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Lv 57,658 points

Abdul Rahmaan

Favorite Answers13%
  • Do you want to know the best way to witness to a Muslim?

    Islam Teaches no Prophet can lie and because they think Yeshua (Jesus) is only a prophet they must believe what He says....So you should always use the words of Yeshua (Jesus)

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality6 years ago
  • Why is it so easy for people that label themselves "Christian" to jump all ove Muslims and not even 2nd glance a system?

    So anti-christ as the RCC.. I am not Muslim, I follow the teachings of God incarnate, completely hate one and embrase the other is complete Hypocracy

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality6 years ago
  • Since Jews, Christians, and Musilims all worship the same "God", the "God of Abraham, why are they fighting each other?

    Shouldn't we celebrate our likenesses and praise God for the path He has us on, and pray for wisdom to always see the doors He opens for us?

    3 AnswersRamadan7 years ago
  • Since Jews, Christians, and Musilims all worship the same "God", the "God of Abraham, why are they fighting each other?

    Shouldn't we celebrate our likenesses and praise God for the path He has us on, and pray for wisdom to always see the doors He opens for us?

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Prayer...Example or commandment?

    We are told through out history God does not like (Hates) repetitious prayer.... why do some religions teach we should do exactly as the Prohets did? Even when Jesus said, pray on this wise (like this) and recited what has been named as "THE LORDS PRAYER" was it meant to be a prayer prayed over and over "OR" a model to teach us how to pray?

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • If both Isaac and Ismajl were children of Abrahim?

    and they were both promised by God to father great nations and they both follow the same Allah (GOD)...where/when did the great divide happen

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Ramadan: Who wrote this Poem?

    Labbayk Allahumma Labbayk!1

    O Allah I am at Your Service. With a feeling of peace In my heart, O Allah!

    Here I come, To Bayt Allah—Reciting, repenting, worshipping, To my Lord I offer Praise!

    Facing the Ka`bah, Doing Tawaf, Drinking Zam Zam, Moving at a pace With one intention in my heart—Just to please You O Allah, The Only God. Every step I take, I remember Your Prophets

    Rasul Allah sallallahu `alayhi wa salam And his CompanionsTrying to grasp how they performed Hajj

    Making every moment Trying to follow the Prophet, Peace be upon him.My connection to the world

    is completely gone. I feel I am connected And close to My Lord.My tongue makes Dhikr, My eyes see the Great Ka`bah My heart repents My mind makes Du`a’ My body in Salah, Bowing and Prostrating.

    All I can say is Allah! How beautiful is your House! How thankful I am! To witness your Oneness,

    Seeking only your reward, To be a sinless child again, Asking for Your help, Your love, and my steadfastness In the religion of Islam.

    3 AnswersRamadan7 years ago
  • Ramadan: How does it make you feel?

    Bismillah al rahman al rahim

    First let me say I know what I am without Allah (SWT) I am nothing and capable of every wicked thought and deed without HIM.....What feeling to you have when you step back and see, even all your faults and all your short comings, Allah (SWT) can reach down and guide you to a Word in His Holy Quran, that lifts someone's hope and gives them a reason to continue seeking His (SWT) truth?

    For me it is 3 Words describe the feeling....overwhelming, wonderful and humbling...

    How about you?


    "In the name of God, most Gracious, most Compassionate".

    Ameen Ya Rabb Al Alameen...... "Amen O' Lord of the worlds".

    6 AnswersRamadan7 years ago
  • Ramadan: How does it make you feel?

    Bismillah al rahman al rahim

    First let me say I know what I am without Allah (SWT) I am nothing and capable of every wicked thought and deed without HIM.....What feeling to you have when you step back and see, even all your faults and all your short comings, Allah (SWT) can reach down and guide you to a Word in His Holy Quran, that lifts someone's hope and gives them a reason to continue seeking His (SWT) truth?

    For me it is 3 Words describe the feeling....overwhelming, wonderful and humbling...

    How about you?


    "In the name of God, most Gracious, most Compassionate".

    4 AnswersRamadan7 years ago
  • Ramadan: Can someone Help me understand?

    all the Acronyms? I know pbuh is peace be upon him, but what are all the others and the proper use for them? Can anyone help or point me in a direction in which I my find understanding? Thank you

    1 AnswerRamadan7 years ago
  • How do I explain 666?

    I have a family member questioning me over the number 666. We have been taught all our life it is the "Mark of the Beast" and a "Sign of the Anti-Christ" They say as a Muslim I will embrace the curse associated with the Mark of the Beast???? Help Brothers Help, lol

    6 AnswersRamadan7 years ago
  • Sometimes it seems there is no hope, why?

    Last night I was listening to the Quran being read (in English) most times I learn something of am very encouraged in my faith. Other times I feel discouraged and feel I have no hope....Why??

    11 AnswersRamadan7 years ago
  • Why do some people think?

    Denying Gods existance is any different than Denying God? There is God and only 1 even if you just say" I don't believe it" it is the same as spitting in His face. He proves Himself daily and does not need us to prove Him. You just need to open your eyes. He has already satified any argument concerning a "burden of proof" and given us free will to accept Him or not...each has it own reward, right?

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Am I alone? Is there anyone to agree?

    All I am asking is we (All of us from All Faiths) should at least appear to be more unified in our service, love and respect for the ONE and ONLY GOD/ALLAH/JEHOVAH/YVWH...We are all His children even though we differ in language/culture/understanding we all still have a fervent devoted love for Him.

    Robert A

    labels labels labels I hate labels.....Did Abraham (pbuh) preach or did he (as a prophet) relay word he recived from God and Live according to the Wisdom and knowlege he recieved from God?

    Following God should never have a name other than the people of God! Labels were created by man and cause great division.

    From your point of view, I will ask....

    Why christians worship Jesus (pbuh)? Why Muslims worship Muhammad (pbuh)?

    If they are both Prophets and both give us Words of God to help us understand His ways and they are both respected and adored. We are to follow the creator not the creation. Follow God, Obey His commandments and the laws that He has written on each believers heart. Be Wise and be responcible for the knowlege and understanding God has put in your heart! Don't lesson God in the eyes of non-believers by showing so much division in the minds of Believers

    @Asker - I agree with all of it, All I would ask is that for the sake of your understanding of Language barriers (how words are pronounced and their interpritations) would it be possible for all of us that believe In THE ONE and ONLY GOD/ALLAH/JEHOVAH/YVWH embrass our Love of God and not use labels as a division.

    We all served one God in the time of Ibrâhîm (Abraham) and we will all answer to Him in that Final day. The words Islam and Muslim are english translations of Aramaic words and with all my heart feel the literal meaning is the people of God, The same as other cultures have differant words for the same One and Only is not my intent to divide but to encourage unity and a bond between those that love God

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Can a woman really love a man?

    as much as a man can love a woman

    2 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships7 years ago
  • Can your faith in God encourage someone?

    Robert A

    In the begining, thank God, It was because someone told me. As I got older and studied different religions I had an Intellectual understanding. Then too much study caused me to get turned off because I noticed all the human influences and could not be sure what was really true. I would pray "God if you are real please give me wisdom and understanding of how you want me, I believe in you but if I don't choose the right religion, I will offend you and with all my heart I do not want to offend you." Then I began to see all the History in the Bible people were refered to in relation to geographic location and not a religious lable. It was simple, you followed God or you did not. Then I learned all the prayers and "good things" I was doing were what "I Thought God wanted me to do and not really from my heart" I saw the lives of the people in Biblical History, they were not perfect and did not live perfect lives but their honesty with God about who and what they were is why God was able to use them and do great things with them. Understanding this I turned to God and turned my back on religion. Basicly, I learned live the life God gave me and pray for wisdom and understanding to follow the path He has for me and to trust Him to make everything work out. Soon even if I found my self in a "bad situation" my trust in Him help me to understand it is not a "bad thing" It is happening for a reason, to steer me back on track or to make my faith stronger, most importantly "it was HIS will" ...That's were I am today, recognize humanity and religion for what they are, glean the good and shut out what is not of God......Thank you and Thank God for giving me an opportunity to put this in words

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago