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  • Is it wrong to make out with your step cousin?

    I am 100% dead serious with this question. Ok, here's the backstory: It's St.Patty's day and I decide I want to throw a small party. I get a good amount of booze and get ridiculously drunk. My "step cousin" starts making out with another "cousin", I kinda came in, things were said and next thing you know she's shot gunning liquor in my mouth and we are making out.

    I put "Step cousin" and "cousin" because my mom and step dad (her uncle) aren't even married. We just use these titles because they have been together for 12 years now. But technically I am in no way related to these people, especially not by blood. And btw that other "cousin" I talked about is pretty much in the same position I am, so It's not like him and her were blood related either.

    All this said, I can't help but feel like what we did was wrong. Worst part about it is my step brother, his fiance and other cousins saw the whole thing, so Its not like it's some big secret. Part of me thinks there's nothing wrong with what I did since we technically aren't related in any way. But still for some reason it feels really wrong and I feel really dirty and like a huge @$$hole. I need some opinions and possibly some advice on how to handle this awkward situation because lord knows Idk who to begin to talk to about this in person, certainly not family or friends.

    14 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • who do you want to win the 2012 WWE royal rumble?

    forget what the dirtsheets say about who's going to win, who do YOU want to win and why? I have a few people I think should win. First and foremost, i'd like to see Cody Rhodes win. I didn't really like him until he debuted the "dashing" gimmick (seriously, I break out singing that theme he used once in a while to this day) and am a fan of his. He's gotten better with time and imo is the closest thing WWE has to "the total package" (no Luger pun intended) right now (total package= good wrestler with an interesting character, not just one or the other). The only thing i'm down on Cody for is not defending the IC belt enough. He re-debuted the classic title and hasn't really defended it since. It would also imo be cool if a legend won the rumble for "one more go" at the title. No one can deny that it would make for an interesting storyline.

    BQ: Who do you think should be the next in line for a TNA world title shot? Personally, i'd like to see Kazarian, Crimson and Matt Morgan all step up to the plate. But I have to say I am enjoying Bobby Roode's run and James Storm and Jeff Hardy's chase after the belt. For the record, i'd love to see Storm win it again, I really dig his character and imo he's one of the most charismatic wrestlers in the whole industry at this time.

    note: For those of you who care (or even who could give a $h*t less) this is my return to Y!A WS. Its been a long time since i've been here and i'm looking forward to running into some familiar users and getting to know the new "big shots" around here. that said, can someone update me on the happenings here? is the section thriving again or is it dead still like it was pretty much all of 2011? if its dying, who knows, maybe me coming back is the beginning of user's that helped make this section intriguing returning, you never know. Anyway, glad to be back guys.

    5 AnswersWrestling9 years ago
  • Has anyone discovered any black friday ads for WWE 12?

    I'm not sure if WWE 12 will be discounted on black friday, but if it is that would be great info to have.

    4 AnswersWrestling10 years ago
  • what is the quality of the WWE's WCW championship replica belt?

    I ordered a WCW world heavyweight championship belt (the big gold belt) from and I noticed that it said the leather is "simulated" obviously that means its not real leather, but I saw several youtube videos with people saying they got it re-leathered with real leather because the simulated leather has cardboard in it, thus its difficult to get it from a straight position. I guess my question is, is there any truth to that? and also what is the overall quality of the belt? I paid alot of money for that thing, so I'm hoping to get a top notch product.

    Wrestling10 years ago
  • why does the Internet Wrestling Community have to be so cynical?

    seriously, the level of cynicism is rediculous (look it up if you don't know what that means). I saw what in my opinion was a pretty solid ppv tonight in TNA slammiversary, yet I see NOTHING POSITIVE being pointed out about the ppv. Grant it, there were some botches (like mickie's ddt) and some bs endings (like the ending of the bully ray vs Aj styles match or the ending to the x division match), but that should NOT take away from the rest of the ppv. besides the ending, aj styles vs bully ray was awesome and exceeded my expectations for sure. angle vs jarret was (not suprisingly) awesome as well. Hell, the angelina vs mickie match (again, besides the botch) was the best women's match seen in some time, for either TNA or (especially) WWE.

    My point in all of this: Its hard to enjoy something when you sit there and pretty much wait for it to fail from get gitgo. Fans nowadays definetly have different attitudes towards wrestling than fans from the 90's and prior. back then, we didn't nitpick and b*tch about every single thing. I CHALLENGE the IWC to say somthing good about TNA for once and particularly, this ppv.

    4 AnswersWrestling10 years ago
  • so whats the deal with WWE "diva" kharma?

    is WWE going to run some storyline where she feels bad about being a fat chick, so the divas help her try to lose weight and "be pretty"? WWE took one of the best women's wrestlers in the WORLD who is a legit bad@ss and made her into an insecure crying baby. And to think, I actually thought WWE would do right by AWESOME KONG, should have known better.

    Seriously, idk why I even bother to watch WWE anymore. I mean, I'm more of a TNA fan anyway, but I try to watch all sorts of wrestling b/c I'm a wrestling fan before i'm a "company" fan. Again, should have known better b/c of the way Vince McSatan is. If your a former WCW or TNA star, your career is pretty much doomed. Only reason it doesn't work like that for ROH talent is b/c it isn't mainstream.

    With ROH getting a TV deal, that might all change though. Anyways, I might just stick with TNA and ROH. Done giving WWE a chance to entertain me, they haven't truly done that since 2004.

    BQ: I know everyone has heard about the unfortunate death of the macho man randy savage. I know for me, its the one wrestling death that has hit me the hardest b/c he was literally my second favorite wrestler of all time, only behind hulk hogan. With that said, whats your favorite "macho moment" ? I can't pick just one personally, loved his fueds with Jake Roberts, DDP and Warriror. Love pretty much every promo he's done too.

    7 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • are you tuning in for monday night raw?

    I had to come up with some sort of question lol. Just wanted to take the time to say after almost 10 years, justice has finally been served. Can't help but feel a sense of patriotism at the moment. Osama Bin Laden is finally dead...may the 9/11 victims finally beable to rest in peace (undertaker pun not intended).

    bq:what sort of retaliation (if any) do you think will come of osama binladen's death? For anyone to think its all over would be foolish IMO.

    now for the most patriotic song pro wrestling has ever produced:

    5 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • was not going to the WWE hof the worst thing scott hall could have done to himself?

    he said that he didn't want to go b/c he didn't want to put himself in a situation that would affect his sobriety, which I definetly respect and its understandable. However, as we all know by now, he relapsed, and though I don't know the guy personally, I think I know why; I find it ironic that he relapsed not to long after mania was over. my guess is that he got depressed about not being there with all his old buddies and was thinking about old times and his sadness got the best of him and that opened the floodgate for his demons to come back and conquer him.

    Its a damn shame, b/c he seemed to be doing so good, but as a fan, loyal or not, I have to be honest, i'm getting tired of praying for scott hall. There has to be a time where personal responsibility is taken into account and that person says "enough is enough". I will always hope for "the bad guy" to get well, but to be honest, I just don't see it, I kinda lost faith in him and see an early grave. I hope he proves me wrong though.

    btw, In the back of my mind, the moment he said he didn't wanna go to mania b/c it would affect his sobriety, I thought in the back of my mind that he'd get depressed and a relapse was comin b/c of it. I really wish I had been wrong about that.

    6 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • who do wrestling fans nowadays just seem to complain about everything?

    All I see is b*tching and moaning about how wrestlemania "sucked" so much b/c of this reason and that reason and whatever. Well the truth is:

    1. No matter what, you people will NEVER be satisfied, idc if the attitude era comes back and austin himself comes back fulltime, you will find something to complain about....A MAJOR reason TNA can't get ahead. Truth is, fans nowadays are alot more picky and b*tchy than they were back in the day. The internet of course has played a major part in this unfortunately.

    2. Wrestlemania WASNT bad. It wasnt' a full on instant classic, but what mania in history has ever been "perfect"? You get good with the bad, that's how its always been. I'll admit, oldschool wrestling is better, but still....stop comparing these guys today to those of yesterday b/c truth is, they are NOT them. Again, I thought mania was good, and this is coming from a guy who favors the TNA product a hell of alot more than the WWE product.

    my advice to everyone: stop being so damn fickle and just enjoy the damn show. If you feel you wasted your money....well, then don't order it again, that simple.

    14 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • have you played the WWE all stars demo yet?

    I downloaded it earlier yesterday and I have to tell you, I thought it was......AWESOME!!!

    Guys, trust me, DO NOT believe all the hate being generated by the internet towards that game, just by playing the demo, I can tell it's going to be a hell of a game, a nice change of pace from the redundant Smackdown vs. Raw series.

    For anyone who hasn't played it, i'll tell you this: the moves aren't hard to learn at all, and the controls aren't drastically different from smackdown vs raw. So if you are use to that series, you should learn this game easily and quickly.

    Also, in the demo, you only get to choose between two characters: Ultimate Warrior and Rey Mysterio. Naturally, I picked warrior. For now, that's all I'll tell you, I did a review of what I thought on the demo, here's the link:

    9 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • can we really say that WWF/E won the monday night wars?

    Now, its no secret that pro wrestling has suffered b/c of WCW going under, b/c their were truly Vince McMahons main competition. Competition between the companies kept both of them on their toes and in turn, made for good wrestling.

    Also, we all know that WCW died internally, bad decisions and (mostly) the AOL/TIME WARNER merger are what killed it, Vince McMahon and the WWF/E had NOTHING to do with it, anyone who knows their history knows that.

    With all that being said, even though Vince owns his competition, if it's death hurt the wrestling business, how did he truly "win"?

    The real losers here, are us fans, especially the WCW and ECW fans though b/c if we ever want to see a WCW or ECW match, we have to go to youtube, DVD's or WWE classics.

    As much as I love TNA, even I will admit that it's no WCW. If I could bring WCW back and have TNA take its place in the grave, I would probably do it. Hopefully though, with time, TNA will take WCW's place and wrestling will hit a boom again like it did in the 80's and late 90's.

    5 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • whats the best theme RAW and Smackdown! have ever had?

    Now, i've seen both of these programs since their beginnings, and here's my pic for best themes for each.



    Yes, you can get the facepalm's ready, I chose the two best themes for each show during WWE's "PG era".

    here's the theme for the best wrestling show ever though : ) ------->

    10 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • which of these WWE phrases is the funniest?

    Shameus saying "Doubya Doubya E"

    Vladimir Kozlov saying "I love Double Double E"

    6 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • is living in canada better than living in the United States?

    I'm talking about overall. Economic, Job availability, healthcare quality and access, and housing affordability.

    To be honest, I am a US citizen and I have been thinking about checking out Toronto Canada for some time. I grow tired of the US b/c it is filled with nothing but corporate and gov't greed **cough cough republicans are morons and are destroying the United States cough cough**Things are getting worse for americans b/c of this (republicans and thier evil, self serving agenda) and its just getting harder to live overall b/c of it.

    From what I HAVE read, Canada seems to have its sh*t together alot more than the US does. But I'm not a Canadian citizen, so I need some insight. Unbias insight preferred.

    9 AnswersImmigration1 decade ago
  • why arent any fans on here bashing WWE?

    like WWE fans do to TNA every thursday night?

    12 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • what is your opinion on hacksaw jim duggan?

    are you glad he's going in the HOF?

    BQ: do you think HJD should have been a main eventer and held a world title?

    BQ2: being that HJD and Hulk Hogan's characters were "real americans" (no pun intended), do you think they should have formed a tagteam in the 80s?

    11 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • has WWE been proving in recent months that their product does indeed "suck"?

    They have been relying on older stars to get ratings increases, think about it for a second before you blast the hell out of me, b/c I know its coming:

    Jerry Lawler getting world title shots...yes, I meant to say that plural...SHOTS and being in main event matches and involved in a fued with the WWE champion within recent months.

    Kevin Nash and Booker T return at RR and get louder pops than any of their current superstars, including Cena.

    The Rock returns and it seems everytime he picks up a mic, even most of Cena's fans turn on Cena.Not to mention an average pop for The Rock seems deafening compared to any pop for any star, once again, that includes Cena.

    WWE booking HHH vs. Taker and bringing back HBK to get involved somehow. Versus making it Taker vs. Wade Barrett for example...

    My whole point is not to "bash" WWE, even though I know most of you will probably claim that. My point is to bring attention to the fact that WWE has had to bring back older stars and get them involved in an effort to increase ratings. Plus, We know Vince has a "1 million buy target" for mania. So to me, him bringing back these stars says that even Vince knows his product sucks and the older stars are bigger draws, and the only way to reach that 1mil buy is to bring some back.

    12 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • I want to set the record straight with the wrestling section?

    Its not the WWE itself that makes me hate the company (though i'm not a big fan of the product and I think they could do much better) its the FANS that make me hate it. I know that sounds kind of dumb, but I simply cannot tolerate the way the WWE fans act. MOST of them act like fanboys/fangirls and act like cult followers to a cult. Bashing TNA and its product for simply no reason other than its in the same business and had the sack to call WWE out. Its not just this section either, its all over the internet. Try going to the TNA facebook page sometime, its INFESTED with WWE fanboys bashing the holy hell out of the company. Why not stick to the WWE facebook page? whats the point of mindless bashing? what does it solve? Does it make WWE or TNA any better? does it make the fans lives better? the answer is NO to all the above. My point is, if your a "company fan", than that's fine, but you don't have to sit there and relentlessly bash what I love just b/c you don't share the same view. Its petty and immature. And yes, SOME TNA fans ARE guilty of bashing too. But when all we here is "TNA sucks" and "TNA is gonna die" and "TNA is nothing but WWE rejects" and stupid crap of that sort, what are we suppose to do? just sit there and take it? if all you WWE fans heard was how much WWE sucks on a constant basis, especially on monday and friday nights (I say that b/c Thursday nights WWE fans come out in droves just to bash TNA) wouldn't you get tired of it?

    Bottomline: People seem to really have lost their sense of respect for one another, and the internet hasn't helped much. As a matter of fact, I DID want to be a wrestling promoter in the indies, that was my DREAM. But after experiencing the IWC and seeing how jaded the fans really are and how they nitpick everything, why in the hell would I even want to be a promoter? IMO, the internet truly has killed wrestling. Not the fall of WCW, not Vince McMahon, the internet. The element of suprise is gone from it and the fans all of a sudden feel like they are "experts" on the wrestling business. You know what a big part of wrestling being successful in the 90's was? the fans didn't nitpick every little thing and appreciated what was put out, and the element of suprise was still there b/c spoiler sites didnt ruin it. It wasn't just innovative storylines and concepts like people claim.

    ok, my rant is done. If you can manage not to be a jackhole and answer with respect, it would be appreciated.

    7 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • isn't it obvious now that WWE fans watch TNA?

    if they didn't, how would they all know to log on here and b*tch about TNA's 3/3/11 promo? they would have had to see it to know about it right lmao.

    BQ: do they watch TNA and secretly enjoy it, but bash it out of "loyalty" to the almighty WWE mcmahon empire? or do watch it just to bash it period?

    21 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago