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Substitutes for ramekins or custard cups?
So I saw this really yummy looking recipe for a white chocolate and lemon pots de creme. My mom said she would take me to the store and buy me all of the ingredients for it, but now looking at the recipe, I need ramekins. We don't bake big things every week, so it would be a waste to go out to buy them. Are there any substitues lioke muffin tins or something? Or if there were a set of ramekins or custard cups for under 10 dollars, if you could say where or attach a link? Thanks :)
4 AnswersCooking & Recipes10 years agoI need some good ideas for junk projects?
So I make junk projects. Out of water bottle caps and like broken hair clips and stuff like that. Today I made a mini model of a record player with water bottle caps and some pieces of an umbrella. I need more ideas? thanks. I will be choosing a BEST ANSWER
4 AnswersHobbies & Crafts10 years agoMusic for my ipod????????????????????????????????????????????
I like songs that are about love or heart break. they can either be reallly slow or fast paced. Like Pretending by Glee. Or Jar of Hearts by Christina Perri. Who knows some songs about this stuff? And if you have any other suggestions of good songs, I'm all ears(:
2 AnswersMusic & Music Players1 decade agoWhat to make with junk? (Best answer will be chosen)?
I make stuff with junk. Like make things with card board, water bottle caps, pieces of broken jewelry, etc.. I've made a lot of stuff. Now what should I make? Random ideas often work. But what should I make with junk?(: thanks
6 AnswersHobbies & Crafts1 decade agoMusic for my ipod????????????????????????????????????????????
I am going on a trip in a few days and i want some more new music on my ipod. any suggestions?
5 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style1 decade agoWhat's the name of this song? (best answer will be chosen)?
theres a song thats one line i think its:
who cares about the money money money
something something money money
something prices
something make the world dance
the something is what i dont know of the lyrics what song is this?
8 AnswersLyrics1 decade agoQuestion about Star Wars? BEST ANSWER WILL BE CHOSEN?
So I want to watch Star Wars, but I dont know the order of the episodes. Is it start at 1 forward? Cause I thought I heard people talk about starting at 4 or something. So What's the correct order?
8 AnswersMovies1 decade agoCan games be transferred to a new phone? (BEST ANSWER WILL BE CHOSEN)?
So I have a verizon phone and I'm upgrading to a different one. Im pretty sure they can take the sim card so that all of my contacts will be transferred to the new phone. I want to know if games can be transferred too. Cause I bought the Sims 3 for my phone, and I want to keep it on that new phone. Is that possible?
1 AnswerOther - Entertainment1 decade agoGood music for exercise?
Okay I LOVE glee and some other music. So i made a playlist of some fast paced glee songs and a few other songs. Any other suggestions of FAST PACED good music to excercise to? thanks.
And there will be a BEST ANSWER!!!!
3 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style1 decade agoAre soup cans flammable?
Okay so I like making stuff out of junk and I had a cute idea for making a candle holder out of a soup can and punching holes in it so the light can shine through. I just-don't want to set fire to my house by mistake. If I made a candle holder from a soup can, or like you know-a can for fruit and vegetables, would it be dangerous? Okkayyy byeeeeeeeee :D thanks in advance for your help <3
2 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style1 decade agoHow to get clear skin?
I am twelve ( 27 more days untill I turn thirteen), I wear make up ( foundation, powder, lipgloss). I wash my face every day with warm water and an olay foaming facial wash. I use bezoyl peroxiede whenever I get a break out ( big or small wanna get rid of it). Are there any home remedies things like using fruit, vegetable, stuff like that. Any recipes you have used that work? PLease share your experiences. I will pick a best answer. Thanks. Oh and though it sounds gross and doesnt sound like it works, I'm a vegetarian, so no remedies with anything with meat. Thanks! Dont forget that best answer could be you.
3 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style1 decade agoI have friend who loves webkinz and has a question about them?
She was wondering if when you throw a party, do you get to keep the stuff that comes with it? Like the enchanted party theme all the decorations and furniture, can you keep them afterwards? Thanks she really wants to know! Oh and there willl bee a BBBBBBBBBBEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSTTTTTTTTTT
1 AnswerOther - Beauty & Style1 decade agoWhat is a good song to sing at my school talent show?
Im singing a solo song for my school talent show. I want to sing a song from glee. The song has to be school appropriate with words and meanings. I can sing a high f btw. So any suggestions?
8 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style1 decade agoCan I get a math genius to help me?
So my friends aren't answering their phones right now (whatever). Im working on comparing and combining like terms. This one is 4a squared+5a+14b. I have tried everything but i couldn't get it. Can someone help me??? First answer if right gets a best answer.
2 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style1 decade agoCan I get some words?????????????????????????
Okay so i have to write some words for homework. The first part is fer and it needs to have 6 letters. Also words with dis and six letters. Thank you!
1 AnswerOther - Beauty & Style1 decade agoI need some help on this ??
I have this language arts homework due tommorow. I need three words that start with "un". They also have to be six lettters long. Please help! I already have unafraid and unsatisfied. Thanks! And yes I know this isnt a beatuy question, but people look at this section more than education and i need answers!
4 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style1 decade agoWhats the name of theses simpsons episodes?
OKay I wached theses the other day when i was tired so i want to watch them. Heres what i remeber
*whats the name of the episode where Marge does a caledar for charity?
*Whats the one where Marge and Homer begin to love eachother. Anyone know this thanks?!
2 AnswersComedy1 decade agowhen in glee do they sing this song?
I know jesse and rachel sing it. mHello twelve, hello thirteen, hello love. But when do they sing it, ive seen every episode at least twice, so when did they sing it? Or is it like jonathan groff's burning up on the madonna cd. Not actually in the episode?
1 AnswerOther - Music1 decade agoCan I sell a game to gamestop?
A while ago my brother went to gamestop to buy a game and while we were there I bought a game for my ds. Paws and Claws pet resort. I got home and after 30 days i realized it was a rip off. I couldnt get past the first level. Anyways before that I thought i loved the game so I threw away the box and manual ( accidentally). Now I have the game and I want to give it as a used game to gamestop. Will they accept it without a box?
7 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade agoDoes anyone have any simple vegtarian recipes?
Anyting for the stove, blender, or oven. Simple easy stuff (I"m twelve years old). So anything I can make without MEAT NO MEAT. eggs cheese and milk are okay
11 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago