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  • Should we execute people using carfentanil?

    Could an inmate, who is being executed with carfentanil, feel any pain ?


    Could an inmate who is being executed with carfentanil experience fear or horror ?

    No, it can't happen, would not happen.

    The amount inside one syringe is enough to kill all of New York City.

    He is dead instantly long before the needle is emptied, just as fast as if he were shot in the head.

    The viewers wanting to see a show would be badly disappointed.

    (no disrespect intended towards my nephew who died from illicit use of it)


    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys3 years ago
  • When i'll consider getting a job?

    I was asked when i'll go get a job with anybody other than the federal government, or other than self employment.

    And my Answer was this.

    Just as soon as the federal government decides to actually read the constitution...

    And figure out that there is no state's rights...

    That there is no free market, and there is no capitalism in existence.

    And decides to grow some f)ucking balls...

    Send tanks to people's houses and so called "businesses" and tell these rogues that its my rules, or you lose.

    And blow up the building, a warning.

    I said that i'll consider private, or non-self employment when the federal government decides that "the civil rights era" is never "over" and decides to take back control.

    Like it did under Ted Roosevelt with the bull moose.

    Like it did under FDR with the new deal.

    Like it did under LBJ with the civil rights act, and the affirmative action, and Mississippi burning.

    Like it did under Clinton with the Waco siege.

    Thank you.

    Politics3 years ago
  • Voting no for casinos?

    On the city council, I encouraged the other city council members to vote against allowing casino gambling here, based on this argument that I gave.

    The casino industry doesn't care one iota about anybody but those at top of it.

    It provides a few jobs, but that Job happens to be having poor schleps that think they know what they're doing, and think its fun, and are dead wrong on both counts, come in and flush their rent down the toilet.

    This is negative economic activity...

    Because it puts people in more debt than I ever heard even exists for people other than CEOs..., and takes their money and gives them nothing to show for it but a bus ride back to an angry landlord.

    And as for the tax revenues....

    They're corporations, they're businesses...

    They're not in the business to help us one iota...

    They'll just buy their own tax code, just like every other piece of sh!t..

    I come from Philadelphia.

    And I been to Atlantic City, and I know Donald Trump.

    His casinos turned Atlantic City into a ghetto.

    And that's what he'll do to us.

    After that...

    Everybody on the board voted no right along with me.

    Politics3 years ago
  • What standards I use to judge?

    My niece asked me what standards I am using to judge what area is a good area to live in.

    I said this.

    Number one. Do you have a real chance of making it there ? are the people there, of your peers ?

    Best Answer, yes.

    Number Two. What is the crime rate, Is it below or above National ?

    Is the locality below or above the state's crime rate ?

    What are your odds (chances) statistically of being a victim of violent crime ?

    How do those chances compare to that of other localities ?

    Best Answer, below.

    Number three.

    What is the average home value, compared to the housing market in the region?

    Best answer, higher.

    Number four.

    Is the locality above or below county, regional and national averages for government employment or government activity?

    Best answer, below.

    Number five.

    What is the pay to price ratio ?

    Best answer, people earn much more than they pay in prices.

    1 AnswerFantasy Sports3 years ago
  • A new car for my sister?

    My sister got mad when I told her I got her a new car...

    I took the giant tarp off of it, and it was a surrey, with a toilet for a seat...

    And I said it comes with bucket seats.


    1 AnswerMental Health3 years ago
  • Abraham Lincoln?

    If I were Abraham Lincoln....

    I would have had Jefferson Davis tied to a whipping board... then I would said to Jefferson Davis...


    Your country's name is UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!!!!

    what's your country's name?!

    When the Master gives you something, you take it, he gave your country a name, its a nice name...

    Its United States of America....

    Who are we ?

    I want to hear you say your country's name...

    Let me hear you say it.


    1 AnswerMental Health3 years ago
  • Scorpions for sale at petsmart?

    At PETsMART today, I found a scorpion for sale.

    I bought the f)uckin' scorpion just to get it off the market.

    He tried to hand to me.... I said put it in a burlap bag.... don't hand it to me..

    I called animal control, the poison control center, and the Arkansas Department of Health...

    And the Police.

    The manager of the local PETsMART got a $15,000 ticket.

    And they took the scorpion and sent it to the Gentry Zoo.


