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  • Is receiving a Job Interview schedule bad?

    I am 17 years old , Today I have received an email saying to schedule for an interview for part-time at khols , will I most likely to get the job?

    2 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment5 years ago
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    What should I say to my boyfriend after what he said to me?

    I've been with my boyfriend for 3 years now he's my everything but he didn't a lot of things behind my back that broke my heart badly and crying myself a lot, when he goes somewhere I get jealous and always say negative things so he won't go nowhere cause I'm scared he might do it again :( but he says he promise he won't do it again but I don't want him to go anywhere with out me and he said he's going to the movies for the 2nd time in one day and I got upset and told him to not go and said something negative and he told me this and what does he mean by that :,( what should I do or say back??? I used to have cancer

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating5 years ago
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    How many minutes should I put in the oven to make cake pops?

    So I ordered this on wish and it will come by this week to make cake pops and I want to know how many minutes should I leave in on the oven?? I don't want it burnt I want it nice and good.

    2 AnswersCooking & Recipes5 years ago
  • What's a good Christmas present for my teacher?

    I love my teacher soo much she helps me through a lot for 2 years and we get along very well, I am planning to give her something this Thursday before we go on school break , but I don't know what to give her , she is pretty girly , she has 3 little kids, she loves art and crafts , I want to get her a perfume of Victoria secret but I heard a girl in my class is planning to get her something from Victoria secret and I'm scared that we might give her the same thing , I just don't know what to give her :/ any ideas?? And She doesn't like chocolate that much. I only have $25 so no more than $25

    3 AnswersChristmas5 years ago
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    Did I got the job or no?

    So I applied for Kmart 2 days ago and I just relieved this email , I didn't get the job or?

    3 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment5 years ago
  • How old your supposed to be to work at Home town buffet?

    I am 17 years old and I do have experience with cleaning, cooking at March of dimes event, and I really need a job , Home town buffet is hiring and I was to know if they allow 17 year old to work there so I can apply online? I not where else can I work at?

    7 AnswersFood Service5 years ago
  • My dog pooping blood please help!?

    So I found a dog in the streets I feel bad so I kept him in the backyard for 2 weeks and I feed him and he was normal and today he was sad didn't want to eat and he was pooping blood and early he was near my indoor chihuahua and smelling him but when I find out that the dog was pooping blood I got freaked out and now I showered my indoor dog and I just want to know if my indoor dog will get it too?? Or something? I really don't want nothing to happen to him :( he's my everything

    6 AnswersDogs5 years ago
  • Job question, please help me!!?

    I am 17 years old , I really want a job , I want to work like at a clothing store like at the mall , when I do applications online it won't submit cause their asking for my previous employment information, which I've never had job experience before but I DO have LOTS of volunteer work, I really want a job but almost every application asking for my previous employment :/ do it put in my volunteer work instead? I really want a job :( will they still hire me? Please help me I need a job

    2 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment5 years ago
  • Job Applications?

    I just turned 17 last month and I'm already looking for a job asap, I never have job experience before but I did volunteered in many places, last week I applied for for Aeropostale & Forever 21 , how am I supposed to know if I didn't get the job? How long does it takes to call me? i want to do more applications online of my favorite stores but when I go to their websites I click on everything and I couldn't find applications, I'm new with the job things :/ give me ideas, tips anything that can help me, I am 17 and I need a job asap I want to work at a clothing store or at the movie theaters please help!

    3 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment5 years ago
  • Ideas to lose weight?

    Hi :) I am 17 years old and Yes I am over weight I want to lose about 40 pounds, I am a senior and I want to look good by next year graduation and for prom, I alrighty sign up to go to the gym and I will start on Monday! :D I want to know what kind of workouts I should do everyday, and how many hours of work out should I do , and how many times I should eat per day, and am I allowed to drink juice or Gatorade while I'm on a diet? And I NEED for sure to loose arm fat , and what kind of exercise should I do to loose chin fat? Sorry to ask these questions none of my family doesn't know and this is the only way I can get help :) please help me! Give me ideas.

    3 AnswersDiet & Fitness5 years ago
  • How do I put my Facebook account on private ?

    So I have a girl that is been stalking me and stealing my pictures and I've tried everything I can to make my account on private but it won't work, please tell me the steps , I want to put all my pictures on private , all my posts , all the things that I share , my friends , basically EVERYTHING on private!

    2 AnswersFacebook6 years ago
  • Any Apps Suggestions?

    Hi I'm Vanessa :) & I just got my first credit card and I want to order things online :) so Any apps suggestions where I can order like cute things for a good price , the apps I have right now Is Wish, Amazon and EBay , is there anymore good apps?? Please let me know, I like clothes , purses , shoes , keychains , phone cases and Clothes for dogs . I'm like a girly girl type :) thanks!

    2 AnswersFashion & Accessories6 years ago
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    IPhone problems , PLEASE HELP!!!!!?

    Okay so I just got my iPhone last year andI have an Iphone 5 black and it works perfectly fine Ijust woke up and I was playing the UNO app like I always do and listening to music and I just click the top bottom once and then I tried to turn on my iPhone and it won't turn in like the music is still playing and its charging but it won't turn on!!!!! WHAT CAN I DO???? I can't afford to buy another iPhone right now :( please someone help

    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans6 years ago
  • Help Why am I bleeding from my nose bleeds everyday?

    Okay so I am having relationship problems and he sometimes makes me mad and cry sooo much and i had surgry before because I had a gallbladder problems and now he is making me more stress that i cry soo much and i eat less cause of depression and now I am throwing up in blood and My nose bleeds like every single day and blood was coming out of my ears and i always have headaches :,( can someone tell me what do i have??? Please! Cause im scared to go to the doctors

    1 AnswerOther - Health6 years ago
  • Period problems!!!?

    I started my period last sunday and my period always last no more than 5 days and ive been having my period for a week and its still bleeding please help i want to know why it wont stop and what can i do? :(

    1 AnswerWomen's Health6 years ago
  • Need help about Imessage!!!!?

    Okay so i have an iphone 5 and its not jailbreak and i didnt pay the bill but i can text someone who has an iphone only amd i text them through the same number and my boyfriend has an iphone 6 and its connected and we text everyday fine and out of nowhere it didnt let me text him like when i was typing the send button turned green and im only suppost to text people who has iphones and he has an iphone i told him through snapchat and he said he still has the iphone and i texted my other friends and it workes but only him it didnt let me :/ and i know he wouldnt block my number :/ and my wifi is working fine but i want to know what i can do and why doesnt it let me message him

    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans6 years ago
  • Why my period is not going right?

    I havent started my period for like almost 5 months and then 2 days ago i went to the bathroom i got a lil blood stains in my underwear and then normally when i have my period the first day it comes out a lil bit then then the next day it comes out more but 2 days ago a came out a lil bit and then yesterday no blood came out at all and then right now a lil bit blood came out and i know theres something wrong?? Can anytell me whats happening please??? :( or whats going to happen?

    2 AnswersWomen's Health6 years ago
  • What do i have please help me?

    So this is been going on for 6 momths now or more but i be having like pains like the middle of my chest like like between my boobs like it happens once in a white i be feeling like this pain its hard to describe but it kind of hurts and i want to know what it is???

    2 AnswersPain & Pain Management6 years ago
  • Can you get high from doing e vape?

    All my friends is starting to do e vape like what is it for??? And why young people are doing it? And does it make you high? Or something?

    2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture6 years ago
  • Help me please?

    I have an ipod touch and I have lots of videos that I dont want to delete them because I want them for memories and in selling it tonight and im getting an iphone tomorrow can someone tell me what good app I can download to save my videos and when I get my iphone ill download the app and save it back to my iphone and Im not allowed to use the computer to save them there so can anyone tell me what apps I canget??

    1 AnswerMusic & Music Players6 years ago