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  • In the Mormon faith, what is the Jupiter Talisman?

    I have heard that the Mormon's use different methods to hear God. One method is using a certain tool called a talisman. What exactly is the ancient tool the Jupiter Talisman and is it still used in the church today?

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • I have both Ochocinco and TO in fantasy football. Which WR should I play or should I play both?

    My WRs are Ochocinco (Cin), Terrell Owens (Cin), Hines Ward (Pit), Michael Crabtree (SF), Robert Meachem (NO) and Steve Johnson (Buff).

    I currently have Owens, Ward, and Johnson as my three to play. Johnson has done great with over 20pts last week. This week he plays KC. Ward is moving up with the fantasy points as well. Pitts. plays NO. Robert is with NO against Pitts. I dare not play him considering how bad NO is playing and how good the pitts defense is this year.

    This week Ocho. and TO are playing Miami.

    1 AnswerFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • Do you think that the oil spill in the red and yellow sea this summer is a prophetic warning?

    Since the BP oil spill, both the Red and Yellow Sea have had oil spills too. The Yellow Sea is in China. The oil has contaminated over 165 square miles and one person ended up drowning in the oil. I find it odd that both seas with catastrophies are named after colors. Could this be a prophetic warning?

    Oil Catastrophies in Yellow and Red Sea!

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Do you believe aliens are real?

    Here is a video of a real alien abduction. Have you ever been abducted or seen a real live alien?

    Please no jokes about illegal aliens.

    Aliens, UFOs, Black psy ops

    2 AnswersMythology & Folklore1 decade ago
  • Help with Fantasy Football draft list!?

    Who should I choose for my NFL predraft list? This is not a live draft. I have to pick early and rank the players myself or let the computer do it from the projected list.

    Any standout Rookie I should consider?


    7 AnswersFantasy Sports1 decade ago
  • Who will protect the children?

    Yesterday's headlines read "U.S. Pulls Troops Out of Haiti".

    Today's headline reads "Haiti Children Eat Mud and Garbage"

    Who will protect the children?

    1 AnswerPolitics1 decade ago
  • Do you think the Bilderberg Agenda for 2010 is right on course?

    The Bilderberg Group of elitists and bankers met together again this year in Spain. They plan to go full force with their agenda of world control. One of their agendas is to take down the economies of the world. In light of gulf oil crises, and flotilla raids in Israel, do you think they are still in control and right on course?

    Bilderberg- Who They Are & Their Agenda for 2010

    2 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Why is our government purposely destroying the gulf coast?

    Here is a video just released that describes the oil spill as contrived and preplanned. It makes some interesting points. BP chief Tony Hayward and others sold a lot of their personal stocks in the company three weeks before the spill. Do you have your own idea as to why the spill happened, and why it has not been under control?

    Gulf Oil Crises

    2 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Do you believe Obama will be out 2012?

    In light of his failure to react in a timely manner concerning the Gulf Oil Catastrophe, do you think this will stop people from voting for him again. After all, Bush had Katrina and was re-elected.

    Obama and Gulf Oil Crises -new video

    2 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Do you believe in angels?

    Have you personally seen one. If so, please share your experience.

    A group of teens at a youth rally in Puerto Rico were praising the Lord when out of no where a black figure appeared around the bonfire. Many of the teens did not see this, only a few. They all kept praising God . An angel from heaven come down and chased the black figure away and started to dance around the fire. One teenage boy grabbed his cell phone and shot this video of the angel. Almost all the teens noticed the angel. It radically has changed many of their lives.I wonder if you have seen or experienced something to do with angels.

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Do you think the RFID chip is the tool of the devil & part of the beast system?

    I found this video of hundreds of people getting a small chip implanted in their arm. They use it to enter a nightclub, and to purchase drinks and food. Could this lead mankind into what the bible refers to as the mark of the beast? The bible says all people will have to get the mark in order to buy and sell. All who get this mark will be doomed to follow and worship the antichrist to hell!

