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  • No or little pregnancy symptoms normal at 11 weeks? ?

    I'll be 12 weeks on Saturday and i had missed miscarriage last year so I'm really nervous. At 6 weeks i started having really bad morning sickness and it has gotten better. Last time i had morning sickness was 2 days ago and was vomiting. If you had a missed miscarriage would you still be vomiting? I feel like i haven't been eating as much? But my lower back has been hurting and every now and then one of the sides of my stomach hurt, or my lower stomach / pelvic area hurt, but neither are as intense as period or miscarriage cramping. They dont happen for long and go away, but my back ache is more frequent. And i have not had any bleeding or spotting which is good. But i just don't feel pregnant. I guess my breasts are sore and i still pee frequently. Does this sound normal? I hope I'm just paranoid. But i don't see my dr til the 20th.

    4 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • had bfp last friday and last saturday i had a chemical pregnancy. how do i know when i'm ovulating?

    the doctor said it's ok for me to start trying again since i was only 4 weeks pregnant when i had a miscarriage. i used ovulation test when i got pregnant last month, but how do i know when to start testing again? was day 1 of my cycle when i started to bleed with early miscarriage? or will i get another "actual period"? i hear so much from people saying they got pregnant immediately after a chemical pregnancy, so i'm keeping my hopes up.

    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • does this early pregnancy bleeding sound normal?

    friday i found out i was pregnant and i was so happy. then saturday afternoon i had some light brown spotting and a lower backache, a nurse said it was ok. well within the next hour it picked up and i was bleeding bright red about my normal menstrual flow. saturday night the bleeding got better i used about 3 or 4 panty liners not pads. then late sunday afternoon it started turning brown. then monday i used 1 liner for the whole day and it was brown, i saw it mostly when i wiped not much on the panties. today i woke up with no brown old blood in my liner, but today i had to use 1 liner. i noticed today the "old blood" is more like a brown discharge. is this normal for me to bleeding this long? i keep reading how it's normal to bleed brown but what about brown and red? i would just like to hear from people who have experienced this.

    i'm 5 weeks pregnant and the doctor said the possible cause are chemical pregnancy, early pregnancy bleeding or early stages of a miscarriage, he wasn't much help and i don't have an appointment til next week. also i had no stomach cramping just a minor lower backache.

    i would like to hear from people who have experienced this or know what they're talking about.

    thanks. =]

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • is this vaginal bleeding normal during early pregnancy?

    i have had 2 positive hpt's but 2 negative test at the doctor's office. so i'm confused and maybe you can help since the doctor's don't know what to do. i started taking ovulation test and bd on my 2 most fertile days. yesterday morning i took a first response pregnancy test and it was positive, it was a faint line but that's cause i'm only 4 weeks along if i am pregnant. then i went to the health department since i couldn't see my ob to confirm pregnancy but it was negative. then today i took clear blue digital thinking maybe since first response was a faint line i read it wrong. well i watched the test (clear blue digital shows a flashing light while getting results then it immediately said pregnant). then i did research and my one test was possibly negative because i'm not that far along and compared with my 2 positive results it was not with a first morning urine. well today at work i experienced light bleeding (brown, then bleeding got a little heavier and it turned red). i left work early and went to er. once again my pregnancy test was negative, they won't do a blood test unless the urine is positive. the doctor told me though their test isn't accurate until at least 2 weeks late. i'm only 4 days late. the doctor did a pelvic exam and that was it. my bleeding is now like a light period flow. normally when i start my period it's a heavy flow then on about day 2 it's a medium flow. so my 2 questions are were my 2 hpt accurate am i pregnant? also is the vaginal bleeding normal during early pregnancy? (i have had no stomach cramps just a minor lower backache the bleeding started around 2 and has got lighter. also at the hospital they used quick vue pregnancy test, maybe that one doesn't hcg at lower levels.). personal or professional experience only please! thank you!

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • can you get an allergic reaction from a tattoo?

    i am curious because i want a tattoo, but i have verrrryyy sensitive skin. whenever i got piercings i got an allergic reaction i am able to manage it i think i had an allergic reaction to the metal. i can only use sterling silver in my belly button and 14k gold in my facial piercing. but im jus curious if i could get an allergic reaction from the metal on the needle or the ink? i dont want to get a tattoo and it gets messed up.

    1 AnswerTattoos1 decade ago
  • how wide should the width be on a male ring?

    i am looking at a ring online and it says it is 5mm wide and its perfect for male or female but i dont want to order it and it looks to feminine. so my question is what is the average width of a male's ring?

    1 AnswerFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • how soon after cervical mucus will i ovulate?

    i had the stretchy/fertile mucus 10/19.. but i bd 10/18 and 10/20 (also a cple days before and after that date i heard it's best to have intercourse every other day so the guy's sperm can build up and be more healthy). my average cycle is 30 days and i'm never late except last month i was 8 days late and i'm a little confused on when my period will due since i was soo late last month. (lmp 10/6). i do know that my period will come about 2 weeks after ovulation if conception did not occur, so approximately how long after the stretchy mucus did i ovulate?

    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • does amoxicillan decrease the effectiveness of ortho tri cyclen?

    i will provide as much detail as i can since this question is about my friend, what i do know is she started her pill pack the end of aug/beginning of sep, right after starting her pill pack she started taking amoxicillin for an ear infection. the thing is she doesnt have insurance and the medicine she took was an older prescription she had and the bottle was in a drawer filled w/hair stuff and make up so part of the label faided and she didnt have the phamplet any more, so she continued to have unprotected sex w/her partner. she was suppose to get her period 9/26 and start her new pill pack 9/27 but she never got her period so she diddnt start her pill pack. she did take a pregnancy test last monday and it was negative....

    any advice? has this happened to you before?

    1 AnswerWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • could i have tested too early and got a false negative?

    my lmp was 8/29 my cycles are every 29-30 (af is very regular). well my period was suppose to start last mon 9/28 (30 day cycle). i tested on thurs 10/1 (3 days late) and i got a negative. when should i retest? i just have this feeling that i am preg i get very queasy at times, feel bloated, sore breast, urinating more, and a mild lower back pain (right before i got my period i would have a really BAD lower backache that lasted until my period started-- the discomfort i'm feeling isn't like that it's not as painful like pms and only lasts a couple min (my sis said she experienced this right before she got her bfp)...

    well my questions are:

    1- does this sound like i could be pregnant? (have you experienced this before?)

    2-did i test to early? when should i retest?

    3-when did you test and get accurate results? did you receive a false negative before?

    ***thnkx 4 answering i hope your input helps me:)

    6 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • did you experience this right before you found out you were pregnant?

    i am 4 days late (af is very regular) and wondering when i should take my test. i have been going to the bathroom more, queesy, tender breast, bloated, lower backaches, sleepy, hungry more and i noticed my body wants more fluids like im dehydrated but im not im just drinking my normal amount of fluids but my body wants more. so i wnt to know how early you took a test and got the correct response also if any of the symptoms im having did you early in your pregnancy?? does it sound like i could be?

    7 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • how soon did you take a pregnancy test and got accurate results?

    i am 2 days late and wondering when i should take my test. i have ben going to the bathroom more, queesy, tender breast, bloated, lower backaches, sleepy, and i noticed my body wants more fluids like im dehydrated but im not im just drinking my normal amount of fluids but my body wants more. so i wnt to kno how early you took a test and got the correct response also if any of the symptoms im having you did early in your pregnancy.

    15 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • could these be pregnancy symptoms?

    i know it varies from girl to girl and a lot of them seem like premenstrual symptoms. my lat period was 8/29 and my cycle is very regular (30 days), my next period is due monday (9/28). according to webmd's ovulation calender my most fertile day was 9/14, so we tried that day plus a couple days before during my fertile time. on monday 9/21 i started getting lower backaches (i ALWAYS get these 1-2 days before my period, so this is very unusual), also my breast have been tender, peeing more and i have ben experiencing some discomfort on my left side (also unusual). i don't want you guys to say wait until af comes but i just want to know if anyone else has had any of these symptoms right before they got bfp or if they could be pregnancy symptoms... thanks:)

    6 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • serious man issue please help?

    here are some facts you need to know:

    -we have been together since 4/08

    -i had a normal pap 5/08

    -1/17/09 bf woke up w/clear discharge & had a burning sensation when urinated. was tested for gonorrhea & chlamydia. was given 2 days worth of antibiotics.

    -1/18/09 i was tested for all std's/aids

    -1/19/09 bf test results came back negative

    -1/27/09 all my test results came back negative

    -4/09 i had a pelvic exam and results came back normal

    -5/09 anual pap came back normal

    -7/15/09 bf went and got tested for all std's (dr found white blood cells which means his body was fighting an infection of some kind and his uretha was slightly inflammed... dr gave him 5 days of antibiotics- doxycline)

    -7/23/09 bf test results came back negative

    -8/09 bf noticed the tip of his dick is red, but no burning when he urinates

    -9/17/09 bf went back to dr to find out was going on and was tested again and i believe he is still waiting for the results

    -9/21/09 bf went to dr to give a urine sample (im not for sure why though)

    ****my question is why is this happening to him? every time i go to the dr they can't find anything wrong w/me. i would like to go back to the dr and prove to him once again nothing is wrong but i have no insurance at the moment. i posted a similar question before about him and people were saying he probably has a uti but if that's the case why hasn't the antibiotics treated it yet and why isn't he having a burning sensation when he urinates and he doesn't go to the bathroom frequently either. since we have been together since 4/08 he says he hasn't cheated on me and i believe him and i have been faithful as well so i believe this isn't std related. please just give me possible suggestions he can talk to his dr about and if you need any more info just ask and i'll answer it. also do you have any ideas why he had to go back and do a urine sample?

    ******i asked this earlier and someone told me that this sounds like a stubborn case of NGU. but isn't NGU a std? i really do not think this is std related since we both have been checked for ALL std's and the results 4 the both of us came back negative.

    4 AnswersMen's Health1 decade ago
  • does this sound like NGU? what is NGU?

    here are some facts you need to know:

    -we have been together since 4/08

    -i had a normal pap 5/08

    -1/17/09 bf woke up w/clear discharge & had a burning sensation when urinated. was tested for gonorrhea & chlamydia. was given 2 days worth of antibiotics.

    -1/18/09 i was tested for all std's/aids

    -1/19/09 bf test results came back negative

    -1/27/09 all my test results came back negative

    -4/09 i had a pelvic exam and results came back normal

    -5/09 anual pap came back normal

    -7/15/09 bf went and got tested for all std's (dr found white blood cells which means his body was fighting an infection of some kind and his uretha was slightly inflammed... dr gave him 5 days of antibiotics- doxycline)

    -7/23/09 bf test results came back negative

    -8/09 bf noticed the tip of his dick is red, but no burning when he urinates

    -9/17/09 bf went back to dr to find out was going on and was tested again and i believe he is still waiting for the results

    -9/21/09 bf went to dr to give a urine sample (im not for sure why though)

    ****my question is why is this happening to him? every time i go to the dr they can't find anything wrong w/me. i would like to go back to the dr and prove to him once again nothing is wrong but i have no insurance at the moment. i posted a similar question before about him and people were saying he probably has a uti but if that's the case why hasn't the antibiotics treated it yet and why isn't he having a burning sensation when he urinates and he doesn't go to the bathroom frequently either. since we have been together since 4/08 he says he hasn't cheated on me and i believe him and i have been faithful as well so i believe this isn't std related. please just give me possible suggestions he can talk to his dr about and if you need any more info just ask and i'll answer it. also do you have any ideas why he had to go back and do a urine sample?

    ******i asked this earlier and someone told me that this sounds like a stubborn case of NGU. but isn't NGU a std? i really do not think this is std related since we both have been checked for ALL std's and the results 4 the both of us came back negative.

    2 AnswersSTDs1 decade ago
  • please help tell me what is wrong with my boyfriend... serious answers only.?

    here are some facts you need to know:

    -we have been together since 4/08

    -i had a normal pap 5/08

    -1/17/09 bf woke up w/clear discharge & had a burning sensation when urinated. was tested for gonorrhea & chlamydia. was given 2 days worth of antibiotics.

    -1/18/09 i was tested for all std's/aids

    -1/19/09 bf test results came back negative

    -1/27/09 all my test results came back negative

    -4/09 i had a pelvic exam and results came back normal

    -5/09 anual pap came back normal

    -7/15/09 bf went and got tested for all std's (dr found white blood cells which means his body was fighting an infection of some kind and his uretha was slightly inflammed... dr gave him 5 days of antibiotics- doxycline)

    -7/23/09 bf test results came back negative

    -8/09 bf noticed the tip of his dick is red, but no burning when he urinates

    -9/17/09 bf went back to dr to find out was going on and was tested again and i believe he is still waiting for the results

    -9/21/09 bf went to dr to give a urine sample (im not for sure why though)

    ****my question is why is this happening to him? every time i go to the dr they can't find anything wrong w/me. i would like to go back to the dr and prove to him once again nothing is wrong but i have no insurance at the moment. i posted a similar question before about him and people were saying he probably has a uti but if that's the case why hasn't the antibiotics treated it yet and why isn't he having a burning sensation when he urinates and he doesn't go to the bathroom frequently either. since we have been together since 4/08 he says he hasn't cheated on me and i believe him and i have been faithful as well so i believe this isn't std related. please just give me possible suggestions he can talk to his dr about and if you need any more info just ask and i'll answer it. also do you have any ideas why he had to go back and do a urine sample?

    2 AnswersMen's Health1 decade ago
  • how much daily vaginal discharge is normal?

    i have no stds nd the doctors say my discharge is normal since it varies woman to woman. my bf thinks i discharge way to much, now i've read about girls having to wear panty liners/tampons since the discharge too much and that does not apply to me. my discharge is a milky white color and sometimes turns yellow when it dries, i heard this happens when the discharge hits the air. i have NO bad odor down there, or cottage cheese looking discharge. the amount i have during the day varies during the month, after my period my discharge is light, the middle of the month its more of mucus due to ovulation, and right before my period i get a little more discharge compared to the beginning of my cycle. once again my dr tld me this is ok nd normal 4 me, but bf thinks otherwise. o yeah and i only have a little discharge in my panties day to day. also during intercourse is it normal to discharge since you're sexually aroused and the vagina needs to lubricate itself? my discharge during intercourse comes out a lot and i leave "puddles" of a milky white discharge on the sheets and on him.... i guess u can say it looks something like lotion. i hope you can understand what im saying.

    2 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • through a flashdrive will i be able to open a microsoft word document to print if i dont have microsft word?

    I'm at the library and I'm writing a paper through microsoft word (class requires me to). I'm finished with my paper and i have it printed, I want to go home and do some proof reading (I usually find mistakes). My time on the library computer expires soon so I know I don't have time to do all that. I also have my paper saved on a flash drive. Now my computer at home just got fixed and instead of having microsoft word I have writer which is just like microsoft word. Will I be able to open my microsoft word document through so I can reprint it? Or do I need to use a friends computer who has microsoft word to print it? Please I need help!!!! My paper is due tomorrow.

    5 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • sum1 plz help me nd my bf r confused by wats going on w/him?

    now bf went 2 get tested 4 hiv/aids/std's. the dr's found white blood cells in his urethra (which means there's an infection nd his body is fightin it) nd there's slight inflammation. all his results came back negative. this has happend b4 in jan all the same things along w/clear discharge. all test results then were neg as well. i have never had symptoms nd all my results were negative. wats goin on?????

    1 AnswerMen's Health1 decade ago
  • sum plz help me nd my bf r seriously confused on wat is goin on?

    now bf went 2 get tested 4 hiv/aids/std's. the dr's found white blood cells in his urethra (which means there's an infection nd his body is fightin it) nd there's slight inflammation. all his results came back negative. this has happend b4 in jan all the same things along w/clear discharge. all test results then were neg as well. i have never had symptoms nd all my results were negative. wats goin on?????

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • wat are male symtoms of vaginitis? (when contracted from a female?)?

    just curious since the 2 times i have used i had problems and so did my bf. i used the ring as directed in dec 08. (end of dec i took it out.) on jan 18 my bf had burning sensation when he urinated nd clear discharge. he accused me of giving him an std. we were both tested nd treated w/antibiotics. we also were both negative on stds. now im on my 3rd wk of nuvaring and last wk my bf was tested again nd there is white blood cells in his urethra (which means a type of infection) and there is inflammation. now this also happened in jan. im thinkin it could be cause of the nuvaring since it was worse in jan (since it went untreated 4 awhile) and im thinkin they jus found it sooner now..... also i have no symptoms now of nething and was wondering if this happened to anyone else who was on nuvaring cuz i do know nuvaring's side effects include vaginal infections/vaginitis in 14% of users..... also i kno woman can give vaginitis 2 men but its not calld vaginitis but wld symtpoms be in males?... also we were negative 4 stds in july as well. ne help would be great!

    3 AnswersMen's Health1 decade ago