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Kathleen's momma

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  • question about mirena..?

    alright, so i'm kind of looking for some of your opinions and knowledge. i am NOT asking those with no knowledge or experience... and thank-you in advanced.

    so, i have the mirena and i had it inserted about 6 months ago. a couple of months ago, i started to become extremely emotional, and my nipples became very sore. i am still nursing my daughter(she's 12 months now), so it became very obvious very quick.. now, i know it doesnt have anything to do with nursing because not only have i been doing so for the last 12 months, but she hasnt bitten me since BEFORE she started cutting teeth. about a week ago, these symptoms started to subside and i began to feel fairly normal again. until the day before yesterday, i started having some light cramping, and just general discomfort. yesterday i started to spot and today its more like a light period... which is quite unusual for me.. so, my question is... what are the odds that i had become pregnant and am now in the process of losing it?

    having a period(or anything besides very light spotting) is quite odd for me. when i had the iud put in, i still hadnt gotten my period and after that, i'd have very light spotting every two weeks or so... opinions, experiences and knowledge would be greatly appreciated! thanks everyone. =)

    3 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • can someone help with this question?!?

    long story short, i dropped out of school years ago and am now working on adult grad.. unfortunately, i'm terrible at math! i was wondering if someone could explain to me how to work out this question?! thanks!

    " You operate a construction business, and need to bid on a contract. The contract is worth $84,000, and you have a 1 in 12 chance of being selected. The cost of preparing the bid is $3000. Using expected values, determine: (5 mks)

    a) The probability of winning the bid =

    b) The probability of losing the bid =

    c) The expected value (EV) = $_____________ (2 marks)

    d) Is it worthwhile to bid in this contract? (1 mark) "

    1 AnswerMathematics10 years ago
  • experiences with mirena iud?

    hey, i was just wondering if there was anyone willing to share their experiences with mirena, as well as the whole process of having it inserted. i've heard so many mixed things about it, like its very painful and whatever else... but i've also heard if there's any truth to the whole idea that its less painful/uncomfortable if you're had a vaginal delivery. i'm finally getting my mirena on wednesday(almost 7 months after having my daughter), and i'm just really anxious and would love to know what i can expect!

    1 AnswerWomen's Health10 years ago
  • experiences with mirena iud?

    hey, i was just wondering if there was anyone willing to share their experiences with mirena, as well as the whole process of having it inserted. i've heard so many mixed things about it, like its very painful and whatever else... but i've also heard if there's any truth to the whole idea that its less painful/uncomfortable if you're had a vaginal delivery. i'm finally getting my mirena on wednesday(almost 7 months after having my daughter), and i'm just really anxious and would love to know what i can expect!

    1 AnswerPregnancy10 years ago
  • adoption laws in canada around the 50's..?

    i was just wondering what the laws are on adoption. my grandma gave her first son up for adoption in the late 50's, and of course.. it was a closed adoption. years and years ago, she tried to find him.. but with no luck. she's 70 now, and not doing so well.. and i know she'd love to meet him. i've been trying to find out the laws and find out if there's any way for her to find out anything.. but i havent had much luck and was hoping someone on here could enlighten me. i know that adoptees can get info on their birth parents(assuming the laws on closed adoption has changed..), but i was wondering if it can go the other way, too. she was flown from pei to bc for the duration of her pregnancy and gave birth to her son somewhere in the vancouver area.. if that makes any difference whatsoever.

