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ms. hippie queen
hey there! i'm 26, the black sheep of my family, and my three loves are baseball, music and sushi - in no particular order. it changes depending on my mood and how well the Astros are doing :)
Anyone know when the new Van Halen Album is supposed to be released?
4 AnswersRock and Pop1 decade agodream interpretation question?
i spend the night occasionally with my best friend (male) in a completely platonic way and every time i sleep there - for almost two years now - i dream that a member or members of his family barge into the bedroom with us in bed together (again, just sleeping or talking).
for a while, the dream was many family members trying to wake us up for a big barbeque and now the scenario changes each time but begins with different family members walking in and having that startled "oh, did we interrupt something" deer in the headlights look.
anyone have any insight? recurring dreams freak me the eff out.
3 AnswersDream Interpretation1 decade agowhat is your baseball pet peeve?
rainouts, bad trades, blowouts, ugly new uniform design, the fact that the manager pretends to be oblivious whilst you coach from your couch...?
35 AnswersBaseball1 decade agohow the heck am i supposed to deal with this without letting the cat go?
i have had one cat for a year now (she is fixed) and she has made a habit of peeing on my bed. i have learned to clean the box 4 times a week and we've been cool for about a month now. because of the peeing, i gave my mattress a serious scrub, let it sun dry to bake out any smell trace and brought it back. i waited a month still before i made the bed last night and this morning she peed on it again. those sheets have been washed four times and as i made each layer of sheets, i sprayed the nature's miracle just for cats on it!! does anyone have any insight? is there anything i can do to break her of this habit - i am tired of sleeping on the couch...
- hopeful in houston
8 AnswersCats1 decade agoi had an eganged sports debate tonight...?
and my (guy) friend accused me of coming off as a *****. we don't see eye-to-eye on the brett favre situation or many many baseball situations. that aside (sorry i am buzzing a bit) how many of you enjoy a great heated and knowledgeable sports debate?
BQ: would you back down off of your opinion just because someone called you and i quote "a slave to the sports media?" even if that label was completely invalid?
7 AnswersBaseball1 decade agoin the case that your team doesn't make it to the world series...?
...and your rival does, do you root for your rival to get a win for your league, or root for the opposite league to beat out your rival?
BQ: what is your favorite baseball lingo?
26 AnswersBaseball1 decade agocovergirl lipstain...?
i bought some of this this morning - a pretty neutral looking color - and when i tried it, it came out looking like kool-aid lips! does anyone a) know a way to apply it nicely and b) get the stuff off?? i look like vampira!!!
2 AnswersMakeup1 decade agoquestion about grand slams...?
this may be a stupid question, but i am still learning, so be gentle.
players receive a lot of credit for grand slams and i understand they are a big deal, but timely hitting aside, doesn't it speak just as much about the players setting the table as it does for the grand slammer?
13 AnswersBaseball1 decade agohow thick is your skin...?
there have been a lot of quick hooks going on (at least in the national league) by umpires; most recent example being the shane victorino incident where he was thrown out - by the home plate umpire - from center field for arguing a call! either these guys are new and are getting all butt-hurt over nothing or have severely guilty consciences over their badly blown calls.
so here's the question: what would be your boiling point as a major league umpire?
10 AnswersBaseball1 decade agoi am wide open for suggestions...?
.38 special's rockin into the night has been stuck in my head for 4 hours now. please help me! anything is better than this torture. just a list of good random songs will do
10 AnswersRock and Pop1 decade agodo you put up a tougher fight when...?
you're fighting for something you believe or when you're fighting for something you're against?
8 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade agohahahaha DANG..............?
does this section always get so insanely nasty down the stretch?
i dare each person who reads this to say something they admire about their rival team. i'll go first:
when i watch a cardinals game, not only do they have one of the more beautiful stadiums, but it seems like the fans are as closely knit as the actual team. i admire that immensely and think it's a big confidence boost to the players. albert pujols is an amazing player and if you ever see me write anything derogatory on here about him, it's purely because he's so damn good.
27 AnswersBaseball1 decade agoand the truth shall set you free...?
honestly, how many of you have been humbled by judging a team because they have or had one of THE 104 listees?
BQ: be as brutal as possible! i am tired of hearing "we have best offense, best pitching, best managing" yadda yadda yadda. do you believe down to the bottom of your baseball soul that your team is worthy and capable of a playoff berth?
9 AnswersBaseball1 decade agoi'll never leave your pizza burning...?
i used to think these were the lyrics for "beast of burden" by the stones. what are some more funny misheard lyrics?
4 AnswersRock and Pop1 decade agowhat's your guilty pleasure cheesy song by a favorite artist?
i am a sucker for "feels so good" by van halen
12 AnswersRock and Pop1 decade agodo you rely on unrealistic trends for your team?
for example astros for the past 5 years have had a great late season run, making the last few weeks interesting, even if not fruitful. or maybe your team counts on the yanks not making it past the first round of the playoffs...unreliable things like that.
p.s. not hating on the yankees, it was just another example i could think of.
4 AnswersBaseball1 decade agoFifty-two minute bug delay...?
ok, been watching baseball for a while now and i've seen some weird game delays: like the Phillies at the Rockies as a team helping the grounds crew pull the tarp (sorry for the quality
and yesterday during the Astros at Padres game with a 52 minute bee delay ( what is the strangest delay you've seen?
6 AnswersBaseball1 decade agohave you ever been so elated by your team...?
...for accomplishing something that is really not spectacular at all? i am superstitious as all get out and could be jinxing my team here, but the astros could come within a game of .500 with a win tonight for the first time since they were 1-2 in april and i'm freaking extatic!!
what about you? ever cheer wildly for your ace because he finally found the strike zone in a rough outing or something along those lines?
6 AnswersBaseball1 decade agoWhat... is the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow?
2 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago