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  • I have lost faith and feel God is not there?

    I have been going through some rough times I lost my job and had hard time finding one I pray to God and angels to help me find something but nothing besides having problems financially I also single and people always question why I have no kids. I feel that I am a loser in all aspects of my life and sometimes I have contemplated to disappear but I don't have the guts to do it. The other day something happen to me and I got some angry I started to curse God because I felt he hasn't been there for me I feel so alone and loveless I truly believe I meant to be alone in this world because the fact God is not there for me. I am trying to get my faith back but I am not sure how I have been praying but nothing happens I am about to homeless again and this time I feel nothing what should I do

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • I can't pay my debt please advise where I can find help?

    So I never told to anyone so I will here first it of all I never asked for help but I am not sure where to go. I make minimum wage sometimes I don't even have money to eat I can barely paid my rent or my car and if I move back home I will be more in the whole because the pay rate in the state is a lot lower. So I was wonder if any one knows programs that help individuals with low income? Please help

    I live in south in California

    2 AnswersPersonal Finance9 years ago
  • I have a doll from the 1800's or older I'm looking to see how much is worth ?

    This doll was a present for someone who told me if I was ever in need I could sell it now that time has come but I'm trying to see how much I can get for her she is a cute porcelain doll with no dress her hands are porcelain her hair feels like the real thing I have pics of her I will like some help trying on finding the value please help thank you

    1 AnswerToys9 years ago
  • any one going to BT for the Air Force the end of this month?

    I'm leaving for basic training next week and i wanted to see if anyone its going too so we can talk ......

    flagrl23@gmail if you want to chat

    3 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Lost faith in God! what else is there?

    I lost faith in some many things i feel alone and i am alone my family doesn't understand me they think I am a Drama Queen but they don't know how i feel every day. Plus they are far away from me and when i get a chance to see them they act like i'm the bad one but when i'm away they tell me they miss me so i get confuse. I try to go to church find God but he like every one else don't think I'm worth it because i ask for Straight and guidance but nothing comes. My things is I am tier of this all of it i don't know what to do i feel like this world is better with out me..

    Please don't judge me i just need an advise thank you i already get enough judgment from my family..

    42 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Can I change from USAF reservist to active before traning?

    I finally joined the air force reserves and I'm leaving in Feb. But now my family thinks i should go full time. My scores were low but i got a good job because i score high in the English part which is good thing. My questions is can i change it before i go to basic training? Please let me know thanks

    2 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • I'm leaving for Air Force Boot camp any advise?

    Just like the title says I'm leaving to boot-camp for the Air Force Reserves and it's in two months and i want to know what i can expect from it any advises will help a lot

    thank you

    11 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • If MEPS Doctors make a mistake about something where should i go for Help?

    I Took the physical at MEPS and they gave me a diagnosis that i don't have and because of it i can't get qualify to be in the service any more. The recruiters know its a mistake but they can't do anything about it! I also have prove by doctors that i don't have the condition at all what should i do??

    2 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • I need help about a military recruiter who didn't do that job he was supposed to do?

    So where should i go or talk to if my recruiter did not do what he was supposed to do instead he cross the line where he flirted with me try to kiss me among other things. I knew it was wrong so i turn him down before it got any further but like any other guy he play the cold shoulder on me and he said because every thing was in process i had to stay around so i did. I also had a waiver for something that happen to my eye 23 years ago and even thought doesn't affect my life i got denied the waiver not from MEPS but from some other place. I also had low scores and i was in the process to retake the test. I been told people get waivers for DUI'S and criminal records I don't have any thing in my record but yet i was denied!! where should talk to i know he didn't try hard enough and i got screwed.. Any advises out there

    7 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • To any military recruter out there advise me pls?

    So this the thing I was trying to get in into the navy and i needed a waiver for my eye because when i was little i felt and hurt my face affecting my eye and doctors couldn't fix it but they left me with a perfect 20/20 only thing i can't move my eye (iris)to look up any thing else i can see great plus this happened 22 years ago and never affected my regular life. Anyways the navy rejected me even thought Doctors at medps said it was okay they even send me to a regular doctor and she even said i was good to go. Now I feel like a reject plus i am scare to even try other services! Any advises out there will be very helpful thanks


    and just let you know doctors at med said i was good to go all i need was a waiver

    2 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Selling a 150 year old Doll where should i go?

    I have a Doll that is from the late 1800's or older it was a gift to me and the person told i can get a lot of money for it but i am not sure where should i go or ask. Anyways if any one knows pls tell me or maybe suggestions I don't want to sell it but i need the money and i don't know what else to do!

    3 AnswersOther - Business & Finance1 decade ago
  • Help about joining the Armed Forces?

    So I took the asvab test twice and one was a really low score the other one i didn't made it by two points this was for the air force but after the second time they gave up on me so i decide to go to the Navy office they kinda when the same way by turning their back on me... I have reasons why i need to join the military besides paying for school and I am doing it for my family as well..Anyways my question is what can i do besides doing that hard study i have one more last chance and thats it ( Marine and army are out of the questions) pls good advises and no judgments thanks...

    6 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • About the asvab test?

    I took the asvab test (2 time) i study so hard but i got a 29 can i still joint the service (Navy)

    4 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • when i dream comes real what does it mean?

    I had a dream about my ex and his new wife and it was about her being pregnant. I dream she was six weeks pregnant then i found out she really was on the second day i had the dream. I don't talk to them but i felt it and worst it makes me hard to move on from a heartbroken situation got opinions pls give me an advise and no judgments thanks

    9 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • Does a broken heart ever heal???

    How to heal a broken heart?please someone tell me!! Because i just don't know what else to do. I tried every thing from reading to exercising. Sometimes it did work but sometimes its like a tattoo that can't stop hurting.I love this men with all my heart but it wasn't that good love that one we hope for i was use by him and worst i let him do it for a long time because i was so blind. Although he wasn't my boyfriend but yet he was always there when no one was he was like my "Superman" he show me things no else never did not even when i was little like caring and being nice but sadly it was a just lies all then all goes away you are not so important any more why? well someone else is in the picture then get merry after 7 months together.So i had to let it go but its been my night mare that i can't wake up.You might ask why did you put your self in that position? well to be honest i didn't listen we as girls once someone tells us things that no one did you feel its worst fighting for.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • I am trying to take the asvab and i am using but I'm kinda confuse? help pls?

    I am trying to pass the test i heard about this website it's good.. However i am not sure where the asvab test is or what to study? i don't see it any where if any one knows pls help me thank you


    1 AnswerMilitary1 decade ago
  • Can a dealership take the car a after two weeks??

    I just bought my dream car two weeks ago I sign the papers and the sales guy told me I will be finance but after the 2 weeks i got a call telling me to return the car because i couldn't get finance but what its worst is that i had a trade in and i was still making payments on and because of the waiting period now im late and makes my credit bad too!! What really upsets me is the in their commercials they say they will help any one but i guess they don't!! I want to hirer a lawyer i think i have a care for miss leading!! any opinions Pls ..

    10 AnswersBuying & Selling1 decade ago
  • I am in Love and confuse but mostly lost pls help me?

    I am in love with a guy and he knows how i feel about him but there is not much he can do he has a girlfriend but still wants to be my friend.. I wish for him to return my love but i don't want to hurt the other girl because i know what pain feels. I try to move on some many times but yet he was there again making this difficult and more painfull.

    Is this wrong what i feel?? Love someone and wish this love to be return?? and be scare and not know what to do or think?? help me i know we all been there before!! what would you do?? or done share with me i'll be greatful ...

    5 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago