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  • Why didn't the romans produce Christ's body in order to stop the formation of the Christian church?

    The Romans despised Christ and implemented a penalty of death to all eye witnesses who professed his resurrection. Many had their throats cut for speaking and chose to die for their testimony rather than keep quiet or lie. Why was Christ's body missing? Why didn't the Romans simply produce his body in order to stop the Christian church from ever forming? Why were the witnesses willing to have their throats cut for a lie that had no benefit to them? What is your logical evidence based explanation for the empty tomb, the fulfilment of profecy and resurrection accounts?. Skewed texts, lucky guesses or the biggest history changing hoax the world has ever known? Please provide evidence with your answers rather than just opinion or hate.

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • How frequently do you check your personal emails?

    With my smartphone I check mine as much as once every hour. I feel that may be a obsessive?

    How often do you check yours? Do you only check them when your expecting mail or is a matter of routine?

    4 AnswersAbuse and Spam8 years ago
  • Y! do people ask health questions on here rather than asking their trained doctors?

    There are so many people on here asking questions about what could be life threatening illnesses to random Yahoo question answerers, for advise on individual medical matters, some of which may need urgent attention and asking random people here what medication should be taken... Why are they risking their health and waiting for answers here!??

    2 AnswersYahoo Answers9 years ago
  • Which contradictory statement of atheism is true?

    Many atheists claim to be superior to others by only following things of logic and scientific fact. However here are two contradictory claims of atheism

    A. 'Positive' atheists claim that 'God is impossible'.

    B. Agnostic Atheists like Richard Dawkins claim 'God is possible'

    I would like to know which one is logically true and what scientific evidence supports the claim?

    Points won't be given for insults or for simply stating atheism is a lack of belief as that is not what the question is asking.

    16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Is atheism really the default starting position?

    Many atheists claim that atheist belief is the default starting position.

    I've listed below two pieces of counter evidence which which point toward the claim being false.

    1. According to one estimate, atheists make up just 2.3% of the world's population

    2. Recent studies at Oxford university by Dr Olivera Petrovich on both Japanese and British children have concluded that children infer from their own observations that there must be a Creator.

    Do atheists have any evidence for their claim that atheism is the default position?

    On the slim chance any agnostics are reading this question, do you agree with the atheists claim?

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Do agnostics think more logically than positive atheists?

    I have often heard positive atheists say "God does not exist.. show me scientific evidence that God exists" yet their belief confuses me because it is not scientific fact that God doesn't exist. On the other hand an agnostic atheist is more likely to say "God may or may not exist, show me evidence either way then I'll decide". So without getting into an argument if God exists or not and without bashing other belief systems, is an agnositcs reasoning more open minded and logical than an positive atheists?

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago