or something similar to measure what i'm doing when i play football?

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness9 years ago
  • Blu-Ray writer (burner) disks?

    Can a Blu-Ray writer (burner) write to Dual Layer DVD (DVD-9) disks.

    Not dual layer blu-ray disks, dual layer dvd disks. I was looking into buying a dvd-9 burner but if the blu-ray burner can do them i might as well get one of those instead.

    4 AnswersAdd-ons9 years ago
  • Multiple Game Engines in 1 game?

    I'm not well versed in game programing although i did some very simple work a few years ago. I was wondering if Multiple Game Engines can co-exist in a single game. For example could you have one governing the AI Characteristics (movements, reactions to player and other NPCs, etc) and another for the Physics (collisions, projectiles etc). Or would you need to incorporate them together into 1 engine. It's just i have an idea for the Characteristics and I already know of the engine I would like for the Physics.

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games10 years ago
  • What is the point of the iPad?

    Seriously, I can only see it as a possible replacement for a clipboard otherwise you may as well just buy a laptop or net book even.

    You can get better laptops for cheaper, ok they may be heavier but if weight is your concern why bother with either when phones now can do nearly everything themselves.

    And, ooh touchscreen...really? are people still impressed that you can touch the screen to select something rather than moving a cursor? If you want to do that go get a job in McDonald's or a Petrol station and you can do that all day and you'll make money rather than spending it.

    Also apps, honestly there's nothing you can't get off the net that you can get in an app and since every web browser has bookmarks you don't even need to remember the web address and in most instances pay.

    I'm a fairly heavy computer user and have only ever needed my PC and i can see the point in laptops but the iPad makes no sense to me

    3 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • Injured my hip while playing football (soccer)?

    I get a very sharp pain when i kick a ball. It doesn't hurt when i walk/run (unless i've just kicked something) it seems to happen mainly when there's resistance against my foot as when i swing my leg it doesn't hurt as much.

    When it happens i hear a pop and there is an agonizing pain right on the outside my hip, this then spreads down the middle my quad muscles and hamstring. My quad then begins to feel tight after a few minutes.

    The pain dulls after a minute or so but continues to stay for a few days.

    2 AnswersInjuries1 decade ago
  • How do i measure how far i've ran while playing football (soccer)?

    You see sometimes on TV when details come up showing how far a player has ran over the course of a game, is there any sort of equipment you can buy that will tell you the same about yourself?

    I'm guessing there might not be something specifically made for sports it will probably end up being a pedometer or something

    1 AnswerOther - Soccer1 decade ago
  • Movie Title help please?

    I can't really remember it, it was on TV some years ago. I think it stared Jude Law but i'm not too sure.

    The scenes i can remember were;

    2 people eating in a restaurant one gets brought a plate of food, they mention it looks horrible but they can't help themselves from eating it anyway. When they're finished they build a gun out of the bones.

    Group of people hooked up to some sort of VR machine.

    2 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Don't you just hate it when...?

    ...people ask a question then don't even bother selecting a best answer. They could at least let you know who helped them the most.

    12 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Little Big Planet Online Co-Op?

    Is it possible to play Little Big Planet story mode online 2+2

    i.e. 2 players on one PS3 playing online with 2 players on another PS3

    (4 players - 2 consoles)

    I know it's 4 player online but i'm not sure if that means in any way. Is it just 1 person per console or could you have up to 3 players on one and only one on another?

    5 AnswersPlayStation1 decade ago
  • What's the name of this movie?

    I'm sorry i don't remember much about this film I've only seen it once and it was quite some time ago, so forgive me if it's not completely accurate. i could actually be mixing 2 movies together as well.

    It's a spoof or just a comedy, or an action film with some comedy in it. (see quite vague, sorry) I think there's something to do with a movie rental shop, not entirely sure what, but I'm pretty sure it gets blown up. I think there a failed attempt at a kidnapping (or maybe its a success but not the way it was planned, some people were killed possibly) They set up 2 or 3 anti-tracking devices when they phone up with a ransom demand but the people they phone have set up one more and are able to track them.

    That's really all i can remember sorry, any suggestions welcome.

    2 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • ipod shuffle problem

    i recently added some more songs to my ipod. when i came to play them the power light flashed green, orange, green, orange - which i looked into and it means there are non songs on the device. However when i reconnect it to my computer and open itunes all the music still appears to be on it. is there any way to get around this problem without having to delete all the songs and add them again.

    3 AnswersMusic & Music Players1 decade ago
  • Drinks and Acid Indigestion

    I was wondering with all the drinks available what's the best one to choose that wouldn't aggravate acid indigestion. I get it quite often especially after drinking things like Coke or Orange Juice, mainly because of their own acid content. Is there an alkaline drink available or just something that possibly just wouldn't cause this problem?

    3 AnswersOther - General Health Care1 decade ago
  • TV Areial and Scart - wear and tear?

    can the cable get worn out just from basic use? recently i've been getting a strange horizontal line effect on my tv whenever the image is very busy or the camera is panning across. I know it's not the TV because the image for my PS3 is perfect, and i've been moving cables around to try and fix it but nothing works. could one of the cables just given up?

    1 AnswerTVs1 decade ago
  • 3.5mm male-male jack wireless?

    Is there any such device?

    i have a pair of wireless speakers which have their own wireless transmitter that plugs into the TV via 3.5mm jack to the headphone socket. What i also want to do is at some times connect the speakers to my PC instead but this means unplugging the transmitter from the TV and power, moving it across the room and then plugging it into my PC which can be quite awkward and unplugging a peripheral like my printer to power the transmitter, i was hoping there was some sort of 3.5mm jack i could just plug into my pc and then swap the 3.5mm cable connecting the TV and transmitter with the wireless one so the speakers will pick up the sound from the PC. i really don't want to be buying another set of speakers or transmitter, i just want something that runs off the power of the device it's plugged into.

  • Metal Gear Solid (2009)?

    Who would be your choice for Solid Snake for the film (and possibly Liquid Snake too if you want it like that since they're twins - although it's not confirmed it Liquid will be in the film)

    Since Kurt Russell is obviously too old now and David Hayter has said he doesn't want anything to do with it since Kojima rejected his screenplay, who would be best choice?

    Most posts i see say Christian Bale - might he not be a little busy with Batman though?

    I had a little 'out-there' thought, the Twins from The Matrix Reloaded, they're both trained in Marshal Arts and don't look too far off Snake with the look of their jaws and noses, and extra detail could be input with prosthetics etc. This would also allow for Snake and Liquid to look the same without using the same actor.

    1 AnswerMovies1 decade ago