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  • My gf of 5 years won't get married because I have an eye condition?

    I have an eye disease. I can still drive but I need a doctors note to get my license. They might have a cure in a few years, but you never know. When I reach about 50yrs old (I'm 25 now), I would probably lose my license and my vision would continually decline.

    My gf says she might not want to marry me for this reason. I have tried to reassure her that I will be able to take care of my self just fine (my grandpa has the eye disease worse than I do and he still gets around fine).

    Is it just me or is she being a bad person? Not one other person has had a problem with my eyes. It has made me into what I am today and I am very offended by her having a problem with this.

    14 AnswersMarriage & Divorce8 years ago
  • Girlfriends Uncle's Funeral or Soccer Game?

    My girlfriends uncle passed away and his funeral is sunday. I have a coed rec league soccer game the same day. I only have two games left and then I'm done with soccer til Spring.

    Do I go to the soccer game or go to her uncles funeral?

    We have been dating 6 or 7 years. Marriage is possible. We are both 26.

    I really look forward to my soccer games, considering its the only thing keeping me from weighing 250 pounds.

    5 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships8 years ago
  • Girl I want to marry is horrible with finances?

    I have been dating my gf for about 5 years. It has recently occurred to me that she is absolutely awful with finances. She has 4k in credit card debt, 40k in student loan debt, she is behind paying me for rent by a month ($400), and now she has a second credit card that she wants to use to buy a 3 hour boat ride for her parents anniversary. It's around $900.

    We had a discussion, and her basic idea is that you might as well just do what you want now, because once you have kids you won't be able to do fun stuff like this. So go ahead and rack up the debt now and have fun while you can.

    My thoughts are that you should get out of debt so that you have money to do fun stuff. I have a very very different theory on finances.

    Is this something that would deter you from marrying the person you love? I have had conversations with her before and she always thinks im just being negative or being the bad guy (she wanted to go to school in nyc for 5 months, with a $33k loan, I was the only one telling her bad idea. That is just one of many more examples).

    9 AnswersMarriage & Divorce8 years ago
  • Can I move content from my jtag xbox to my legit xbox?

    I want to move a couple saves from my jtag xbox 360 to my legit xbox 360. Examples are my minecraft map, or my character on the new Diablo 3. Can I do this or they know?

    1 AnswerXbox8 years ago
  • Does everyone on Diablo 3 buy their items?

    I played a lot of diablo 2 back in the day. Never bought d3, but now it is going to be out on xbox and I'm going to borrow it from a friend. I don't have xbox live and I will be playing solo.

    Is it common to find good items? And if not, i see a lot of people talking about buying their items with gold at the auction. Is that from a vendor in the game or is there an actual auction where you buy it from other players?

    I'm hoping its in the game, otherwise it might not be worth it for me to play..

    1 AnswerPC8 years ago
  • How long after the xbox 360 came out did it drop in price?

    I know the 360 came out and it was 300 for the core and 400 for the premium.. how long did it take for the price to drop? and by how much did it drop?

    I am hoping to gain some insight on if its worth it to wait a few months before buying the xbox one.

    2 AnswersXbox8 years ago
  • What would you get with a $100 Amazon Gift Card?

    I got $100 for Amazon from my hotel rewards. I was going to use it for my tv I bought but I forgot. Now I have $100 and I just want to blow it on something.

    What would you buy from Amazon if you had $100.

    2 AnswersOther - Internet8 years ago
  • Why can non white people be racist against whites?

    Why are non white people allowed to use racist words against white people and no one turns a blind eye.

    Every person should be equal to one another. I feel like we can only be equal if we are all treated as equals. Why can't we just look past the race and accept everyone as equals. I think any racist term should be looked down upon and that person should be shunned and seen as a racist. Even if you are black and you use the "N" word.

    10 AnswersOther - Society & Culture8 years ago
  • Xbone vs PS4 now that xbox changed their horrible policies?

    Which one would you choose now that xbox has gotten rid of its always online and used game restrictions?

    5 AnswersVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • XBONE vs PS4 on used games?

    Xbone will be leaving it up to the game publishers as to whether they want to limit the resale of their games. I think this may play out to xbone's advantage. Let me know your thorughts on this:

    Companies like gamestop are going to be reselling ps4 games, just like they do on other consoles. One would think that the game publishers take this into account when pricing their games on the shelves. Since game publishers do not profit (to my knowledge) from the resale of their games at gamestop, they need to increase their prices to compensate for their lost sales.

    Xbone will be able to control the resale of their games, so the game publishers will not need to increase the price of their games to compensate for the resale. In theory, xbone games should be cheaper than ps4 games. If this is the case, then in the long run (as long as you have an internet connection) the xbone will be the cheaper option.

    4 AnswersVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • Will they be able to mod the new Xbox One?

    It seems like modding the new xbox will be a tricky thing to do. Especially with the always online crap and the games licenses. What do you think? Will they be able to work around that? (I know it is all speculation right now...).

    2 AnswersXbox8 years ago
  • Is the Xbox One really as bad as people are saying?

    The three main issues are: price, always online, and eliminating used games.

    To me, it seems that MOST people have internet, so the always online is not a huge issue unless your internet is not reliable (which i think most peoples internet is reliable enough)

    The $100 is basically to cover the cost of the Kinect, and in the long run, $100 is not a lot of money. It is a console you will be using for the next 8-10 years so you might as well spend a few extra $$ to get what you want.

    And I never resell my games anyways. I let my friends use them sometimes, but in that case you can lend your games to 10 "family members".... So that works out just fine too.

    Yes PS4 crushed the xbox one at e3, but I like the games lineup better for the xbox one, and the media capabilities seem pretty sweet. And I need halo.

    4 AnswersXbox8 years ago
  • How much sodium should you have in a day?

    Im a 26yo male 220 pounds. How much sodium should a person have in a day? Is sodium bad for you? I'm going to eat some soup and it has 880mg of sodium in it.

    5 AnswersDiet & Fitness8 years ago
  • Girlfriend bleeding between periods?

    She got done with her period a week ago, and yesterday she had quite a bit of blood down there. It was more than just spotting. What could be the cause? She is sexually active but had not had sex since a couple weeks before her last period, and then again the day before this bleeding happened. We used protection. 25 years old.

    1 AnswerWomen's Health8 years ago
  • Hip Flexor Injury recovery time?

    I have either a grade 2 or grade 3 hip flexor injury. Any idea how long it will take to recover? Some say 1 to 2 weeks and some say 4-6. Anyone have personal experience with this?

    And if it matters, I am a slightly out of shape 26yo male.

    5 AnswersInjuries8 years ago
  • What is a good low calorie mixed drink?

    I'm going to be drinking heavily tonight but want to somewhat limit the number of calories i take in. What is a good low calorie mixed drink? I'm a 26 yo male btw.

    5 AnswersDiet & Fitness8 years ago
  • How many calories should I eat in a meal?

    I thought subway was a good choice for a somewhat healthy low calorie meal, but the item I usually get (Spicy Italian) is over 900 calories for a footlong. That seems like a lot? Is that about normal for a meal? I just now started looking at calories.

    5 AnswersDiet & Fitness8 years ago
  • How many calories should you eat in a day?

    I am a 26 yo male. Weigh 225, 5'9" with 20% body fat. I am exercising and trying to lose weight. How many calories should i eat in a day?

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness8 years ago
  • Resting heart rate was at 100bpm?

    I am 26yo, male and weigh 225 with 20% body fat. I am out of shape and last night I played soccer for two hours. I got home from that aournd 7:30pm and went to bed around 11. At 11:30 I realized my heart rate felt a little fast. I checked it and I was at 100bpm. I had been laying down for a half hour and this would not go down. Is that something I should worry about? Or is it normal/

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness8 years ago
  • Samsung or Vizio LED TV?

    I am debating between a Samsung UN65ES6500 65 inch samsung smart tv and a Vizio 70 inch 701i-a3. I have been loyal to Samsung before and have good luck with them so I am nervous to try out Vizio. I can get the Vizio cheaper and it is a bigger tv. Will it last as long as the Samsung? How will picture quality compare? How about uniformity?

    4 AnswersTVs8 years ago