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  • Why do we put up with the President's attack on free speech?

    Come on Americans, Obama and his chicago thugs are attacking Fox News, why....because they are the only ones to tell the truth. America, if you do not stand up and fight for our country, you deserve to lose it.

    This former 9 year Marine has taken an oath to fight all enemies of our country, foreign and domestic and even I thought I was done fighting after Vietnam, that oath stands today and I will fight.....

    November 9th, 10th (Marine Corps Birthday) and 11th in Washington DC . Grind that congress to a halt as the are producing garbage right now anyway.

    8 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Would it be better for America if President Obama were a christian?

    I say yes and I am telling Obama that to be saved he must be born again in the spirit just like Jesus told Nicodemus he must be in John 3:3.

    I think if Obama were a christian man with a christian family that he might respect America and the blessings we have received throughout our short it stands today. America is in great danger from this apostate who claims to be a christian.

    25 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Why has politics gotten so racial in tone?

    Considering that 97% of all blacks voted for Obama and that only comprised about 20% of the overall vote...I would think alot of white people voted for Obama.

    The drift away from him now is not surprising....I see partriotic Americans awakening and seeing the light and once they do, well, what can I say, except "what hath light to do with darkness" or was it the other way around....anyway...Obama has the country divided as well as black and white families within her.

    Mr. President, Have you no shame, sir!

    Amerika, you got what you asked for now let's see if you are going to stand by his side as he "radically transforms" our republic into something especially ugly...something akin to you living like a Somalian villager...with you being dragged down and not the other way around.

    7 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Does President Obama deserve a Nobel Peace Prize?

    I mean, give me a break, this country hasn't been this close to civil war since 1865. And his apology tour around the world will not assure one moment of peace. Obama shows weakness, indecisiveness and is proving that he is not the right man for the job. Maybe those scandinavians like socialism.....but not in America.

    1 AnswerCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Is Kevin Jennings right for our school kids?

    President Obama appointed Kevin Jennings as Assistant Deputy Secretary of the Office of Safe and Drug Free Schools at the U.S. Department of Education. Probably not the biggest mouthful, Jennings has had.

    Here is why I ask. This guy has a bad so many of Obama's choices. This guy, while counseling at a high school, advised a 15 year old male student who came to see him and who told him that he was having relations with an older man, to make sure he used a condom. Jennings did not report this sexual abuse of a minor.

    Jennings also wrote the forward to a book called "Queering Elementary Education" and is a big fan of Harry Hay who was quoted as saying "If the parents and friends of gays are truly friends of gays, they would know from their gay kids that the relationship with an older man is precisely what thirteen, fourteen, and fifteen year old kids need more than anything else in this world."

    I agree with the author of this material, "Jennings praise of Hay was not specifically in the context of the latter's support of NAMBLA (North American Man-Boy Love Association). Readers will decide for themselves whether it is appropriate for an individual who publicly praises pedophilia to be appointed Assistant Deputy of Education for Safe and Drug-Free Schools, or if indeed he should have a job anywhere in our government.

    Obama, I tell you again, keep this one away from my grandkids.

    2 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Do you trust science czar John Holdren with the nation's drinking water supply?

    Holdren is an avowed abortionist, in fact, this one in Obama's czardom, is in favor of forced abortions. I have known for quite some time now about Obama's worldwide population control plans but couldn't quite tie Holdren to these people until now.

    Singled out for praise among others by Kenneth Brower who writes about the "brain trust" that his father, David Brower employed, John Holdren was there at the beginning "of the environmental movement for the twenty-first century."

    Here is a quote from that other feathered bird, David Brower, who gratefully, has met his maker and I am sure that by now, David knows God already has a plan for a pristeen earth. Anyway, here is David, former executive Director of the Sierra Club, :"Child bearing should be a punishable crime against society unless the parents hold a government license. All potential parents should have to use contraceptive chemicals with the government providing the antidote to those who can obtain government licenses."