    RFID Chip Already Here!

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Why do catholics believe that to be a son or daughter of God you have to do the rosaries?

    There is not one mention in the bible about rosary, yet sons and daughters who do rosary are saved.

    Ephesians 2:8-9 "For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:

    Not of works, lest any man should boast."

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • I have recently learned Aspartame is highly toxic for human consumption, but what about Splenda?

    Are there any adverse side effects from using splenda daily. I love to add it to my coffee daily. I wonder what the short and long term side effects are from using Splenda.

    3 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • Is America mentioned in the Bible?

    How does America fit into end time bible prophecy?

    20 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What's the deal with all the weird cloud formations?

    In Moscow, a halo ufo type cloud appeared on October 6. In Romania, a weird cloud has also appeared. Just last night, I heard on tv that Hugo Chavez is declaring war on the clouds. He going to go up in an airplane and shoot them to make it rain. What is going on with the clouds?

    see Moscow Cloud video click here:

    2 AnswersWeather1 decade ago
  • I have two minutes to live..what must I do to get to heaven?

    I have spent most of my life cheating, stealing and lying. I have had sexual relations with multiple partners. I hate my father for leaving me and my mother. I cuss and don't give a @?#@ who is around. Kids should know how the real world really is. One night while being initiated into a local gang, I was stabbed in the back by a rival gang member. I learn that my death is eminent. Two minutes in this worthless body is all I got. I am just asking what can I do now to get to heaven?

    22 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Did you see the satanic symbolisms in movie 2012?

    The movie 2012 had at least 4 satanic overtones.

    Before going into those four things, I would like to comment on one of the trailers they showed before movie started. I can't remember the name of that movie trailer, but it was about insane people on an island that were ghosts or demons or something. I definitely could have lived without that 3 minute torture trying to scare me to death! It was horrific!

    On to the satanic overtones in the movie 2012.

    Danny Glover, President of America, while sitting at his desk in the oval office gave a sign with his right hand that is also known in the satanic movement as the symbol for the number 666. He did this for the number zero. It is when thumb and first finger is touching and three fingers are held in the air. Also, known as an "ok" symbol. By itself I wouldn't have thought much, but there is more.

    When Mr. President is saying his last Presidential address to country, he concludes in a prayer. He starts to recite Psalms 23, but power goes out after two lines. TV screen goes off. The lines are, "The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want". Kind of like saying I don't want the Lord.

    Last satanic symbolism I found was when Woody Harrelson, crazy radio man, said that the end of the world would hit on December 21st...winter solstice. December 21st is the longest night in the whole year and is a satanic high day.

    Satanists around the world are performing occultic activities on that day and even sacrifices.

    Last but not least, the day of this movie's release is Friday the 13th. The satanic "Harvest Feast" runs from October 15th through November 15th. This is the time of the most celebration and activity for satanists.

    This whole movie criticizes religion of all types, christianity the most. A huge Jesus statue crumbles to pieces. We don't see the face of Jesus, only his back and side view. What does that say? Christians are following a backward religion.

    Vatican priests are killed by a massive earthquake and chapel falling on them. Faithful catholics who gather around are also destroyed. The earthquake starts to split the Sistine chapel. Slowly, a crack starts down the wall dividing the painting of Adam and God. The painting that is titled "The Creation of Adam" is split right where God's hand touches Adams hand. Is this symbolism for God leaving man?...Or God destroying what he once created? Either way it portrays God as not being there for his believers who are on their knees in a prayer vigil.

    The ark theme is similar to Noah's ark, but with a twist. Once again, I question the symbolism. I won't spoil the ending for those who haven't seen the movie. I will say this, Noah's ark was a lot different. Google Genesis 7:15-24.

    This movie blasphemed God's name at least 5 or 6 times. It is definitely an anti-God film. Would have been nice to see Islamic terrorists being swept away by a huge sunami, but once again that only happens to the praying christians.


    19 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago