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  • Does anyone think that telling someone "good job" can be very condescending?

    I work with this waitress that always does it. Now I have a realtor saying it to me every time I do anything.

    I'm 35 and it feels like they're talking to me like a kid who made a doody for the first time.

    I don't even like when people say it to kids.

    Does this make anyone else cringe?

    2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Do African Americans have less hearing problems than whites?

    just wondering. I'm a white dude, 35 and experiencing some hearing problems from a lifetime of loud music. I listened to a lot of metal and rap. I was told that pitch doesn't matter for hearing damage, it's just pure volume that causes it.

    Well it just seems like you hear about more rock dudes going deaf, never jazz musicians or rappers. And I can't remember ever seeing a black dude with a hearing aid.

    Was I born with inferior hearing? lol. thanks.

    3 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • Can someone please explain the TOEFL system, teaching of English as a foreign language?

    I volunteer teaching English for non-profit, just keep hearing about it. How does it work?

    2 AnswersTeaching1 decade ago
  • Suddenly disgusted with meat, instant urge to become vegetarian, can anyone relate?

    I guess there have only been a few times in my life before this that I have actually considered being a vegetarian, but I never thought about it seriously, just for like one meal.

    But in the last few weeks I've been to a bunch of barbecues and eaten so many burgers and the last one I ate completely grossed me out when I looked at it. I was just thinking the whole time "I don't think I can do this any more" and I've had no desire for meat since.

    I've always been one to make impulsive decisions, but I always figured most people would take like a year to consider being vegetarian. Anyone out there ever quit cold turkey, ha (bad, i'm so sorry) or suddenly get smacked in the face with the realization of what they were doing? A sudden unexpected moment of consciousness might be a good way to describe it.


    8 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • What else can I do for a separated shoulder, bicep tendinitis, if anything?

    I've had a separated shoulder for almost a month. I've been laying off of it, which has meant not working, doing all the exercises regularly, icing it, ibuprofen, etc. It basically feels exactly the same as it did a month ago.

    The exercises I have are regular range of motion stuff, resistance with a stick and light weights.

    I can't afford and am not covered for PT, just wondering if anyone has additional suggestions. I feel like I've been doing everything I can. Maybe I just need more time. Anyway, thanks...

    3 AnswersInjuries1 decade ago
  • Could I have gotten off the plane on the runway?

    I was recently on a United flight from Denver to Oakland. First there was a light on. Then they "fixed" the plane. Then we tried to take off, never picked up speed and stopped again. They worked on the plane some more. Then we had to wait ten minutes for the brakes to cool. While we were doing this, the captain came on and announced that he was going to turn off the plane because we were low on gas and he didn't want to go back to the terminal.

    So when we were waiting for the brakes to cool, I definitely wanted to get off of that plane. I would have been that one guy who throws a fit. But I REALLY wanted to get off.

    So if I were to demand to get off the plane, what is their legal obligation, if any?


    5 AnswersAir Travel1 decade ago
  • It's very difficult for me to fake it when I'm around babies, what should I do?

    Every time I go to visit a friend with a baby I just don't know what to do because it's really not particularly interesting. I feel like I'm in the waiting room of a doctor's office and I should be reading something. I mean, I'm happy for them if it's making them happy, but what is the point of me hanging around after about an hour.

    Then they ask why I'm leaving and tell me to stay and I never have a good answer. I mean I can't really tell them I'm bored off my *** and getting more suicidal by the second seeing a perfectly nice day go by as I watch a baby cry and drool on himself.

    It just seems like its more or less been the end of the friendship when a friend has a baby, since I don't. The parent will no longer have anything stimulating to offer the friend and the friend will most likely lose interest in sitting around with a newborn after a little while.

    So are there any solutions? My boss (who's female) seems to think that the friendship is just over, straight up. I don't want to be that fatalistic about it, but it seems to be the way it's going with all of my friends.

    I've thought about opening up a baby rental service so that whenever I'm going to be around a baby, I could bring one of my own. I think there might be a few legal hoops to jump through on that one though.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Isn't it kind of dumb to call childbirth a miracle?

    Just watched the "Miracle of Childbirth" in psych class.

    I mean seriously, doesn't something cease to be a miracle after it happens 7 billion times.

    Wouldn't a greater miracle be if we could get the people of India, China and Mexico to start using contraception?

    12 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Why is everyone so obsessed with new technology?

    I mean it's really not that cool, is it? How many different devices do you need to check your email? Is it really so hard to follow directions that you need a GPS to tell you where to make every turn. I mean come on, we're born with brains, let's try using them.

    People are just turning into a bunch a tekked out losers who can't even go five seconds without looking at some portable electronic device. I work in a restaurant and it's really disturbing to watch all day. They don't even look at me when I go to the table. I swear it's like "Night of the Living Dead" anymore. And why would you even bother going out to eat with someone if you're just going to be on the phone with someone else the whole time? Everyone wants to give the illusion of being "so busy" but none of them are really doing anything.

    I've had the same computer for about 7 years while my roommate who "had to have" a new macbook and just charged over $2000 to his credit card, while he struggles to come up with rent. As far as I can tell we have the same experience watching You Tube. Total loser.

    So have we just completely lost our minds and forgotten what it really means to be a human being? That's the only answer I've come up with because there's just nothing that cool about any of this crap.

    Sorry this is more of a rant than a question, I got out of control. Happens. But if you have any ideas regarding my question or are a tekhead who would like to make a defense for your ridiculous antisocial behavior, please feel free. Thanks!

    4 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • 25-40 yr. old women- What's a good look for a guy?

    Just seems like mens clothing options are pretty limited and I get sick of looking like every other guy that shops at Marshall's. So I've been wearing the same clothes forever due to a lack of interest. Need to get my mojo back, lol

    I'm 35, white. 5' 10" bald and thin if that helps any.

    2 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style1 decade ago
  • Does anyone think zero tolerance laws for drinking and driving are a good idea?

    I'm not conservative, far from it. But it just seems like allowing people to drink a certain amount and then setting up traps to see if they're over the limit is just silly.

    Everyone's metabolism, tolerance etc, is different, so you can't really go with the one drink an hour rule. Some places make drinks really strong. Many microbrews are over 10% abv, so that's not the Bud they had in mind when they told you about one beer in health class.

    Too much gray area which usually leaves the decision making in the hands of people who are at least slightly buzzed. The bars don't care, and the PD loves it- $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

    If you're going to drive, you can't drink. Seems like a simple law, huh? Legal/Illegal, cut and dry.

    What do you think?

    Oh yeah, and I live in Fort Collins, CO. Which is home to more DUI's per capita than any other city in the country. Like 50% of my friends have one, no joke. Dumbasses. Guess Forbes magazine didn't mention that stat when they called it the best place to live in the country a few years ago.

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Is there a way to officially renounce my confirmation to the Catholic church?

    I was raised Catholic and fought it from the age of five. My parents gave me no choice and I was confirmed when I was 13. I'm 35 now. I haven't been to church since, never believed and never will believe anything I was taught. While I can just say I don't believe it, it doesn't really give me the full closure I need to completely separate myself from the Catholic "experience". So how do I officially divorce myself from the Catholic church?

    18 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Can I edit myself into a music video on You Tube? How?

    Not great with computers or anything, just wondering if there is software or a way to make a video of yourself and then edit it into an existing vid. Thanks!

    3 AnswersYouTube1 decade ago
  • Is it time for Vegas to join the rest of the country and go non-smoking?

    Sorry, old school Vegas purists. But the question is legit.

    Just got back from three days there. Not complaining, I accept it as part of going, but I won't go back because of the smoke. By day 3 I just couldn't wait to leave.

    On a business level, aren't they probably keeping more people away at this point by allowing smoking. Far less than half of people smoke, right? So why are they still accommodating such a minority of the population?

    Is it really that big a deal for a smoker to step outside for a minute? Vegas is generally warm. All the smokers I know don't even smoke in their own homes anymore.

    I live in Fort Collins and everyone one made a big deal when they passed the smoking ban. For like a day, then they got used to it and went outside. Most bar owners I have spoken with who were worried about the change told me it has ultimately improved business. They have not lost their smoking customers. And they have gained a lot more people like myself who didn't go out too often when smoking was allowed.

    I am tolerant of people's habits, so please don't just label me a smoker-hater. I've had smokers agree with me on this one and say they like the bars in Fort Collins better now too. So what do you think?

    7 AnswersLas Vegas1 decade ago
  • Can anyone tell me what it means when a Mexican man has a teardrop tattoo on his eye?

    I heard it means they killed someone. Any truth to that? Do some people just get 'em like a style or something? What's the story?

    5 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • music lovers- favorite and least favorite instruments?

    Do you have an instrument that you believe is the greatest of all time and one you just can't stand the sound of, like it's torture?

    This came up at work yesterday when a coworker said that the saxophone gave her chills down her spine like nails on a chalkboard.

    Mozart despised the trumpet, a near phobia.

    Personally, I can't stand the electric guitar. Like when someone steps out for a solo, it just sounds so cheesy and annoying to me. I mean shut up dude. And I think the piano is the greatest.

    People who play music seem to have a stronger opinion on this one. Anyway, thought it was interesting, what do you guys think?

    4 AnswersR&B & Soul1 decade ago
  • Will anyone who's traveled in Ecuador and/or Galapagos Islands please share their experience?

    Looking for as much info and to get a "feel" for the country as much as possible. Quito, then other areas in Ecuador and the Galapagos if you made it out there. Looking to go there this year. Thanks.

    3 AnswersEcuador1 decade ago