    Polls & Surveys3 years ago
  • Telling my sister to deal with it?

    My sister now is yelling about my dad and his sisters...

    Now I told her this too...

    Its not my problem that because of geopolitics and economics, my dad was what ya call a real old timer.

    He saw things his way, that's all I can tell you...besides this...

    The northeast isn't what you think it is.

    What you're looking for is California... and only sorta kinda...

    Not really.

    You need to get a f)ucking damn grip woman... yes f)ucking WOMAN...



    You're not running this f)ucking show called the world.

    Now I suggest that you f)ucking deal with it the best you know how.


    The Evans family, up until YOU and ME ...

    Are middle class people.

    Educated, high IQ, masters degree and PhD people...

    One of them is overseas as a college professor.

    They don't live the kind of f)ucked up life that WE created for ourselves and its NOT their fault...

    Nor their job to dig us out of our holes..

    You need to shut the f)uck up, that's what you need to do.


    1 AnswerMental Health3 years ago
  • A question for Business owners?

    I got a question for American business owners...

    There are more Americans than in most other westernized countries right here in America...

    Who ran away from home at 14 thinking they're geniuses...

    Who committed a few too many crimes in their past...

    Who dropped out of school because they want to BE the board of education AND the principal AND the teacher AND the cops all rolled into one, and couldn't be either of them by itself.

    Who got a little too mad at their mom...

    Who spent their 20s and 30s at the beach too much.

    But by the end of the day, they're OUR


    What is your problem giving them $15 an hour ?

    They NEED it a lot more than you do i'll bet.

    2 AnswersOther - Business & Finance3 years ago
  • Lawn mowing slave shortage lol?

    I don't give a F)uck about your shortage of lawn mowing slaves....

    There is a home depot, a lowes, and a sears down the street...

    And Amazon is at your fingertips...

    And if you're too lazy, US lawns and Asplundh is cheap enough to support themselves and their families...

    Hire them.


    Go buy a lawnmower and mow your own lawn.

    1 AnswerAbuse and Spam3 years ago
  • You're right, only Americans are free here?

    You're absolutely right, you're not free here.

    You're not a citizen here or authorized to be here.

    Kiss my a)ss.

    7 AnswersOther - Politics & Government3 years ago
  • My immigration policies?

    1.You are the one who came here to America wanting to immigrate, NOT your father, not your mother, not your kids, not your brother and sister, aunt and uncle and cousin...


    You don't get to come here, and send smoke signals to your non American family overseas.

    You're the citizen here, or the applicant...

    Not them.

    If they want to come, then they need their own papers.

    2. If you are here illegally, you don't get to marry an American citizen and then make kids, and claim that you and your kids are citizens.

    3.If you want to come here, you have to wait your turn, have a marketable job skill, a clean criminal record, and go to a citizenship school...

    They teach English, American history, Civics, American Geography and Current events and American culture what the forces are around us that makes us who we are.

    And they give academic tests.

    For non westernized immigrants, from Russia, China, India, and Pakistan, and Mongolia and places like that...

    Classes include westernization...

    Where they get taught about Greece and Greek culture, and about the Romans, and about the Holy Roman Empire, and about how that stuff laid the foundation for our thinking today, and how we got to exactly where we are today.

    That sounds like good policy to me.

    7 AnswersImmigration3 years ago
  • A marketable job skill?

    Other countries can require immigrants to have a marketable job skill, fill positions that they have a lack of competency in which is guaranteed to be impossible..

    Require them to stay in the country for 5 years without either working, nor leaving..

    And have enough money to live on without working for 5 years.

    Some countries even tell immigrants to prostitute themselves out.

    I'd f)ucking kidnap that politician's daughter and p!mp her out.


    -source Dutch documentary about how immigrants are treated.

    Why can't we at least demand a marketable skill ?

    4 AnswersImmigration3 years ago
  • If everybody else can, why can't we?

    I was asked if I agree with Donald Trump.

    I said, you know what ?

    Yeah I f)ucking do... ok... yeah I f)ucking do.


    If everybody else can protect themselves, why can't we ?

    Their politicians can even protect themselves and their own good, and the opinions that put them there in office.

    Why can't we?

    Japan can charge people 20 thousand for a Nissan and 50 thousand in taxes for a Ford...

    Why can't we charge our people 20 thousand for a Ford, and 50 thousand in Taxes for a Nissan ?

