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Favorite Answers10%
  • Raw Zucchini and Peanut Butter! What is your favorite weird snack to eat?

    Well you know mine! It is actually really good (WAY better than celery). Cucumber works too, but it isn't as good. My mom likes to eat apples with olives and olive juice (cringe). I have olives. What weird things or food combinations do you like to eat?

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys10 years ago
  • where should I donate a cake too?

    My friend and I enjoy baking cakes; the problem is we don't have anybody to eat them besides our families. As you know, too much cake isn't the best for you health-wise. We want to bake a cake and donate it to a place that deserves it. We were thinking of donating it to a senior center or veterans' hall. Do you guys have any other ideas?

    4 AnswersCommunity Service10 years ago
  • how do I get my mom to not be mad at me for not being my brothers slave?

    He is 25 years old and is socially awkward. He won't go into a store or a fast food restaurant etc. If he wants burger king, dairy queen, etc... I have to go get it for him. If I don't I get yelled at and ignored and she tries playing guilt mind games on me. Why should I feel guilty for trying to live a normal life. Seriously, she just enables him to have this behavior. Just now, she got pissed at me because I wouldn't run to the store to get him 2 monsters (energy drinks) for when he gets up for a job interview (yeah, I know he can go on a job interview but can't go to a store. don't ask me why). I've tried politely explaining to her that he could just leave a little early and pick up his own on the way out, but nope I'm the bad guy (well girl). Seriously, I feel like a slave that has to cater to his every whim. I know it isn't that bad and there is worse stuff that parent's do to their children, but he needs help and I shouldn't have to be his food runner.

    3 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • should I feel so bad about my college choice?

    I am in my second semester of my freshman year at California State University Fullerton. I feel so bad because I am at a Cal State instead of a UC. Academically, I probably could have gone to any of the UC's because I graduated in the top 10 of my high school class and had guaranteed acceptance to Davis, Riverside, Santa Barbara, Santa Cruz, and Irvine. Financially, my only choice of a UC was Riverside because my family does not have the money for me to live on campus. I did not want to go to Riverside because I wanted a little bit of an escape from where I live; so I decided to go to Cal State Fullerton. I like my school, and I feel like I am getting a good education, however I feel like there is a lack of prestige. My oldest brother went to UC Riverside so I feel like my parents are less proud of my school because Cal States are often regarded as worse than UC schools. My other older brother may end up going to a UC as well (it took him a little white to get there though, 6 years in a JC) The way they say UC makes me feel like for some reason my school isn't good enough for them. I know I should be proud of my brother for the opportunity to attend one after a struggle, but I can't help but to feel a little jealous. The reason he has the finances to attend a UC is because he not considered a dependent, plus he is unemployed so he gets a lot of financial aid. As I said before I like my school, and I don't really want to change schools; but how do I get over this feeling of inferiority?

    5 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade ago
  • What does it take to become a physical therapist specializing in sports medicine?

    I want to become a PT, but one that specializes in sports medicine. I know to become a regular PT you have to have a master's in PT and pass an exam. I heard that you should also get a BS in Biology, Math, or Anatomy etc...

    To become a physical therapist specializing in sports medicine can I get a BS in Kinesiology and then get the master's in PT?

    I want to major in in Kinesiology, but I don't want to just become an Athletic Trainer because they only average about 40,000/ yr while a PT averages 60,000. I would rather do the two extra years of school and make 20,000/yr more.

    Please Help. Thanks :D

    2 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade ago
  • Is there a career that mixes communications and kinesiology?

    I am a college student and I am torn between majors. I know they are kind of opposite, but I still love both of them.

    I feel like it will be easier getting a job with a communications degree because my school has a great communications program and there a wide array of jobs you can get with that degree.

    However, I feel like I might enjoy a kinesiology degree a bit more. At my school I can minor in kinesiology while majoring in communications, but I can't minor in communications. A double major is another option. Is there a career where both will be useful? I am really torn.

    Please Help.

    Thank You.

    1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • Is there a career that mixes communications and kinesiology?

    I am a college student and I am torn between majors. I know they are kind of opposite, but I still love both of them.

    I feel like it will be easier getting a job with a communications degree because my school has a great communications program and there a wide array of jobs you can get with that degree.

    However, I feel like I might enjoy a kinesiology degree a bit more. At my school I can minor in kinesiology while majoring in communications, but I can't minor in communications. A double major is another option. Is there a career where both will be useful? I am really torn.

    Please Help.

    Thank You.

  • Does the dollar tree or 99 cent store sell colored eyeliner?

    I don't care that is is "cheap" that is the freakin point lol. I'm looking for Blue and Orange for Da Bears playoff game! Also I'm not really going to use it on my eyes so it doesn't matter, I'm using it on my cheeks as a cute "eyeblack" style.

    2 AnswersMakeup1 decade ago
  • help with quote comparing life to a test, and it being judged on meaning rather than how good it is?

    There is a quote that goes something like, "I found that the test of life isn't a final exam, it isn't multiple choice, identification, true-or-false, or enumeration, it is an essay that is written everyday, and it is judged, but not on how well its written, but how meaningful it is"

    I know it isn't exactly like that, but it is similar please help me find the exact quote, Thank You

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • help with quote comparing life to a test?

    There is a quote that goes something like, "I found that the test of life isn't a final exam, it isn't multiple choice, identification, true-or-false, or enumeration, it is an essay that is written everyday, and it is judged, but not on how well its written, but how meaningful it is"

    I know it isn't exactly like that, but it is similar please help me find the exact quote, Thank You

    3 AnswersQuotations1 decade ago
  • This is serious: Help me eat something?

    I know this sounds weird, but I don't know what to eat....... I'm just not hungry, but I need to eat. I'm only at 1440 calories for the day, and I need to gain weight. I'm 5'8 and 100-101 pounds. The scale said 101 but I was wearing my workout clothes. I need motivation or something to eat. I was eating 1000-1500 calories a day, most days 1400, but that is how I got so small, so 1440 is not enough!!!!!!!

    nothing sounds good because I'm not hungry :(

    6 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Can anybody provide me with a video clip about the unfair treatment of the Tazmanians by Eurpoean settlers?

    This is for my cultural anthropology class, I looked on YouTube without much luck, can anyone send me links or point me in the right direction.

    Thank You

    2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Can anybody provide me with a video clip about the unfair treatment of the Tazmanians by Eurpoean settlers?

    This is for my cultural anthropology class, and I need to find a video for a presentation. Can anybody provide me with links to some videos, or point me in the right direction. I checked some videos on youtube but I did not have much luck.

    Thank You

    1 AnswerAnthropology1 decade ago
  • mango mousse with gelatin recipe? or any low calorie mousse recipe?

    I want to make mango mousse, but i want to make it light and low calorie. I saw a recipe with gelatin but will it still come out with the fluffy mousse consistency because I don't want mango jell-o

    I was thinking of using low fat cream cheese but that still is a little high in calories.

    I also saw a recipe that only called for half a cup of heavy whipping cream instead of a whole cup or more because it had gelatin in it too. I was thinking of doing this because i know it would probably have the right consistency because of the heavy whipping cream. however it is still really high in calories

    basically i want a really low calorie recipe for mango mousse that I can use on a chocolate cake for filling. Is there a recipe with lowfat cream cheese and gelatin that way i will be sure it will have a fluffy consistency but still be low on calories because the low fat cream cheese has less calories that heavy whipping cream and the gelatin will take the place of some of the low fat cream cheese.

    Also what about egg whites if I use those with gelatin will it be fluffy?

    Is there anyway possible that the recipe will be fluffy with the gelatin lol : )

    thank you for your time : D

    2 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Hollister Interview Question (please answer if you work or ever worked at Hollister)?

    I had a hollister group interview on Friday. I walked up to the store 15 min early. I saw ppl (weatring hollister w/ resumes) standing outside, so I waited outside too and decided I would go in 5 min b4 the interview if I didn't hear anything. A group of 3 guys were standing in the entrance where the two chairs are (you know where you walk in and it splits to the guys/girls) They smiled, then one guy walked away. One of them told me to to have a seat with them, so I went over there and the same guy asked my name I said I was Katie and he said his name. I asked if he was here for the int. and he laughed,smiled, and said he was the store manager. I was like "no your not" and him and his friend laughed. He said "seriously, what do you want to see badge, keys, (he took out keys)" turns out he was the store manager when this employee came up and told him "i'm not doing the interview, you are" He walked away and told me He'll be back in 10 min. his friend stayed and I asked if he worked there too, he said no but he said he worked across the street (Abercrombie, same company) He asked if I said if I was nervous and I said maybe a little. he told me don't worry I know him and you got the job.

    Do you guys think that this is a good sign, even though I basically told the manager he wasn't the manager. lol

    The interview wen't pretty well, I guess I answered the questions well.

    Anybody who works at hollister do you know if this is good?

    1 AnswerFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • how many calories does the average person burn walking 1.5 miles in 30 min?

    this is for a project I just need to know

    3 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • what would be a good job for me?

    I have no job experience so that makes it really hard to find a job, I do have volunteer experience such as TOPS soccer (helping disabled kids play soccer) working in a soup kitchen, and helping with a local campaign.

    I am 18 and in college so my schedule is limited

    i can only worknights mon-thurs but i can work all day fri-sun

    working only fri-sun would be ideal though

    I am tall and thin 5'8 110 if that helps at all.

    I am a communications major

    I was thinking of maybe doing a social job like handing out flyers at events like concerts and stuff (I go to school in the OC)

    I've applied to so many restaurants but I'm having a hard time due mainly to lack of experience, and scheduling as well.

    Please help!!!!!!!

    1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • how to recover from one day binge eating?

    I've been on a really strict diet for the past few months. I've been eating anywhere from 800-1500 calories a day but burning 1000 just in the gym for 3 days a week and the other days I would do a lighter exercise like a 3-5 mile walk or a 7 vs. 7 soccer game. most of the time my calorie intake would be around 1000, and probably around 1500 maybe twice.

    anyway a couple days ago I decided to up my calorie intake to about 1500 average to try to maintain my weight cause I don't want to loose more, I just want to maintain it.

    I was having a hardtime and was was closer to around 1200. I feel pretty guilty eating more

    well today for breakfast I had a pb&J on 100 cal bread thins which had about 200 calories

    a 387 calorie bran muffin lunch

    all was fine till dinner and my dad made tacos

    I had 7 and two large servings of spanish rice

    the tacos were the authentic mexican kind

    they were carne asada/chicken

    on a grilled corn tortilla with chile and onion (not like the chile and onion has calories)

    im guessing my calorie intake today was around 2900

    do you think If tomorrow i eat around 750 calories by eating only things like salads, egg whites, zucchini, and maybe a slimfast I will be okay

    the rest of next week should I stay in the 1000 range or continue my plan back to the 1500.

    i don't want to gain weight, how do i fix this

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • How do I eliminate blister pain on feet?

    I went running today for about 4 miles at the beach barefoot, I did a mixture of compact and soft sand.

    When I got home I realized I had HUGE blisters on the bottom of my toes, I thought I felt something but I just thought it was from the heat of the soft sand.

    I popped them with a sterile needle and put neosporin on them with band aids.

    is there anyway to be able to go running and eliminate the pain.

    I ate so much today, and feel so guilty, so I have to workout tomorrow

    what can I do to not feel the blisters

    3 AnswersRunning1 decade ago
  • is the harris-bennedict equation accurate?

    how accurate is this, I'm just wondering because i'm 5'7 almost 5'8 and weigh 110-112 and I don't want to gain a pound. This thing says I can eat over 2,000 calories cause of how often I workout and I won't gain weight....... I have my doubts lol can somebody help me

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness1 decade ago