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  • Does anyone know whats wrong with me?

    Lately ive been getting really dizzy and have been having alot of headaches, sometimes my heart starts racing really fast even if im just sitting down. more recently though my stomaches been sore and i feel really nauseous and like im going to pass out, ive put on a little bit of weight because im eating alot more than i was, im constantly hungry and drained of energy, does anyone know what might be wrong with me?

    6 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade ago
  • Negative Calorie Foods?

    Hey everyone, how are you all keeping?

    So you've probably heard about negative calorie foods so i'll not go into how they are meant to work but i've a question regarding it...say, for example, i was to grab a handful of cauliflower, which is a neg calorie food, would boiling it until it was soggy make it easier to digest, therefore making it not negative calorie?

    Do you's know what i mean? Cause it makes sense in my head!

    Basically, does how you prepare the foods affect if they are neg cal foods?

    4 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • I am so very angry at my parents BBQ?

    As you know, the weather is amazing lately, and my parents are having a bbq today (i still live with my parents and sister). However when i ventured out to our garden there was nothing on it for me, it was all meat, whenever i said to my mum and dad they simply responded, "sure you don't eat meat, you cant have a BBQ".

    This has really angered me, but at the same time i'm so very hurt because years ago, before i was vegan or even vegetarian they always made me baked potatoes on the grill and grilled veggies for me.

    Why have they done this?

    I always cook my own food because i don't think it's fair on my mum to cook 2 totally different meals, but now my parents have simply excluded me from dinner.

    Am i over-reacting? It's actually really hurt me.

    17 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan1 decade ago
  • What should i take to the BBQ?

    Hey everyone!

    Its my works BBQ tomarrow and since im vegan, theres not much for me to eat so i told my boss i would bring my own food (he was going to get me vegan burgers but he'd probably get the wrong stuff!) to be honest though, i don't really want to take burgers, what else is there for me to take and thats relatively easy for them to cook as i don't want to be a pain!

    20 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan1 decade ago
  • Binged all day, about 9,000 cals today, help!?

    Hey everyone! i need help

    im a vegan and about a size 8-10, but we had a friend over from england 2day and i just binged out all day, about 4 big meals, 2 large packets of 200grams of crisps, these weird caramel things and a LARGE tub of soya ice cream, and more!

    i just couldnt stop eating,

    i never usually eat crisps or sweet things and i was tired all day, so i just thought...why not?

    now, however, i feel digusting, am i going to put on alot of weight? what should i do? im so worried :(

    please help!

    3 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Whats wrong with my muscles?

    Hey everyone!

    over the last few week, my left calf muscles keeps spasming and causing my foot to lock out, but these last 2 days things are getting a bit weird, whenever i grip a pen or something, i cant control my fingers and they just start squeezing the pen really hard, its so uncomfortable and i cant control it, also i i was trying to use a machine at the gym which tones your inner thigh muscles, and whenever i tried it the most uncomfortable feeling shot through my body and i couldn't go on!

    Does anyone know whats happening to me?


    1 AnswerPain & Pain Management1 decade ago