    Why should carrier, Ford and Whirlpool be allowed to do whatever they want, at the cost of American financial wellbeing and American jobs ?

    If Italy can be a worker's paradise with everything they got being made there, why can't we do the same ?

    I don't see Fiats and Ivecos being made in China, or the Netherlands for that matter.

    4 AnswersPolitics3 years ago
  • Questions for europeans?

    If the USA was reliant on Landover, Jaguar, Renault and Mercedes Benz products, instead of Ford, Chevy and Dodge and sometimes Jeep... and FN herstal, and heckler & koch to enforce American laws....

    Why wouldn't you tell us what our laws are, under the threat of no more exports to us ?

    If America was reliant on Renault trucks and CLAAS combines for our agriculture...

    Why wouldn't you tell us that we can't have our Remington, or H&K too ?

    If America was reliant on Bouygues, Eiffage, Vinci SA and the Colas Group for our construction...

    Airbus for our aircrafts and Alstom for our trains and mercedes Benz busses and

    Why wouldn't you tell us how to live our lives ?

    If America was reliant on bae systems, Rheinmetall, and Krauss maffei wegmann and FN Herstal and H&K and DCNS...

    Why would you sell the best you have ?

    And why wouldn't you tell us how to use it and against who and why ?

    1 AnswerOxford3 years ago
  • Tomorrows project at school?

    This is what I am doing for tomorrows project at school for the teacher to read.

    The question is which places are better to live in.

    The USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, or Europe, and why.

    And these are my Answers.

    The USA, Canada, and Australia is better than Europe to live in, for these reasons.

    1. More industrialized, geared towards making products geared towards the working middle class, more modern industry.

    2. More modern infrastructure geared towards modern economic activity and transportation and logistics.

    3. The Industrial revolution replacing human and animal muscle power, with engine power, widespread usable electricity instead of rudimentary laboratory experiments....

    Electronics and computers, modern powered home appliances, space technology, trains and aircrafts are all NEW WORLD inventions made by the colonies and NOT by the colonial powers.

    4. New Zealand is better to live in than Europe for much the same reasons, despite living in European sized, smaller infrastructure...

    They use it every bit as well as the rest of the colonies.


    Homework Help3 years ago
  • Why Import economies are unsafe?

    In class today, I was asked why I think its dangerous for a country to base its economy on agriculture, and the processing of agricultural goods...

    And import the manufactured things they need, like vehicles, farm equipment, communications equipment, power generation equipment and defensive and law enforcement equipment, from other countries.

    And I said that its dangerous, because all people have a culture derived from their environment...

    And its too easy for suppliers of things that needed in order to function, to malign and distort the culture of the buyer and ignore the needs of the buyer.

    And even to shut down the buying nation.

    And history says that.

    The north did it to the south.

    Europe did it to South Africa.

    The USA did it to Cuba.

    To be safe...

    You need at least three domestic manufacturers and twenty points of sale of what your country needs, PER half a million consumers, PER area of need.

  • Traveling outside of the usa?

    I was asked when i'll "travel" outside of the usa.....and I said, just as soon as the army needs a grunt...

    and actually decides that the red tails were worth a lot more for the whole American picture than just the first black pilots in the black community.

    But never in American history did black demands being met... have any implications for anybody else's plight in life.

    3 AnswersHistory4 years ago
  • Hollywood at it again?

    Falsehoods in the Denzel Washington movie "the hurricane"...

    Falsehood : Hurricane carter was framed.

    Truth : His anti social persona and his uncanny timing in being with another black male, inside a white car, and being seen leaving a bar after gunshots were heard, and being the only one to leave, points to him.

    Falsehood : Joey Giardello was unfairly given a higher score by the judges.

    Truth : Joey Giardello won the fight, clearly.

    But here is some truth in the movie that was also true in real life.

    He was not given a fair trial, the jury was not of his peers, and he was convicted twice by such an unfair jury.

    That doesn't make him innocent, that means he got a trial that he was not going to stand a chance in, no matter what.

    He did spend most of his life in the prison system.

    He was a boxer during a time that white people were actually cheated out of skill, by our own system designed to put us at the top of a bigoted social hierarchy, and not necessarily to give us the skills we need when we want to do things.

    He taught himself to box while in prison.

    He was set free, despite that being wrongly.