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Lv 32,233 points

Bryan Torrence

Favorite Answers16%

My name is Richard, but my wife Kathy's name is on here. I think I have a great work ethic, I am very very honest, I work very hard, I try to obey all the rules, I take my work very seriously and I maintain great attendence. So why is my job always being threatened and Im always treated like Im stupid or bad ? My work history has been a nightmare since I was 15 years old and I cannot figure out why. I try to treat everyone like I want to be treated. Im not perfect by any means and no one is, but I am pretty consciencious about doing what is right. I have morals and if there is one thing that I am not it is a theaf ! So what makes me so undesirable to employers ? Please someone tell me.

  • what reason do I have to go on living?

    Im 43 years old. I have accomplished NOTHING and have come to accept the reality I am inferior to every other being. What works for others doesn't work for me. I have failed at EVERYTHING. I have failed at working for someone else, I have failed trying to work for myself, I have failed at ever single ambition I have ever had. YES, I have some psychological problems, and I don't want to hear about how many people with my diagnosis went on to achieve a sense of selfworth. For whatever reason I believe I don't have what it takes to make it in life. I see no point in going on anymore. These thoughts enter my head regularly and have for the last 6 months or so. I even told my shrink how depressed I was. Her answer was less then encouraging. I have been to too many already and they don't really care. All my friends have abandoned me ( unless they want something ). Friends new and old are all turning out exactly the same. Finances are a nightmare. I do good to survive, let alone try and get a 10th of the small things I want. Am I asking too much? What purpose do I serve and is there ever a time to just give up? I didn't used to think so. Oh yeah, and no one can say I didn't try either. Im tired now. Sarcastic answers will not even matter, I figure I must deserve it. Happiness is way too expensive.

    7 AnswersMarriage & Divorce7 years ago
  • what should I do about my so called friends lies?

    I THOUGHT these people were my friends, family and loved ones. But more and more they are proving to be the most dishonest, two faced, liars who like to use me at their convenience. Let me tell you what helped me arrive at the decision that these people, are not really the kind of people you wanna know.

    I wrote and recently published a book. I put the file on flash drives, sent it in a file via email, printed tangible paper copies of it, and asked ( in some cases even PAID ) people to read it. Friends I have known for over 20 years, church folk, family members and even others. All I wanted was an HONEST opinion and critique of my work. Even if they told me "I hate the story " that's better then just lame excuses. I will read it this weekend, Im gonna be on vacation next week and I will read it then. I will give it back to you Monday, etc etc! Here we are, almost five months later. Excuses excuses. Granted, I realize people's lives are busy, but why make a commitment you NO intention of even TRYING to fulfill? That is nothing short of a bold faced lie! Or, like my nephew, "Im on chapter five now, its really good" and I ask "So, what do you think of so and so?" he answers "I haven't made it to that part yet. Uh huh! yes, it was a trick question, but proved to me he didn't read even the first two chapters. Why are people like this? Anyone else experiencing this sudden epidemic of dishonesty? Thanks

    1 AnswerFriends7 years ago
  • Is it my fault I got cheated out of a decent education?

    Think the answers here will pretty much determine that. I failed at life, for over 20 years as s full adult. Wont go into details as I am not looking for sympathy, I just want to know if it is my fault. Oh yeah, not to be mean ( It didn't come naturally anyway ) but I ignore those who say "You have the power to make you succeed" There are those who work diligently to keep us down, and fail us. That's what happened with my schooling and parents with conflicting values. Thanks, be nice, I will.

    5 AnswersStandards & Testing7 years ago
  • what does it mean my my yahoo email does ths?

    I sent an email the other day to a publisher. The email sent it self back to me. Because yahoo had to go and mess around with things, now I cannot see the email address of the recipient that I intended for the email to go to. So how do I know it was sent to the publisher and not just to my in box. as far as I am concerned yahoo ruined things when they decided to change the set up for their email. Its soo totally aggravating it use yahoo anymore. Are they trying to ruin their own service? More importantly, what does this mean???

    1 AnswerAbuse and Spam7 years ago
  • Should I go back to work tomorrow?

    Please dont laugh, this isnt that funny. I was cleaning the breakroom before I left work. All the other employees went home and I was having stomach probelms. I thought I was alone it the break room and I cut a fart. I looked behind me and my boss was standing there. She looked at me with big eyes. I was so embarrassed but she didnt say anything about it. When I went and told her that I finished my work and was ready to clock out she seemed like she was upset about something. She just said fine and was doing something in her office. Shes generally nice but if shes mad at me for that or if she tells the whole store, what should I do. and its quite embarrassing. Serious answers only please.

    6 AnswersEtiquette8 years ago
  • Is there something wrong with me?

    I dont know why, but I have had an explosive temper lately. I got mad and broke a presure washer nozzle and a clip board at work last week. I screamed at a bill collector on the phone Friday night and I am very impatient and short with people. Am I cracking up? I even got mad and broke a picture I had hanging on the wall today because of the stuff going on at work. When my boss changes their mind every five seconds or lies to me about overtime and then calls me on Sundays to ask dumb questions. I hope Im not turning into some monster. Please tell me If I am about to snap. Thanks. Bryan

    1 AnswerMental Health8 years ago
  • I am an adult with the measels, what can I expect?

    Im almost 43 ( december ) and Im pretty sure I have contracted measels as there is an outbreak in my area, and I have several symtopms listed on the medical sites. Going to see the doctor tomorrow but Im a little scared. I just want to know what to expect. I know that this is bad for an adult to catch and its really got me worried. Thanks. Bryan

    3 AnswersOther - Health8 years ago
  • Im not feeling right, am I suicidal?

    I have reached a point where I really want to give up. Dont plan on doing anything crazy, but who knows. All of my friends have changed, lol family is worse. Work just keeps my head above water. Never got to use my schooling, all these years later. Just not content with life. Sometimes I think about suicide, but I probably wont. Still, what difference does it make? I dont like this world. Dont really know where to go next. Thanks. Bryan T

    10 AnswersPsychology8 years ago
  • I have reached a point where I am too embarrassed to be alive. Not sure what to do?

    I am now on disabilty ( I work part time though ) and suffer from a mental illness. many people ( inlaws especially ) dont think there is anything wrong with me legitamately ( boy do they live modest for dorctors ). My employer doesnt have ANY valid complaints about my work ethic or dependabilty, but their attitude toward me changed drastically when they heard of my diagnosis. They wont fire me, but work diligently to run me off ( no I dont imagine that either ). it isnt a career possition either, inspite of my secondary education ( college ). My wife is supportive in someways, very inconsierate in others and on the RARE occasions when I suffer from a little fear, confusion or have an episode that can be attributed to my condition, her employer, who NEVER has any thing but good things to say about her on the job ( no it aint a 911 operator and not an ER either ) they get bent out of shape cause I call her. ( she calls me at work all the time to tell me so & so did this :( anyway, i dont know what the point is. This looks as good as it gets. Im tired now. I really think I am just taking up space. I dont like living anymore. Need some direction here as my doctor seems a little, burnt out I guess u can say. Serious answers only please. Thank you all :)

    1 AnswerPsychology8 years ago
  • Did you ever scream in the cafeteria at school or the hall?

    Me and my friends had this game. The vice principle was in the cafeteria at school during lunch and one of us would scream like we were in pain. Then we practiced the art of internal laughter and kept a straight face ( very straight !) we would look around and the vice principle would be looking all around to see who it was. We also did it in the halls in between classes. We never got caught. Did you ever do anything like that? LOL

  • Ideas on getting my book reviewed ?

    Okay, so I have written a book and published it ( self published ) through a self publising company. It is now for sale on line and at the publisher's web site. I have a limited marketing budget and would like to get some national exposer for it, but getting an influential person to do a public book review seems like a challenge and I dont know if I have what it takes to get them to do do me this terrific favor. Any ideas from other authors on how I might achieve this ? Thanks people. Richard

    4 AnswersBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • Am I going to Hell when I die because I cussed at church when I was 4?

    Well, when I was little we arrived at church late and my parents gave me dimes and nickles to pay tithes with. We sat in a seperate area of the sanctuary because there were lots of visitors that day. For some reason the ushers never came to collect our tithes. I was only 4 or 5 and thought they didnt like me :( I chucked the money on the floor and said "GD" real loud ! Everyone looked at me including my dad. Boy did I get whipped at home. Am I still in trouble ? Richard

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Why do democrats hate democracy and freedom ?

    Im not even gonna get into the things these liberal politicians say very openly and publicly concerning individual freedoms and their contempt for them. Did these democrats ever stop to think that MAYBE these elected officials they love so much dont really know where to draw the line when passing new laws, wanting to outlaw this and that ? Are they willing to take a chance on them with something as vital as freedom ? Today they think its a good idea to outlaw tobacco and soda, tomorrow maybe they will start to confiscate all action movies because they feel they encourage violence ( sensorship you know ). keep in mind these people call themselves DEMOCRATS but you wouldnt know it by the things they suggest for society. Why is it that liberals hate freedom so much and the opportunity to choose ones own ambitions ( if legal, but then, what is anymore ?). Richard wants to know. Thanks

    5 AnswersGovernment9 years ago
  • What legalities are involved ?

    I am getting a novel published in a few months and I am a new author. I was wondering if anyone knew what legal steps must be obtained to get permission to make a brief reference to a song by a certain known band in my story in one of the parts. I want to mention the band and the song but as of now I just mentioned they were listening to music. Please let me know if any ASCAP or BMI royalties are involved. Thank you.

    2 AnswersOther - Music9 years ago
  • Will someone please explain this to me ?

    How can a government that wants to regulate the size of a soda pop, outlaw cigarettes and put employees in both industries out of work from those production lines, take over private medical practices, outlaw firearms to the civilian populas putting 80 % of the firearms workforce out of work too and more or less outlaw freedom of speach be called anything but a dictatorship ? Heard these things straight from the horse's mouths when addressing the public so I am NOT taking them out of context. If they get their way even 85% will this still be a free country where people can aspire to better things and have some sense of self worth ? Richard would like to know. Thank you for your time.

    2 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • What is the point in trying to better ones self?

    If the democrats are to get their way 100% then rich and stable middleclass will certainly have to reduce their standards of living, a whole lot. All in the name of fairness and equality, everyone would have an equal status regardless as to how hard they may have worked to get where they are ( or where they tried to get before communism ). What is the point in bettering ones self if the best you can hope for is to be like the next guy. Also, there is this STUPID myth that democrats look out for the little guy and republicans look out for the rich. I live in urban lower middleclass American, with no car. Not only has Obama never done anything for me, but I do not know of ANYONE that claims he has done anything for them. I would rather be poor and free, than lower middleclass and living in what will surely turn into a dictatorship at best. Are you really willing to sacrifice your freedoms just to be equally misserable like everyone else will ? I mean, these ideas like sensorship and telling us what we can and cant eat are NOT freedom and go against the concept of life, liberty and the persuit of happiness. This is supposed to be the land of the free, remember democrats ? Richard

    1 AnswerElections9 years ago
  • what movie was Dan Akroyd a very old ugly judge in ?

    I remember Chevy Chase and John Candy were in it. The judge promised to let Chevy Chase off if he married his hidious looking daughter and Chevy Chase had to spend the night at the judges house. They ate hot dogs and there was a modle electric train on the dinning table at that weird strange old house. Really want to know what movie that was. Thanks. Richard and Kathy

    2 AnswersMovies9 years ago
  • Should paddling be reinstated in NY schools after bus kids act up?

    Those students on that bus were extremely mean and rude to that woman who was a bus minitor on the Today show. They actually made her cry. So these new disciplinary techniques that are used instead of spanking students do not appear to have any real effect. They obviously have been taught to disrespect their elders. Now when I was in school they had paddles and would spank unrully students who disrupted the class and talked disrespectful to teachers and bus drivers. Padling has almost been outlawed. Only aout 18 states still permit this practice which a bunch of bleeding hearts think is sooo wrong and abusive. I attended school in Texas where paddling was used on students who frequently misbehaved. The latter part of my schooling however was in illinois where the practice had pretty much been abolished. The difference was like day and night. The faculty members at illinois schools could NOT seem to maintain discipline and the students were totally out of control. Disrupting the class, fighting, cursing and being down right disrespectful to teachers and faculty that seemed about ready to throw in the towel. In Texas however, there was more law and order at school and it was a much more peaceful envionment of learning. I dont care what these modern know it alls think. I think paddling needs to make a big comeback across the country. Any thoughts ? Richard and Kathy

    2 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education9 years ago
  • Did my dog have a bad reaction ?

    We took him to the vetranarian for a distemper shot and they gave him a heart worm pill and tested for heart worms which came back negative. That was a month ago. We have to take him to have him put to sleep tomorrow and I was wondering if what they did might have caused a reaction. Even if it is unusual for that type of reaction is it possible that that is why he is dying ? A month ago he was playful, healthy and loved to eat. He wont eat anymore and just lays down looking so sad. please tell me. Thank you. Richard and Kathy

    2 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • Does this dooms day bologna irritate you too ?

    I hear all this mumbo jumbo about the mayan calender as if the pagen mayan's beliefs have any merit in the so called Christian community. Personally, I dont really care. But if there is any truth to the end being so near that I will never see my 50th birthday then all of my accusations agains god will be confirmed, which is too bad for those who love him. He's going to show his true color again, just like he did 3,000 years ago in the bible and manywho claim to love him shall become very disillusioned with him. Unless of course they are the kind of self-rightious rich folk that like to go around showing everybody how much better their life is compared to yours, and that they are soo deserving of God's grace and exempt from sin, error, temptation and tribulation. I mean think about it. Who created this mess in the first place ? God thats who. Regardless as to what preachers tell you he not only created evil and Satan, but strongly encouraged their action too. let us not forget the tribulation he put Job through, let alone his own son, supposedly to make attonement for the sins that HE programmed us to commit in the first place. Give me just one good reason to believe that he is some all loving benevolent deity that is incapable of evil or dishonesty using biblical reference. Where do you think I got my info that he is an evil mean spirited sadistic God ? The main stream conventional bible, thats where. After all, in Luke, jesus told his followers " I didnt come to bring peace, but came to turn brother against brother, father against son etc etc" His words, not mine. And if you think that in eternity he isnt going to revert back to his old self ( that he loves so much ) I feel sorry for you. Please prove me wrong ! Will select a best answer. Richard

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago