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  • Which top diseases and conditions are funded the most for research?

    For example: there's breast cancer, lung cancer, micro fibrosis, muscular dystrophy, etc.

    Where does Chronic Migraine fall in this list? If you have resources please let me know where you found your information. I need it for a research paper!


    1 AnswerOther - Diseases8 years ago
  • Where do I get one of these? (Nikon Camera Lens Coffee Mug)?

    So I don't have a PayPal account, a credit card, or anything like that. But I found this online

    I want to get it for my boyfriend. Where can I buy something like this? I live in Montreal so I'm not sure if that helps!

    2 AnswersCameras8 years ago
  • Sociological theories?

    I am doing a research project on the limited funding towards Chronic Migraine Research. I will also be talking about the lack of education on the subject and the social stigma attached to such a condition. I have to explain all of this through 1 sociological approach. (i.e. Structural-Functionalism;

    Conflict Theory; Symbolic Interactionism; one or more of the Feminist Theories; Critical/AntiRacist Theory; Queer Theory; Bourdieu’s or Foucault’s approaches etc)

    I'm however having trouble deciding what one explains why there is little research on this condition. I think it is Structural Functionalism but I'm not exactly sure. Any help/advice is much appreciated! :)

    1 AnswerSociology8 years ago
  • Girls Night Out Ideas? (Ladies only... Sorry Boys)?

    So Some friends and I have this "I Hate Boys Club" (We are all in our twenties or so, it's just a fun group of girls who joke about men, heartbreak, we sometimes share stories, but most of all we have tons of fun.

    So I'm planning a GNO (Girls Night Out) with my ladies and I was wondering if anyone had some really spectacular ideas! I'm not talking about a couple cosmos and a dance club I mean some epic ideas.

    So I was thinking of a couple of these ideas maybe...

    1) Sexy Scavenger Man Hunt ( there are a list of adult fun tasks to complete like get 10 guys to buy you drinks or something along those lines, ect) There could be maybe 2-3 teams and it'll be a race around the city (Montreal)

    2)Bar Hopping We will all dress in white t-shirts and we'll all be carrying bright colored sharpies and it will be a contest to see who can get the most # of guys to sign the t-shirt with their phone numbers. (But I'm worried some of the girls might feel bad if they don't get as many or maybe someone feels uncomfortable with that!)

    3) ANTI-Valentine's Day Dinner like the one in the Movie Valentine's Day

    4) Make your own outfit contest (ABC theme) everyone will have to come in an outfit not made of clothing and we can hit the city as a big group of girls by either going to the bar, club, etc

    Well some of these ideas are kinda lame but that's where you come in ;) I'm not all that creative so let me know some ideas you might have :)

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Calling all health freaks ;)?

    So I am on a mission to eat healthier (not for losing weight) and I need to know if this is a balanced healthy diet. Due to lack of equipment and minimal financial support I'm doing the best I can do with what I got. Below are a list of meal plans I have set up varied throughout the week


    Smoothy: vegan pre workout energy, spinach, 1/3 cup of milk, mango, raspberry, kiwi, or strawberries. (fruit varied)

    1/2 grapefruit with a juicebox (100% juice from concentrate, no added sugars or citric acids)

    3 egg whites with seasoning and 1/8 cup of milk (no salt or sugar)


    Salad: flax seed, pine nuts, almonds, pomegranate, kiwi, spinach leaf, varied fruit and seeds


    Couscous with spices and at least 2 vegetables and a side of fruit

    Pasta with 3 vegetables




    Chicken with 2 sides: vegetable (asparagus, brocoli, potatoes)



    1 fruit (grapes or strawberries or black berries (antioxidants))

    1/5 cup almonds or sunflower seeds


    With lots of water

    What can I do better? Is this good? What should I supplement (I do take multi vitamins) PLease no ignorant comments like "If you want to lose weight just stop eating" or anything like that.