    Does John Holdren feel the same and advise Obama accordingly? Of course...don't be an imbecile.

    Hey, here is one from the Prince of Edinburgh, Prince Philip which he delivered from security of his British cocoon: "If I were reincarnated, I would wish to come back as a killer virus to lower human population levels." Damn, I thought this one was a parasite already.

    No Obamacare!

    10 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • New Jersey: Do you intend to export your school programs?

    I would hope not. I do not want my grandkids indoctrinated by Barack Hussein Obama. MMM MMM MMM. I will supply all the words to the song later. I know what all the mmm mmm mmms stand for that the kids were singing. Hint: Barack Hussein Obama, mmm, mmm, mmm (means "is our God and King".

    I will have more forthcoming in future posts. Sufficient to say for now, Obama, stay away from my grandkids, that is an order.

    1 AnswerCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Okay, race seems to be an issue in politics right now, might I suggest this?

    I came up with this because it rang in my brain like a bell after I was talking to a black friend of mine about Obama and told him that I would love to have been part of history, voting for the first black president. As we talked, we agreed that the democrats simply did not provide a viable candidate, we both agree that moral character matters.

    MY potential solution is for my friend to run because I know him to be a decent, God fearing individual. This is black man I will vote for.

    Being from Indiana as I presently am....I will also throw in Senators Bayh and their terms expire, they are voted out to be replaced by decent, God fearing men or women of any color.

    That sounds like a solution we can all rally around before we understand what Tinnanman Square was all about.

    We are too far gone to expect God to bless the USA but we are not too far away that if we indeed, bend our knees, call out to him to save our land that He will hear from in heaven and deliver us.

    I am already doing that but a single born again christian can only hold back 1000 demons, me and my black buddy can only hold back 10,000... Washington DC has legions and after the Muslim love fest last Friday, they have countless more...

    Pray America!

    3 AnswersCivic Participation1 decade ago
  • Will it be a particularly cloudy day in Washington DC on Saturday?

    We already know that as patriotic, and spiritual Americans that "we do not battle against flesh and blood but rather against evil spirits and spiritual wickedness in high places". My question is will the Islamic Day of Prayer in Washington serve to darken the skies around Washington even more?

    I say yes and christians throughout the nation now must fall to their knees and ask God to save their land...God says he will hear from on high, if we will do this and see to it. Now more than ever America....before we head off into that brave new world called socialism.

    Good grief, wake up and stand for something!

    "If any two of you, ask anything in my name, I am there among you and will see to it," Christians we are in a spiritual battle, understand this and let God hear your hearts and voices.

    2 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • New Yorkers: Why wouldn't you keep Paterson in office?

    I say let him finish his term and then vote to put him there another term. If Obama wants him out then I say vote 'em in. Obama probably has some really educated czar like character to run on that ticket. Save yourself New York. Hey bronx boys, quit wussin' out, Call them Obama weenies out!

    2 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Christians: Because the season is upon us can we ask questions like this?

    No man knows the hour or day of the return of Jesus Christ except God the Father......yet, scripture makes it clear that them that hear his voice are to know the season. Tis the season!

    I believe it is absolutely relevant to begin a push as this age of the gentile draws to a close....the anti-christ cannot be revealed until the last person to accept Christ does so and we are all raptured....then the end shall come

    These days I believe John 3:16 still sets up as the beautiful 'public' option people can select to ensure their future healthcare needs.

    For those who need convincing, Revelations 16:2 should be sufficient to understand what God has in store for those who reject Jesus Christ beginning still in this life.

    And you people think God does not have a sense of humor...see what he will do to all of Obama's beautiful people.

    God imbued us all with free will. Choose life that thou and thy seed may live.

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Is Nancy Pelosi feigning her fear of WE THE PEOPLE?

    I saw Nancy crying, almost, fighting back those tears as she remembered the political assassinations of two San Francisco types, Harvey Milk and some mayor or something. I believe her to be totally disingenuine and here is why.

    First of all, Ms Pelosi is an old broad who should also have vivid memories of the 60s where the blacks and the long hairs in San Francisco and around the country were burning the American flag and our cities.

    Carter is another idiot. Confused by some sort of social gospel where he thinks those of us who have worked our whole lives should be willing to share with those who will not even try. Scripture asks us to take care of the widows and orphans, dem poor will be with us always.

    Carter was an idiot in the 70s and nothing has changed.

    America....this is not about race. Do not be distracted by this stuff. In my 9 Marine Corps years and throughout my entire 62 years I have always taken people as they come. You are probably not good nor bad but have mixed qualities...we are all that way. My friends and associates throughout my life have bridged any so called color gap. I have had friends of all colors, sexes and those who may prefer a gender different from me to partner up with.

    Quit letting these politicians separate us along bogus lines. That is their intent. Embrace your black/white brothers and sisters and let us fight to regain America together.

    That is how you fight the fear tactics of Nancy Pelosi who would like nothing better for Janet Napolitano, Homeland Security Director, to declare the speech of WE THE PEOPLE as hate speech.

    Call Nancy out Obama says: "Call her Out"

    5 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • So if the Prez is intercepting this on line communication, what would you like him to know?

    What a great opportunity for WE THE PEOPLE to express our point of views that should have little to do with bi-partisanship. There is good and there is bad behaviour that we expect of our legislators and the manner in which they spend our tax money.

    Speak up America, while you still can.

    This 62 year old former 9 year Marine having served two tours in Vietnam honestly thought, up until about 18 months ago,that I was done fighting for the freedoms of the people of other nationsand our own. Particularly after the disgust I felt for our nation when we quit the South Vietnamese people and at least 2.5 million more died after we yellowed our way out of Dodge. I guess it is true: "When the going gets tough, the tough get going."

    I remember throwing up on my shoes when I happened to turn on the summer olympics going on in Atlanta, Ga. I think in 1996 and saw Jane Fonda, Bill Clinton and Cassius Clay on the same stage. I know, I know, I like Muhammed Ali too and especially his great dancing and fighting daughter just not his politics. Kind of like the prez, hard not to like but his nasty politics is costing him respect that he thinks should come with skin color. Apparently. Should we ask Charlie Rangel, Maureen Dowd, that beleagured governor of NY and so many more?

    Soon Mark Lloyd, Obama's czar at the FCC will begin enforcing Obama's mandates on broadcasters....localization (a lot of mandated local content) and a fine that equals a year's worth of the cost of doing be repeated as long as compliancy is an issue.

    Get armed America. Washington DC was great last weekend. The new WWII Memorial, I had never seen before, is pretty cool too. I saw the Prez take off in Marine One (although there is always an accompanying decoy) and didn't know which one to flip off. So I used both hands and hope I didn't upset his carriers, my fellow Marines whom I do respect.

    Open up America, that is the very least you can do. Do not wait until we hit the enforcement stage of his amoral atheistic, socialist policies? Carry signs of protest outside your local medias if they are not presenting the "the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth".

    Do what you need to do to show congress that we are awake. Far too many are still gaming at partisan politics. I give up Evan Bayh and Dick Lugar.....who do you throw in the pot?

    2 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • What do you say about the Washington protests?

    I left home Friday afternoon and drove myself over 550 miles to get to DC for the occasion. I went to get a finger on the pulse of America, something I couldn't do in my home town with our liberal rag newspapers who lie about everything.

    People are pissed. Ordinary working people and that is the difference. There are an awful lot of non-working people who want what I earned and plan to do nothing for it.

    At 62, a former 9 year Marine with 2 tours in Vietnam, I thought I was done fighting for my country. I guess that is not the case. I will chase Obama all the way to hell just to ensure that he makes it there. The anger is not just about healthcare, or taxes, or a runaway budget deficit but more about the fact that Obama wants this to be a socialist nation at best and quite possibly something worse.

    The people are awake. The people were peaceful. I recognized the people as my neighbors from all walks of life. Ordinary people who are quite tired of being pushed around by amoral atheists in government.

    This non-violent Christian is pissed too.

    3 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Do reporters at our less than mainstream news outlets regret paying so much for their journalism degrees?

    I ask this because reporters at places like the New York Times, LA Times, and many other such liberal rags do not really need that kind of training and education. I mean, a little bit of stenography to copy Obama's daily talking points is all you really need. But don't you feel a little bad about not doing your job faithfully? The fourth estate used to help keep bad governments in check. Not today, huh?

    1 AnswerMedia & Journalism1 decade ago
  • Should Maureen Dowd apologize to Congressman Joe Wilson for calling him a racist?

    My opinion is yes she should. I think Joe Wilson was a tad bit discourteous but he was not the one that "lied". Maureen Dowd should consider going after Kanye West who interrupted Taylor Swift at the MTV awards, talk about racist! And she should go after President Obama who interrupted my tv programming the other night with another one of his stupid appearances. I'm a white guy interrupted by a black man.

    6 AnswersMedia & Journalism1 decade ago
  • Obama got rid of Van Johnson, but what about the rest?

    Van Johnson looks, on the surface, like he quit and is removed from Obama but not true. Van Johnson is still a board member at the Apollo know that group of lefties that wrote the stimulus bill that Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi and others rubber stamped into law...along with Obama and Bush.

    President Obama is taking this country down a socialist path while doing an unprecedented power grab for the Executive branch of government. Your congressmen are to write laws....not some leftie group.

    Tell Obama to change his mind and return us to a path that will make America great once again. No one, not liberals and not conservatives are going to be happy when Obama fully implements his communist agenda.

    5 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Americans, are you prepared to give it all up?

    Wake up America. You are losing your country. This healthcare debate is about population is important to Obama but so is cap and trade and his other pillars of a socialist society.

    Look at his czars and tell me you do not think care will be rationed. Ask Zeke Emanuel, Rahm's Bioethicist brother about that. Sounds funny saying something about an emanuel boy and ethics in the same breath.

    Science czar is a complete screw ball....but these guys, like Mark Lloyd at the FCC who is preparing to ensure Fox News has no voice, one conservative voice among many liberals voices are bothersome to the liberals and commies taking over our country.

    Tell your legislators to stand up and be counted or call on the Supreme Court to oust this guy who thinks he can upset the balance of power ensured by our constitution so that his executive branch legislates as well as enforces. Tell them to have Obama lose these unelected czars and go through vetted department heads like he is supposed to do.

    Tell Obama he is a stinking loser and we do not want to be red or black, simply Americans.

    7 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Liberals, did you really think it would be different?

    Poor Ted Kennedy. Had a full life. Came from a storied family. Camelot and all that crap. Same for us all. You die and then judgement. Ted will have witnesses in abundance at the Great White Throne judgement...about 50 million aborted babies and of course, Mary Jo will be there.

    You live like hell today, you will spend eternity there.

    6 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Will we finally learn why our soldiers are being trained to run internment camps?

    Could it be that H1N1 (swine flu) is not the little bitty thing not worth being afraid of. Has the administration been lying to us again?

    The flu hit in 1915 and it was quite easy, in 1917 and 1918 we had a full blown epidemic with hundreds of thousands losing their lives.

    The same is projected for today and like then, we do not have the sera available for use. It will come to us gradually and will be allocated just as they will ration health care later. Old people, you will be last to receive your shots. The closer you are to a dying age (like 78), the less attention you will receive.

    Sign of the times. Losing in Iraq, Afghanistan. Turning into at least a marxist society and most probably, communist. More than 3 dozen czars are heading our shadow government under their maestro, Barack Obama.

    How can anybody out there be happy with this mess and with this president who thinks we all owe reparations to blacks who haven't seen slave ships in a couple of hundred years?

    3 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago