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I love all animals, I am a total animal lover! ^-^ I own two horses, three dogs, five parrots, three cats, and lots of fish!! I guess it's not much, but I still love them to death! I especially love my horses, and LOVE to ride! I'm getting into western pleasure showing, but I'm still pretty rusty because one of the horses I ride has been acting up for months... But we're trying to find a good horse for sale! ^0^

  • Help with Spanish Grammar?

    Mistakes? Thanks in advance (:

    Día Cuatro:

    De niño, me gustaba veía los películas de Indiana Jones y The Mummy. Lo encontraba genial las películas. Siempre disfrutaba de exploraba mi casa y Nueva York. No me gustaba jugaba deportes o videojuegos. ¡Esto es mi pasión! Soy bilingüe; por lo tanto, tengo muchas oportunidades en los países otro que los Estados Unidos. Hoy, soy suerte porque mi español probablemente ahorró la vida de José. Estaba toma una foto de la estatua magnífica cuando la piedra antigua rompió y cayó a José. Él estuvo fuera de mi alcance pero grité y José movió. José está bien. Señor Peter está enoja y dice nosotros estar cuidadoso. Extrañamente, las linternas dejaron de trabajar. Salimos el templo después porque no es seguro en la oscuro. Por la mañana iremos al templo otra vez.

    Día Cinco: el 12 de mayo de 2016

    Hoy está no bueno. Estoy enfermo y José hirió su pierna. Peter está descansó. Dudo que iremos al templo para un día o dos. Ayudé José con su fotografías pero es aburrido. Hablé con lips locales en la plaza del mercado. Ellos dijeron que estoy maldito porque fui al templo. No estoy convencido. Mi cuerpo no es acostumbrado a la claims de Brasil. No estoy supersticioso pero cosas extraña son ocurre…

    Día Seis: el 13 de mayo de 2016

    Hoy es viernes y dejaré Brasil por la mañana. Iremos al templo y exploramos más adentro. ¡Quiero encontrar un artefacto mucho especial o tesoro! Yo siento mejor que ayer. José es bien tambien. ¡Deséeme suerte!

    1 AnswerLanguages5 years ago
  • Help with Spanish grammar?

    Could someone (preferably someone who is fluent in Spanish) read this over and point out any mistakes? Thanks so much ib advance (:

    Día Uno:

    Son las siete de la noche y finalmente, soy en mi cuarto del hotel. Mi vuelo se retrasó y largo. Yo soy en Brasil y busco artefactos en un templo. Mi guía turístico y fotógrafo son abajo. Se llaman José y Peter. Ellos hablan un poco Inglés. Por la mañana nosotros iremos a el templo. Nosotros queremos encontrar tesoro y tomar fotografías. No muchas personas van a el templo porque es maldito aparentemente. No estoy convencido. Parece mentira que haya sobrenatural cosas. No me creo. Yo me siento seguro con José y Peter. Me voy a dormir porque mañana es un día importante.

    Día Dos:

    Estoy decepcionado. José, Peter, y yo alcanzamos el templo a ocho en la mañana. Hace muy mal tiempo. Fue lloviendo mucho y tenimos mucho frío. José fue un poco miedo porque ello no gusta tormentas. También, hace mucho viento y la cámara de José rompió. Ello es dolido porque la cámara fue importante a el. Nosotros viviríamos adentro pero el templo fue inundado. Probaremos en la mañana. José tomó buena fotografias antes de la cámara rompió.

    Día Tres:

    ¡Ahoy es más mejor que ayer! Hace buen tiempo. José encontró una cámara nuevo. Ello extraña la cámara que rompió ayer. Llegamos a el templo a las siete en la mañana y pasamos una hora miramos a la fuerza de la templo. Es muy antiguo y peligroso. El interior es oscuro así nosotros necesitamos el flash.

    1 AnswerLanguages5 years ago
  • Snobby equestrian show encounters?

    I recently went to an open show for the first time in about a year, and it really made me remember how riding can bring out the worst in some people!

    There are like two main barns that compete (or should I say dominate) this particular show every time, and I can't say I'm too fond of either of them, but one in particular is ALWAYS causing a ruckus. Literally every class, the instructors are at the gate screaming (I'm not even trying to exaggerate, *screaming*) at their students while they are being judged. They clap for their students, and their students ONLY, and then criticize anyone else in the arena (which imo teaches their kids bad sportsmanship and manners). Like, I get that it's competitive but in the very least, clap for other people. :/

    Anyways, I'm still a bit fuming and I would love to hear some more similar stories/opinions, like at shows example! I just need to know that I'm not alone

    5 AnswersHorses5 years ago
  • What are the best foods that I can give my body?

    Hi there, everyone! :)

    So lately, I have been wanting to really change my diet a bit, because in all honesty, I feel like utter crap. As a quick summary, I have recently lost a lot of weight. I mean, going from nearly two hundred pounds to about a hundred and fifty or so, I am quite proud of myself! But being the fourteen year old girl I am, I love eating junk food, but as of late I've realized that I truly need to improve what I eat.

    This came to mind tonight, because for dinner I had a couple strips of fried chicken, some steamed carrots, and rice. I was full for awhile, but I felt.. Just so uncomfortable, and not more than two hours later I am hungry all over again. So, basically, what I would like to know is what foods should I really be providing to keep myself healthy?

    I understand fiber and vegetables, but quite honestly, I am not sure what foods there are that I can enjoy eating yet still be getting all the nutrients necessary to keep my body functioning good.. Not to mention the fact that after making unhealthy choices, I tend to be very grumpy.

    Long story short, I'd be very grateful if someone could provide a list of all the different food choices that I need to be considering.. Because I just feel plain awful right now. xD Thanks so much!

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness8 years ago
  • How to get my mare to behave while on the leadline?

    Hi, guys!

    Okay, so my five year old mare is usually pretty good. I mean.. She does lack some respect and I'm working on ground work, but this is something pretty serious and dangerous.

    So lately, every time I take her out she's usually fine. Calm, alert, quick to respond to my commands. But today I brushed her down, she was fine, sleepy, but when I was walking her down the road to let her graze, she was fine for a few minutes, but as soon as we rounded the bleachers she suddenly bolted and started rearing and bucking. I really don't think it was the bleachers that scared her, she really isn't the horse to spook at something like that. And besides, for some reason she ALWAYS flips out in that corner. I'm honestly not sure if it's because she's playing, or excited, or if it's because she's getting further from her barn and stall mate.. I don't know, but it's dangerous and It would be great if I could have some tips to help this! I held on and gave her lead line a yank or two, and she calmed down for a minute but then started bucking and bolted again. I need to work through this with her, before someone gets hurt, y'know?

    I am thirteen years old, and I like to think that I can control my horse as well as the next girl. I don't want her or anybody around me to get hurt because she suddenly decides it's fine to begin going ballistic. Usually she isn't like that, but as soon as we get far enough away she just... Explodes.

    Any tips would be GREAT! :D

    3 AnswersHorses8 years ago
  • My mom is really mad at this anime convention?

    Alright, so here is the story.

    Yesterday I went to my first (and last) anime convention. I love anime, and I was so excited, but the convention was the most boring thing I could of imagined! There were just a couple of booths, the atmosphere was really slow and dull, and there was no music. Plus, the people there were really unenthusiastic and rather rude.

    The whole experience was so negative, I am beyond disappointed. D: We spent 50 or so dollars on getting these passes, yet the thing wasn't worth it.

    Now here is the real problem. When we walked through the doors, these people gave us these free bags to take with us. My mom and I were like, "Oh, that's sweet!" So we walked around the convention, then left a little less than satisfied. I looked in the bag, saw a manga, and pulled it out. It's called, "No Longer Human", and I was like, "Okay.." and flipped through it. Oh. My. God. It was so inappropriate, I think I'm scarred for life. Dx It had all sorts of weird sexual material, and out of ALL the manga they could of put in there, they put that one. My mom saw it, and she is so angry. I mean, there were kids of all ages there, and they all got the same bag. What the heck!?!

    Long story short, my mom just went back to the convention center to talk to them about it, she even looked up who the manager was. You wouldn't think it a big deal, but I'm only a 13 year old girl. D: I was sort of shocked when I saw how horrible all that stuff was. WHY, just why would they put that kind of crap in there?

    What do you guys think? What can my mom do? I'm serious, they should not be putting that kind of manga in there for all kids to see. That was absolutely disgusting. Look it up if you have to, I'm serious. Just.. Any advice? Dx

    6 AnswersComics & Animation8 years ago
  • Somebody is going around cutting horse's tails..?

    Okay, guys, I'm really worried.

    At the stable we board our horses, lately someone has been going into horses' stalls without the owners permission and cutting a few inches from their tails. This has happened a few times in the past, but now they are going for the horses with the dark mane and tails. My gelding has a black mane and tail, so I am really upset.

    It's so awful. We can't just call the police and have them come investigate it, I mean, no ones been hurt, just very pissed to find that their horses manes and tails have been cut short (This one lady has two gorgeous champion Morgans with the prettiest tails you have ever seen: And someone went in and chopped off seven or eight inches.. Wouldn't that make you mad, too?) We think that maybe someone is making and selling horsehair bracelets, so they are stealing our horses' hair.

    It's just weird. And I'm very worried. I own two horses there, and the stable is split into sections: So far no incidents have been reported in our section, but still, that doesn't mean we shouldn't be cautious. We can't put up video cameras, because that is a bit too pricey.

    Hopefully it's not a member of the stable, but in the equine world, you never know. I'm only thirteen, so there isn't much I can do, but I love my horses to death, and to see their beautiful tails that we have worked so hard on be cut short, well, it doesn't really make me happy. It hasn't happened to us, yet, like I said, but it might.

    1.) Has anyone ever had this problem?

    2.) How should we approach this?

    (The adults are thinking about setting up a post in each section, to see who this person is and how they are getting in.... But any other advice will be really helpful!)

    Thanks... Seriously, we are scared for our horses. Imagine if this person accidently snips the bone, or cuts our horses... Oh, jeez, I can't even think about it! :(

    13 AnswersHorses9 years ago
  • My young, green mare is really sluggish?

    Hi, everyone :)

    I have a four-year old arappaloosa mare, and I love her to death! She is beautiful, and sweet, everything I have ever hoped for.

    I'm training her myself, and I've noticed that she is really sluggish sometimes. I mean, I'll mount up and we'll get to walking in the arena, and I'll be moving my hands with her and moving my hips with her to encourage her to keep walking, and she'll have a nice little pace going. But after about one round, she starts getting really... "Sluggish" to follow my commands. I'll be really soft and polite asking her to move forward, but when she slows down, or more often stops entirely, I continue squeezing her harder until I'm kicking my heels into her. Sure, she'll keep walking, but she is just barely moving her feet. It usually happens when we walk by her stallmate if he's in the arena with us, or when we walk by a gate.

    It gets really frustrating, but I quickly remember to just keep my temper and keep working. I carry a crop with me now, and when she slows down, if she doesn't respond well to my squeezing or clucking, then I'll wave it next to her face, or tap her on the shoulder with ever-increasing pressure until she DOES walk forward. But it just starts all over again, and I occasionally have to give her a sharp spank on the butt with the crop. She'll perk up a little and walk faster, but she sometimes slows down again.

    Don't get me wrong, she is a GREAT horse! It's just she's having trouble responding to my commands fast. I'm only 13, and I would say that I am not a beginner (been riding since I was four... :3). We're getting along really well, too.

    I'm worried that I'm relying to much on the crop. And I don't want to use spurs. I try to use my crop as least as I can, but when she is ignoring me, I have to spank her. I always get really worried that maybe I'm hurting her, or doing something wrong.

    I want her to feel like we're a team, instead of this being something that she dreads to do. Could someone please, if they have had this experience, tell me how to get her to be less lazy and be more sensitive to my commands? That would help me out SOOOO much! ^^ Thanks!

    8 AnswersHorses9 years ago
  • Someone help me, I am really scared!?

    Okay, people, I am really scared,

    I just learned that Obama is ordering that by March 23rd by 2013, every person in the U.S will have a chip inplanted into them. At first I was like, "Pfft, Yeah." But then people seemed really serious and scared, and the law has actually BEEN PASSED. I am really scared. I'll kill myself before they plant a chip into me.

    Is this true? Please, tell me it isn't true! I'm only 13, I have plans, a life to live! For all we know these chips could kill us! Someone, reassure me before I faint! I am seriously scared!

    3 AnswersOther - Politics & Government9 years ago
  • Unsure about my future careers?

    Hi, everyone! :)

    I am seriously worried about my future career. I know I am only 13, and I shouldn't be worrying about it, but I am! My whole life I have always wanted to be an equestrian veterinarian, along with possibly making it to the Olympic Showjumping... As unlikely that will happen. But I've been thinking about it lately. I love horses, I love riding, and I know for SURE that I want to choose a career involving my equestrian buddies. I have never been so sure about anything. The problem is: I don't know what I will do.

    I've always wanted to be an equestrian vet, and I still do, but I've been thinking about how long I will be in college. I know that being a vet takes a lot of knowledge and experience, but that's 7 years in college. Everytime I think about it, I become unsure about how I feel about that. I've been thinking that being a vet has a lot of pros and cons. The pros are: I get to work with the animals I love, I get to help the animals I love. Cons: I've heard that vets don't get paid much. And that they are always really busy. I have no problem with being busy, but I would like to know that my job provides some freetime.

    And I feel like if I become a vet, I won't be able to own my own horses, or have my own horse barn, or have any freetime to ride and have fun with my own horses.

    I would just like someone (preferable who IS an equestrian vet) to explain to me how it goes.

    And lately, I have been interested in thoroughbred horse racing. I know next to NOTHING about horse racing, how it works, how you breed, but it's like lately every time I see a horse race or think about it, it's like my heart is soaring. I know that sounds weird, but I just get a feeling like, "Oh, wow, maybe I should do that when I grow up!"

    I don't mean be a jockey, I mean be a trainer/breeder for thoroughbred racing. I know that sounds weird, and seriously, I have never given it a thought before, but I just have an interest in it for some reason. Heck, I've never even been to a horse race in my life! It just draws me in.

    I've been reading about it, and apparently you are not allowed to be a veterinary and a horse trainer/breeder. So I'm torn. I know my decisions will change a lot as I grow up, but it's been troubling me lately.

    I feel like if I was a veterinary, I would go to college (even if for 7 years..) and be more successful. But I also feel like I would never be able to on my own horses, breed my own horses, or own a horse facility because I'll be too busy doing my job.

    I feel like if I became a thoroughbred racehorse trainer/breeder, even if I went to college I wouldn't be successful unless the horses I breed/train are successful. And then I'll just get really poor and die homeless. Because I feel that it would be a win/loose type of thing. I have no clue why racing gets me so excited, but I know that it is one of the things I want to do.

    Please, please, anyone who has had experience with these two things, explain to me how successful and happy vets or thoroughbred racing trainers/breeders are! I need some positive assurement! Thanks so much, by the way. This has been bugging me for so long!

    3 AnswersHorses9 years ago
  • Why is my cat being so creepily playful lately?

    Okay, I love my little 5year old Polly Pockets. But, lately she has been really playful and happy. It's starting to confuse me a bit... Usually she is quiet and unsocial, and her pupils are narrow slits, and she only tolerates us. But I've noticed that lately, her pupils are fully round (making her look REALLY adorable, if I Do say so myself) And she is super playful. Like, right now she is pouncing on random spots of the floor, making these cute yet creepy purring-like sounds. She's also hopping up on the recliner, and being hyper... I know it sounds normal, but it's like she is a whole new cat. She is overly playful and affectionate, and I'm just wondering why she's gotten such a change of attitude...? I like it, but she's... Oh, wow... Now she's crouching on my recliner like she's about to pounce on something.. Huh. It's like she's chasing something invisible.

    I'm kinda freaked out. Could someone please tell me why my usually quiet cat is suddenly completely different?

    1 AnswerCats9 years ago
  • What is wrong with my mom's conure?

    Hi, everyone! :)

    Recently, a desperate lady gave us all six of her birds because she was moving. We were the only people she knew that had bird's, so my mom came home with an umbrella cockatoo, sun conure, mustache parakeet, WB Caique, a canary, and finally, another sun conure who is missing a leg from an unfortunate accident that happened in the past, with his old owners.

    Anyways, my mom LOVES Sunshine, the disabled sun conure. She always let's him lay on her shoulder, and I can tell they both have bonded very well. I'm so glad she finally found a bird of her own.. :) Sorry, back on track. We've had them for about three months now. Sunshine has always been healthy and happy, and we did therapy with him so now his remaining leg is strong enough to perch on it's own. But lately I've noticed that his rectum/anus/butt is swollen and raw. I know that's not right. We've put him in warm water, but it hasn't done anything. He has been breathing a little hard, but that might be because he has to lay on his chest when he is inside his little box (we have a nest box that serves as his little 'house'... Only it is turned over on it's side, so the hole where a normal bird would enter serves as a window of some sorts, and he slides in through the bottom). Anyway, I keep telling my mom that we have to take him to the vet, but she keeps saying no. I think it's because avian vets cost a FORTUNE. I mean, we called a couple vets and a check up for just one of my parakeets cost 60-100 dollars! I have ELEVEN BIRDS I have to look after, people!

    I'm just really worried about Sunshine. I'm the bird expert of the house (I got my first parakeet when I was twelve, now I'm thirteen), so I'm the one who's always telling my mom what to feed and what not to feed our birds. It also means I have to clean all of those cages, feed and water them twice everyday, snuggle with them all, put them to bed every night... And keep the moth population in check... MAN I hate moths.. Sorry, I know that was completely off task, I just have a big mouth... X3

    Does anyone know what I should do? I think he might have an infection. We don't have any antibiotics we can give him... I'm gonna ask my mom as soon as she gets home to take him to the vet, but if she says no again, do you guys think that there is a cream or antibiotic sold at pet stores that I can get? If you could name a few, I would be SOOO grateful! I'll go buy it myself.

    My mom really loves that bird, and since I'm the bird girl (and horse girl, lol) of the house, It's my responsibility to make sure Sunshine gets the attention he needs.

    Thanks for being patient, everyone, but please, if you are just going to troll or not be helpful, GO SOMEWHERE ELSE. I'm dead serious about this.

    Thanks again.

    2 AnswersBirds9 years ago
  • These seed moths are driving me INSANE!!?!?

    Oh. My. God.

    So I've owned my three cockatiels and two parakeets for almost a year now, and there has never been a moth problem, because I've always kept my bird seed in the freezer. Then this lady gave us these six birds, along with all of their supplies and their bird seed.... Which happened to be infested with seed moths. I had no clue there were moths, so left the two different containers of bird seed sit in our bird room/aviary... BIGGEST MISTAKE OF MY LIFE. A couple days later I saw a few moths flying around, killed a couple, and just shrugged because I didn't think it was a big idea. Now, a few months later, there are moths EVERYWHERE in my bird room. I keep finding their larvae in the bird cages, and I've put up a couple traps but they have only caught a few flimsy moths. A couple days ago we cleaned out the cages and Vaccumed, and we thought that this would put a huge dent in their population, but no, the next day there were even DOUBLE the moths! D: My bird room's ceiling slopes up, like, really high, so we can't even get up there... That's where all of the moths are clustered. I am SOOO tired of this. We can't use pesticides because the birds are in there. I am SO SICK of the moth guts all over the walls.. Please help, what can I do?!?!?

    4 AnswersBirds9 years ago
  • McDonalds gave me a sore throat?!?

    So last night I had a Big Mac meal from mcDonalds, and immediately after my throat got really itchy. I finished my food, and drank my Diet Coke, but that made it worse! I just woke up and my throat hurts so bad! How did I get a ore throat? This has never happened before.ll do you think someone witha cold made my big Mac? Because that's just sick.. Has this ever happened to anyone else? And how do I soothe the irrational in my throat?!

    Thanks :)

    14 AnswersFast Food9 years ago
  • Did I sleep walk last night?

    So, I went to bed last night like normal, and I remember something that felt like a dream. So in my living room, we have a couch on one side of the room, and then another couch on the other side. I usually sleep on the right one, and my sister sometimes sleeps on the other one. Well, for some reason late last night, I remember waking up on the couch my sister sleeps on. I remember getting super mad because my sister and mom were telling me to move over onto my couch, and I think I started screaming and being angry, then walking back over to my couch, and falling back asleep. It was all so vague that I thought it was all a dream when I woke up in the morning, and I thought, "Man, that would've been awful if it actually happened." Just now, my dad walked in and was like, "By the way, what was you girls were arguing about last night? It even woke me up." and I was like, "Oh my god, so that really happened?" and my mom and sister looked at me like I was crazy and said yes. My sister told me that I just laid down right on her, and she was really mad. She was like, "If you do it again, I'll kick you off."... But I am so confused. I mean, I don't remember ANYTHING before waking up and walking back to my couch and grumbling about how unfair it all is. What the heck was happening? Did I sleep walk? I'm kinda creeped out >.< Help? Also I'm a thirteen year old girl.

    2 AnswersOther - General Health Care9 years ago
  • Please help! Did I take too much advill?

    Please, please help me! I am SO scared!

    This morning I got my braces tightened big time, and a really painful power band on all of my lower teeth, AND THEY HURT SO BAD. I can't sleep or eat and I feel like I have a billion cavities in my teeth. So today around one I took an Advil, and at eight o'clock I think I took another one, and just now, 11:00 PM I took another one. Did I take too much? Please tell me I didn't. As soon as I did, I read the label and tried to throw it up, but couldn't! Now I'm so scared that I'm going to get liver disease or internal bleeding.l. Oh god, I think ai'm gonna cry this is my worst nightmare! :( I'm only 13 and I'm way nervous to wake my mom up! Please, please someone tell me that I won't get sick or die!!!!!!! I'm so scared please help me!!

    3 AnswersDental9 years ago
  • How do I get my mare to stop pawing?


    I have a four year old mare, and every time I take her out to brush her/bathe her/tack her up, she starts pawing. Especially if we've been doing it for awhile. It's ruining her hooves, not to mention it's quite annoying. I've tried yelling at her, holding her leg, yanking on her halter, but she just looks at me and starts pawing again.

    Please, could someone tell me how to teach her to stop pawing? Or...?


    3 AnswersHorses9 years ago
  • Is it okay for my cockatiels/parakeets to only eat seeds if...?

    Okay, so I have tried and tried to switch my cockatiels and parakeets over to pellet diets, but they just won't budge! I've tried doing the thing where you put some pellets in one week, some more the second week, and by the third week there should be more pellets than not... But they were picking right around the pellets and getting the seeds. I don't want them to starve! So I put a couple more hand-fulls of seeds in there.

    So, I've given up. It's such a HUGE waste of money to spend $9.99 a bag, just for my birds to not eat them!

    My question is, if I keep them on their seed diet, but I supply them with lots of fresh dark greens every day(which I do anyway) plus their wings aren't clipped, so I let them out to excercise every day as well, will it be okay?

    Thanks :)

    4 AnswersBirds9 years ago
  • My Black Heading Caique keeps attacking my parents?

    Okay, so recently this lady gave us her birds because she was moving. We got a umbrella cockatoo, two sun conures, a mustache parakeet, and a WB caique. I loved that caique, Buzzy, right away. From the beginning he was a little nippy, not afraid of anything. He even tried to attack my dogs when they came up to him.

    And I was a little surprised about a week ago when my dad got home from a business trip (that was the first time he's met the new birds) and I had Buzzy out on his favorite grapevine. He actually JUMPED at my dad, and luckily for dad my hand was in the way. Now I have a tiny gash on my finger... :(

    And just now, he attacked my mom. I mean, he has seen my mom, my mom has held him, and he's been cute and nice. But it's like he changed, with his face fluffing up and he lunged at my mom and grabbed her hair. Right before jumping on her, he bit me REALLY hard, and I was mad. Then, he bit my mom! So hard that his beak went in one section of her skin and pierced out of the other! Both of our bite marks are bleeding, and I'm worried. Why is he doing this? I've always known that caiques are aggressive, energetic little things, but this is scary... Did we just catch him in a bad mood, or...? My mom and little sister are scared of him now.


    2 AnswersBirds9 years ago
  • What is my cockatoo doing...?

    Hi, we were given a 25 year old Umbrella Cockatoo by a lady who was moving (she was really desperate... We also got the rest of her birds, a caique, a mustache parakeet, two sun conures, a And she is really sweet and cuddly. We're still a little careful around her (she bit my dad).. UGH! Sorry, easily distracted.

    Anyway, when I put her up on my shoulder, she'll start pecking me. I mean, not in a mean way, she just quickly taps her beak against my shoulder. Then we cuddle <3 Anyway, what does this mean? I heard it means that she is being affectionate, but just to be sure...

    Also, could someone tell me when and when not it's safe to handle her? We don't handle her if her crest is up all the way and she seems a little... Hyper, but still.


    5 AnswersBirds9 years ago