    I am 19 years old, 5' 4" and I am just looking to better my lifestyle! :) Have a good one and thanks

    12 AnswersWomen's Health8 years ago
  • I'm trying to lose weight...?

    Let's start off with a bit about my motive. I'm not fat. I am not skinny, but I'm also not healthy. I have mild asthma, I weigh 145 but I am muscular for a girl in my opinion. I have a normal BMI and an average normal body fat %. I only want to be more fit and more healthy. I want to get in shape. However, running is very effortful and it doesn't exactly fit in my schedule. I walk 30 minutes to an from school everyday. I feel unsatisfied with the way I look in clothing. I'm borderline 9/7 in jeans and I'd like to be a sure 7. :)

    Goal: By Christmas, I want to lose 10 lbs. That gives me 5 weeks to lose 10 pounds. (2 lbs a week)

    Meal Plan:

    Breakfast: 1 egg with 1 cup of smoothie (mango, raspberry, banana)

    Lunch: Salad and sushi (California roll) OR a bagel (340 calories)

    Dinner: Soup (onion, butternut squash, or vegetable lentil)

    Snacks: almonds and/or fruit

    Desserts: pudding or maybe a my grandma's cookies once or twice a week :)

    Reward: $20 to buy a new dress :)

    I plan on walking every day the same amount. I walk everywhere and I live in a big city. So I will be getting exercise. I was thinking of wearing weights on my ankles and wrists to help burn more fat.

    I want to know a professional's opinion. Realistically I will not be able to eat SUPER healthy. I don't usually bring lunches to class and I get very very hungry and find it hard to focus on my studies when I'm hungry. It's a work in progress. Other than coffee I drink water or I will be haha.

    Coffee is a MUST. I'm a college student... what can I say? :)

    Thanks for your opinions and please don't be a jerk and criticize me for my body or my weight. You have no idea what I look like and 145 is just a number. I'm 19 years old and I'm comfortable so whatever hurtful thing you say it useless to me.

    6 AnswersDiet & Fitness9 years ago
  • Calling all skilled Philosophers...?

    I have just read Strawson's Freedom and Resentment paper but I failed to fully understand exactly what he is saying. I'm not sure what his summary points were nor do I know his actual thesis. Can you please help me in telling me what you know about this paper and if you've read it perhaps what was said?

    I greatly appreciate your help!

    4 AnswersPhilosophy9 years ago
  • CPR training... where can I find a study guide?

    I've looked online and they have updates for older study guides but I am getting my certificate renewed this year and I want to know where I can get a study guide so I can study in advance! Thanks

    2 AnswersTeaching9 years ago
  • How the Hell does someone know what the most painless ways of committing suicide are?

    Think about it... no one lives to tell the tale?

    Also... why is suicide wrong? Is it wrong to make someone live in a situation that is completely physically and emotionally painful? What if nothing changes? Is it wrong? Right? Do you believe in self-determination?

    What are your thoughts?

    4 AnswersPsychology9 years ago
  • Iodide Clock Reaction- What makes the solution turn blue?

    So my lab partner and I performed this lab and we messed up. Our solution turned brown... not blue. We have 2 theories. We used too much Hydrogen Peroxide which raised the pH and kept the solution from turning blue, or our starch wasn't prepared at the right temperature...

    Can you tell me what makes the solution turn blue? Why was ours brown instead?

    if you don't know what the Iodide Clock Reaction is here is a Wikipedia page telling you the general idea of what this reaction entails.

    Here is the study we based our experiment on:

    We used 30 drops of H2O2 instead of 5 drops

    1 AnswerChemistry9 years ago
  • [A Book By Its Cover]... Is this the right?

    This is a title and I'm really not sure if "by" should be capitalized...

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors9 years ago
  • Can you use a US Victoria's Secret Gift Card in a Canadian Victoria's Secret?

    I read up on it and it says I can use it online but there is nothing about using it in stores. I tried once last year but I couldn't. They said they were working on it but I don't know if it's changed. And I'd rather not go in the store try to buy something and have it not work. How embarrassing :P

    Anyway thanks for taking the time to answer this.

    1 AnswerFashion & Accessories9 years ago
  • Calculus question... please help!?

    Prove the formula for the second derivative of a function given parametricaly by r(t) =[x(t),y(t)]

    d^2y/dx^2 = (x′y′′)-(y′x′′)=(x′)^3

    1 AnswerMathematics9 years ago
  • Weight loss, please help!!!?

    I weight 145lb and I'm 5'5". I know it seems like a lot but I am also very strong. There's a lot of muscle. however, recently I've gained a little bit of weight physically. I've had a track record of turning to anorexia to regain that control. To avoid that I want to know a good plan for losing weight in a healthy weight. Here's my plan, will you let me know what you think? Please no hate comments about my weight... it'll kill me

    Morning work out: an hour of yoga or low cardio workout

    Breakfast: 2 cups of home-made smoothie and egg whites

    Snack: Fresh fruit with yogurt

    Lunch: Salad with water (or crystal light) OR hummus with 1 pita

    Snack: Celery or almonds and water

    Dinner: Some kind of meat with vegetable (steamed or boiled) and water OR a 6" veggie delite from subway

    Dessert: Jello

    Every time I crave my unhealthy vices I'll eat dark-chocolate coffee beans (been shown to reduce appetite and carb cravings)

    Afternoon excercise: mile of running (about 15 min run)

    I have 13 weeks to lose 25 lbs.

    20 AnswersDiet & Fitness9 years ago
  • I don't understand why NEGATIVITY is promoted more than POSITIVITY?

    Personally, I have always felt that one can control the way things "turn out" but the positivity they promote as well as the hard work they put in. So why does everything promote negativity? For example, you know "Memes", well they are majority of the time based of sarcasm. I don't quite understand this. People push others down to raise their status. But what is the point? People want a 'dislike' button on Facebook. WHY? So you can tell someone you don't like what they say? Why should people feel like they need to be better than who they are? Why should they have the need to compare themselves to others? You'll probably give me some psychological or philosophical explanation to this. But guess what... I've taken Psychology as well. I know the theories, I know the mental processes. My question is... why do you do it? Why do we do it even though we know it's hurtful? Has it just become a norm? Why do I have to feel hurt in order to make someone else feel better? I've never really been the person to personally attack someone. And I've taken a lot of s**t in my life. I've had my fair share + or problems. So why do people judge me before they know what I've gone through. Why do these things happen?

    2 AnswersPsychology9 years ago
  • I need help with a gift for my boyfriend?

    I just started dating a guy. I really care about him and I want to get him something he'll love for his birthday. He's turning 22. Any great ideas? Guys what would u want? He likes all music, he loves cars, likes sports, likes games, movies, anything but I want to make is special... so not like just a movie. I want to do like a romantic night with him as well as a cute gift he'll like... so... ya any ideas?

    7 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Need help with Clubs!?

    My friend and I are going to the all ages Heat nightclub in Whitby tonight and we were wondering if anyone knew anything about it. We want to know if it's going to be like 12 year olds or is it going to be like in the 17-18 range? If you've gone tell us what it's like.

    1 AnswerOther - Canada1 decade ago
  • Need help finding good all ages club in Toronto for Friday!!!?

    K, so I'm trying to find a good club for next week. Anytime before Friday of next week! Here's the sitiation! My friend and I wanna meet some guys blow off steam from exams but we're just under 19. So ya... see my dilemma? Anyway we need a good club that's for all ages. No fake Id's.... just cuz she looks way younger than her age. So I doubt that would work. Plus if it gets taken it's such a waste of $50. Anyway, We need a tight place that's not too sketchy but not kiddie land either. Like a rave or something would work I guess as long as it's not sketch! Know any good ones in either downtown Toronto, Whitby, or Ajax.

    We looked into Heat Nightclub (which is TIGHT... just sayin) and that would be perfect cept for the fact that I'm gone the 25th :( so ya... please respond!

    Also... anyone know if Club 108-107 is all ages (U19)

    Thanks guys :)

    2 AnswersToronto1 decade ago
  • HELP-- JFK experts part 2 :)?

    Alright, so I am writing a speech (not a formal report). I was chosen to talk about John F. Kennedy. I am trying to ignore the small boring stuff like where he was born, when he was born, what happened when he was president--no... that's BORING! I need some information that will spark the listeners attention. I need something new. I need to get people to think of him as a great man. I'd appreciate it if you left your general negative opinions out. Not that they are not important but rather that it does not relate. So why is JFK a "great" man? what makes him stand out? Tell me about what you were doing when he was assasinnated. After all, that is what most people remember. If you had to write a speech, what would you write?

    2 AnswersMedia & Journalism1 decade ago
  • Calling all JFK experts!?

    I'm doing a project about JFK and I need some facts. I don't care about his date of birth or basic things like that. I can find that on my own. What I need is some new information about him. Can you tell me things people might not know about John Fitzgerald Kennedy? He was a great man that did a lot of great things.

    7 AnswersHistory1 decade ago