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What to do for Mother's Day with a mom that has disowned you?
I've been dating this guy, Bob, for a year. Bob was forced to grow up fast, being the only "man in the house", since his dad left when he was age 4. He has had 4 jobs in the past year, while his mom took every penny. When I met Bob he was still living with his mom and was being abused. I and his friends encouraged him to move out after his mom left a hand print across his face. Bob refused to call the authorities. His mom literally HATES me, saying I took her son away from her. Now she has no money (the only income is from her full time job) and continues to call him for money and disowns him as her son when he doesn't give her money, calling him horrible names. I feel so sorry for him. My family has helped Bob and he is such a kind and respectful guy that I love. He has found a full time job that pays well and is making a life for himself and for our future. He has recently asked me to marry him. Bob's mom has found out and is making threats towards me. She left a voice message on Bob's phone saying "if you don't take her out of your life, I will take care of her permanently and you will not have her in your life". I immediately went to the cops and now have a protective order. I really love Bob, but am scared! Bob said he feels like an orphan this mother's day and doesn't want anything to do with his mom if he can't accept "us". Bob's mom has ran him down and has disowned him as a son, if he continues to be with me. Bob is wonderful! Since we met, he has went to church with me every Sunday and has completely turned his life around. But now that Mother's Day is near, I would like to tell Bob's mom what a wonderful son she raised. I'm so happy to hive him in my life. I just wish Bob didn't come from such a crazy family! Please help. Thanks!!
5 AnswersFriends8 years agoI'm getting married at 1:00pm, is it ok to have cake & punch with a DJ and no dinner immediately following?
I am on a limited budget. Getting married in the church at 1:00pm. After a small ceremony (approximately 1:30pm) the guests will proceed to the reception held in the church, therefore; there will be no alcohol. I want to have cake and punch, but also a dance. I have a family member who is a professional DJ that will be doing the music. In your opinion, is it okay not ot have a dinner? Can I still have the traditional cutting of the cake and banquet toss, traditional dancing and no dinner? Thanks for the advice.
14 AnswersWeddings8 years agoHelp covering up teeth marks on my lips!?
My two top teeth rest on my lower lip and have left darker spots on my bottom lip. The pigment of my lower lip is darker as a result. This is very embarrassing to me. I've tried using a darker lip stick to cover it, but I'm so pale it just washes me out. I have already had braces and this did not solve the problem. What can I do? I work in the public eye and desperately seeking advice. I've seen where they can tattoo makeup for permanent eye liner. Do they do this for lips or is this out of the question? Is there something simple I can do? Thank you!
1 AnswerMakeup9 years agoHepatits help, please!?
I've been very sick the last week with a fever, itchy, body aches, soar throat and stabbing left side pains randomly. I went to the doctor and did blood labs only to find out I have Hepatitis. They are sending it off to do further testing to find out what kind of Hepaptitis A, B or C. I am in shock! I don't know how I got it, since I'm very clean and still a virgin. They put me on an antiobiotic Cipro and I still don't feel any better. Can you please advise me what else to do? I am gargling with salt water, but it hurts bad. I have no energy and very frustrated. Please help! Thank you :)
1 AnswerInfectious Diseases9 years agoI am 40 years old, what dermatologist recommendations do you have for healthy and younger skin?
I realize that eating healthy, drinking water, exercise daily are mandatory for a healthy life. I want to have younger looking skin, healthy glow, less age spots, less acne breakouts without breaking the bank $. I already use an SPF moisturizer, cleanser and toner. I don't want the extra cost of going to a dermatologist, but the benefits of the above. There are SO many products on the shelf of my local store in the health and beauty section. How do I know what is right and not a waste of money? Please be specific and explain how these products may help and how to use them.
Thank you for your help :)
1 AnswerSkin Conditions10 years agoMy Employer has denied my letter of accommodation and I have caner. What do I need to do next?
I live in the state of Illinois and have worked in a nursing home setting for 10 years with this company. In March I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer and currently undergoing chemo with a mastectomy in October/November this year. I also have a port which was surgically placed. I have only missed two days, due to sickness from the chemo. I have three months of sick time coming to me that I am hoping to use after my Mastectomy. I have had excellent evaluations. Until recently, I was occasionally working on the "wheelchair" floor. Most of the time I worked on all the other floors. I can still perform all my job duties, except lifting the wheelchair people is VERY difficult, even using the lift. I have spoke to HR and given them a letter of accommodation to remove me from the wheelchair floor. This was denied, due to it being in my job description that I must lift. I still want to keep my job and I can still do my job 100% on the other floors. I have explained this to HR. My Doctor has written me a letter stating I may lift as tolerated and HR want my Dr to be more specific of the weight. However, it depend on the day and how I feel from chemo. Now my employer has scheduled me consistently on the wheelchair floor. Please help!! What can I do to keep my job? I am only 60 years old and can not get any financial help and need the insurance. HR has insisted that I take a leave of absence since I can't "do my job". This is VERY stressful!! I appreciate any help and advice. Thank you for your kindness ♥
5 AnswersLaw & Legal10 years agoHow to I get ride of this uncontrollable landscaping?
Please take a look:
We moved into this house with this landscaping all around it. I don't know what it is, but I can't kill it! I've tried cutting it back and digging it up, but it is very difficult. It is out of control and growing over the sidewalks. HELP! What can I do to get rid of it? I've tried weed killer, but it doesn't work. Thanks for your time.
3 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade agoUnemployment in the state of Indiana?
I was hired and only worked five months, the company was cutting back and trying to find reasons to let me go. The company policy states the employee can NOT have any absences in the first six months. Unfortunately, I was out sick and made sure I went to the doctor and received a medical excuse. Now I am being terminated due to absences. I have a very good job history, up till now. My previous job I was employed for eight years. I've never been terminated and am devastated! Can someone please help and give me suggestions to fight and get unemployment in the state of Indiana? I need someone with experience and knowledge of a similar situation. Thank you for your time and help.
1 AnswerLaw & Ethics1 decade agoHas anyone tried the Mineral Lamps?
I've seen where the Mineral Lamps are suppose to help with allergies, asthma, sinus and migraine headache relief. They are pricey and but would be worth it if they work. The scientific part with the ions using a light in the mineral rock, sounds resoundable. I suffer from all the above and would like to get some relief, along with all the medications I am taking. I hate taking medicine and would like to try the "natural" way of healing. I will continue my meds, but my allergies worsen by the seasons. If you have ever purchased a Mineral Lamp, I am interested in the effects and where you purchased it. Thanks for the help! SERIOUS INQUIRIES ONLY PLEASE!!
3 AnswersAlternative Medicine1 decade agoI had my dtp, 2nd Chicken pox and meningitis vaccine and 45 minutes later I had health issues.?
I'm 17 yrs old and had my shots for school on Thursday. Exactly 45 minutes later I had rapid breathing and my chest hurt. I went to ER Thursday eve and they said it was anxiety. Then the next day (Fri) I followed up with my doctor and my muscles in my body and chest cavity really hurt. My Dr. put me on Predisone. The weekend came and I got worse. I started hot/cold chills, headache, nausea and stabbing pain in every muscle. I went to ER again and all tests (chest xray, EKG, blood labs, mono and strep test) came back normal. They gave me Lortab and Ibuprofen 800 for pain. I still feel terrible, what is going on? Please help!
4 AnswersInfectious Diseases1 decade agoGoing to see Roger Waters in Concert, but I need an excuse for School. HELP!?
I can't wait to see this historic event, but I am needing an excuse to miss school. The excuse needs to sounds as though it's for educational reasons for it to be excused. Please give me suggestions to use in the letter. Thanks!
2 AnswersCountry1 decade agoHelp with decoarting my area at work...?
I work as the receptionist at a prison. I'm the first person you see when you walk in and would like to personalize my space. However, due to my surroundings (prisoners) I can't publicize my family. That means no personal pics. I thought about placing quotes, but I don't know of any awesome ones. There is a chance that what I put out on the desk may not be there the next day, so I don't want to invest too much money. Any suggestions?
1 AnswerDecorating & Remodeling1 decade agoNeed help with "letter of intent" ASAP!!?
I am currently employed at the same place that has a position available which I wish to apply for. I was told to write of letter of intent. I've never done this before and am having issues getting the opening paragraph. Please give me your suggestions and any other help. I hope to land this job, since I have all the qualifications. Now I just have to make me look good on paper! Thanks for your help!
1 AnswerWords & Wordplay1 decade agoCan you change your mind after you turn in your resignation letter?
I was offered another job and after careful consideration, I turned in my resignation. I went to complete the "official" paperwork at my new job and was informed that budget cuts were made and they were no longer able to hire me. When I tried to get my old job back on the same day I turned in my resignation letter, I was told they could not hire me back. Is there a law that protects me...I need a job and insurance for my family....please help!
5 AnswersLaw & Legal1 decade agoI'm taking a weekend get away with the family to Nashville TN any suggestions of what we would enjoy?
Due to economy, I can't afford a huge vacation. Therefore, I decided to take a weekend and vacation in Nashville TN in November. Nashville is in driving distance. I think we'll attend the Grand Ole' Opry. What else would you suggest? I have a 16 year old daughter and 12 year old son. They have never been. Thanks for the help!
2 AnswersOther - United States1 decade agoLegal Advice is needed please :) What should I expect?
My twelve year old son was swinging on the Elementary School's swing when the rubber seat snapped in half, causing him to fall from a good height. When he fell his right hand ring finger was broken from being caught in the chain. Keep in mind he is right handed. Luckily that was the only injury! The school's insurance would like to resolve this issue and want to know what I expect. After two visits to specialists his finger can NOT be surgically fixed due to the danger of losing the whole finger and the bone will ALWAYS stick out. It's very upsetting because may son may have early arthritis and he is a drum player, so it does bother him at times.
I would like to have the school insurance cover all his medical bills, however; I have very good insurance that covered most of the cost. Leaving a very minimal balance. Should the insurance cover the full cost prior to my co-pay and should I ask for anything else? Thanks for your help.
3 AnswersLaw & Legal1 decade agoWhat does this say in french?
I was given this card by a student in "French" class. I have NO ideal what it says, can you help? Please be honest. Thanks :)
3 AnswersLanguages1 decade agoKnow of any FREE Virtual Hairstyle sites?
I want to change my hairstyle, color, and/or cut. I've looked at books, but I just can't imagine them on me. Anyone know of free sites to go on for virtual hairstyles? Or any other suggestions? Thanks.
1 AnswerHair1 decade agoWhat's a good new movie out to rent? ?
Tomorrow is the 4th day of no school, due to snow. I'm about to go bored out of my mind. The video store is close enough I could rent one to watch, but nothing has caught my eye that "I must see". Any suggestions? I enjoy a good romance, comedy. But not opposed to others. Last night I watched "Mirrors" and wasn't pleased. Please try and keep it current. Thanks!
4 AnswersMovies1 decade agoTwilight book series?
How many books are there in the Twilight book series? Can you buy them as a pack or do I have to get them individually? Has anyone ever read the books? What do you think of them...should I?
Thanks for the help!
8 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago