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  • How to deal with a problem with your mom right before mothers day?

    My mom and I used to have a really close relationship but within the past few months its progressively gotten worse to the point where it's hard to be around her. She tells everybody in my family to keep secrets from me because she is afraid my feelings will get hurt. I'm really sensitive to secrets and I don't know why. I HATE it when people keep things from only me. It makes me feel singled out. She recently told everybody in my family to make sure I didnt know my sister got to go on a trip because she got her associates degree. I dont understand why she would think I would be angry about that. Then my brother posts on Facebook that I'm the only one who didnt know. Is it just me or is that stepping out of boundaries? Does all of Facebook reallly need to know how my family keeps secrets behind my back? Then on top of all of this, it feels to me she doesnt like to be around me anymore. Like she would rather be around my step dad or siblings. I really am hurt more than anything right now and I just want space but with mothers day on Sunday, how do I do that? I don't want to make her cry or feel bad on mothers day, but I just am really hurt. My sister thinks I'm seeking revenge and so by not seeing her on mothers day, this would be the perfect way to hurt her the way that she hurt me. But I'm not seeking revenge. My sister also wants me to talk to my mom about this but every time I try and talk to her about the way I'm feeling she just gets mad and makes me feel like the way I'm feeling is wrong. If I go to my moms we will more than likely end up in an argument and that will ruin her mothers day, but it will also ruin it for her if I dont go. Any suggestions on how to handle this situation and how to talk to my mom? Any help would be more than appreciated.

  • How do you restore a TI-84 Plus calculator to its original settings?

    I was trying to figure out how to do something on the calculator but I think I must have changed a setting or something because it's not letting me find zero(2nd-calc-2). I know how to reset it, but how do you restore its original settings?

    1 AnswerSoftware1 decade ago
  • Where is the best online place to get free piano sheet music?

    I need a website that is virus free, safe, and legal. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    3 AnswersOther - Music1 decade ago
  • What website is the best way to listen to music free?

    Please give me a website that is not infected with viruses, wont send you any emails or send you spam, doesn't require downloading, has a good variety of music and songs, and is legal. Oh and don't say youtube because i would like a different website. Any help is greatly appreciated!

    3 AnswersMusic & Music Players1 decade ago
  • Is there going to be a next season to "10 things i hate about you"?

    not the movie the tv show on abc family

    1 AnswerTVs1 decade ago
  • What do you think of Facebook? Good or bad?

    I don't have a Facebook, but all of my friends want me to get one. I'm afraid that if i do get one, ill get addicted to it and be one of those people that must be on it 24/7.

    5 AnswersFacebook1 decade ago
  • What are some ways to get rid of back pain and neck pain?

    I was diagnosed with scoliosis a little over a year ago and nothing the doctor told me to do has worked to get rid of the pain. I also have problems in my neck due to a small space where the skull and the spine meet. (there is supposed to be a bigger space between the skull and spine) Anyways, because of my neck problems, it not only causes me constant pain but also gives me migraines.Sometimes the migraines can last days, without stopping. It is so annoying. Does anyone have any suggestions to get rid of either one of these problems. Any suggestions/help would be greatly appreciated.

    Oh, and by the way, I don't want any suggestions of medication. I really would rather try everything possible first, before I go to the doctors and get prescribed medicine. Thanks again.

    6 AnswersPain & Pain Management1 decade ago
  • Where can I watch Remember Me online, for free, without downloads, surveys, or viruses?

    Can someone please give me a safe internet site to watch movies that isn't going to slow down my computer with crap and viruses and is free? Also no downloads or surveys. I really want to see this movie so thanks!

    1 AnswerOther - Internet1 decade ago
  • What are some ways to lighten your hair color after you dye it?

    I dyed my hair yesterday a really dark brown. I left it in for an hour like someone told me to and it came out almost black. (guess I learned the hard way not to do that) I really don't like how dark it came out at all so I'm wondering if there are any ways to lighten my hair or take some of the dye out. All I really want is just a color that is not so close to black.

    4 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • What are some ways to relieve at least some of the pains migraines bring?

    I know of course you can go to your doctor and get prescribed medicine, but I don't like taking medicine every time I get a headache or a migraine. (because I get them often) I was just wondering if anyone knows ways to help relieve them in any other way. ANY help is greatly appreciated.

    3 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • Does anyone know if Kingdom Hearts 358/2 (Kingdom Hearts 3) is going to come out for the PS3 or PS2?

    Or do you know if it is even going to come out at all for either of those gaming systems? The Kingdom Hearts series is a family game that we enjoy. Any help would be appreciated!

    6 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Can someone give me a first line of a haiku to use?

    I need help writing 2 haikus and i am horrible at poetry. I really need help with just the first line and i can do the rest. or just give me a topic or something. help please!

    2 AnswersHomework Help1 decade ago
  • What are two really great inspirational poems? (please include their authors)?

    I have to put two poems and their authors in my poetry portfolio and i have no clue what to pick.

    2 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • Who wrote the poem 'Dare to Risk'?

    Who is the author of this poem? or is it more of a quote than a poem to you?

    Dare to Risk:

    To laugh is to risk appearing the fool

    To weep is to risk appearing sentimental

    To reach for another is to risk involvement

    To expose your ideas, your dreams, before a crowd is to risk their loss

    To love is to risk not being loved in return

    To live is to risk dying

    To believe is to risk failure

    ~But risks must be taken because the greatest hazard in life is to risk nothing.

    The people who risk nothing, do nothing, have nothing, are nothing.

    They avoid suffering & sorrow, but they cannot learn, change, grow, love, live.

    Chained by their attitudes, they are slaves, they have forfeited their freedom.

    Only a person who risks is free.

    1 AnswerPoetry1 decade ago
  • Which Shakespeare play has the most importance to society today?

    Which one of his plays can be applied most in today's society? and give me some reasons why please. i have to do a 3 page paper about this and i have no clue what play to do because i really don't know A LOT of his plays. any help would be greatly appreciated.

    2 AnswersTheater & Acting1 decade ago
  • Are the teen parties/clubs on cruises fun or lame?

    I'm going on a Norwegian cruise w/my family this summer and i want to know if they are like crazy, fun, lame, boring, loud, amazing, annoying or what? (or like any combination of those)

    2 AnswersOther - Destinations1 decade ago
  • What are some natural phenomenons in the world that are explained by Greek myths?

    Example: Peacock feathers: placed there by Juno from the eyes of Argus.

    Can anyone tell me like 4 or 5? I need help with an english assignment.

    3 AnswersMythology & Folklore1 decade ago