    2 AnswersAdoption1 decade ago
  • sex after delivery.. your experiences?

    i had my baby three months ago now... and because of her heart rate dropping dangerously low, i ended up with a good sized episiotmy to get her out alive. a couple days ago, my boyfriend and i had sex for the first time... now.. it bloody welll hurt! so bad... i knew it wouldnt be comfortable, and i knew it would hurt... but i didnt expect it to hurt worse than the first time.. and not only that, but it just feels strange.. very strange. he didnt notice anythign different of course, but i dont know. it didnt feel right.

    i'm curious as too what you guys have experienced with this, and how long after delivery it took for it to all feel normal again and how long it took for it to stop hurting. i know its a bit of a personal question,, but i think if it were to keep feeling this way.. i'd swear off sex. hhaha

    1 AnswerPregnancy1 decade ago
  • reposted: possible teething?

    i was just wondering how likely it is my baby could be teething early.. i know it happens, but how often? she's 9 weeks now, and i've questioned it since about 6 or 7 weeks, but now she's gotten increasingly fussy. she is normally a really relaxed baby, and will normally sleep from 12 at night until 6 or 7 in the morning, she's always been a really good sleeper. but the last week and a half, she'll literally be up for hours on end... like anywhere between 3 and 6 hours. and if she does sleep between that, it'll be a short nap, an hour at most. she's been drooling a bit, not too much and is always going after my hand when it gets close enough... or she'll chomp on her own hand. a week or so ago, when she started getting worse, i looked in her mouth. and on the bottom, her gums look pretty red and it almost looked like there were.. i dont know how to explain it... but when they start to teeth and the gums start to seperate a little to let the teeth through, it kind of looked like that.. and i looked in her mouth again today because she was hysterical.. and in the same spot, her gums look a little raised, like.. right where her two front bottom teeth would be. i dont know if any of this makes much sense or if i just sound rediculous, but i feel so bad for her. she's normally such a content baby, and would never cry during the day... she'd be colicy at night.. but that stopped a few weeks ago and that cry was much different from this cry...

    what did you guys experience when your babys started teething and when did they start to teeth? what do you think the chances are that my baby is teething? i feel its pretty likely, and i know my mother in law has questioned it, also... but everyone else thinks i'm nuts... help?

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • 2 month old possibly teething?

    i was just wondering how likely it is my baby could be teething early.. i know it happens, but how often? she's 9 weeks now, and i've questioned it since about 6 or 7 weeks, but now she's gotten increasingly fussy. she is normally a really relaxed baby, and will normally sleep from 12 at night until 6 or 7 in the morning, she's always been a really good sleeper. but the last week and a half, she'll literally be up for hours on end... like anywhere between 3 and 6 hours. and if she does sleep between that, it'll be a short nap, an hour at most. she's been drooling a bit, not too much and is always going after my hand when it gets close enough... or she'll chomp on her own hand. a week or so ago, when she started getting worse, i looked in her mouth. and on the bottom, her gums look pretty red and it almost looked like there were.. i dont know how to explain it... but when they start to teeth and the gums start to seperate a little to let the teeth through, it kind of looked like that.. and i looked in her mouth again today because she was hysterical.. and in the same spot, her gums look a little raised, like.. right where her two front bottom teeth would be. i dont know if any of this makes much sense or if i just sound rediculous, but i feel so bad for her. she's normally such a content baby, and would never cry during the day... she'd be colicy at night.. but that stopped a few weeks ago and that cry was much different from this cry...

    what did you guys experience when your babys started teething and when did they start to teeth? what do you think the chances are that my baby is teething? i feel its pretty likely, and i know my mother in law has questioned it, also... but everyone else thinks i'm nuts... help?

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • cloth diaper detergent..?

    i'm going to be trying cloth diapers out, i ordered some pocket diapers online and am now just waiting for them. i like to be prepared and so i've started getting things i will need... the only problem is i cant figure out the best detergent to use. i'm not too into buying rockin green or other more expensive detergents that you get online.. a friend of mine uses her regular baby detergent, but cant remember what its called.. i've heard country save and mountain green baby works great... but where would i find any of these kinds of detergents? i checked out walmart but they only had tide free and clear, and i've heard its not the best...

    the majority of the diapers i got are fuzzibunz, if that makes any difference. on the site it says you can use tide free, and arm and hammer free.. even though i've heard bad of the tide, should i try it anyways? i'm just worried about ended up with leaking caused by the detergent, and i dont want to think the diapers are just crap or not working for me when its actually fault of the detergent...

    also, my friend uses Purex baby, and hasnt had any problems. has anyone else used this and if so, how did it work?

    any suggestions and/or opinions on the subject?

    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • cloth diaper detergent...?

    i'm going to be trying cloth diapers out, i ordered some pocket diapers online and am now just waiting for them. i like to be prepared and so i've started getting things i will need... the only problem is i cant figure out the best detergent to use. i'm not too into buying rockin green or other more expensive detergents that you get online.. a friend of mine uses her regular baby detergent, but cant remember what its called.. i've heard country save and mountain green baby works great... but where would i find any of these kinds of detergents? i checked out walmart but they only had tide free and clear, and i've heard its not the best...

    any suggestions and/or opinions on the subject?

    6 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • question about teething?

    im just curious about teething... like how early a baby can start teething and what all the signs are, other than drooling.

    my baby is almost 6 weeks now and she has been extremely fussy the last 4 days or so... she'll cry and cry and cry and all i can do is sit and cuddle her until she gets hungry again and falls alseep. i dont know if 6 weeks is too early, but i have heard of babies starting then...

    she's been drooling a bit, not too much though... but she's always looking for her hand or someone else's hand.. she'll always start off sucking and end up gnawing... and as i said, she's been extremely fussy. she's a really good baby, and doesnt normally cry much and if she does, it'll be at the end of the day for an hour or so... but there is always something i can do to help her feel better... except now... could she be teething? or could there be something else going on? what did you guys all experience when your babies started to teeth and when did they start?

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • question about d&c..?

    i had a d&c yesterday and was told i'd have light to moderate bleeding... i bled yesterday afterwards and into the early morning, but i havent had anything since... is this normal and should i expect i'll start bleeding in the next couple of days? i'm worried about being caught off gaurd and i really have no idea what to expect...

    also, i had opted to have a d&c because of retained product after having my baby, i dont know if that makes any difference or not, but my last ulltrasound showed that there wasnt too too much left...

    any experiences on this?

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • pumping and breastfeeding..?

    since last night, i've had to pump as well as breastfeed my baby since i am going in for surgery and was told i wouldnt be able to breastfeed for 12 hours afterwards... i'm worried about not having enough milk for her in the meantime as well as not being able to pump enough...

    first off, is there still enough milk left to feed her before i go in(2 pm).. even though it seems like there isnt much...

    and is there anything i can do to help my supply so i can pump more and still have enough for her?

    i would have started pumping sooner but i just found out yesterday afternoon that i had to go in for surgery.. and i really want to limit how much formula i use... i'm extremely stressed out about this and i dont know what to do! during thenight she seemed to feed fine, but she always feeds when she's half asleep so she just passed back out.. i dont know if she's satisfied or not and im very worrie diw ont half enough to pump and feed her at the same time...

    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • question about bottles..?

    so long story short, i opted to have a d&c tomorrow due to retained products... i'm 4 weeks post partum and apparently wont be able to breast feed for 12 hours or so... i'm terrified about ruining the whole breast feeding thing... it makes me really upset when i think about it. i got the playtex nurser bottles because i heard that they're good... what do you guys think? have you guys ha dmuch success switching from bottle to boob this early? is there anything i can do to help increase the odds of being able to successfully breast feed again afterwards? and if she does refuse the boob after, if i just take the bottle away... would she go back on? any advice?

    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • question about sleep..?

    my baby is now a month old, and i'm a little stumped on what to do about her sleep... during the first week, she'd sleep in her crib pretty okay... waking up every now and then when i put her down... but after a week, she seemed to wake up everytime i put her down.. and to try and avoid starting a bad habit, i tried to put the change pad in bed against the wall for her to sleep on there so i wouldnt roll over on her and she couldnt roll anywhere else.. that worked for all of one night... and then everytime i tried to put her down there, she'd wake up.. so she'd end up awake no matter where i put her.. i tried to just keep trying over and over again but after one night of us having no sleep... i had to give in and just let her sleep beside me... it doesnt matter where she falls asleep, she'll always wake up if i go to put her in her crib but she'll always stay asleep if she's with me...

    i tried a car seat last week, and it worked... for a bit. and now she's back to waking up everytime i put her anywhere but on my bed... and for my sanity... i've had to let her sleep with me... i still try and put her somewhere else, but it never works anymore! and if she does stay asleep anywhere, it'll only be in the carseat for a max of 15 minutes... but if she's with me, she'll sleep for 3-4 hours...

    i'm stumped on what i should do, i feel she's too young to just cry it out.. and would rather wait until she's older to try that... i asked a friend of mine and she said her baby was like this too for the first little bit and he grew out of it by the time he was 2 months.. i'm curious if anyone else has experienced this and what did you do?

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • newborn sleep question..?

    so my baby is now 3 and a half weeks old. and lately.. i have no idea what to do with her. she doesnt seem to want to sleep on her own... i'm not quite sure what it is, but once she falls asleep and i go to put her down... she'll instantly be wide awake. but if i just let her sleep with me or on my bed.. she stays asleep for a good 4 hour stretch.. a friend of mine said her baby did this too, and then stopped when he was about 7 weeks... i'm really worried about starting a bad habit, and i'm wondering if anyone else has experienced this and have any advice for me... i've tried to get her in her crib by just putting her in there over and over... but it doesnt seem to work out... and after a couple of nights of that, its easier to just have her with me, that way i get some sleep and i dont lose my head...

    i dont know if its okay for me to wait it out, and i dont know if she'll grow out of it... but i also dont know what i'm suppose to do about it.. i feel she's too small to let her cry it out... i really need advice!

    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • issues with "leftovers" after delivery..?

    i posted this a couple days ago, but id like more responses, especially from people with experience or knowledge of the situation..

    my baby is now two weeks old, and earlier this week i started bleeding really heavily again(pouring down my leg kind of bleeding) and i passed a really large clot. i passed another one a week and a half ago, but i didnt start bleeding afterwards... i told myself i'd go in if i passed another large clot or if is tarted bleeding heavily... so after going to the er, and having some tests done, they determined there was still stuff left in there. whether its pieces of placenta or just clots, they arent totally sure... but they're thinking its just clots. they gave me three options... i was told i could wait and see if they pass naturally, i could try cytotec(supposed to cause severe cramping) or i could just go for a d&c. since i'm breast feeding and i dont recover well from being put under, i really didnt want a d&c. the doctor said all the options are good options since i am doing well and there isnt any infection and i'm otherwise a very healthy person. we opted to try the pills, but im pretty sure they didnt work... so i have to go back and i'm going to see how long he'll give them to pass on their own and also request another ultrasound... since i got home, i've passed another bigger clot and some smaller ones, and then yesterday, i stood up and had a gush of blood and a few smaller clots... and now the bleeding is even lighter than before. i'm wondering if my body is starting to get rid of everything itself, since i've been cramping for a few days now. i'm curious as too if anyone else has had anything similar to this happen and what did you decide to do about it and how did it turn out in the end? and if you havent experienced this, then what do you think you would do in my situation and why?

    also, i dont want to be told again that its caused by me doing too much and being too active. since i had my baby on the 29th, i've left the house all of 4 times.. for VERY short periods of time... the rest of my days are spent laying around in bed or sitting around...

    2 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • issues with "leftovers" after delivery...?

    i posted this a couple days ago, but id like more responses, especially from people with experience or knowledge of the situation..

    my baby is now two weeks old, and earlier this week i started bleeding really heavily again(pouring down my leg kind of bleeding) and i passed a really large clot. i passed another one a week and a half ago, but i didnt start bleeding afterwards... i told myself i'd go in if i passed another large clot or if is tarted bleeding heavily... so after going to the er, and having some tests done, they determined there was still stuff left in there. whether its pieces of placenta or just clots, they arent totally sure... but they're thinking its just clots. they gave me three options... i was told i could wait and see if they pass naturally, i could try cytotec(supposed to cause severe cramping) or i could just go for a d&c. since i'm breast feeding and i dont recover well from being put under, i really didnt want a d&c. the doctor said all the options are good options since i am doing well and there isnt any infection and i'm otherwise a very healthy person. we opted to try the pills, but im pretty sure they didnt work... so i have to go back and i'm going to see how long he'll give them to pass on their own and also request another ultrasound... since i got home, i've passed another bigger clot and some smaller ones, and then yesterday, i stood up and had a gush of blood and a few smaller clots... and now the bleeding is even lighter than before. i'm wondering if my body is starting to get rid of everything itself, since i've been cramping for a few days now. i'm curious as too if anyone else has had anything similar to this happen and what did you decide to do about it and how did it turn out in the end? and if you havent experienced this, then what do you think you would do in my situation and why?

    also, i dont want to be told again that its caused by me doing too much and being too active. since i had my baby on the 29th, i've left the house all of 4 times.. for VERY short periods of time... the rest of my days are spent laying around in bed or sitting around...

    1 AnswerPregnancy1 decade ago
  • anyone else have issues with... "leftovers" after delivery?

    my baby is now two weeks old, and yesterday i started bleeding really heavily again(pouring down my leg kind of bleeding) and i passed a really large clot. i passed another one a week ago, but said i'd go in if it happened it again and when that happened, i didnt start bleeding again... so after going to the er, and having some tests done, they determined there was still stuff left in there. whether its pieces of placenta or just clots, they arent totally sure... but they're thinking its just clots. they gave me three options... i was told i could wait and see if they pass naturally, i could try cytotec(supposed to cause severe cramping) or i could just go for a d&c. since i'm breast feeding and id ont recover well from being put under, i really didnt want a d&c. the doctor said all the options are good options since i am doing well and there isnt any infection and i'm otherwise a very healthy person. we opted to try the pills, but im pretty sure they didnt work... so i have to go back and i'm going to see how long he'll give them to pass on their own and also request another ultrasound... since i got home, i've passed another bigger clot and some smaller ones, but i've since pretty much stopped bleeding again...

    i'm curious as too if anyone else has had anything similar to this happen and what did you decide to do about it and how did it turn out in the end? and if you havent experienced this, then what do you think you would do in my situation and why?

    2 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • anyone else have issues with ..."leftovers" after delivery?

    my baby is now two weeks old, and yesterday i started bleeding really heavily again(pouring down my leg kind of bleeding) and i passed a really large clot. i passed another one a week ago, but said i'd go in if it happened it again and when that happened, i didnt start bleeding again... so after going to the er, and having some tests done, they determined there was still stuff left in there. whether its pieces of placenta or just clots, they arent totally sure... but they're thinking its just clots. they gave me three options... i was told i could wait and see if they pass naturally, i could try cytotec(supposed to cause severe cramping) or i could just go for a d&c. since i'm breast feeding and id ont recover well from being put under, i really didnt want a d&c. the doctor said all the options are good options since i am doing well and there isnt any infection and i'm otherwise a very healthy person. we opted to try the pills, but im pretty sure they didnt work... so i have to go back and i'm going to see how long he'll give them to pass on their own and also request another ultrasound... since i got home, i've passed another bigger clot and some smaller ones, but i've since pretty much stopped bleeding again...

    i'm curious as too if anyone else has had anything similar to this happen and what did you decide to do about it and how did it turn out in the end? and if you havent experienced this, then what do you think you would do in my situation and why?

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago